Orihime Vs Zanpakuto
Chapter 1: Orihime vs Hyorinmaru

A.N.: Because I'm tired of genderbending for the time being, I've decided to have Orihime have some of the fun with her own Versus series. And yeah, I'm well aware that people are iffy on Orihime having sex with anyone besides Ichigo but I say to hell with convention. This is sort of a tie-in for Ichigo vs. Fempackuto. Obviously, since Orihime never was in an actual fight, Yhwach notwithstanding, I'm gonna play fast and loose with her powers. Please R&R.
Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach.
Warning: Lemon!

During the Zanpakuto Rebellion….
Rukon Forest

Orihime calmly walked down the forest trail, looking left and right for any sign of her friend, Ichigo. Against Uryu and Chad's wishes, Orihime had entered Kisuke's Senkaimon in the hopes of helping Ichigo and Rukia, whom she was concerned for since she hadn't recovered from her grievous injuries before leaving. However, Kisuke had accidentally caused her to land near Kukkaku's house instead of inside the Seireitei so after filling her in on what was going on she set off to go help Ichigo when she felt his spirit energy in the distance.

Except now she was totally lost….

"Ichigo…where are you?" she murmured. Looking around, she followed the trail and listened to the tranquility of the forest, the moon hanging in the sky. She had never explored the Soul Society on her own so she was a little scared but steeled her nerves. She'd trained hard and knew she could hold her own in a fight now.

After walking for about an hour she suddenly felt someone's spiritual pressure. Turning to its direction, she headed for the source. If felt familiar but at the same time it was foreign, which confused her.

Orihime found herself in the middle of a rocky cliff, seeing many stone spires sticking up out of the ground. "What was that?" she wondered. "I'm certain I felt something…."

Only when she felt a sharp chill did she turn around and gasped. Behind her was a giant ice dragon! Her hands went to her hairpins just in the nick of time. "Santen Kesshun!" Her triangular shield was summoned just as the dragon charged at her. Orihime braced herself as it crashed into her shield, sending shards of ice everywhere. "That looked like…."

"Who are you?"

When Orihime turned around she gasped at the figure floating in the air. She had seen bizarre Soul Reapers and Arrancars but this person was by far the strangest. He was a surprisingly handsome man with a white X-mark across his face, clear, emerald eyes and long aquamarine hair. He wore a blue kimono with a dark blue chestplate underneath along with two star-like clips attached by a rope. What was the most shocking was the fact that his hands and feet were completely covered in ice. "Who…" Orihime stammered, trying to figure out who this person was. "Who are you?"

"I believed I asked you first," the stranger said, his eyes boring into the girl.

Nodding, Orihime answered. "I'm Orihime Inoue. Who are you?" she asked again. 'His appearance and spiritual pressure…it's almost just like-'

The man turned his head as he stared at the girl. She was not wearing a shihakusho but instead wore a human shirt and skirt. "You don't look like a Soul Reaper," he wondered.

"I'm not." Orihime looked the man up and down and blushed from his heated stare. Her bare legs shivered from the cold that this man produced. "Who are you?" she asked once more.

But the man shook his head. "I have no business with you. You are no Soul Reaper. Therefore you are not my master." He turned around and was about to leave when Orihime called out to him.


Turning back around, the stranger looked at Orihime with annoyance. "What is it now?"

Orihime stared at the man. 'You…you don't know who your master is?"

"Yes," the man said nodding. "I have no memory of my master. I do not even know my own name," he said with a hint of sadness. "Obviously, if you're not a Soul Reaper then you cannot be my master."

Orihime's eyes almost misted with sadness. To her it was so tragic. This man seemed so lonely…. "I'm sorry…."

But those sharp emerald eyes soon glared with anger. This man didn't like the strange girl; he may have no name but he certainly didn't like being looked at with pity. "You seem to be under the impression that I'm someone to feel sad for. A foolish mistake…." Before Orihime could blink, the zanpakuto had his sword in his hand. But Orihime also noticed something odd. 'His sword…it looks familiar….'

The man's lips moved but no sound came out. But even though to Orihime it sounded like he did nothing, something certainly did happen as more ice dragons appeared behind him. Orihime summoned her shield once again and blocked the first strike as it slammed into it. Seeing another dragon zoom in from the left, Orihime, feeling scared but taking her chances, jumped off the cliff. As the dragon smashed into the side of the cliff Orihime fell and fell. However, experience has taught her wisely and she summoned her shield, landing on it softly. When she looked up she saw one more dragon speeding toward her and readied her hairpins.

"Koten Zanshun! I reject!"

A large blur erupted as Tsubaki was unleashed. The man raised an eyebrow as his dragon was destroyed from the attack. Orihime leapt off her shield onto a rocky plateau jutting out of the ground and ran as fast as she could. But she was no match for the speed of the mysterious zanpakuto, who flashstepped in front of her. When he swung his sword at her Orihime blocked with Santen Kesshun again. The shield cracked when the man's sword slammed against it but to the zanpakuto's surprise it held. Narrowing his eyes, the man stared at the strange girl. "It seems that you're no ordinary human. Very well then." Orihime braced herself as he pointed his sword at her again. Thunder cracked above the two as the sky darkened.

Suddenly it felt like Orihime was in the middle of a blizzard, snow and icy wind swirling around her. It became clear to Orihime now more than ever: This was Toshiro Hitsugaya's zanpakuto: Hyorinmaru. "Wait!" she pleaded as the man swung her blade again. It was clear to her that she had to fight; otherwise she'd end up dead at the hands of her friend's zanpakuto. "Koten Zanshun!"

Tsubaki charged at the zanpakuto, ready to cut him in two. Over the course of Orihime's training with Rukia, she'd increased the power of her offensive capabilities so when Tsubaki slammed against Hyorinmaru's blade it pushed him backward…for about ten seconds before he swatted it away. Orihime hugged her arms as the cold started to get to her.

Hyorinmaru swung his sword at the air in front of him. "Guncho Tsurara." Daggers of ice shot out of the space where Hyorinmaru slashed the air. Though Orihime brought her shield up to block it, he appeared on her right and threw more. Orihime screamed as she braced herself, feeling the daggers tear her shirt and skirt, hurting her arms and legs though thankfully the daggers didn't hit anything vital. Struggling to her feet, the chilled Orihime summoned her sprites again but it was too late.


A wave of ice sent Orihime flying. "Ahhhh!" she screamed before she was sent off the side of the plateau. Landing on her shield once more, Orihime decided it was best to flee. After practicing with Rukia, Orihime had learned to use her shield as a transport and started to fly away. Orihime looked down at her clothes, now torn and shredded. She quickly healed her injuries and flew past several pillars of rock before Hyorinmaru appeared in front of her. "Why are you doing this?" she shouted, not knowing what she'd done that warranted him to attack her.

Hyorinmaru stopped when he saw the hurt look on her face. That was a pretty good question. Why was he attacking this girl? Chalking it up to his ego, Hyorinmaru took a deep breath and lowered his spiritual pressure. The storm around them ended and the stars started to poke through the sky. "Forgive me," he apologized, floating down to the ground. "I acted rashly. Still, you are a very curious Human. Very few can say they fought me and live."

Hopping off her shield, the battered Orihime smiled at Hyorinmaru, glad that their misunderstanding was over and she could feel warmth in her arms and legs again. "It's fine. I'm sorry if I made you mad." She looked down at her clothes and frown. "Oh dear…." She reached for her clothes before turning to Hyorinmaru. "Um…could you turn around, please?"

"What for?" the man asked out of curiosity.

"Well, you see…I need to repair my clothes but it's much faster if I can see where the tears are to fix so I need to take them off…." She looked away embarrassingly, not wanting to stand before the man, a very handsome man, mind you, in tattered clothes, let alone naked.

"I see. Very well then…." Turning around, Hyorinmaru closed his eyes and crossed his arms. "Proceed."

"Thank you…." Taking off her clothes, Orihime put them all in front of her on the ground and summoned her sprites. "Sōten Kisshun. I reject." Her torn clothes were slowly fixed from the damage that Hyorinmaru caused. Because she was so silent, Hyorinmaru figured she was done after about thirty seconds. Without asking her if she'd finished, he naively turned around….

Standing in front of him wearing nothing but her panties, Orihime was fixated on the task at hand but Hyorinmaru became captured by her stunning beauty. He always disregarded Haineko's flagrant attempts to seduce him but here standing before him stirred feelings inside of him he never knew. Her skin almost shimmered in the moonlight and her breasts were much bigger than he'd expected them to be, her legs slim and elegant. "You're…."

Looking up, Orihime was horrified to see Hyorinmaru staring at her in her birthday suit. "Oh my goodness!" Breaking her concentration, her barrier faded as she covered herself with her hands. "I didn't say I was done!" She looked away, feeling ashamed. When she looked back at Hyorinmaru after a few seconds, she saw that his cheeks were pink. "Um…what is it?"

Finally it dawned on the man that looking at a girl while she was standing in the open almost naked wasn't the brightest move. "Forgive me," he said, turning away. He was a zanpakuto of snow-and-ice and yet…his blood had never felt more on fire than right now. "I was just surprised. You're quite beautiful…."

Now it was Orihime's turn to blush. "You really think that?" she asked. She'd been hit on by Chizuru constantly but she had never been told by anyone else, save for Tatsuki and Rukia, that she was beautiful.

"Yes." The man turned back to her and again he was captivated by Orihime's beauty. "Though I have not been in this world for long, you are the most beautiful woman I've seen." He walked forward toward the girl, his own emotions leading him on. "You're strong, beautiful and empathetic," he said admiringly, not stopping until he stood in front of her. "You almost make me wish you were my master."

Orihime looked up, her blush deepening when she saw him staring down at him with longing eyes. She could feel his loneliness and despite his heated gaze she did indeed feel sorry for him. "You said you didn't know your name?"

"I did."

Orihime smiled up at the man with happy eyes and took hold of his icy hand. "I saw your techniques and your sword earlier. I know who you are. Your name…is Hyorinmaru," she said softly.

The newly rechristened Hyorinmaru mouthed the name and knew it to be true. This strange and yet alluring girl had given her his name back. Cupping her chin, Hyorinmaru lifted her head up and leaned down, his joy adding to the emotions he was feeling towards this girl. "Thank you, Orihime…."

Orihime's eyes widened to their very limit when Hyorinmaru kissed her. She'd never imagined her first kiss ending up like this, always wishing it would be Ichigo. She should have been repulsed by the man's action and pushed him away. And yet… and yet….

She liked it. His words had touched her heart and she could sense his longing. Despite being an ice zanpakuto his lips were so warm. She no longer felt ashamed being nearly naked in front of this man, running her hands through his long blue hair. When Hyorinmaru pulled away he turned to the side with a huge blush on his cheeks. "I'm sorry, I…I could not contain myself."

"It's alright," Orihime said, her heart fluttering. She knew this wasn't love but being kissed by Hyorinmaru had opened up something inside her. "Can I…kiss you?" she asked, suddenly feeling the need to have his lips against hers once more. When Hyorinmaru nodded, she leaned forward and kissed him again. Hyorinmaru wrapped his arms around the girl and pulled her close as they kissed. Her hands gripped the folds of Hyorinmaru's kimono and she sighed as pulled away, blood rushing to her face. Hyorinmaru went back for thirds and kissed her one more time, this time with more passion. Sweat began to bead down Orihime's naked back as his cold hands ran up and down her body. His tongue slipped inside her mouth and played with her own, leading the kiss to become sloppy and lewd. By the time they parted Orihime was dazed and panting for air, her mind unable to stop the dirty ideas coming to it. With shaking hands she reached for the tie to his kimono.

Hyorinmaru didn't stop her as she undid the tie, shrugging out of his kimono as the tie came undone. As he began to unstrap his chestplate and pulled it away Orihime's blush deepened. The man was certainly far more built than she'd thought. The rush of blood to her head intensified when he began to pull down his pants. She'd never seen a man naked before and Hyorinmaru wasn't just built. He was…big.

The naked man pulled Orihime towards him, her breasts pushing into his chest, as they kissed once more, his icy hands running through her long, orange hair. "Mmmmmh…" the two moaned into each other's mouths. Feeling Hyorinmaru's length rub up against her stomach, Orihime's mind once again started to whisper dirty thoughts. Breaking the kiss, Orihime got down on her knees and stared at the man's cock. 'It's…so big….' she thought as she stared. Gulping, she reached out and touched it, gently wrapping her fingers around it. Hyorinmaru simply stared in fascination as the girl began to stroke him, not taking his eyes off the girl. After a minute Orihime became emboldened by her sensual actions and started to quicken her handjob. 'It's…so hard and hot….' She didn't understand how Toshiro's zanpakuto could be an ice-type and yet be so hot to the touch.

"Ohhhh…" Hyorinmaru moaned. He'd no knowledge of any sexual acts but he didn't want Orihime to stop, having never known pleasure like this. His eyes closed as his head tilted back, feeling the girls hand glide across his cock.

Hazel eyes stared at Hyorinmaru's cock as pre-cum started to drip from the head. Smearing it with her thumb, Orihime's curiosity got the better of her once more. Leaning forward, she stuck out her tongue and licked the head, swallowing the dollop of pre-cum that coated her tongue. 'It's…so sticky….' Wanting to taste more, Orihime wrapped her lips around the head and began to suck Hyorinmaru off. The zanpakuto's hands went to her head as she gave him head, her mouth bobbing up and down. 'It tastes so good…' was the thought that ran through Orihime's mind as her unusual taste buds savored the taste of man.

"Ahhhh…" Hyorinmaru groaned. He didn't want Orihime to stop. He was so close. "Orihime…here it cums!" he groaned, his teeth clenching.

White cum flooded Orihime's mouth as Hyorinmaru released his load. Orihime swallowed the sticky and bitter treat but Hyorinmaru shot out so much she couldn't hold it all in. When she pulled back and took her mouth away from him, she stroked Hyorinmaru's cock and felt the last strands of cum shoot onto her chest. "It's so hot…" she gasped after swallowing the spunk in her mouth. Scooping up the remaining cum with a finger, she eagerly devoured the treat before sticking a hand in her panties, rubbing her dripping maidenhood. When she looked back at Hyorinmaru's manhood she saw that it was still hard despite the huge load he'd shot out.

Spreading his kimono out to make a makeshift blanket, Hyorinmaru picked Orihime up gently and laid her down on top of it. When his hands grabbed the hem of her white panties he looked up, asking for permission. Orihime nodded and put her legs together, letting him slide off her last article of clothing with no resistance. She shivered as his icy fingers delicately trailed down her front, the girl taking deep breaths as he stared at her bare snatch, her pink lips dripping from all the sensual acts, crowned by a tiny patch of burnt-orange hair.

As Hyorinmaru lay on top of her, the man cupped her breasts, fascinated by her large bosom. "Ah!" Orihime gasped as Hyorinmaru leaned down and licked her breast, his pink tongue circling her hardened nipple. Her legs rubbed together as he switched from one tit to the other, the heat in her chest making her head spin. "Ahhhh…." Her arms wrapped around his shoulders and she hugged him as he leaned forward and kissed her. Shivers shot up her spine when she felt the head of his manhood rub against her folds, knowing what was about to happen but not wanting it to stop. Spreading her legs, she wrapped her arms around Hyorinmaru's neck and prepared herself.

A deep kiss was shared between Orihime and Hyorinmaru as he pushed into her virgin flower. Orihime held onto the man like it was the last day of her life as his head slipped in. Thanks to sparring with Tatsuki at the dojo she had no barrier to tear but she was still a virgin nonetheless. Hyorinmaru stared down at Orihime, watching with concern as a tear leaked down her face, her expression scrunched with pain. Gently wiping the tear away, he soothingly caressed her cheek while still pushing into her core, trying to ease the girl's pain. He pushed until he was fully inside her, the tip of his cock just shy of touching her cervix, and waited. After several seconds of taking deep breaths, Orihime nodded. "Ahhhh…" she groaned as she felt him pull out, the burning need inside her growing.

Deciding to try to make it more comfortable for her, Hyorinmaru shifted positions, laying on his side next to her and lifting up her leg. He watched as Orihime's mouth opened up to let out moans when he pushed in and out of her. Orihime's wet hole became wetter as she gripped his cock with her tight muscles, the man moaning in pleasure. When Orihime turned her head to face he cupped her cheek. "You're so beautiful…" he moaned.


The zanpakuto had no idea what his name was an hour ago but now he wanted her to say it over and over again. Orihime lifted her leg up higher, letting him slide in deeper. Hyorinmaru listened to Orihime as her cries of pain and groans morphed into moans of unadulterated pleasure, the night sky filled with a symphony of lust. Orihime put a hand on her breast as she felt Hyorinmaru slide in and out of her pussy, having never known pleasure like this before. When his hand looped around her raised leg and started to rub her clit, she threw her head back and cried out in ecstasy. "Ohhhh! It's so good!" Rangiku had told her that sex felt good but she had no idea how good it could feel. "Hyorinmaru! Oh!" Turning her head back to him, Hyorinmaru and Orihime looked each other in the eyes and kissed again.

Hyorinmaru was possessed by his baser instincts. He wanted to feel every inch of Orihime's body, to hear her voice trail higher in higher with her moans. His hand left her clit and went to her breast, squeezing it gently as he fucked her faster, his thrusts shaking the girl in his arms. "Ah! Oh! Yes! Yes!" Orihime moaned, the knot in her stomach coiling with each thrust.

The virgin Human and Zanpakuto were close to climax as the minutes of pleasure ticked by. Both of them never knew the pleasures of the flesh, so they were unprepared for the end when it came for them. Hyorinmaru squeezed his eyes shut as her walls continued to clamp down on him, his sensitive head touching the entrance to her womb. "Orihime…" he moaned, holding the girl tightly as he felt a feeling like he'd never felt before hit him. Grunting, he pushed into the girl as deep as he could and threw his head back. "Ohhhh!"

Orihime's eyes rolled into the back of her head as her womanhood was filled with cum, her lower half melting. The sensation of having another man cum inside her sent her over the edge. "Oh! Ohhhhh!" she moaned, her back arching as Hyorinmaru held her, his hands roaming her sweaty body. "Ah! Yes! Hyorinmaruuuuu!" Orihime's vision suffered a complete whiteout as she climaxed and her body felt light, as if she was having an out-of-body experience. Her head rested on Hyorinmaru's chest as he pulled out of her, the man running a hand through her hair. "Mmmmhhh…" Orihime cooed, feeling sleep take her as exhaustion set in.

When she came to she opened her eyes and saw Hyorinmaru sitting next to her, dressed in everything save his kimono which Orihime was sleeping on. "Are you alright?" the man asked.

Smiling, Orihime sat up and stretched. "Yes, I'm okay."

Nodding, Hyorinmaru helped the girl to her feet. The girl put her panties back on and went to her clothes when she felt bursts of spirit energy nearby. "What's that?"

"My fellow zanpakuto are attacking the Soul Reapers. I believe they are aiming for Ichigo Kurosaki if I'm not mistaken. Muramasa has told them to capture him."

Orihime had no idea who this Muramasa was but she knew she had to go to her friend's aid. "I need to hurry." She scooped up her clothes and got dressed as quickly as she could, Hyorinmaru scooping up his kimono and dusting off the dirt before putting it back on. "Where will you go?"

"I have my name, but I know not who my master is. I must keep searching," Hyorinmaru explained. Orihime opened her mouth to tell him who his master was but he held up a hand and silenced her. "I know that you're aware of my master's identity, but I prefer to learn it on my own."

"I see…." Orihime walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Good luck, Hyorinmaru…."

The zanpakuto turned around and kissed her sweetly and put his hand on her chest. Orihime gasped as she saw Hyorinmaru's hand glow white for an instant. When he removed his hand, she saw that she was wearing a necklace in the shape of an icy Chinese dragon around her neck. "That is a tiny portion of my powers that I've transferred to you. It is my way of saying thank you for giving me my name. Goodbye, Orihime…" he said softly before flashstepping away, leaving her on the ground, hoping that he'd find his master.

Sensing more spiritual pressure nearby, Orihime shook her head and ran back into the forest. "Hang on, Ichigo! I'm coming!"

To be continued
Next Chapter: Orihime Vs. Kazeshini

A.N.: Please R&R.