Hi guys, I'm sorry for disappearing like I did with out a word. I know it's been a long time since I've posted a new chapter. To be quite honest multiple things came into play for that, first I got a reaaally bad case of writer's block, then some things happened and I was with out any power or internet for months, and now I was concentrated on school. I know these are just excuses but it's the truth. I also lost interest in both Sherlock and Danny Phantom, but I do want to continue this story, though updates will probably be slow and with less word as my first three. I have a chapter four in the works so Ill be able to post that sometime soon. I'm sorry again for disappearing with out saying anything to you guys, but thank you for sticking with me, and reaching out about the story, it means a lot that you guys like it so much! Well see you in the next chapter
