Ravenclaw!Hermione. summary: Hermione is a treasure and with a mind of gold, it's no secret that Draco is both annoyed and captivated by the hot nerdy girl who keeps outshining him. He's prepared to do something about it too...but it's not at all what she's expecting! Draco/Hermione. Ravenclaw!Hermione.

Hermione the Raven:

Wit Beyond Measure Is Man's Greatest Treasure.


Hermione Granger wore blue. Blue stockings, blue ribbons in her hair, blue trimmings on her black robes and a blue and silver tie with a crow clip on her book bag, which was always stuffed with a books but had a weightless charm on it so she could fit an entire library in there if she wanted to.

People thought she was awfully clever and they were right.

Hermione Granger was a Ravenclaw and proud of it.

She was easily the brightest witch of her age. Or so she had been told many times. And she was not at unease to be thought of as a walking brain or talking encyclopedia.

The knowledge she kept in her brain—and weightless, expendable book bag—could easily outstretch even a supercomputer or Oxford Bodleian library.

She knew just about everything and was rather smug about it.

Especially since Draco Malfoy, a blond Slytherin student, was so upset that her grades and answers in class always exceeded and far surpassed his. It must have made him feel inferior; especially coming from one who was so obviously muggleborn.

Hermione just laughed however whenever she saw that Draco Malfoy was getting cross every time Ravenclaw and Slytherin shared a class and she raised her hand to answer yet another question correctly. Every professor already knew what to expect out of her and all the students too knew that she was easily the cleverest girl on campus and unlikely to be overshadowed or outdone by anyone.

So she was unprepared when Draco, deciding to be a bit rugged and play dirty, followed her out of class one day. He was swaggering behind her when he shouted, 'Hey bookworm, yeah you, you nerdy girl with the repugnant hair!'

'How dare you!' Hermione shouted back. 'I will not be called repugnant or addressed so disrespectfully by anyone!' She got out her wand and dropped her book bag off her shoulder and onto the floor as she faced him and prepared to fight off the bully.

So she was taken by surprise when he cradled her face in his hands and kissed her squarely on the lips, brutally crushing her soft pink ones beneath his.

'What do you think you're doing?!' She struggled to get away from Draco, until she finally struck him on the jaw and he stood back from her. He was smirking however and not at all repentant.

'What do you think I was doing Granger?' He chuckled. 'Look it up in one of your books why don't you.' With that, Draco sauntered off as casually and out of the blue as he'd appeared and Hermione was left standing there flustered and confused.

She pressed her fingertips to her thoroughly snogged lips. Had Draco Malfoy actually...good Merlin, shown interest in her?

Hermione shook her head quickly. No, this couldn't be. She was a muggleborn. This had to be some game of his to wreck her grades or distract her in class.

Hermione shuddered...well it was going to be awkward seeing him at the next class after he'd kissed her!
