Hello everyone. Right. I am so so sorry about updating- trust me I feel very guilty. Yet here it is! At last. There will be an epilogue, maybe later. I was going to end it sad, but I didn't have the heart so here we are. I hope you all enjoy it, and once again, sorry for the wait. Thank you! Please remember to review!

Cold. He was cold- and shirtless. There were smooth slabs of what felt like concrete beineth his body, and he hurt all over. His mind was faded, like fog over a field in late autumn, and his vision was blurred. Holding a hand to his face, the doctor realised it had blood smeared on it and he frowned. Blood? He checked his arms, maybe his marks were bleeding again. That would be no good, other people could see them if they bled. Where was he. Certainly not at home, he would have recognised it.

Slowly, Leonard sat up and groaned, before everything came flooding back like a dam had been broken. His breath was caught in his throat, he had tried to kill someone. He remembered the feel of warm goo on his hands, and the sight of absolute desolate fear in the receptionists eyes. What was her name? He couldn't quite recall. I tried to kill someone.

I tried to kill someone. Kill someone...

He was a doctor and doctors saved lives, not ended them. I am a bad doctor, he thought. I should probably tell my manager to fire me.

The clearly mentally unstable man looked around him, and sniffed in disapproval. This place is filthy. Just like Joanna's bedroom. He sighed and braught his legs up to his chest and hugged them, desperately trying to obtain heat. It didn't work.

I wonder where Jim is. Probably sitting chatting about Maths with Spock. I am not very good at maths. He probably doesn't want to talk with me. I tried to kill someone, he won't want to talk with someone like me.

He curled up even more and let out what sounded much like a scream, but more animal like than human. Leonard was however, compleatly unconscious of making this sound, and he covered his ears. Who is making such a racket? I wish they would be quiet. The scream only stopped when Leonard screamed a mangled "SHUT UP!" With a curt nodd, he curled back up again.

He stayed like that for a very long time, muttering unfathumable words and crying every now and again. It was about five hours later that a security guard came and told him that someone was going to meet him in the conference room.

"Jim!" The doctor cried, and he struggled to his feet hastily, anxious to see his friend. The security guard led him to the room where family or friends could visit the prisoners. It was a horrible room, with dark grey walls and a stoned floor. There was a metal table placed dead centre in the middle of the room, accompanied by two equally dreary chairs. Suddenly white wasn't such a bad colour compared to this grey.

Leonard sat down, and watched as he was strapped into his chair, (like he was going to hurt Jim) and waited. The restraints hurt, tightening around his arms and legs like teeth. As much as Leonard wanted to see Jim, he wanted out of this room as soon as possible.

Sure enough, Jim was walked in, with two security guards following him. His face visibly brightened at the sight of his friend, and he sat down opposite him. "Jim! You are out of hospital? Are you ok? Did they treat you well?" Leonard exclaimed, worry seeping through his voice like a broken tap dripping.

"I am fine, and they looked after me me as best as they could have. Fee is expensive though."

Leonard sighed and shook his head. "Isn't that a shock?"

"What about you?" Jim questioned, looking at the restraints and Leonard's still bloodied uniform.

"I am treated as I deserve to be." He replied, voice suddenly going stone. Jim's face softened and he smiled weekly.

"It's ok Bones- you don't deserve to be here! You have a mental illness and when you acted you had no control over what you what you were doing. We will get you out."

Leonard laughed maniacally, and shook his head. "Don't make excuses Jim. Accept what happened- I attempted to kill someone. I don't even know if I want to get out." He looked around the room. "Outside has nothing for me anymore. Apart from you, everything I care about is dead or in prison. Even my car has been taken away."

Jim was clearly pained at this, and he leaned forward. "Please don't talk like that Bones. P-please don't. You are going to get out for me, because I need a friend- namely you, and you will not leave me. I do not want to go back to Enterprise without you." Bones simply shrugged at Jim's speech, and inspected the table top closely.

"But what's the God-Damn point Jim? I will always be your friend, but this is where I belong. I don't want to go out there again. The outside world is cruel, and I have had enough of showing my face everyday to people who only want to hurt me and those I love. I can't take much more- and I am safe here. Here people don't care who you are- or what happened to you."

Jim's eyes were welling up with tears, and he ran his hands through his hair.

"But you promised. You promised Bones, that we would get better together. We could have gone and got an apartment together after- we still could! Please Bones, you can't leave me alone. You can't." He whimpered.

Bones sighed, and internally screamed at the restraints that bound him from comforting his broken friend.

"I'm- I'm sorry Jim."

At this one of the security guards looked at his watch and declared that time was up, and he escorted Jim from the room. He looked over his shoulder before he was lead away, and mouthed the word 'please,' then gave a weak smile.

Leonard was removed from restraints, and heftily pushed back to his cell, where he was thrown back onto the floor. It felt like he had never left.


The court trial was a week later, and Leonard had been scrubbed up and fitted into a black suit. Jim stood proudly next to him in defence, as well as three psychologists, Dr Pike, and believe it or not, Spock. It felt good to be out of his cell and in clean clothes, but Leonard still was dreading the trial.

The psychologists gave a grand speech about depression and another mental illness Leonard couldn't remember studying at university, and how Leonard acted under those illnesses, not his real self.

It was right at the end Jim made his defence speech, and it was impressive to say the least. Jim walked up to the front of the court, and straightened his tie, after coughing. He ran his hands through his hair, a sign Leonard had picked up on as nervousness.

"Good morning everyone. Before I start I want to introduce myself. I am James Kirk, and one month ago I was caught in a plane crash with my friend. She died, and I was fortunate enough to live. I was sent to rehabilitation, to help ease my depression and PTSD.

On my way, it just so happened that one of the people I hitchhiked with stole my money, dropped me off in the completely wrong state, and I was left with my least valuable items and my charm. It was then Dr McCoy picked me up- my saviour if you will- and after much fun listening to his music, we discovered that we were bound for the same place. Since then we became fast friends, and I assure you that he would not attempt to kill anyone when he was of a sound mind."

"OBJECTION!" A call from the opposite podium turned Jim's head.

"Go on..." the judge agreed.

"Thank you your honour." The objecter nodded. Jim sniffed in disgust. What was there to object about his speech?

"Is it not true that in total you only knew this man for 36 hours in total before he tried to kill Miss Uhura."

Leonard grimaced- he knew this would come up. He was shocked to see Jim smile- what could he be smiling about?

"Yes, that is correct. However, within that 24 hours the two of us went through more together than some people do in a ten year relationship. We both got caught in a fire, went to rehab for the first time, and witnessed deaths from others. Not only that, but if you actually read the police report, you would realise the reason Leonard had this breakdown was because he had distressed me."

Leonard beamed at Jim, who smiled back and gave a minuture wave. Sometimes the doctor could easily forget just how sad Jim really was.

The rest of the case flew past, until the jury were sent out to decide. Jim was granted some time with his friend, and as soon as they were alone, they embraced in a warm hug. Leonard burried his nose into Jim's suit. He felt happy that Jim cared so much- even after all he did.

"Thanks Jim- that was a brilliant speech." Leonard whispered. Jim broke away and clapped his friends shoulders.

"It's fine, really. I will get you out of that horrible place." He nodded.

The jury debated for ages, at least two hours in total. But finally they gathered back in the courtroom. It was late evening when they did, and the rain was thrumming down outside.

Jim shifted anxiously on his feet and Leonard was fiddleing with his tie absentmindedly. The judge stood and gazed over the courtroom of people, then coughed to announce her presence. Silence fell.

"After much a debate- the jury has come to a conclusion." She stated, her face not giving anything away.

Leonard was visibly shaking- and it was at this moment he realised a fundamental truth. Up until now he hadn't been sure whether or not he even wanted to get out of the prison, in fact he was certain he wanted to rot there for what was left out here? But now he knew- it was Jim. The possibility of being granted freedom and returning to Enterprise, the idea of moving into a flat. He wanted to be normal.

For his whole life Leonard had wanted a taste of abnormal, and when he got what he wanted, he did not enjoy it. Jim was the ticket back to his perfect life- yes- he would never again have his little girl- his everything- back, but slowly, that hole was going to close up inside him, until it was just fond memories, and a small twinge of pain.

'Please set me free, please, please...' Leonard prayed, and he closed his eyes, waiting for the answer. It was agrivating.

"Leonard Heratio McCoy, the court has announced you,..."

'Please, please,"

"Not guilty. Congratulations."