Chapter 2 – Bread and water

The girl woke up startled and screamed. She hates those dreams. No, they aren't dreams, they are nightmares. The little girl looked around in the room she was in, it was quite simple. There was the bed she laid in. In a corner stood a small green wardrobe adorned with colourful flowers, in the other corner stood an old oak desk with a chair. A small window was on the opposite wall with the door. The little girl tried to look through the window from her bed, but it was impossible. It was dark and raining outside.

Slowly opened the door with a creaking sound. The girl saw an old and short woman walk into the room. The woman had a face filled with wrinkles. Light chestnut hair with some grey hair tied into a tight bun on the back of her head. The old woman wore a simple blue dress. On her shoulders rested a big knitted red scarf. Her eyes were blue and sparkled in the dim light from the candle on the oak desk, but they were tired and worn out as the rest of her. She smiled softly at the little girl.

"I heard a scream. Was it you my child?" the old women asked and walked slowly closer the bed. And moved the chair carefully next to the bed and sat down. The woman looked at the girl who looked back at her.

"I had a nightmare, it was about mother and father…" the girl said and began to sob. "But who are you and where am I?" she continued.

The old woman smiled and said softly. "My name is Darcie and this is my home. I live here with my only son. He is a few years older than you I would guess. His name is Oliver." The woman was quite for a few seconds. "May I ask about your parents and your name?"

"My name, my name is… is Rose. My parents are gone." She quietly sobbed.

"I'm sorry to hear that. So, I guess you don't have a home. If you want could stay here and live with us."

The girl looked at the woman with a little smile. "So kind of you…" Then she remembered the little raven. "I have a question. Was it you who took me here? Because there was a raven that was hurt. Do you know where he is?"

The old woman looked questioningly at the girl. "No, I didn't saw a raven. You were all alone."

The girl felt the tears came again. 'My little friend…I'm sorry that I couldn't save you.' She thought and buried her face in her hands. The tears continued to flow down her flushed cheeks. Suddenly the door opened. The little girl looked up. Into the room walked a boy with a tray with a mug of water and a piece of bread. The girl looked more closely at the boy. He resembles of his mother. He had Darcie's chestnut hair, her blue eyes and her nose. But his face had a more of a round shape and his cheeks was painted with freckles.

"Here…" the boy said while he offered the tray to her. The girl still looking at the boy lowered her gaze on the tray. She locked her eyes on the piece of bread. She hadn't eaten anything in days. When she was in the woods, and if she was lucky, she found some fruits and berries to eat. But she had to be careful, so it wasn't someone's else property. If it was, she was often hunted by the owners. If they got her, they beat, her up for had taken their fruits and berries. Then she was left to lay on the ground with pain everywhere and an empty stomach. It made her sad with the thought of that people are selfish. But still the little girl was still young and has a lot to learn.

Rose looked at the golden piece bred and she was not far from to drool. Then her stomach began to growl. She looked down at it. She noticed that she wasn't more than skin and bones.

"You should eat, you look like you haven't eaten anything in days or even weeks. Eat, but don't eat too fast, that isn't good for you. Not in your state." the woman Darcie said.

The girl looked at Darcie then at the tray before her. She reaches for the bread slowly and a shaky hand. She took the bread and but it carefully between her teeth. When she took a bite, she could feel the taste of a fresh and tasty bread. 'This is a piece of heaven. It tastes amazing. Like something angels have made of songs of love and peace.' She thought and took one more bite, and one more and one more until it was no bread left.

The girl looked at the boy Oliver and Darcie and took the mug with water. The water was fresh and cool down her dry throat. 'Mm... If the source of life exists, I am sure that its water would surely be just as cool and fresh as this water.' She girl put down the empty mug down on the tray again.

"Come with me, Oliver. We leave so Rose can sleep. I'm sure she very tired." Darcie said looking at her son then at the girl. The girl realised how tired she was and nodded to Darcie and yawned deeply. Darcie and Oliver went to the door. Darcie turned around and looked at the girl Rose.

"Goodnight Rose, sweet dreams." Darcie said and then looked at her son. Oliver cleared his throat.

"Hmm, goodnight…" Oliver said with a forced voice, just wanting to leave the room without a word.

"Goodnight." The girl said with a small voice. Then the door closed and Rose snuggle herself into the soft and warm bed. Her eyelids became heavier and heavier. Slowly she fell asleep to the sound of raindrops and the wind against the window and thought. 'Maybe God has granted me a second chance to be happy and have a family.' But there was one thing she didn't know of, she being was watched by someone through the little window.