A/N: Hey guys, been a while since I've brought out a new story, hasn't it? Actually, I'm working on another one as well, but that's not done yet.

This was kinda inspired by The Abandoned House by echo_abendrot. Seriously, it's such an amazing fic. You should read it sometime. The layout they use, what with the POV changes, is really cool and they're often left on cliffhangers. That sort of technique is what inspired me to write a story like this (you'll know what I mean in the next chapter or so).

Disclaimer: I do not own Haikyuu

Coach Ukai really was a great coach.

After beating Shiratorizawa, he decided to treat the team by hiring a massive yacht and telling them that they were going for a boat trip around Japan, starting from Miyagi. When he'd first told them, they were over the moon with joy and excitement.

The entire team were going, including Kiyoko and Yachi, and of course Ukai was the 'captain' of the boat, as he'd called it. Takeda, however, had declined, instead saying that he had a lot of work to do at school.

So, now they stood, at seven o'clock in the morning, before a huge yacht that looked expensive, with their bags that contained clothes, toiletries and other necessities.

"This is gonna be great!" Hinata exclaimed, his grin reaching his ears.

"Glad you think so." Ukai replied, before muttering under his breath, "Cost me a bloody fortune after all."

Daichi caught the last part, and raised an eyebrow before standing to his full height and clearing his throat. "If you damage the boat, you pay for it. Got it?" After a chorus of nods, he smiled. "Good. Coach, can we get on?"

"Sure. Choose your rooms as well, although I think it's about two or three to a room, just so you know." He'd barely finished speaking before Nishinoya and Hinata raced up onto the boat. "Don't run!" Ukai called after them, but they either ignored him or didn't hear him. Sighing, he turned to board as well, but only after everyone else had gotten on.

None of them knew that they would later regret ever boarding.

~Two days later~

They'd travelled a good distance from Miyagi, and had already gone ashore three times for sightseeing.

At the moment, half of the fifteen aboard the vessel were above deck. Tanaka lounged across a deck chair, wearing sunglasses and relaxing with his hands behind his head.

"Ahhhh…" he sighed with content, "this is the life."

"I second that." Nishinoya agreed, more or less in the exact same position as his friend.

Hinata nudged Kageyama, who had been staring out across the ocean, which they were fairly far out in. "Hey, Kageyama, can we practice volleyball?"

The setter's eye twitched as he slowly turned to face the shorter teen. "If you wanna play, fine, but when you go to dive for a ball, don't expect me to fish you out of the water." The ginger fell silent after that.

Meanwhile, Kiyoko stayed with Ukai to help him out below deck. I wonder what we'll be doing next, she thought as she looked through the large glass at the wide expanse of ocean around them. They sure had gone far out today. Hmm…I haven't seen any dolphins yet. I hope I do see some, though. They're such beautiful creatures.

She was drawn out of her thoughts by Ukai cursing under his breath. Concerned, she walked over to him and frowned.

"What's wrong?" She asked as he bit his thumb nail.

"Apparently, a storm's coming," he glanced at a small device, "rather quickly."

The manager's eyes flew wide. "Wha-?! But the forecast for today was good! Why is there a storm?!"

"I don't know. All I know is that we need to get to shore, and fast." He clicked his tongue, before turning to her.

"Do me a favour and get everyone who's above deck down, will you?"

Kiyoko nodded and took off at an almost running pace. Why is there a storm?! There wasn't any warning before, so why is it here? Is it some sort of terrible luck? I hope not.

She didn't realise that she'd reached the deck as she was so lost in thought, trying to work out why the storm would appear out of nowhere when the forecast had been great.

It was only when she felt hands on her shoulders that she was snapped back to reality, and gazed into the eyes of Sugawara, who was frowning at her.

"Kiyoko? What's the matter? Are you okay?" He asked as he let go of her shoulders.

Shaking her head, the third-year stared at the ground. "We- there's a storm coming, and we need to go below deck, and we're really far out, and we might not make it back to the shore in time, and we might die-"

"Whoa whoa whoa." Sugawara raised his hands to cut her off. "Who said we were going to die? Trust me, we're not gonna die. It's probably just a minor storm that slipped under the radar or something. Don't worry." Then he addressed the others. "But we should head inside, in case of strong wind or lightning."

"But it looks fine to me." Tanaka took his sunglasses off, glancing up at the calm waters and the mostly clear sky.

Kageyama frowned and turned to gaze at the sky, trying to find some sort of rolling grey cloud or drop of rain, which would signify the start of the supposed storm.

"Yes, but it won't soon." Kiyoko argued, shifting her weight from foot to foot.

The raven-haired setter's eyes widened as he noticed something in the distance, approaching rapidly for something of its magnitude. "Uh, guys…"

"But Suga said it's probably only a minor storm, so why should we worry? It'll pass." The second-year stood his ground.

"Guys, listen to me-"

"C'mon, just listen to what she says." Nishinoya mumbled to him as he got up.


"Oh, not you too, Noya?!" Tanaka clenched his fists. "Stop overreacting!"

"What is your problem all of a sudden?!" The libero yelled back.

"Shut it and listen to me!" Kageyama, furious at being ignored, bellowed, effectively silencing everyone. Once everyone stared expectantly at him, waiting for what he had to say, he began. "You think the storm is only minor? Take a look over there." He pointed in the direction of the stern (back of the boat), where climbing over the horizon was a massive grey cloud, accompanied by occasional flashes of lighting. It was clear that the storm wouldn't be small at all.

Nishinoya noticed that Tanaka took a shaky breath as he stared at the giant cloud. He seemed to be the only person to notice it, though.

"Oh my God…" Sugawara murmured, before ordering that everyone get inside now. Everyone complied, including Tanaka, who had become strangely silent.

Once they were inside, Tanaka mumbled an apology to Kiyoko and said that he was going to his room, which he shared with Nishinoya. Said teenager made to follow him when Daichi got his attention.

"Alright, listen up! Coach is doing his best to get us back to land before the storm hits us, but we need to brace for it just in case! I'm not sure what was going through Tanaka's mind, but we can't argue among ourselves! We work as a team on the court, so we can work as a team here!"

A chorus of cheers sounded out, and Kiyoko felt relief blossom in her chest. They'd be fine. They had the ever-inspiring captain Daichi, and the ever-comforting vice-captain Sugawara, which set her at ease. We'll be okay. When the team's together, we can get through anything, storms included.

Nishinoya, on the other hand, snuck off almost immediately to go see Tanaka. Daichi's mini speech only made him worry more. Would Ukai get them back to shore in time? Would they drown if the boat got hit badly? What was going through Tanaka's mind? These questions all needed answering, and he knew that only Tanaka would be able to answer the final one.

It didn't take long for the short teen to reach the room he shared with Tanaka, and was at least a little relieved to find that the door want locked. Pounding on the door would attract attention that the wing spiker probably didn't want.

Nishinoya knocked on the door and announced that he was coming in. When he got no reply, he opened the door and stepped into the room, surprised to find it seemingly vacant. Closing the door behind him, he called out, "Tanaka?". He got no reply. "C'mon, I know you're in here."

His sharp senses heard a quiet whimper, and swiftly pinpointed it - under one of the beds. What is he doing under the bed?

"Tanaka?" No further sound was made, and Noya sighed and walked towards the bed. "C'mon Ryuu, why are you hiding under the bed?" He heard a groan, as if Tanaka hated the fact that his hiding place had been found. "Come out and talk to me."

"N-no." The hiding teen refused, and Nishinoya could have sworn that his voice cracked.

"Well, if you're not coming out, then I'm coming in. Or under." True to his word, he got on all fours, before turning his body, lying flat on the ground, and crawling under the bed.

"Noya! Wh-what are you doing?!" Tanaka half-yelled, half-shrieked as Nishinoya approached him.

He ignored the question, instead asking one of his own. "What's wrong?"

Tanaka shook his head, nearly hitting his head on the bottom of the bed. "Nothing."

"There's obviously something that's bothering you."


"You argued with Kiyoko."

"I know, but-"

"Kiyoko. Why would you argue with Kiyoko of all people? It's the first time I've ever seen you do that."

"It's a little cramped under here."

"Stop avoiding the question."

"I'm not."

"What's bothering you?"

"I told you-"

"And I'm telling you that there is something bothering you and neither of us are moving until you tell me."

"Fine!" Tanaka sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. "I…I'm…s-scared of…" He trailed off, turning his head away from his friend, as if he were embarrassed.

"Scared of what?"

"S-s…storms…" He choked out, and as if on cue, a loud clap of thunder boomed across the room.

Nishinoya's eyes widened slightly. "Seriously? I never knew. What's it called? Ar-aro-no, that's not right. Uh…ar-arachnophobia?"

"That's spiders."

"Right. Uh…I know it begins with an 'a'." He hummed in thought and his eyebrows furrowed. Suddenly, he clicked his fingers. "Astraphobia! That's it! That's what you've got, right?"

"Uh…I wouldn't say it's on a level of a phobia, more like just a strong fear of them."

"Meh…I'd class that as a phobia but sure, whatever you say."

A slight smile tugged on Tanaka's lips. "Are you afraid of anything?"

"Hmm…would you believe me if I said no?"


"Thought so." Nishinoya smiled as he thought about something he's afraid of. "Can it be volleyball-related?"


"Thought so." He turned his gaze to face the other bed; well, however much of it he could actually see from his position under the bed. "I suppose I'm afraid of-"

He was cut off as the yacht suddenly hit a large wave, causing both teens to go slamming between the bottom of the bed and the floor.

"Ow…" Noya brought his hand up to rub his head, before snapping his head to the side as he heard Tanaka whimper. "Don't worry Ryuu; we're safe in here."

"The l-lightning-"

"The lightning can't get us."

"The th-thunder-"

"The thunder can't get us."

"The w-wind-"

"The wind can't get us."

Tanaka turned his head to face Nishinoya. "The s-storm-"

"The storm can't get us. We're safe."


"C'mon, this isn't like you. You're one of the best volleyball players on the team, right?"


"And one of the most intimidating people ever, aren't you?"


"You're one of the most loyal friends in the world, right?"


"So don't let a storm get you down."

"But they're so s-scary and-"

"Why are they scary?"

Tanaka shivered. "They're loud-"

"So is a volleyball match in front of an audience."

"They're big-"

"So are the blockers who jump to stop your spikes."

"They're destructive-"

"So are the plays of crazy volleyball players."


"Think of a storm as a volleyball match. The thunder is the audience, the size is the players and the destruction is the daring plays of both sides."

Tanaka frowned, wriggled out from under the bed, heading over to the window. Nishinoya followed him.

"B-but the waves-"

Noya placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. "The waves are the spirits of both teams. The lead is constantly changing. It's a fairly even match. Who will win? Team Tanaka or Team Storm?" He changed his voice to sound like that of a commentator's. "Team T's ace, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, goes in for a daring spike, but the blockers from Team S go to the stop him-" at this point, a giant wave soared up, before crashing down again, "-but his spike shoots past them and hits the ground; it's in! He scores a point, and Team T take the lead! The crowd goes wild!" A loud clap of thunder proved his point.

Tanaka laughed. "You make a great commentator, Noya." The libero grinned and gave him a thumbs-up.

"Well, I better get going. Daichi'll have my head if I don't at least help everyone brace for this sto- incredible volleyball match." He quickly changed what he was going to say, before starting to walk away.

"Wait, please don't leave me!" Tanaka grabbed his wrist.

Noya chuckled. "Well, I've gotta go anyway, so I guess you're coming with me!"

"I can't go out of here, it's dangerous!"

"And Team T's ace moves in again for another spike – but what's this? He's running round to another side to do a quick! If he can pull this off, he'll win a point for sure!" He didn't even hesitate.

"Yeah, that's right. It's just an intense volleyball match, right? I'm gonna do a quick, so let's go!"

"That's the spirit, Team Tanaka's ace! C'mon, before you miss your chance!"

"Yeah!" With that, the two boys ran – albeit unsteadily as the boat rocked in the waves – out the room and down the hallway, fears forgotten.

As soon as they got there, they froze. People were running round all over the place, shouting orders that were either never heard, misheard or ignored. Some of the windows were cracked, with water hissing through. The boat couldn't ride the waves and was shooting forward in a random direction. No-one could make out which way it was to the shore. In a nutshell, it was utter pandemonium.

"Noya! Tanaka!" The unmistakeable voice of Daichi caught their attention, and they turned their heads to see their captain, frantically beckoning them to him.

They wasted no time running over, nearly losing their footing a couple of times. When they were close enough, they saw why Daichi wanted them.

He was stood next to a window which was missing a medium-sized chunk of it, and seawater was gushing in. The captain was doing his best to staunch the flow of water, but it was still forcing its way into the yacht. The floor was already soaked, and no-one had a spare pair of hands to assist him.

"I want to know where you two were later, but right now help me with this leak!" Daichi ordered. "Actually, Tanaka, help me here, Noya, go look for a bucket or something to help here."

"Got it!" Nishinoya ran off, leaving Tanaka to help cover the hole. He noticed a few small cuts on Daichi's hands.

"What happened to your hands?" Tanaka yelled over the noise around them.

"It's nothing; just got shoved into the window when we hit a wave badly."

"Oh, okay." Suddenly, there was a particularly loud clap of thunder. The second-year shut his eyes tightly, muttering, "Just the applause of the crowd, it's a volleyball match, yeah, an intense one-"

"What are you on about?"

Tanaka opened his eyes. "Noya gave me some great advice; it helps a lot."

Despite everything, Daichi smiled softly. "Yeah, he can be pretty amazing at times."

Suddenly, Yachi came running towards them. The panic on her face caused Daichi to lose his smile. "Guys!" She panted. "Coach Ukai said that we're rapidly heading towards an island! He doesn't know which one it is; he's never seen it before, but he can't fight the momentum of the storm, so we have no choice but to brace for impact. Okay?"

"Okay, got it. Thanks." Daichi nodded. Yachi turned and ran off.

"Daichi…" Tanaka called weakly. "Are we gonna die?"

The captain turned to his underclassman. "No," he answered, "we're not. Because that'll be giving up. We don't give up. We fight. Karasuno…fight!" The last part he yelled at the top of his lungs, and Tanaka could have sworn that he heard a faint reply from somewhere.

Suddenly, the large rises and falls of the waves began to lessen, and the second-year dared to hope that maybe the storm was passing, until an awful screeching noise deafened his ears as the yacht found land the hard way, and went flying across the sudden beach that appeared to have come out of nowhere. Shutting his eyes, Tanaka held his breath, unable to calm his racing heartbeat, as he waited for the motion to end.

Without warning, the boat swerved to the side, and his head collided with the window. The strong urge to give in to unconsciousness came out of nowhere, and he hoped that that was better than this new reality. He vaguely registered strong arms around him before the darkness took him.

A/N: And that's the first chapter! Yeah, I'm a horrible person. You thought it was a nice little boat trip around Japan? Then you find out who wrote it, and you instantly know what's going to happen: something bad. Because that's me. An angst addict.