Chapter 3 Ally

Warning! 1 swear word!

Nico sat by the window again today as he watched the sun sink behind the horizon; he tightly gripped the book in his hand as he watched the light fade. He wasn't allowed even a single candle so once it grew dark he would have to wait for the sun to rise or someone to come in with a candle or torch in order to see light again. Though they rarely came here at night, with the exception of one, the guards tended to avoid him as much as they possibly could.

That one guard was the one who supplied him with books like the one he currently held, he knew that he wasn't actually supposed to have anything like that but over the years, one of the guards had seemed to take a liking to him or maybe it was just pity, either way he would sneak Nico something to read.

It had started with random simpler books here and there and had grown into more complex volumes on anything from magic to science to governing even some that had taught him other languages, but just as long as he had something to read he was happy.

Nico's heart jumped as he quickly hid the book when he heard the sound of someone unlocking the door to his prison. He calmed down though when he saw that it was his usual visitor.

The guard reached into his jacket and pulled out something wrapped in cloth and held it out for Nico.

He smiled as he realized that it was a new book and he hopped down from his seat and rushed over handing the book that he had already finished and exchanged it for the new one.

"Thank you." Nico said quietly, he didn't dare speak any louder than just above a whisper for fear of being heard. He had been caught talking to the guards before and had been punished for it; he didn't want that to happen again.

The guard nodded in return. He rarely spoke but Nico was just glad that he was willing to treat him kindly and not leave him alone to rot up here like the rest tended to do. This guard was the closest he had to an actual friend and he was grateful to him for all that he's done for him over the years including sneaking him bits of food when he was sent to guard Nico's cell. Nico had never asked his name, he knew that if he ever slipped up it would cause problems for both of them.

The guard was ready to turn and leave meaning he'd be locking the door behind him once more leaving Nico trapped up here all alone again.

Suddenly there's sounds of a commotion coming from the lower levels and as soon as the guard catches onto what is happening he tries to convince Nico to attack him and make it look like he took him by surprise in order to escape during the chaos, Nico is hesitant to go along with it because this man is the closest thing he's had to a friend since his sister died and he doesn't want to hurt him or get him into trouble because he let Nico get away.

"Take my sword and strike me from behind, you're inexperienced and won't be able to inflict a fatal blow but it should be enough to get me down and make it convincing. This may be your only chance and you need to seize it!" the guard said as he handed Nico his sword.

"I can't, what will happen to you?" Nico asked feeling his heart clench in his chest; he couldn't stand the thought of losing anyone else.

"You shouldn't show kindness to your enemy prince, they do not deserve it."

"You are not my enemy; you've shown me as much kindness as you could all this time. How could I let you take the fall so that I could escape?" Nico felt tears burning his eyes as they threatened to spill over and he felt as though he were choking. He still clung tightly to the book he had received as though somehow its pages could protect him from whatever was to come of this.

Before the guard could argue more they heard the sound of footsteps running up the stairs and they both stood there frozen unsure who the new arrival could be.

They didn't have to wait long, soon enough a young man with shaggy blond hair plastered to his forehead with sweat rushed into the room, he was breathing hard and was ready to fight if need be.

Nico took a step back but the guard seemed almost relieved to see the newcomer that just burst in, he grabbed Nico by the shoulder and shoved him forward into the newcomer. "Get him as far away as you can." He said before lunging forward as if to attack.

The blond was so shocked that he pulled Nico behind him before rushing forward and knocking the guard to the ground with a well-placed kick to the abdomen causing him to hit his head on the flagstones. Nico let out a cry and rushed over to the downed guard and the blond paused after some of the adrenaline seemed to wear off and he realised what just happened.

The blond made his way over and checked the guard's condition and let out a small sigh of relief when he found that he was only unconscious. "He'll be alright, I'm sorry about that. Is he an ally?"

Nico was still confused but managed to nod, the guard had been the only ally he'd had.

"We should hurry, the others can't hold the rest of them off for long." He said as he grabbed Nico's hand and pulled him to his feet, he then picked up the guards sward and passed it to Nico. "This could come in handy, we should take it with us." Then he pulled Nico after him out of the room he hadn't set foot out of since the day they locked him in there.

Nico didn't know what was going on but he held tightly to the book and sword as the two of them raced down the stairs. As thy descended he could hear the sounds of battle growing closer and his breathing came more and more erratically as he was reminded of the day the kingdom was invaded and the day he lost Bianca. This could just as well spell the end for him, another battle to claim another life. This time his own.

The blond must have noticed his panic because he glanced back at him and tried for a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, everything will be just fine. Trust me."

As they reached the ground floor Nico saw the chaos before him, there was a small group of young people fighting against the soldiers of the tower and somehow they were managing to hold their own against overwhelming odds. These must have been the others that the blond had mentioned. Each fought with their own style but together they mad quite a fearsome force and soon they were turning the odds in their favor, some fought with swords, others with knives, one had a bow that he used to pick off enemies and clear a path for the two of them and the blond led the way, the entire time the others would fall in and take out any that dared approach and try to stop them.

They raced through the hall and down a long corridor that led to the main entrance to the tower, Nico never thought he's see that door again. This all seemed so impossible yet it was actually happening. As they raced towards the door it burst open and more soldiers came rushing at them from outside but still they ran forward not breaking their stride, the blond let fly a piercing whistle and in the blink of an eye more arrows came sailing through the air picking off the soldiers before they even had the chance to reach them.

The next thing Nico knew he was outside, for the first time in years he was actually standing outside of the tower that had imprisoned him for so long. He didn't have time to enjoy it though, more soldiers were heading their way and he wondered if they had made it this far only to die now.

"It's alright Highness, don't worry. We'll get you away from here, I promise." The blond said with such conviction Nico was almost tempted to believe him.

The blond drew a dagger and brought Nico closer to him so that he could defend him from any enemy that got near, meanwhile the others had all made it out and gathered close so that they could prevent the soldiers from getting to them. They had picked off those outside of the tower and with a shout of "Now!" from one of the others there came the sounds of blasts as explosives went off collapsing the entrance to the tower blocking the way or crushing those within.

Before the dust even had time to settle the whole group was running once more for the edge of the dense woods bordering the tower.

"This is where we have to spit up, everyone remember the plan and stay low, and don't any of you dare die before this is over or I'll personally kick your sorry ass' when I get to the afterlife!" one of them shouted and they all broke off into pairs or even going alone in different directions until it was just Nico and the blond left.

"Come on, we should be able to find cover and lay low for a while. We have a lot to do before any of this is over." the blond said as he grasped Nico's hand in his and once again began to lead him away.

Nico was almost out of breath and the rush of adrenaline was leaving him fast, he could already feel his legs begin to shake as he stumbled behind the blond. "Who are you?" he managed to gasp out as he tried his best to keep pace.

The blond turned and smiled at him. "My name is Will Solace and I'm your ally."

Okay that took forever to get done and I'm so sorry! I've been really stuck on this, I know where I want to go but not how to get there and I'm busy with work so my attention is really divided right now.

Please let me know what you think!