
The land is plagued by war, army's clash and soldiers fall. Enemy forces storm the castle and kill any who stand against them. The royal family is captured; the king and queen are executed while their children are imprisoned for life, only death awaits any who try to escape.

Years have passed since the invasion, poverty is everywhere. The only hope is to see the rightful heir on the throne once more but every attempt has failed, will the land ever be freed? Or is it doomed to rot like the last of the royal line locked away out of reach of all but the sun?


It had been a full frontal attack on the kingdom in the dead of night; the royal army had been ready for and invasion but not like this. The attack was stronger than anyone could have anticipated and all too soon the royal army was brought to its knees.

The enemy forces stormed the palace and killed any who tried to stand against them or flee causing many lives to be lost. Then they took the royal family prisoner.

The leaders of the invasion had all of the people gathered together to witness the public execution of the King and Queen, they were to be an example of the new rulers power and authority, but the royal children would be spared as so long as they remained locked away where they could pose no threat to the new rule.

It had been a dark time in the kingdoms history and no one would ever forget the day that the royal family had been torn apart, the cries of the young prince and princess as they watched helplessly as their parents were killed still rang in the minds of many who had been present.

Now and then over the years small groups had banded together to try and overthrow the new power but none had succeeded. After failing time and again to fight the new rulers directly, the people took to gathering in secret out of the watchful eye of the new power.

They spent many hours formulating plans to free the captive heirs and placing them back on the throne, but this proved to be too difficult a task and when the last attempt had led to the death of the princess, the elder of the royal children the people of the kingdom became too discouraged to try again for fear that the last of the royal blood line would meet the same fate.

The young prince now all alone had been relocated to the highest point of the tower keep where he had been imprisoned. Each day he saw the sun rise and fall but the new day held no hope for him, all was lost and he would never be free again.

This is definitely more of a dystopian style story with lots of death but I think I'm going to keep it rated teen since I don't really go into too much detail with it. Sorry for any heartbreak that comes with reading this, I just needed to write it.