And now, for the final chapter of this Loud House story! Like some other stories that I haven't completed since they've been updated, it's been a long time coming, but I'm glad to finally have this story wrapped up! Anyway, enjoy!

About a couple days later, around three o'clock, all of the Loud sisters were sitting on the couch at home, looking towards the door as they waited for Lincoln to come home. For the longest time, nobody said anything as some of them just shuffled their feet. Luna bobbed her head to some imaginary tune, Leni was combing her hair a bit, and Lynn was throwing a baseball up and down to distract herself, but other than that, things remained quiet.

That is, until the door opened and Lincoln came walking in, backpack in hand. The minute he entered, he found himself swarmed with his sisters.

"So, did you get your story back?" Lori asked.

"How did the grading go?" Leni asked.

"Don't keep us in suspense!" Lynn grinned as all the sisters were looking eager.

"Okay, okay, settle down, girls." Lincoln said as he held up his hands to get the girls to give him some breathing space. Once he was sure that the girls had calmed down, Lincoln took a deep breath. "Okay, so I gave my report yesterday to the class, and some of them liked it, as you already know. Well, today I got the final grade."

"Oh, I bet you got an A!" Lisa grinned. "I mean, of course you got an A on the-"

"I got a B plus." Lincoln simply stated.

The sisters shook their heads as they turned towards Lincoln in surprise, shock, and outrage as they all simultaneously said, "WHAT?!"

"What do you mean a B plus?" Luan asked. "How can a story based on our lives be only a B plus?"

"Well..." Lincoln paused. "Looking over the paper and the notes she gave, I guess I can understand why I got the grade I got. When I wrote the story down, I probably should have been more descriptive with the story, and the narration was a little all over the place. I guess following you girls around was what kept me from getting a perfect A. Of course, she did say that it finally got a little straight with the rescue of the baby at the end, so that was something to be proud of, at least."

"I still can't believe it!" Luna frowned a little bit. "All that hard work you put in, and a B plus is the best your teacher could give!"

"Well, a B plus isn't terrible. If anything, it's still a good score." Lincoln said. "Not everyone has to be perfect all the time. Besides, you guys aren't exactly perfect either, even when sometimes, you think you are."

The ten sisters looked at each other in thought as Lisa put a hand on her chin. "Hmmm... I suppose you are on to something, Lincoln. Even my perfect brain can get a few things wrong every once in a while."

"Yeah, we may not be perfect, but as far as I'm concerned, we're an okay family." Lana smiled before turning towards Lincoln. "So, have you learned anything from the experience, Lincoln?"

"A little bit." The white haired boy grinned. "If anything, maybe I could write an actual book about the experience, along with the many other adventures I had with you girls."

The girls smiled as they all swarmed around Lincoln again, pulling him to a big group hug. Luan grinned as she said, "You are one of a kind, Lincoln. I hope you got your ideas down on a tablet, because you'll need to keep 'TABS' on us!" The girl laughed before nudging her shoulder over. "Get it?"

The others groaned as Luan's pun, but recovered as Lincoln gave a smile. "You know, I might want to get started on writing that book right now..."

The girls looked curious as they started to chatter about, trying to suggest ideas for the story, before Lincoln held up his hand. "Girls, please! If there are any ideas you want to talk about, I'll listen, but this is a project I think I want to do on my own. It may take a little while, but I want to at least jump start myself before proceeding."

The girls stayed silent as they watched Lincoln go up to his room, most of them nodding, understanding what Lincoln needed right now as Lynn called out, "All right, but if you need ideas, we're always open!"

Lincoln gave a small laugh before heading to his room and shutting the door. Lincoln paused before giving a small smile, pulling out a piece of paper and a pencil before he looked at a wall and grinned. "Like I said, if there's anything I can take from the experience, it's that writing stories can take you many places, from the small one-shot short story, to maybe even a multi-chapter saga. Not every story is perfect, but as long as you try your hardest to put a passionate charm to it, and maybe even add your own flair, you could make even a small story unique and charming. Now, if you'll excuse me..."

Lincoln turned towards the piece of paper as he picked up his pencil, pausing to think of a new idea for a new story. "Hmmmm... should I try my hand on poetry? No, that's Lucy's thing. Maybe another one-shot story about one of my sisters? Hmmm... I'm sure Leni would love what I have to write about her... oh, I got it!"

And thus, Lincoln Loud got to work, preparing a brand new story featuring one of his sisters. He didn't know where the story would go, but he had a feeling that whatever happens, he'll get something good out of it.

Orange Ratchet Story

"That's All, Folks!"

An Orange-Ratchet Fanfiction

And with that, this story is now finally done! How did you guys like it? Okay, final thoughts!

When I first started this story back in 2017, it was going to be a short story with Lincoln trying to get his sisters to cooperate with a story he wanted to write. That much hadn't changed, but then I stopped the story for a while. It wasn't until recently when I looked over all the stories I hadn't completed yet and figured this one had potential to be completed, since there were only a couple chapters left. All in all, I'm glad I managed to complete this story, because I wanted to give a moral that sometimes, stories aren't exactly perfect, but as long as you put a passion in stories and listen to constructive criticism, improvement is great. Hopefully, you guys got that lesson out of that.

All right, so with this Loud House story done, I only have three Loud House stories left to complete, and they are as follows... 'They Grow Up So Fast!', 'A Dare To Never Forget' and 'Nerd and Jock Romance'! Once I'm done with my next Fairly Oddparents story in line, be sure to check one of those out when you have the chance! The poll will be up as soon as this last chapter releases! Anyway, thank you all for reading, and have a very wonderful day!