Yeah, I'm back with a new story for Miraculous Ladybug. This plotline just wouldn't leave me so I wrote a first chapter to test run this. Let's just see how this goes! That's really all I have to say as of now!

Game of Survival

Chapter 0.1


Paranomal beings have been hunted for generations. Anything that was remotely different from a normal human being was deemed killable. Anything inhumane was legal to kill without a punishment- for it was cleansing the world of things that didn't belong. For over three centuries, the Others, as humans referred to them- have been hunted and killed in different ways.

To be an other was to be born to die. There was no certain age one could come into terms with what they were. They could grow into it, or be born straight out of the womb being different. It didn't matter if an Other was a child, or a baby- it was wanted dead. That alone made one thing clear to every Other, survival was everything.

And that made them dangerous.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng tugged the black hoodie over her head, bowing her head as she ducked into the crowded streets of Paris for some sense of cover. She didn't know where where was going ot where to even go. She didn't have much money, or anyone to call for help. Her parents weren't an option, she didn't want to bring them anymore trouble than she had already.

In school teachers taught their students that the Others were the enemies. Others were not to be trusted, not to be befriended, and certainly not to be given a chance to live. It was the law to report them right away, even if they were your own kin. As cruel as it may seem, that was the law and the law was hard and unjust- but it was the law. Breaking it was never an option, there were rumors that punishment was worse if you were an Other protector.

To break a law that involved an Other was punishable by death, but that actually just depended on the judge and the Other you were caught harboring. That was why Marinette had to leave her parents, so they wouldn't be punished for protecting her- because the blue eyed girl was positive her parents would rather die than report her. Her parents actually loved her that much, or so she hoped. She never really actually stuck around to ask, not wanting to risk it.

Marinette wasn't exactly sure what she classified as, but she was guessing a shaman- a healer. Ever since her little incident back at the school classroom, Marinette had began to think more and more about it. There were moments her Maman would tell her stories of her great grandmother healing people with special medicines she made, but that was about it.

Not much to go off on really, but it was still better than nothing. There were some people who never knew they were an Other until it was too late, and they never had the chance to figure themselves out. Marinette though, just wished she could have some good luck for once. Except she started to have bad luck the day she saw a black cat with green eyes.

Maybe she was cursed, that had to be it.

It really didn't matter now that she was roaming around in the middle of Paris, the winter chill nipping at her nose as snow fell. By now the crowds had thinned and she would have to find someplace to hide before the hunters started to do their nightly patrols. By now she was sure her name was listed on possible Others, meaning she would be questioned if she caught.

This is all happening too fast. Marinette thought to herself as she turned discreetly into an alley, eyes searching for desperately for a spot to duck into for the night to sleep without being found. Way too fast.

Walking with tentative, caution steps, Marinette hid herself further in the shadows- slowly sinking into the night. The helicopters had already made their debut in the sky, shining the light brightly through the alley. Maybe an alley hadn't been the best choice, but it was better than being on the open streets with the hunters and their different guns.

Don't make a sound.

Squatting down, Marinette clamped a hand over her mouth and pressed as far against the wall as she could as voices sounded above her from the rooftops. She wasn't sleeping tonight.


Two months of hiding in the dark can change someone. Two months of not speaking and surviving will change someone. Marinette missed her home, missed her bed and food she didn't steal or dumpster dive for. It wasn't as hard now, hiding in plain sight. Still, Marinette had yet to to leave Paris.

She had found out the hard way that they checked people by scan, meaning that passports meant nothing when it came to getting away. That was the day that Marinette was classified as a wanted Other. She was picked up by a scanner when observing people getting on a plane- and that caused a huge ruckus for hunters going after Marinette.

They classified her as a witch, and at first Marinette had been scared of her ability to flip a car with a wave of her hand, but it was her way to survive. That was the story of how Marinette's name jumped from the possible Others, to the top of the wanted list.

Yes, Marinette was well aware of witches being burnt at the stake- and yeah, she wasn't looking forward to her death if the hunters caught her. That meant she was royally screwed, because everyone apparently believed witches were pure evil from hell that served as the devil's advocate. Like really, they couldn't just give her a chance to save a puppy and prove she wasn't all that bad?

It's not that simple. No, it never was because to be different was to be feared, and when you were feared then you are as good as dead. It was January now, winter was full force as of now. Snow still fell mercilessly from the dark skies over Paris, taking no care if one was outside. People were wrapped in their warmest clothing, guzzling hot drinks down to keep their body temperatures warm as they walked the snowed in streets. White was literally everywhere, but it was also a pretty sight with Paris's lights shinning full force.

Marinette shivered when the wind blew her blue hair, sending chills down her spine. It was this time of year that made it dangerous to live outside, because if the hunters didn't take you out, then the environment would. There were hidden safe houses, underground, where others stayed in this type of weather- but they were strictly confidential.

Yeah, Marinette would have to say she was getting this lifestyle down. Slowly but surely. She hadn't been anywhere close to home, or to anyone she once knew. She stayed in the shadows, slowly becoming forgotten in the world- but her existence would never really be erased. That was the downside, she would have to live always on alert for anyone and alone. She couldn't go home, no matter how strong the urge was.

Marinette's head snapped up suddenly when she heard a loud crash, followed with a groan. She looked across the street where a blonde haired male was getting up, blood staining his white shirt on his shoulder blade. Her blue belled eyes narrowed, taking a step back to avoid the commotion- only luck wasn't on her side as the blonde ran towards her. With the damned hunters behind him.

"Turn left, walk slowly and calmly, and don't look back." Marinette muttered to herself, trying to blend in with the civilians.

That little mantra went out the window when the hunters openly started to take fire, right at the blonde and right at her. Marinette made a noise, shrieked, and glared at the blonde- who was now tackling her to the floor to dodge the flying metal of death.

"There's two of them now!" A hunter yelled, because her hood had fallen off so cliche like and they had pocket scanners. Great.

"This is your fault, blonde." Marinette hissed at the blonde, who had vivid green eyes that seemed to glow. Like a cat's.

"Sorry, m'lady, but don't fall for me just yet." He grinned, hissing when he moved his shoulder- which had a bullet. "We need to get out of here."

Marinette nearly yelped when he pulled her up without a second thought and began to run. Yells and orders were heard behind them as the hunter's motorcycles roared to life, because they had to be badass and ride death machines. Still, as much as Marinette was annoyed at the sudden eventful turn of her day, she was somewhat worried about the blonde that was bleeding next to her as they ran.

"You're wounded!" Marinette yelled as they took a sudden turn into an alley, which Marinette noted as the most stupidest thing the blonde could do. She wasn't one to stereotype people, but this boy was living up to the dumb blonde myth.

"I didn't notice!" He shouted back, voice laced in sarcasm.

Marinette rolled her blue eyes. "Where are we going!?"

"I was hoping you could tell me that!"

Right when Marinette was going to blow up yelling, her eyes widen as her sixth sense kicked in. Gripping the blonde's hand tighter, Marinette willed her legs to go slightly faster so she was taking lead, and then she was tossing the blonde to the left. She didn't stop there, pivoting quick to turn towards the hunters that speed their way towards them.

"Et abiit." Marinette uttered softly as the hunters took aim, and suddenly a waved pushed them back- and the alley was cleared.

It took a moment, feeling proud and accomplished before Marinette lost her shit. She started to panic, asking out loud what the hell did she just do, and how the hell did she do it. She questioned herself, and how this world was made, and everything inside it. She even questioned life. That was before the blonde suddenly took hold of her shoulders, and spun her to face him.

"Calm down." He spoke to her it a ragged voice, out of breath. "You sure as hell can throw, but you need to take a deep breath and calm the fuck down."

Marinette's eyes were wide, fear in them. She really had no control over herself, even when she told herself she had all the control she needed. She had been living in that hope that she could hide it, but clearly she couldn't if words in another language just sputtered out if her mouth against her will.

"Who are you?" Marinette asked meekly, feeling weak under the intense green eyes that stared down at her.

"Adrien. Adrien Argeste." The blonde grinned.

The ex-fashion model, the one that Marinette used to really have an unhealthy thing for? Yeah, this really was a small world. It made sense now though, why the company had to find a new model and why Adrien suddenly disappeared. Sure there had been rumors, but they never really confirm the deaths of Others in public.

"You're an Other." Marinette stated, her hand moving over the wound on his shoulder that was oozing blood faster. "Sana."

Adrien was quiet, watching Marinette and suddenly feeling relief on his pain. She had healed him. A complete stranger, and as relieved he felt- he also knew just how new she was to this world of the supernatural. It was stupid to help other Others without knowing them. She was uttering words.

"And you're a witch." Adrien said softly, his hand lifting up to brush her hair behind her ear. "What's your name?"

A blush spread on Marinette's face when he brushed her hair back. "Ah-um, my n-name? Marinette!"

Adrien chuckled at the squeak in her tone, knowing he'd made her uncomfortable. He grinned at her, grabbing her wrist and pulling her to walk. "Thank you for healing me, but don't use your powers so openly- they might get us caught purr-incess."

"A pun?" Marinette groaned, forgetting her embarrassment before her face flushed again. "Hey! You ran into me, remember that! If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be in this alley way!"

"Then you would be lonely, without your knight in shining armor!" Adrien said in mock horror. "Besides, fate brought you and I together- don't you think?"

"Not really." Marinette pipped up, pulling her wrist free. "I was perfectly fine alone, thank you very much."

Adrien rolled his eyes. "Well then I guess you don't want to go to the safe haven."

Marinette's eyebrow twitched. "If you're telling me that you knew the way the whole time-"

"Didn't mean to run into the hunters!" Adrien chimed. "I just have the luck of a black cat. Besides, I was roaming these alley's looking for you."

"For me?" Marinette's voice was suspicious.

Adrien paused, and looked over his shoulder at Marinette. "I'm a cat demon, or a familiar. I sensed you a few weeks ago, and I lost you."

"And you were looking for me why?" Marinette asked, accusingly.

"I wasn't." Adrien replied. "I reported you to the Master of Miraculous Academy, a top secret safe haven for teens like us. Only we learn about ourselves there and blah, blah, blah. It was Master Fu who sent me to retrieve you."

"You reported me!?" Marinette hissed through her teeth.

"I knew it was a matter of time, and I couldn't sleep the first night when I tried to ignore the fact you would get caught and killed." Adrien shrugged. "It didn't settle well with me. Anyway, you going with me or not?"

"I don't really have a choice." Marinette said pointedly, following Adrien.

They fell into a tense silence as they walked the alley ways, hoods on as the sun slowly set. Adrien Argeste, who would have thought? Though, there was something about the word Adrien had said that made Marinette feel weird. Familiar. What was that supposed to mean? She understood the cat demon and the awful puns that seemed to go with it, but familiar?

"Hey Marinette, what do you call a witch that lives at the beach?" Adrien asked, grinning from under his hood.

"I don't know." Marinette sighed, already not liking this joke.

"A sandwich!" Adrien stated, laughing.

"That was horrible."

"Don't you mean claw-ful?"

"Don't you ever."

et abiit- Be gone

Sana- Heal

I hope you liked this first chapter! Sorry it's a little short, most of my stories start short. Anyway, please really do let me know if you liked this and if I should continue. The more feedback i get, the more likely I will be to update more and write more.

That's it for now! Thank you!

Please review!