Should he? Or shouldn't he?
This decision would undoubtedly change his life forever.
It was morning now; Iemitsu had spent all of last night debating whether or not to tell his fiancée, the beautiful waitress, Nana Yamato, about his involvement in the Mafia. He even phoned Timoteo, who was in the middle of an important meeting, Lal Mirch, who yelled at him for interrupting her training regime, and Oregano, who was finishing up a hit. Two of them actually listened to his plight and gave him some advice; advice which really didn't help at all.
"It's up to you," they had said.
Like that was supposed to make his decision any easier!
Iemitsu groaned softly and placed his head in his hands. Why couldn't they have given him a simple 'yes' or 'no'?
'It's because there are pros and cons to both of those answer,' his mind supplied.
If he told Nana about the Mafia, there was a chance – a huge chance, actually - that she would leave him out of fear or disgust – maybe even a mix of the two. On the other hand, there was the chance that she could accept everything and stay with him, but then she'd be in constant danger from those both inside and outside the Vongola.
If he didn't tell her, Iemitsu would have to keep his personal life and his Mafia life completely separate; and the only way to do that, while still keeping his beautiful Nana safe, would be to rarely visit her - however, she could possibly grow to hate him for never coming home and leave him for some other man.
Nana leaving him out of fear or angry, or her being in constant danger, never able to trulyrelax, living a life in which she had to constantly look over her shoulder… which was the lesser evil?
Iemitsu sighed loudly and stared at his bedroom wall.
Should he? Or shouldn't he?
Sighing once more, the blond decided that the best way to handle this would be to leave it up to Fate. He reached into his pocket and took out a coin; if it landed on heads, he would tell her – if it landed on tails he wouldn't. Placing the coin on his thumb, Iemitsu took a deep breath and steeled himself for whatever the outcome would be. Closing his eyes, he flipped the coin and caught it, gripping the small piece of metal in his hand for a moment before opening his eyes and-
It landed on heads.
- letting out a shaky breath, Iemitsu felt his blood turn cold.
He was going to do it.
He – Iemitsu Sawada – was going to tell his beloved Nana Yamato about the Mafia. Thoughts of Nana looking at him with contempt and fear and leaving him or worse, dying flashed through his mind.
"Get a grip Iemitsu," he muttered, clenching his fists. "You've faced down the worst of hitmen… you can tell a woman about the Mafia, no problem." He let out another shaky breath before picking up his phone, unlocking it, scrolling down his list of contacts to Nana's name, and pushing the call button.
The phone rang once, then twice – Don't answer, don't pick up! - before Nana picked up with a cheerful, "Iemitsu!"
Iemitsu couldn't help the smile the crossed his face at the sound of his sweet Nana. "Hey Nana," he said. "How's work?"
"It's been really busy today, oh! I saw Yamazaki-san today and she told me to thank you for helping her move in her furniture!"
"Tell her it was no trouble at all… listen… when your shift ends could you come over to my apartment? I need to tell you something very important."
"Okay! My shift will end soon so I'll be there in a few minutes!"
"Great! … I'll see you soon."
"Bye Iemitsu! I love you!"
Iemitsu smiled, "I love you too, Nana." He ended the call and exhaled deeply. This was it, there was no turning back. The blond man stood and began tidying up his one bedroom apartment – it was a gift given to him by Timoteo when the Vongola Ninth had found out about Nana.
"You'll need a place to stay when you go to Japan to see her Iemitsu,"the older man had told him one day.
Iemitsu smiled at the memory as he placed a stay book back on the bookshelf. He had thanked the Timoteo many times that day as the apartment was not only a gift from one of the most powerful men in the world, but it also meant that Iemitsu had the older man's blessings to pursue the woman he loved.
There was a knock at the door.
The blond froze when he heard the sound.
Nana was here.
Straightening up and taking some deep breaths, Iemitsu placed his hand on the doorknob before opening it.
Nana still looked as beautiful as the day they first met - with long, chocolate brown hair and eyes of the same color with pale skin. She was dressed in a simple lavender dress with sandals and the purse he had gotten her last month.
"Hello Iemitsu!" she smiled brightly and leaned up to place a kiss his cheek.
"Nana… you look incredible as always." Nana just blushed and giggled in response and Iemitsu opened the door wider to let the brunette woman in. The two settled into the sofa and Iemitsu asked if Nana wanted anything to eat or drink.
"No thank you, I'm not hungry or thirsty."
"Okay…" Iemitsu shifted in nervousness – he still didn't know what to say! "… About the reason I called you… I… there' something I haven't told you about me." Nana waited patiently as Iemitsu cleared his throat and looked down at his hands. "I… I'm in…," he paused, steeled himself mentally, and looked back up at the women he loved, "I'm in the Mafia."
It was silent for a moment before Nana tilted her head in confusion. "What's the Mafia?" she asked.
Iemitsu gaped at her. "I… uh… well… it's… it's similar to the yakuza…" Iemitsu managed to say after a few minutes of gaping like a fish.
"You mean like riding around on motorcycles and having pompadour hairstyles?"
"… No, I think you're thinking of a high school gang… the Mafia is… well it's basically organized crime."
"Organized crime?"
"Yeah, in the Mafia there are groups or Families and each Family has a boss or a Don, or a Donna if the boss is a woman. We handle things in the Underground World – things like: drugs, illegal weapons, and… killing."
Nana gasped and stared at Iemitsu with wide eyes. "H-Have you…?"
Iemitsu winced at the expression on Nana's face and nodded his head – looking down at his hands. "I've killed people; in fact, the day we met I had just finished a hit – that's what we call a kill or a job in the Mafia. I…," he paused and took a deep breath, "I'm telling you this because I don't want to keep any secrets from you, Nana. I love you with all my heart and I want you to be a part of my life, but I couldn't keep you and the Mafia apart forever. One way or another, sooner or later you were going to find out about my involvement in the Mafia and I just wanted you to know about these things from me and not from someone holding a gun to your head!"
Nana gasped again and Iemitsu immediately regretted his words. "No! Please listen! I swear to you that if you stay with me I'll protect you with my life! I won't let anything bad happen to you! I…" he stopped himself and took inhaled loudly before looking up at Nana with pleading, yet determined eyes. "I love you, Nana Yamato, and I will still love you even if you decide to leave. If… if you decide to stay with me I swear to make you the happiest woman on this planet; but I'll… I'll understand if you don't want to be with a killer like me… I'll understand if you're scared and angry and never want to see me again…"
Nana looked at Iemitsu with wide eyes. She could see the love he held for her in his eyes and the determination, the vow, to protect her. It was silent as Nana thought about his words. Eventually she lowered her head to look at her hands before whispering, "Thank you."
"… 'Thank you'…?" Iemitsu parroted in confusion.
Nana looked up and smiled. "Yes, thank you for being honest with me, Iemitsu. I know I'm not the smartest person around and I don't know and understand a lot of things and that I'm far too innocent for my own good, but… well, to be honest, you are the first person ever to be completely honest with me about something.. Even my own parents kept secrets from me in order to 'protect me' but you… you told me about the Mafia even if you didn't want to, even if it would put me in more danger… so thank you." She paused and placed a hand on Iemitsu' hand. "I love you, Iemitsu, and I will stay with you no matter what happens."
"Nana…," Iemitsu breathed, before a wide, relieved smile appeared on his face, "… thank you for understanding… and for accepting me…"
Nana didn't reply, instead she cupped Iemitsu's face and pressed her lips onto his. Breaking the kiss, Iemitsu pressed their foreheads together and entwined their hands.
"… So," he began after a moment of silence, "how do you feel about moving to Italy with me?"
Okay, so I'm currently stuck on how I want Fujikage Ryota and my other stories to progress so I decided to rewrite and re-post The Truth while I wait for inspiration to hit me. This remake will definitely delve into different territories that the manga and anime didn't go that much into and will definitely diverge from cannon in some parts. What those parts are, well you'll just have to read to find out!
Hope you all enjoyed and please let me know what you thought!