A/N: Thanks for your reviews!

Chapter 32- Kill the Lights – Part 3

"All the flashing, trying to cash in hurts my eyes, all the poses out of focus, I despise"- Britney Spears

"I'm not interested," Johanna found herself saying for what she was sure was the hundredth time that night…and the tenth time to Nigel Hawthorne, a publisher who was making it his mission in life to get a book deal out of her.

"But Mrs. Beckett," he stated; "Don't you realize what an opportunity this is for you? You could put your story out there in your own words."

"No; I'm not writing a damn book."

"Be reasonable," Nigel replied; "If you don't write it, someone else will one day."

"Anyone who writes a book about me will have a lawsuit slapped on them so fast their heads will spin," Johanna retorted. "I'm not interested. I already told you that numerous times; even Mr. Castle told you…now what is it going to take for you to leave me alone?"

"We can make you a very lucrative offer," he went on; "Plus there would be the money from the sales; you could find yourself with a tidy sum."

"No," she stated, while privately thinking to herself that she was glad she had engaged the recording function on her phone in case these conversations got turned around on her and splashed across the media. "I have absolutely no desire to make a dime off the trauma inflicted upon my family and myself. Now leave me alone."

Nigel chuckled. "Mrs. Beckett, there isn't a person in this world who isn't interested in making money."

"Mr. Hawthorne; I wouldn't do business with you for any amount of money, not only on principal but also because I don't like you. I'm not writing a book for you or anyone else, I don't care how much money anyone wants to attach to such a project, I'm not doing it. My husband provides for me; we don't need your kind of money. So stay away from me."

"Everyone has their price," Nigel stated; "I can tell you're a stubborn lady but I'm sure if we were to sit down and discuss this a little bit more, we could come to an agreement."

"What part of no don't you understand?" she asked. "I will not now nor will I ever write a book about any ordeal in my life; and if anyone tries to write such a book without written, legal permission; I will sue…so keep that in mind as well. Now go."

"Mrs. Beckett," he said jovially.

Johanna sighed and turned away, spotting Ryan and Esposito at the bar; perhaps one of them could get rid of her pest and spare her the time and trouble of pulling out her gun. Kate would frown on it if she was to use her gun. With that thought in mind, she headed toward the two men, Nigel following at her heels.

"I'm sorry to interrupt," Johanna said as she slipped into place by Esposito; "But could one of you get this creep to leave me alone?"

"What creep?" Esposito asked as he turned on his stool to survey the area.

"That one," she said, jerking her thumb toward Nigel. "The windbag in the ugly suit. I've told him over and over again to leave me alone; that I'm not interested in any goddamn book deals and he won't listen and he won't quit following me around when he sees me. Now I can pull my gun out and tell him again but I don't think Katie would like that; so if you could help me, I'd really appreciate it."

"I'll take care of it," Esposito said as he got up from his seat and approached Nigel who was listening intently. "Sir," he stated; "The lady has asked you to quit bothering her."

"I only want to discuss the merits of her penning a book about her ordeal. I'll make her a very generous offer for her story."

"She told you no," Esposito said firmly. "Now I'm going to ask you nicely to leave Mrs. Beckett alone. Quit bothering her. Quit following her. Quit harassing her. Stay away from her…because if you don't, I'm not going to be so nice next time."

"And who do you think you are?" Nigel asked haughtily.

Esposito pulled his badge from his pocket and held it up for the man to see. "I'm Detective Esposito and over there is my partner, Detective Ryan; we're from the twelfth precinct. If you don't do what you're told, we'll be more than happy to take you to our precinct for a discussion on harassment and the charges it can imply. Now which way do you want to play it?"

Nigel sniffed a little, glaring at Johanna as he did so. "It probably wouldn't be a best seller anyway," he stated before hurrying away.

Esposito kept his eye on him until he disappeared into the crowd. "I don't think he'll bother you anymore."

"Thank you," Johanna said sincerely as she leaned against the bar.

"No problem," he replied as he retook his seat.

Johanna fiddled with her phone, turning off the recording feature before speaking again. "I'm sorry I interrupted your conversation," she told the two men. "I just didn't know what else to do and you're the only two here that I know that was in my line of vision."

"That's okay," Ryan assured; but the men seemed preoccupied and she took her hint to move on.

"Just let me get a drink, boys; and then I'll get out of your hair," Johanna said as she caught the bartender's attention.

"You don't have to go," Esposito told her as the bartender announced he'd be there in a minute.

She smiled. "No one wants a mother hanging around, especially at a party. Trust me, I know."

"It's not like that," Ryan remarked.

"It's okay," she said with a laugh. "I only take it personally from my own kid."

"I'm surprised Beckett got you to come," Esposito remarked.

"Yeah, well, emotional blackmail is very effective," she answered.

The men shared a look, figuring they probably shouldn't wade into those waters. "Are you enjoying the party?" Ryan asked. "You know, except for that book deal guy?"

"No," she answered honestly. "What about you?"

"Not as much as usual," Esposito admitted. "Lanie's mad at me so she wouldn't come as my date."

"I'm sorry," Johanna replied. "I hope it works out."

"I'm not sure it's ever going to work out. She always finds something to be mad about."

"Maybe it's time to have a serious talk with her," Johanna suggested; "Find out what kind of relationship she wants and what kind you want…and if they're two different things…then it might be time to let it go."

"It just doesn't make sense," he said as he nursed his beer. "I thought all women wanted serious relationships."

Her brow furrowed. "Lanie doesn't want a serious relationship?"

"It doesn't seem like it to me…I mean, it's like once in awhile she does and then all of a sudden it's too much, she needs her space, she doesn't want to be so serious."

"And you do want to be serious?"

"Yeah," he said with a nod. "I can see a future with her…but she doesn't want to hear it. She's so afraid someone might take her independence…like I'd ever do that. I'd never tell her she couldn't hang out with her friends. I like hanging out with mine."

Johanna nodded. "That's true; you don't have to do everything together; Jim and I don't always do everything together…as you can tell because he's not with me tonight and I'm not mad about it. He goes and does things with his friends and I don't get angry about it; nor did he care if I spent time with mine…back when I had friends that is. A serious relationship doesn't have to mean that you have your head so far up someone's ass that you can't see the forest for the trees…like someone we all know who shall remain nameless."

"I think we might know that person," Ryan commented wryly.

"I'm sure you do," Johanna replied; "But getting back to Lanie; maybe she just has cold feet about the idea of long term."

"I thought it was the man who got cold feet," Esposito stated.

"Well…so did I," Johanna confessed. "I had to have a big fight with Jim and make him jealous by dating other men to get him to commit to me. I had to work for it…Lanie's got one dangling from the hook willingly and she she's trying to throw it back…and she's not getting any younger. She should be thinking about the future."

"I told you it doesn't make any sense," he remarked.

Johanna sighed. "Honey, it might be time for you to put your line back in the water and catch a new fish who wants the things you want. You're a handsome guy; you've served your country, now you serve your city as a Detective. I'm sure you'd make a good husband and father one day. There's a woman out there for you, I know it."

"It's just hard to think of it not being Lanie."

"I know," she said, patting his hand; "That's why you have to have that talk with her. If you're ready to start thinking about settling down with a wife and family and she's not ready to settle down anytime soon…then it's probably time to find someone who wants the things you want. It'll hurt of course…but when you find the right person, you'll be much happier in the end. Just think, by the time she might be ready to settle, you might already be married and have a little Javier running around."

He smiled. "That would be nice."

"Then have that talk and make some decisions…don't just dangle off her hook until it's too late."

Esposito nodded. "I'm going to give that some serious thought."

"You do that," she said, patting his hand once more before looking to Ryan. "Anything I can help you with since the bartender is taking his sweet time getting down here?"

Ryan smiled. "Not that I know of…"

"Ryan's going to be a daddy," Esposito announced.

Johanna smiled. "Congratulations; when is your wife due?"

"In June," he answered; "It…uh…came as a surprise. I mean we want kids…but you know…"

"You were practicing but not actively looking for one?" she supplied.

Ryan chuckled. "Maybe you should write a book, you have a way with words."

"No; we'll leave the book writing to Mr. No Cake, this is an upscale affair, who's currently presiding over the table at the front of the room."

"Cake would be nice," Esposito commented.

"Wouldn't it?" she said; "But apparently parties with cake are low class."

"Next time I'm smuggling in cake," Esposito said.

Johanna smiled. "I almost want to come to see that…but I'm not; so Ryan, you'll have to video it and send it to me. Now; Ryan, are you not feeling the impending parenthood excitement yet?"

"It's not that," he said as he looked at his beer bottle. "I'm happy…I'm just afraid I'm not ready."

She patted his hand. "No one is, sweetie; trust me. I did a lot of babysitting before I had Katie…I thought I had a pretty good grip on the baby thing and then she was born and I was terrified of her."

"Well it is Beckett," Esposito quipped.

"True; but she used to be sweet," Johanna replied. "And life was a lot easier when I could just stick a pacifier in her mouth."

The men laughed. "We won't tell her you said that," Ryan stated.

"Hell, I'll tell her," she said; "But listen, no one is completely ready to be a parent. I don't care how many books you read, if you take classes, how many kids you've babysat. No one is ready…it's a learn as you go adventure."

"What if I do something wrong?" he asked.

"If you do, and you probably will because we all do; I'm sure it will only be something minor and you'll feel terrible…and then one day down the road, you'll laugh about it. If you go into it thinking you're going to do everything wrong, then you will make a lot of mistakes because you'll be setting yourself up for it. But trust me, it's going to be alright, you'll be a good daddy, I can tell."

"How can you tell?"

She smiled. "Because you're already worried about it."

"Told you," Esposito said; "Now you've heard that from two people, we can't both be wrong."

"Having back up on that answer makes me feel a little better," Ryan admitted.

"How's your wife doing?" Johanna asked.

"She's got a lot of morning sickness."

"I remember that; peppermint is good for settling stomachs," she told him; "And just a heads up, don't take her mood swings personally."

"I met one of those earlier today," Ryan said with a nod.

"Hang in there," Johanna said; "You'll both be fine…and if you'd need an extra babysitter on the list, I'm available."

"Thanks," he replied. "I appreciate that."

"No problem."

"Which phase is the worst?" Ryan asked.

"For what?" Johanna inquired.

"For raising a kid; is it the newborn phase when they don't sleep or the toddler phase…teen phase."

She sighed a little. "When it's a newborn and you're sleep deprived and can't remember when you last showered, you'll think that's the worst but it's not. Then when it's a toddler, running around, getting into everything and jumping off a table they managed to climb on in the time it took you to blink, you'll think that's the worst but it's not. Then when they're school age and you have to keep browbeating them about homework and getting out of bed on time, you'll think that's it, but it's not. When they're a teenager with an attitude problem and you catch them somewhere they shouldn't be; you'll be certain that's the worst, but it's not."

Ryan looked at her in confusion. "Then what is?"

"The worst," she said; "Is when that kid is in its thirties, being a little smartass who thinks they know it all and can push you around and blackmail you emotionally. That's the worst…that's when you want to grab them by the neck and slap them around a little."

The men regarded her with a raised brow. "Or maybe that's just a mother-daughter thing," she said with a shrug.

Esposito grinned. "Next party I'll sneak in the cake and you do the neck grabbing."

"Don't tempt me," she told him.

The bartender finally made his way to them. "What would you like?" he asked.

"Coke, please," Johanna answered.

"We don't have Coke; we have Pepsi."

She wrinkled her nose in distaste. "Pepsi! Nobody wants Pepsi."

"Most people here don't want Coke either," the bartender sniffed. "Most are drinking champagne or other drinks in that vein."

"Well I don't drink," she replied. "I like soda."

"Then have the Pepsi."

"Never," she declared. "I hate Pepsi. What about Sprite?"

"We have Sierra Mist."

"Christ," Johanna muttered; "The band doesn't know Cher, there's no cake and no Coke. What the hell kind of party is this?"

"A very nice one," the bartender stated.

"I think that's a matter of opinion," she replied.

"Is there a problem?" Castle asked as he neared the group.

"Yeah; there's no Coke," Johanna told him.

"We have Pepsi," he said lightly.

"I don't drink Pepsi."

"It's basically the same thing."

Johanna looked at him in horror. "It is not!"

"Why don't you have some champagne, Johanna; loosen up," her told her.

"I don't drink," she said firmly.

"Then you better get the Pepsi or you're going to be thirsty," Castle replied.

Johanna turned back to the bartender. "Do you have bottled water?"

"Yes, but only Aquafina; does that suit your refined tastes, ma'am."

Johanna glared at him as an icy smile slid across her lips. "Yes, it suits me fine; and don't call me ma'am."

The bartender got her bottle of water and set it down on the counter in front of her. She smiled sweetly. "Thank you," she said before turning to the boys. "Well boys, I enjoyed our chat and I thank you for your help but I'll leave you with your host now. I hope to see you both again sometime soon."

"Let us know if you need anything else," Esposito told her; "Don't hesitate."

"Thank you," she told him before grabbing her bottle of water and turning away. She sighed deeply as she twisted the cap off her drink. "What a night," she couldn't help thinking. "What a damn lousy night."

After making sure she wasn't in danger of being disturbed at the back table she had chosen, Johanna tapped out a message to her husband. "I went to get a drink…I was informed that they don't serve Coke here."

"I'll file a lawsuit immediately," Jim replied.

She laughed softly. "Please do; don't forget to sue the band…they don't know who Cher is and I just don't know how to function in a world where Cher isn't known. There's so many levels of wrong here tonight that I can't even keep up with them all."

"You should've taken a little notebook and kept a tally, sweetheart."

"I probably wouldn't have had enough pages."

"Any more book deal offers?"

"Yes; but it's been dealt with," she replied; not telling him that she had to have Esposito get rid of the man; she didn't want him to worry about her. "Also had to give a few comments to a reporter from Cosmo…and pictures with Katie."

"Couldn't get away?"

"No, your daughter had a death grip on my wrist. I gave bland comments though…and I've been recording book deal denials just in case anyone tries to twist anything in the media. I hate that my life has come to this, walking around recording certain conversations so I have proof of my innocence."

"I know; and I hate that you have to do it too, but it was a smart idea, sweetheart. Better to be prepared for the worst just in case."

Johanna sighed deeply. "I hate everything about this…all I get done doing is telling people no, I won't write a book. No, I won't comment on an ongoing case. No, I'm not interested in telling any part of my life story. Why can't they just get it and leave me alone?"

Jim could feel the frustration in the words his wife had written them. "I wish I knew the answer to that, but I don't," he wrote back. "I wish there was something I could do to make it stop. I would if I could."

"I know you would," she replied. "I'm just…I'm in the thick of it tonight and it presses against me and makes me feel suffocated. I'm frustrated."

"I know, sweetheart. Any word on when you'll be home?"

"No; he hasn't even done his reading yet…and every time I ask Katie; all she tells me is I'll know when she tells me to get my coat."

"Well the next time, you tell little miss smart ass that I want a real answer."

"She'll just roll her eyes and say you're coddling me."

"She's going to get coddled," he replied. "If she wants to stay out all damn night, that's fine, when she's alone, but not when she has my wife with her."

"Yeah; well, she doesn't care what we say. She only cares about what Romeo and Red say."

"Nice nicknames, I like those."

"They have a certain ring to them, don't they?"

"They do. Speaking of them, where are they?"

"Red is charming a small group of people near the front of the room; Romeo is speaking to Ryan and Esposito and our little Juliet is at a table with Lanie."

"And you're alone."

"It's okay; I prefer it tonight; with the exception of you of course. Every time Katie and I share airspace she starts telling me what to do and I tell her where to get off. Romeo thought he was going to be cute and put me in my place…I told him where to get off too."

"And what place does he think you need to be in?"

"Oh he says I should just suck it up and do whatever Katie wants me to do because I do owe her and no amount of payment will ever be enough to cover the debt."

"Then why bother try to pay at all?"

"That's what I said."

"I guess he didn't see it that way?"

"I don't think I gave him time to address it. I mentioned that he has a hand in driving a wedge between Katie and I with all of these shady little schemes they come up with that leaves me in the dark until I'm being pushed in front of a camera."

"What did he say to that?"

"That the only person who is driving a wedge between Katie and I is me."

"Bullshit; it's Katie mostly; but you're right, he has a role in it with the way he convinces her to do things."

"You know how it is; I'm wrong, I'm guilty, I'm the bad guy at all times."

"It's a good thing I'm not there; I'd be tempted to hit people."

"That would liven up the party," Johanna replied. "I swear I haven't been this bored at a party since that one Christmas party that Stanley arranged the year we started dating…and honestly; I don't think that party was quite as boring as this one."

"That's a lot of boring."

"More than should be legally allowed."

"I'll add it to the lawsuit for not serving Coke and for not having a band who knows Cher."

"Don't forget that there's no cake."

"I'm definitely glad I'm not there…you know I like to eat."

"Yes; I've gotten that memo over the years," she quipped.

"Don't forget it."

"Never," she replied, glancing up as she felt someone's gaze on her. She saw Kate headed her way and she sighed softly. "Your daughter is coming my way."

"She's yours; you wanted a girl."

"Like you were really disappointed," she retorted. "You were a big pile of mush the second you looked at her."

"Don't tell her that, it'll kill my image."

Johanna laughed softly as she tapped out a reply telling him his secret was safe with her.

"I'm glad someone can make you smile tonight," Kate said as she sat down at the table.

"It's always been his special talent," Johanna replied.

"What do we have to do to get you to smile for the people you're with tonight?" her daughter asked.

She sighed. "Quite a lot…my daughter would have to stop acting like a spoiled, stuck up little brat; her boyfriend would have to quit thinking he's going to put me in my place so he can be your hero; and your redheaded diva would have to quit critiquing me. None of you seem capable of ceasing those activities so…this is what you get."

"You're not exactly giving a stellar performance yourself, mother," Kate remarked.

"I can't imagine why that might be; can you?"

"Let's not have the rehash."

"What brings you by, Katie? Last time I looked over at you, you were with Lanie."

"Castle will be doing his reading in a few minutes; we need to move up to the table up front."

Johanna sighed a little. "Can't you and I just sit here?"

"No; we have to sit the others."

"Why? Why can't it just be the two of us for a little while?" she asked. "Do we have to be with them constantly?"

"You haven't been with them constantly; you've been off on your own having your little hissy fit most of the time we've been here," Kate retorted.

"Well when I'm with you, one of them arrives within moments as if you need back up," Johanna replied. "Let's just stay here for the reading."

"No," she said sharply. "We are Castle's guests and we have to sit at his table. That's why he went to talk to Ryan and Esposito so they'd know to move up there. Now come on; let's go. I don't want to hold things up."

Johanna rolled her eyes. "Oh no; we wouldn't want to do that."

"Just get your bottle of water and come on; and put that damn phone away. You are not going to be texting Dad while Castle is up there reading."

Aggravation flicked through her veins as she gathered up her purse and drink; her phone still in hand. "I'll put my phone down after I tell your father that I won't be in contact until the reading is over and if that doesn't suit you, I'll stay back here at my chosen table and text the entire time."

"Fine; you can send him a text and let him know that you're fine and with me," Kate said tartly; "Now let's go."

"Yes, princess," she replied as she rose from her seat.

"If your mission tonight has been to piss me off, you're doing a good job," her daughter remarked as they made their way toward the front of the room.

"Good; because you've been pissing me off for awhile now. Now you know how it feels…seems like you're finding out how a lot of things feel tonight, aren't you?"

"I'm glad you're happy that I'm not having a good time when it comes to you," Kate replied. "I hope it's a highlight of your career as a mother."

"It is," Johanna said, not even flinching at the remark. "That's what happens when daughters don't care about how mothers feel."

"Yeah, well, sometimes it feels like mothers don't care about how daughters feel; so now we're even."

"That's what you think," she muttered as they neared the table.

"Sit down," Kate told her as she settled into her chair.

Johanna glanced at the empty chair between Kate and Martha and then met Martha's gaze, seeing that the redhead didn't seem thrilled with the arrangement either. "Trade me, Katie," she stated.

"Don't be ridiculous! Sit down."

"Trade me or I go back to my own table."

"If I trade you, you'll be almost at the center of the table."

"What the hell is your point?" Johanna asked.

"Castle told me this was my place," she stated.

"We can't dare go against his word, can we?" Johanna said sarcastically.

"I'll sit there," Lanie said; "That side of the table is more appealing to me anyway."

"Thank you, Lanie," Johanna said as she moved to Kate's other side. "I'll be more than happy to sit with these two gentlemen," she remarked, smiling at Ryan as she sat down next to him.

"We're happy to have you at this side of the table too," Ryan remarked.

"Very happy," Esposito stated.

Lanie smirked. "And I'm extremely happy to be on this side of the table now…with mature people."

"Spending so much time with overly mature people can lead to premature aging," Johanna commented; making the men smile.

"I'll risk it," Lanie stated; "But I'm glad you're happy with your new seat."

"I'm very happy to sit with the boys; I like them."

"You can have them."

"Thank you," Johanna replied. "Boys, let's get out of here."

"Sounds good to me," Esposito quipped. "I was fine at the bar."

"No one is going anywhere," Kate stated; "So all of you knock it off and shut up."

"You shouldn't tell your mother to shut up," Ryan commented. "That will come back to bite you in the ass…just ask my brother who tried that once and found out the hard way that you shouldn't do it."

"Well, Ryan, unlike you, I don't fear my mother," she replied.

"She should," Johanna said as she glanced at Ryan. "She really should…because she's skating on thin ice this week."

"And you've already cracked the ice you're skating on with me tonight," Kate remarked. "Did you send your text? Because Castle will be out in a few minutes so your window of opportunity is closing."

Johanna tapped out a message to Jim and then settled back in her chair. "Where's Alexis?" she asked. "Why isn't she here with us?"

"She's sitting with her friends," Martha remarked. "Richard said it was fine."

"Wait a minute; she gets to sit where she wants but I get dragged to the front of the room like one of the attractions at a freak show?" Johanna said. "Why couldn't I stay at my table in the back?"

"Yeah; and I could've stayed at the bar," Esposito stated.

"Me too," Ryan commented. 'It's going to be hard to check on Jenny when Castle is right in front of me, he'll see me."

"Jenny will be fine," Kate told him; "Just like my father will be fine going a little while without a text from my mother. You're all staying here so just be happy and clap when it's over, okay? Can you all just stop your bitching and do that?"

Esposito glanced at Johanna. "Are you sure she used to be sweet like you claimed?"

Johanna nodded. "Yes; but it was a long time ago…before puberty."

"Mom," Kate said, her hand wrapping around her wrist.

"Oh, Katie, lighten up…like you tell me."

"Just stop it, okay," her daughter replied. "Just listen to the reading and relax. You're fine, I know you don't believe that, but you are and your attitude isn't going to make me take you home early if that's what you're thinking. So just…settle down."

Movement on the stage and the lowering of the lights kept Johanna from saying more, but she gave Ryan a smile as he reached out and gave her hand a consoling pat, laying his phone down on the table as well. At least someone knew a little bit of how she felt, she thought to herself. He didn't really want to be there either but felt he had to be out of friendship and obligation when really he wanted to be home with his wife. She sighed softly, she wished she was home with her husband, curled up with him on the couch watching something on TV, feeling warm, safe and loved. Surely this thing would be over soon and she could go home…right?

As Castle finished his reading, everyone applauded and he moved off the stage, speaking to his publicist and editor as he did so. Johanna grew hopeful that this meant the evening would be drawing to a close now and she could finally go home, putting an end to this charade.

"Is this the end of it, Katie?" she asked. "Can we go home now?"

"No," Kate answered. "The party is not over; I've told done told you a hundred times that I will tell you when we're leaving…and for the hundredth time, we're not leaving until the party is over and that's not any time soon."

"Oh for God's sake," Johanna stated. "There's only so much celebration you can have for a book. I love to read, I love books but this is ridiculous."

"Parties aren't meant to end early, Johanna," Martha commented. "At least good parties aren't; I don't know about your little law firm parties."

Johanna's gaze narrowed at her. "First of all; when I started working at Roche, Stanford and Myers, they employed nearly four hundred people; that's counting all lawyers, secretaries, assistants and mailroom attendants. We were not small…we were a very prestigious firm, and even though they downsized in the eighties, they're still a prestigious firm, so don't sit there and act like you know everything about it, because you don't. Second, our parties lasted until midnight, sometimes later…but they were actually parties; complete with popular music, dancing, friends, good food, a variety of drinks and plenty of good times."

"Well, darling, people are naturally going to assume that a party full of lawyers isn't exactly the most swinging time. That's why I thought you might enjoy a party with a little more class…some glitz and glamour. You should enjoy it; office parties are a dime a dozen; invitations to parties like Richard's don't come along every day. We've introduced you to plenty of people; you think one of them would spark some interest…I know you don't like the ones who speak of book deals but it should go to show you that people are willing to pay attention to you…I think maybe that's why you have so much fear; you don't get enough attention."

Johanna laughed as she picked up her phone and turned it so Martha could see the photo of her and Jim that was on the screen. "I get plenty of attention; you see I have this," she said pointing to Jim. "He's called a husband…he gives me all the attention I need every day and night of the week. I don't need to seek out glitz and glamour. I have what matters. I have a husband and a home to give my time and attention to."

"There's more to life than a husband, Johanna," Martha replied.

"Spoken like a woman who's been divorced three times, Martha."

"Mom," Kate warned.

"I'm starting to think that Kate is right and that Jim is part of your problem," Martha commented. "I think the two of you are a little too close of a couple."

She laughed. "Really? Now you're going to analyze my marriage like you did my wardrobe? That's rich…I mean I've been with Jim for thirty-nine years; married for thirty-five of those years and you've been divorced three times and your son has been divorced twice but you're going to tell me that we're 'too' close of a couple? I don't think so. I think you better back your little wagon all the way up before you preach to me about what kind of married couple we should be…because out of the two of us, I'm the one with a husband, so apparently what I do works…and what you do doesn't."

"I wasn't preaching," the actress replied; "Just merely stating a fact, that perhaps you and Jim are too close of a couple and it keeps you from fully reaching out to people because he wants to give you everything you need. It can be a little bit of a hindrance in some ways; I don't think it's helping you heal."

"He's always given me everything I need, Martha; that's what husbands do. Just like I give him everything he needs as a wife does. We don't exclude people from our world; he has friends, he spends time with them. He has family. My circle is of course much smaller right now; but I do have people I claim as friends. I have my brother and sister-in-law; nieces and nephews. We don't shut out the world or shun our families and friends. I don't need to playact with strangers who only want to use me to make money. If that's the kind of world you like to dwell in, go for it. I'll go home to my husband; you don't need so many strangers in your life when you've got everything you need at home."

Martha's brow arched. "If you have everything you need at home, why have you been making such a fuss about a shopping trip with your daughter that didn't go as planned? Go shopping with Jim if he gives you everything you need."

"For your information, Jim took me on a very nice shopping trip in New Jersey that was very enjoyable. As for my daughter; just because I have a loving relationship with my husband doesn't mean that I can't also want to enjoy time with our child. See it goes back to that thing about how we don't shun family and friends…you know, like some people who have their heads so far up someone's ass they don't have time for anyone else unless it's to push their agenda and then once that's done, they won't be around until the next crisis…that is if they get permission to inform anyone of it before the media is notified."

"That's enough, Mother," Kate stated. "I've gotten your thinly veiled dig."

"Good; I didn't want to have to draw you a picture," Johanna replied as she patted her daughter's hand.

"I said I was sorry."

"Did you?" her mother asked. "Because I don't recall that…not anything sincere anyway."

"I told you that I would make it up to you."

Johanna nodded. "Yeah; one day…when you think up something we can do at home…I'm not waiting on that day to come so don't worry if I ring your phone, I'm not calling to ask when you'll be over because I already know the answer. I do hope I can at least see you for a little while on your birthday."

"I have to work on my birthday," Kate replied.

"How convenient."

"If you don't believe me, you can call Gates and ask her," Kate said sharply.

"We'll discuss a time for me to see you when it gets closer," Johanna replied. "Because I am going to see you on your birthday."

"Let's not discuss it, Mom."

"Yeah; because God forbid you ever wanted to discuss anything with me. Maybe you want to discuss it with Martha first."

"See, this is why you need more attention from other people," Martha remarked; "Then you wouldn't feel so needy."

Johanna smiled. "Well, Martha; I've never been one of those kind of girls who depended on the kindness of strangers."

Esposito coughed to smother his laugh and Ryan glanced away, trying to stifle a smile of his own as Beckett glared at both of them.

Martha glared at Johanna. "Exactly what is that supposed to mean?"

She shrugged a shoulder. "I think it's a pretty clear statement that doesn't need explanation. But speaking of neediness and relationships and all that jazz; where is your boyfriend tonight, Martha? You wanted to make a fuss about how it looked for Jim not to accompany me…well how does it look for you to be out on the prowl when you have a man on the hook?"

"Mom," Kate said; her tone low.

"Just asking a legitimate question, sweetheart," she replied. "People don't mind questioning and judging me."

"Benjamin's busy tonight," Martha stated.

Johanna nodded. "So he didn't want to come either, huh? Why didn't you charm him like you told me I should've done to my husband?"

"I'm not dignifying that with a response," Martha stated.

"Oh, Red; what's wrong? You can dish it out but you can't take it?"

"That's enough, Mother," Kate said firmly.

She shrugged. "Hey, I just figured I'd ask since it's alright for everyone to say what they want to me."

"Turn about is fair play," Esposito remarked.

"Don't egg her on, Espo," Kate stated. "She's getting enough support via text message."

"Your daddy loves you too, Princess," Johanna remarked. "Even when you storm through our door and make demands without saying hello to him first."

Kate smiled. "You know, your button seems to be stuck in the on position, how about you have some quiet time for awhile?"

"How about you kiss my…"

"Don't say it," her daughter exclaimed. "Just don't. Just…shut up for awhile! I'm sick of listening to you bitch. You're just like you describe your father as being and I'm glad I never met that side of him. Maybe the two of you didn't get along because you were so much alike."

"That's right," Johanna said, her chin jutting upwards. "I'm just like him…I'm a McKenzie; and you don't fuck with a McKenzie and get away with it."

"It's too bad that McKenzie pride didn't keep you out of trouble," Kate remarked. "Seems to me plenty of people have fucked you over and got away with it for a very long time…and like Castle said; you don't carry on about them as much as you do me and they've done worse things to you."

"Yeah, they have," Johanna remarked. "But I don't love those people. I love you…and when you love someone and that person continually seems to go out of their way to hurt you…you tend to take it worse than the bigger things done to you by people you have no emotional connection to…but I don't expect you to understand that; because you don't seem to understand anything when it comes to me. You've probably given more consideration to people you've arrested than you do me. I've been a bitch to you tonight…because you've been a bitch to me all week; and no, that's not something I like saying to you but you didn't mind saying it to me earlier so we'll just consider it being honest. You've been a little bitch…and now I'm showing you a bigger bitch."

"Don't worry, Mom; I've always known that you can be a bigger bitch than me," Kate replied with a smile. "After all, you are a McKenzie."

"That's right I am," Johanna said, her tone low and firm. "Every inch a McKenzie just like my father always said…you ought to be lucky you're my daughter instead of his; because he would've done belted you one."

"Maybe he should've belted you one more often."

"Believe me, honey; I got it plenty of times; when I was growing up, correcting your kids with a swat on the ass didn't automatically classify you as a child abuser."

"You swatted my ass, don't act like you didn't," Kate replied.

"Rarely; and don't you dare even lie and say otherwise," Johanna retorted. "There were plenty of times when I let you get away with things when you did need a good swat to settle you down."

"Someone ought to swat you tonight," her daughter stated.

"I feel the same way about you; you want to go out to the parking lot? There are too many witnesses in here."

"Not tonight, there are probably cameras out there."

"Oh my God," Johanna said with a disgusted sigh; "Do you ever stop thinking about those damn vultures?"

"No, I don't; because I'm the one who apparently has to maintain our image!" her daughter hissed.

"You don't have to maintain a damn thing for me," Johanna replied. "I am who I am; I'm not going to change, I'm not going to hide my true self."

"I wish for tonight you would have."

"You didn't put that on your list of demands."

"It wouldn't have mattered if I did…you'd just do what you wanted anyway…like always."

"I'll be glad when this goddamn night is over," Johanna stated as she opened her water bottle to take a sip.

"You're the one making it miserable," Martha commented.

"Martha, when I want your opinion, I'll ask for it," she replied; "Until then keep your nose out of my business."

"Mom," Kate said sharply. "Your fight is with me, not Martha; so I would appreciate it if you'd quit acting this way toward her."

"And I would appreciate it if you would remember occasionally that I am your mother, not her," Johanna retorted. "I didn't hear you defending me against any remarks she made about me."

"She didn't say anything that you needed a defense for," her daughter replied. "All she's done is tell you the truth."

"That's all I was doing…and yet when I do it, it's wrong. No matter what I do, it's wrong…so I don't know why I even bother trying."

"I wasn't aware that you spent any time actually trying," Kate retorted. "Seems to me you spend the majority of the time in the house or hiding behind sunglasses."

"Where the hell am I supposed to go, Katie?" Johanna asked angrily. "I don't have a job anymore. I don't have any friends that are women. I don't have much family. I can't go shopping in peace because I have cameras following me. What do you want me to do? Ride up and down the streets every day so it can't be said that the great Detective Beckett's mother is a coward? Is that what you want? Is that what it will take to make you quit looking down your nose at me? Because if it is, fine, I'll drive through the city every day. Will that make you happy?"

"Just drop it," her daughter retorted. "Just drop everything about the way you're acting tonight. This is why I won't go out with you again any time soon; because you have to ruin everything."

"No, you ruin it by making everything a media event," Johanna snapped.

"I hate to interrupt," Ryan spoke up; "But I'm going to head out. I don't want to leave Jenny by herself all evening when it's not something work related. Tell Castle that the reading was great and I'll see you all later."

"Can't you wait a few more minutes?" Kate asked. "I'm sure Castle will be back at the table soon."

"No; I don't want to be out all night when she's not feeling well. She might need me."

"You go on home to your wife," Johanna stated before Kate could say more. "Your place is with her, not here. Trust me, when you're there to hold her hair back, she appreciates that more than you know."

Ryan smiled. "Thanks, Mrs. B.; if you want, I can run you home. Jenny won't mind me taking the time to do that."

"That would be…" Johanna started to say.

"No," Kate interrupted. "She's leaving with me but thanks for offering."

Ryan glanced at Johanna. "I think it's your decision to make."

"I said she's not leaving," Kate said firmly. "We came together and she's leaving with me."

"Come on, Beckett," Esposito stated; "Let her go home. She's not into this kind of thing; she's not having a good time. People keep bugging her for book deals and interviews, pictures…the two of you are bickering because you forced her into this. I think she's paid her dues tonight. Let Ryan take her home, she's safe with him."

"I said no," Kate remarked. "She's my mother, she'll go with me."

"Yeah, Javi," Lanie said, speaking up for the first time since the war of words had started flying. "Mind your own business."

"I'm making it my business," Esposito retorted as he met Lanie's gaze. "Why should she have to stay here when she doesn't want to? It isn't like Beckett's keeping the leeches away from her. I had to chase one off because she's too busy being Castle's shadow tonight to worry about who the hell is bothering her mother who she apparently insisted on being here."

"Hey, Javi," Kate said; "If you have a problem with me, take it up with me, not Lanie."

"I think I do have a problem with you tonight," he replied. "I don't know what the hell you're trying to be tonight but it isn't the Kate Beckett I know. The Kate Beckett I know wouldn't give a damn what the media thought of her and she wouldn't have dragged her mother here and treated her like crap just for the sake of some image she's trying to create. You want to act like the way the evening is going is all on her, well guess what, some of it is on you."

"I don't recall asking you," she retorted.

"Huh; kind of like your mother hasn't asked to have her life critiqued."

"Ryan," Johanna said, knowing that he wouldn't feel free to go unless she ended this. "I appreciate your offer and wish very much that I could take you up on it but I guess I'm going to have to stay awhile longer. You go on home and take care of your wife; tomorrow get her some of those striped peppermint candies, they're good at helping to settle the stomach at times."

"I'll do that," he replied; "And don't worry, if you need anything, Javi will be here."

"That's right," Esposito said; "I'm not leaving until you do; there's going to be at least one person in this room that has your back. All you have to do is yell and I'll be there taking care of any problems."

"Thank you," she murmured; giving them both a small smile. "I appreciate it."

"What's going on?" Castle asked jovially as he came up to the table.

"You've missed round fifteen in the war, darling," Martha commented.

Castle's gaze fell upon Johanna. "You're just a little ray of sunshine tonight."

She smirked at him. "There are worse things that I could be."

"I'm heading home, Castle," Ryan stated; "The reading was great, thanks for the invite."

"You're leaving already?" he asked.

"Yeah; I want to get home to Jenny, she's not feeling well tonight…Mrs. B., you sure you don't want me to drop you off?"

"I already said no," Kate stated firmly.

"She can't go," Castle said with a shake of his head. "It wouldn't look right for her to come with us and leave separately. That would undo everything."

Johanna gave Ryan's hand a pat. "It's alright, you go ahead. I'll be okay."

He gave her a nod, knowing she'd rather leave but he said nothing more with the exception of his goodbyes before he turned and walked away.

Johanna breathed deeply, slipping the beaded strap of her purse over her shoulder before picking up her phone and bottle of water.

"Where are you going?" Castle asked as he took his seat.

"To my table in the back," she replied. "I've had enough of our togetherness."

"I'll be sitting at the bar if you need anything, Mrs. B.," Esposito stated as he got up as well. "I'll be able to see you from there."

"Thank you, dear. You're what my mother would term as a nice young man…a girl would have to be a fool to let you go," Johanna said.

"Javi, what did you tell her about me!?" Lanie demanded to know.

"The truth," he retorted.

"You only want to talk about marriage because Ryan got married and you want to keep up," Lanie stated. "Well I don't do things to keep up with people and I'm not ready to get married."

"That isn't why I wanted to talk about it," Esposito retorted. "I wanted to talk about it because I love you but I guess you probably think I have some ulterior motive for that too; but don't worry, I get the hint. I'm not what you want and that's fine, that's all you had to say."

"This night just keeps getting better and better," Castle said sarcastically.

"You might want to rethink the guest list for the next one, kiddo," Martha stated.

"Feel free to leave me off because I'm not coming," Johanna stated.

"I'm not coming either," Esposito stated. "I wouldn't want to glance at Lanie and be accused of looking at her because someone else did."

"Javi, knock it off," Kate told him.

"Take your own advice, Beckett."

"How about everyone have a drink and drop the serious stuff for tonight and just go back to having a relaxing evening," Castle stated.

"I'll do my relaxing at the bar," Esposito said.

"I'll do mine at my table where I have some peace and quiet," Johanna remarked before heading off toward the back of the room with Esposito.

Castle breathed deeply. "Well…this hasn't been one of my best parties; but let's try to make the rest of it count. No more fighting; let's just have a nice time."

"Easier said than done," Kate muttered as she turned and glanced back, making sure her mother was at the table she had indicated near the exit of the room. She was, phone in hand, fingers tapping away. Esposito was at the bar as promised, positioned in a spot that afforded him a view of the table her mother had chosen. Maybe she could relax a little seeing that he was on duty…and apparently thought he could look out for her better. More power to him, she thought to herself; he'd learn the hard way that Johanna Beckett could be as prickly as a rose…and she didn't want to hear his whining when he did.

Johanna was glad to see that her table at the back of the room was still unoccupied and she settled down on the plush seat and settled in, wondering how much longer she'd have to put up with this. She sighed a little and touched the screen of her phone, waking it so she could compose a message to her husband.

"The reading from the new book is finished," she informed him.

"Does that mean you're heading home?"

"Unfortunately no. The way Katie talks, it won't be over any time soon."

"That's ridiculous!"

"That's what I said…and then Martha informed that good parties don't end early. We had words again…and then I had words with Katie…again."

"Don't be afraid to fight back, Jo. You don't have to sit there and take their crap."

"Believe me, I don't. That's why I'm not very popular with them tonight."

"Tell them we don't kiss asses in our family."

"I'll save that one for the next round," Johanna wrote back. "Martha also informed me that you and I are too close of a couple."

"Martha can go suck an egg," Jim replied.

She laughed softly. "She likes to dish it out but she sure can't take it when it comes back at her."

"Katie's the same way."

"I know…maybe that's why they get along so well."

"It won't last forever," he responded. "Eventually Martha will piss her off too."

"Oh I doubt it; they're a little Brady Bunch."

"Even the Bradys didn't get along all the time."

"I guess time will tell."

His reply was slow in coming so Johanna took a sip of her water and scanned the room to make sure no one had her in their sights for a chat. She didn't see anyone approaching and breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe word had gotten around that she wasn't for sale. It wouldn't hurt her feelings a bit if it had. Maybe if they spread it around, everyone would get the hint and back off. She breathed deeply, allowing her gaze to find Kate at the table where Castle was holding court. Some of his industry friends had joined them…and she noted the somewhat false smile on her daughter's lips as she listened to the ponytailed twit who had informed her that it was a party, not a library. Johanna smirked a little; she had a feeling Katie didn't like her either but she wouldn't dare say so.

Her phone with Jim's newest message and she tore her gaze away to glance down at the screen of her phone. "Sweetheart, I need to call Jeff, it's about that case we're trying to get put together before the hunting trip. Will you be okay for a little bit? I'll try not to be long."

"I'll be fine," she assured him. "I'll check in in a little while."

"I won't be long," Jim promised once more.

Johanna sighed deeply, with her husband temporarily unavailable, she was on her own. She frowned, she hated the thought of being on her own in a sense…it made her feel less at ease in this room full of strangers. She supposed that she could go sit with her daughter but she didn't really want to…nor did she think she'd be very welcome; which was fine. In truth, she didn't want to be welcome there; didn't want to have to play their games and fake her way through just because other people were with them. She didn't want to look unoccupied though; if she seemed like she wasn't busy, people might take it as an invitation and she didn't want that.

Johanna opened up the contact list on her phone and frowned a little. She didn't have many options. It was too late to call her Aunt Bridget. It was also getting too late to be calling or texting Frankie and Valerie. Her gaze fell upon Carolyn's number. Wyoming was two hours behind New York; it wouldn't be so late for her. She worried her bottom lip for a moment and then decided to compose a message to her friend.

"Remember when we wondered what book release parties were like?" she asked.

"Yes, I remember," Carolyn replied a few seconds later.

"I'm here to tell you that they're lame."

"You're at a book release party! Is it for Richard Castle? I'm so jealous."

"Yes, it's for Rick's newest Nikki Heat book but don't be jealous, it's a terribly boring party."


"Yes; I wish I had been left at home."

"Is your husband enjoying it?"

"He was smart and stayed home. I'm here as my daughter's hostage. I mean guest."

"Lol," Carolyn replied. "Does she know you feel that way?"

"She's very aware," Johanna wrote back; and then feeling the longing to hear a friendly voice, she added. "Are you busy? Can I call you? The party has quieted down some and I'm in the back of the room, it shouldn't be too loud for a phone call."

"Of course you can call; the phone is in my hand waiting for you to ring it."

"Okay," she replied before exiting her message screen and then hitting send next to Carolyn's number.

Johanna held her breath a little as she listened to Carolyn's line ring. Her friend answered on the second ring. "Hello, Johanna," Carolyn said warmly.

"Hello," she replied. "How are you?"

"I'm fine," Carolyn answered. "I'm just glad I called you the right name this time. Last time I slipped and called you Meg."

"It's okay," Johanna told her. "It takes time…especially when we don't see each other nearly every day anymore."

"I'm glad that you're home with your family; but I do miss you, Johanna."

She smiled a little. "I miss you too. Jim and I were talking while we were out of town the other day; we thought that maybe when this ordeal is settled, maybe you can come visit. I can show you New York."

"I would love that," Carolyn replied. "It would be nice to see the Statue of Liberty in person. Speaking of trips; did you and your husband enjoy the rest of your day in New Jersey?"

"We did," she answered, a smile coming to her lips and leaking into her voice. "We ended up spending the night there on a whim. It was very peaceful and relaxing."

"Sounds romantic too."

"Yeah," she said softly; "It was definitely that too…I wish we had stayed there."

"I don't blame you; it was probably nice to get away for a day. I admit I've been following the New York news online to keep up with you; I saw a bunch of pictures of you out with your daughter not too long ago."

"Yeah; it wasn't the day I had hoped to have with her."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Carolyn murmured sympathetically.

Johanna breathed deeply. "It's just the way things are right now. I'll tell you more about it when I'm calling from home. You never know whose lurking around here."

"Understood," her friend replied. "So, book parties aren't as fun as we thought?"

"God no; they don't even have cake."

"How can you have a party without cake?"

"You can't; that's one of the reasons this one is lousy."

Carolyn laughed softly. "Is there anything good to eat?"

"Honestly; not really. There are some disgusting appetizers that are giving me flashbacks to my sister's rehearsal dinner."

"That sounds interesting."

"I'll have to tell you that story one day soon."

"I'll hold you to that. There's no meal or anything?"

"No meal; just appetizers and crackers, some fancy little meat trays but they don't appeal to me."

"What kind of entertainment?"

"There's a band…they don't know who Cher is. They probably don't know anyone who is popular. It's just one instrumental tune after another."

"Well that's exciting," Carolyn said sarcastically.

"I know, right?" she laughed. "And of course there was a reading from the book."

"How was that?"

She sighed and glanced around; making sure no one was nearby listening to her conversation. "It was alright I guess…but I admit, I wasn't fully interested. I can't say much here but the week leading up to this hasn't made me much of a fan of certain people, my daughter included," she whispered.

"Oh, I see," her friend replied. "You'll give me the details about that one in a more private call?"

"Yes; I will. I'll try to call you tomorrow to fill you in on that angle; it'll take forever to settle down tonight and sleep so it'll probably be late in the afternoon after I've shaken off the cobwebs."

"Whenever you're up to it, you know that," Carolyn said.

"I know…I'm sorry I haven't called more often."

"Oh that's alright; I know you're going through a lot. You do email and text…but it is nice to hear your voice."

"It's nice to hear yours too."

"It's disappointing to hear that book release parties aren't as fun as we thought."

"It is a bit of a let down," Johanna admitted.

"Do you at least get a free book?"

"Hell no; if you want one you have to buy it. You don't have to pay for the autograph though."

"Did you buy one?"

"No way; I'm not paying full price at this party when I can order it on Amazon and get it cheaper," she replied. "Do you think I'm crazy?"

"No," Carolyn laughed; "But I thought since it has an attachment to your daughter, you might've shelled out the full price."

"Hell no; now if she wrote it, I would…but she didn't so I'm not."

Carolyn chuckled lightly. "I got to admit; the party doesn't seem worth it when you don't even get a free book."

"I know…and I'm starving. I was too nervous to eat dinner and now I'm very hungry."

"Maybe you can pick up something on the way home."

"Probably only if I have my husband come and get me…which I'm seriously thinking about…and will most likely do if Katie doesn't make a move to leave soon."

"I don't blame you for wanting to leave. Why stay if you aren't having a good time?"

"That falls under the category of tomorrow's conversation."

Carolyn laughed. "I think we're going to have a lot to talk about."

"You don't know the half of it."

"I have a feeling it's been a very long week for you."

"And an even longer night," Johanna remarked. "The party has wound down a bit; there aren't as many people here as there was earlier…but there's no sign of us leaving…and I have to tell you, I don't want to sit here all night."

"Then don't," Carolyn told her. "Call your husband and tell him to come and get you. If your daughter gets mad about that, she'll just have to get over it. You shouldn't have to stay out all night just because she wants to."

"Yeah; you'd think that but she's good at waving certain banners over my head."

"Would those be guilt banners?"

"Yes…she has a whole assortment of them…that's why I'm here tonight."

"Maybe she'd stop waving them if she wasn't getting the reaction to them that she wants," Carolyn suggested.

"That could be true," Johanna admitted. "It's just a difficult cycle to break I guess."

"I think you might have to try," her friend said gently; "Or you might find yourself sitting at parties you don't want to be at every time you turn around."

"That's not an appealing thought," she replied.

"Then you might want to consider breaking the cycle."

"I know…and I have a feeling I'm going to break a little of it tonight."

"You're going home?"

"I'll give her another hour; if she makes no move to leave in that amount of time…I'm calling my husband."

"Sounds like a good idea; let me know how it turns out."

"I will," Johanna promised. "I'll let you go for now and I'll call you back tomorrow when I'm free to say more."

"I'll be looking forward to it," Carolyn said warmly.

After saying goodbye, Johanna laid her phone on the table and sighed deeply. Sixty minutes…that was her limit; she would wait sixty more minutes and then she was going to be done with this.

A short while later, Johanna was amusing herself by playing a round of Candy Crush on her phone when a glass of champagne entered her line of vision as it was sat down on the table. She glanced up, seeing a member of the Black Pawn establishment that Rick had introduced her to earlier that evening. "Thanks for the offer but I don't drink," she stated; keeping her tone neutral.

"Come now," Clive Henderson stated; "You don't really want to drink water all evening, now do you?"

"Yes; it's good for the skin," she answered; "And like I said, I don't drink."

"Why is that? Everyone else here has had a drink."

"Because I choose not to."

He eyed her. "Is it because your husband is an alcoholic?"

Johanna's brow rose. "Excuse me?"

Clive smiled a little. "It's not hard to find out such things…people talk you know."

"And which people would these be?" she asked.

"No one you need to worry about. So is that the reason you don't drink?"

"I don't drink because I don't want to."

"A lady such as yourself would usually at least sip a glass of champagne during an event like this," he stated. "It must be your husband."

"I don't know what you think you know about my husband, but you don't know anything."

"Oh but I do," he remarked. "I've asked Rick before why Detective Beckett has never brought her father with her. He says that her father always declines and he figures that he does so because he had a past issue and doesn't want to be surrounded by alcohol."

"Well Mr. Castle is mistaken with my husband's reasons for declining, Mr. Henderson. My husband declines because sitting in a room with a bunch of pretentious snobs isn't his thing. It's not mine either; so when I decline my next invitation, it won't be because I didn't want to have a drink. It'll be because I don't care to share airspace with your kind of people."

Clive laughed jovially as he sat down across from her. "No need to get offended; I'm not going to spread it around."

"I didn't invite you to sit down with me," Johanna stated.

"My dear, Mrs. Beckett; Black Pawn paid for this party and I'm a guest; I will sit wherever I want."

"That's what you think," she said, her fingers inching toward her bag.

"Come now, wouldn't you rather have some company?"

"No, I wouldn't."

"I don't believe that at all; you look lonely…but that's to be expected when one isn't escorted by her husband."

Johanna met his eye. "Whatever you're getting at, you better just forget it."

Clive studied her jewelry and dress. "You seem to be a woman of expensive tastes, Mrs. Beckett; the diamond on your hand; that's a few carats if I had to guess."

"It's my engagement ring; that my husband chose for me with no input from myself; and no, I won't confirm its size for you."

"I figured it was your engagement ring; you wear it with your wedding band. You have other rings though…the emerald which doesn't match your dress at all, so it must be something of sentimental value."

"That ring is very understated…and it was a gift from my parents when I finished law school."

"The ruby looks to be antique."

"It is," she said flatly; "It's a family heirloom, not that it's any of your business."

He nodded. "That necklace…that's not a cheap piece of jewelry, Mrs. Beckett. It looks very high end."

"You have an unnatural interest in my jewelry, Mr. Henderson," she stated.

He laughed. "Surely you don't think I'm going to rob you."

"It would be a reason for your interest."

"I have no interest in stealing your jewelry; I only brought it up because it shows that you're a woman who has expensive tastes…your dress and handbag appear to be designer."

"What is your point?" she asked with a clipped tone.

"The point is, I would very much like to work out a deal with you for your story…a very lucrative deal for you. You could afford all the baubles you wanted."

"As I've told numerous other people in this room tonight; I'm not for sale," Johanna said sharply. "Now leave."

His hand reached across the table, his fingertips brushing against her hand. "Now don't give me the cold shoulder; I'm not as harsh as other men in the business. I'd much rather charm a lady than go for her throat."

"You've got the wrong lady," Johanna retorted as she jerked her hand away from him. "I'm happily married and the only man who charms me is my husband. So drop your pick up lines and your little hints that you think you know things you can use against me because I am not now nor ever writing a book for you or anyone else."

"Now don't be so fussy," he told her, his gaze raking over her. "Why don't you just relax; we could have a good time…have a few drinks, a few laughs…discuss a little business," he said, his hand reaching for hers once again.

She pulled her hands away from his reach. "I am a married woman, you scum sucking weasel."

"So are a lot of people," he laughed; "It doesn't stop them. You're an attractive woman, there's nothing wrong with mixing a little pleasure with business."

"You're out of your goddamn mind," she exclaimed; "We have no business and we will never have any business and unlike the people you seem to know; I take my marriage vows seriously. I don't cheat on my husband."

"Oh come now," he laughed; "You expect people to believe you were in hiding being a little nun, taking a vow of chastity? You were away a long time…you had to get lonely at some point."

"I never betrayed my husband," she seethed; "Now you have three seconds to get the hell away from me."

"Alright," he said lightly; "If you don't want to have a little fun, that's your loss. Let's just discuss the business; I'll give you an advance of fifty thousand for your book."

"I don't want your damn money!" she yelled as she got to her feet. "I'm not writing a fucking book for you or any other money grubbing leech in this room! I am not for sale; nor will I ever be for sale!"

"Is there a problem?" Esposito asked as he appeared at her side.

"Yeah, there is," Johanna replied; "This slime ball is not only trying to pick me up, he's trying to insist that I'm going to write a book…and I don't like the way he's been appraising my clothes and jewelry…and I damn sure don't like him insinuating things about my husband. I didn't ask him to sit down and when I told him to leave, he told me he'll sit wherever he wants."

"Is that right?" Esposito asked as he grabbed a hold of the man's arm. "I guess I'm going to have to give him a newsflash."

"Who do you think you are?"

"Detective Esposito," he stated; "I'm here to make sure Mrs. Beckett's safety is guaranteed…and apparently you're making her uncomfortable and I don't like that. I don't like it at all. She told you no. She told you to leave; you didn't listen, so now I'll make you leave her alone."

"She was in no danger," Henderson said with a nervous laugh. "I wasn't going to harm her…I just thought that like all women she'd appreciate a little flattery and attention."

"I get flattery and attention from my husband," Johanna said tersely. "I don't need to look outside of my home for it."

"It's no wonder the man drank putting up with an iceberg like you," he stated sourly.

Johanna picked up the glass of champagne on the table and threw it in his face. "Don't you ever talk about my husband like that, you bastard. You don't know him…you don't know us or anything about us and you never will."

"When you change your mind about wanting to do a book, don't you come crawling to Black Pawn," he sputtered as he swiped at the droplets on his face.

"You don't ever have to worry about that day coming. Get him away from me, Javier."

"Sure thing," Esposito stated, dragging him out of the chair. "Come on, slime ball…let's go see what the man of the hour thinks of your little stunt."

Johanna breathed deeply, her hands shaking a little as she watched Esposito drag the man to the front of the room. She'd let her protector for the evening due what needed to be done…and then she was going to have a private word with Richard Castle herself.

Castle caught sight of Esposito dragging Clive Henderson toward him and he got to his feet. "Is there a problem?" he asked as they neared.

"Yeah; there is," Esposito stated; "Your buddy here is trying to pick up Beckett's mother so he can sweet talk her into a book deal with a fifty thousand dollar advance. She told him she wasn't interested in his pick up lines or his book deal and told him to leave and he informed her that he sits where he wants. He apparently insinuated some things that made her uncomfortable as well; but I think his biggest misdeed was trying to hit on her. I thought you might like to know what kind of scum you do business with…a man who hits on a married woman and tries to coerce her into doing business with him."

"Clive, what the hell are you doing?" Castle asked.

He shrugged a little. "I just wanted to make a deal with her…eventually she's going to give into a book deal and I wanted it to be with Black Pawn. So I tried to flatter her a little; how did I know that she was last faithful, totally committed woman in the world?"

"You had no business trying to flatter her," he said tersely. "And she's not going to change her mind about a book. Mrs. Beckett isn't interested in telling her story; and before you get any ideas, neither is Detective Beckett…and you're probably lucky that she isn't in your face at this moment for hitting on her mother."

Clive glanced to Kate. "I didn't mean to offend her; I thought she'd enjoy it…she looked lonely."

"Trust me, Mr. Henderson, the last thing my mother is is lonely. My father keeps her very occupied and flattered. Don't you ever go near her again," she said, her tone low and full of warning.

Castle eyed his seriously. "And if you think you're going to get even somehow by spreading around some embellished story so that it gets picked up by the media; I'll know it was you…and I'll have your job, Clive…and you know I can get it done, don't you?"

Clive nodded. "It's just a misunderstanding…I'm not going to offend the lady's feelings by mentioning it to anyone. I'm sorry, Rick."

"Make sure you also apologize to Mrs. Beckett on the way out," Castle said flatly. "I think it's time for you to leave."

"Of course," Clive replied; "I should make it an early night…Janice fusses when I stay out too late."

"Yes, I'm sure Janice would like it if you went home a little early for a change," Castle remarked.

"Can you have your friend unhand me?"

"No, I don't think so," Esposito stated. "I'm going to escort you to make your apology and then I'm going to see you to the door…and I'm going to make sure security helps you to your car."

"I think that would be best," Castle stated. "Goodnight, Clive…don't ever pull a stunt like this again."

"You have my word," he said as Esposito dragged him away. "You really don't need to escort me, I'm not going to cause any problems, I swear."

"Oh I know you won't," Esposito said; "But I'm the kind of man who likes to be sure of things."

"I didn't mean any harm."

"Talk fast," the detective said as they neared Johanna's table.

"I apologize for my behavior, Mrs. Beckett," Clive stated. "I hope you'll forgive me."

"I don't," she stated. "Now get out of my sight and don't you ever come near me again."

"Don't worry," Esposito told her. "I'm going to escort him to the door and hand him over to security. He won't bother you again."

Johanna watched Esposito drag the man away for a second time and then she grabbed her phone and purse and marched to the front of the room.

"Are you okay?" Kate asked as she approached their table.

"I'm fine, not that you care," she stated, her gaze pinned to Castle. "Mr. Castle; I'd like a word with you, in private."

"I know he's from Black Pawn but I didn't send him over to you, Johanna," Castle stated. "And there's no need to suddenly be formal…we've been on a first name basis all this time."

"It's not about that; it's something else. Now I'd like to speak to you privately…I think it's the least you can do, all things considered."

"Alright," he said as he rose from his chair.

Kate started to get up as well but Johanna put her hand on her shoulder and pushed her back into her chair. "Just him," she stated.

"I think I should come along," Kate stated.

"Sit your ass down," Johanna said harshly. "I'm not going to harm a hair on Romeo's head, you can't count them later to be sure. I just have something to discuss with him and it doesn't concern you."

"It's alright," Castle said as he met Kate's eye. "I can handle whatever she throws at me."

"Don't tempt me to throw things," Johanna said seriously; "Now let's go."

Castle nodded, gesturing for her to move toward the deserted area near the side of the stage. She stalked toward the area, purpose in her step as she went and he sighed softly, wondering what her problem was now. "What's wrong, Johanna?" he asked when they came to a stop. "Or do I really need to ask?"

She turned her blazing gaze on him. "Who do you think you are telling people my husband's personal business!?" she hissed.

Puzzlement furrowed his brow. "I'm afraid I don't know what you mean."

"Oh I'm afraid you do," she retorted. "Your little friend the pick up artist who just left, he informed me that you've told him that my husband is an alcoholic and that it's why he doesn't escort Katie to these events."

"I mentioned that a long time ago, Johanna; before you were back in the picture."

"I don't give a damn when you mentioned it," she said sharply; "You had no business mentioning it at all! It's not your business to tell people!"

"I wouldn't have said anything to him if I thought he was going to repeat it," Castle replied.

"That's the problem with you, Rick; you don't think," she hissed. "That's Jim's personal business that I'm sure he didn't give you permission to share. You had absolutely no right…and how dare you say it's the reason he's declined to come with Katie."

"I just assumed it was the reason," he remarked; "There is a lot of alcohol at these parties."

"But you never bothered to verify if that was the true reason or not, did you?"

"No," he said slowly. "It didn't seem like something I should ask when I didn't know Jim very well."

"You didn't think it would be right to ask him…but you felt it was alright to tell his personal business to one of your cronies?"

He sighed. "It seemed like a logical answer when the question was posed."

"No, the logical answer is 'he doesn't come because he doesn't want to'," Johanna said sharply. "Just like he didn't want to come tonight. It has nothing to do with alcohol or the media. He didn't come because he doesn't like sitting in a room full of people who want to put on airs."

"Then why did he marry you?" Castle asked without thought, his patience stretching thin. "You put on plenty of airs."

Her eyes shot daggers at him. "My husband married me because he loves me and I'm nothing like the people here tonight. Don't you try to turn this around on me. You did wrong and you got caught. If you want your business splashed all over the city, that's fine but you don't spread my husband's business around…you don't ever tell anyone our business without our express permission," she said angrily. "Because if you do, you're going to wish you didn't."

"I already threatened Clive; he's not going to tell anyone."

Anger continued to snap in her eyes. "How do you know he hasn't already told other people before tonight? How many other people have you told? How many of your friends can be bought off for the tidbits you've told about Katie and Jim and myself?"

"That's not going to happen, I promise."

"Your promises don't mean much to me right now," Johanna retorted. "Because if Jim's past becomes the new topic on the news cycle in the next few days, I'm going to know that it came from here."

His jaw tightened. "I'm sure Jim's past is no major secret," he stated; "Plenty of people in your own circles know about it…probably your personal enemies too."

"Yeah, they do…but I trust them a whole hell of a lot more than I trust anyone in this room tonight. Our friends have respect for Jim…I don't even believe his enemies would sink that low, because some of them have had their own problem. If it suddenly shows up in the media in the next few days I'm going to know why…and who…and that you're responsible for it. If you think you dislike me now, wait until that moment occurs, you'll really hate me then."

"Johanna," he sighed.

"No," she said darkly; "You're not going to justify yourself to me because there is no justification for it. I don't care what you do to me…but when you fuck with my husband or my kid, then I come for you; and when I come at you, I go for the throat. I don't care who you are, who you know, how much money you have. I will bring hell down upon you so fast your head will spin…and if you think your relationship with Katie will spare you, you're wrong. So wrong. So you heed my warning and think about that the next time you feel like assuming things that you then repeat to your money grubbing pals. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal clear," Castle replied. "It won't happen again."

"Make sure it doesn't."

"It won't. I talked to Paula, you can have a book for free," he told her.

"I don't want your damn book," Johanna remarked; "In fact, I'm canceling my order I placed earlier. I don't want my money going to a company that employees scum like your friend Clive. I don't even want my money going to you at the moment," she spat before turning and storming away.

Castle watched her go, noting that she kept her back straight and her head up, that arrogant lift of her chin present as she strutted away, barely concealed anger in every step. He blew out a breath and followed behind her, surprised when she stopped at their table.

"Everything okay?" Kate asked.

"Only time will tell," Johanna stated before turning her attention to Esposito. "Javier, if you don't mind, I'd like to sit with you at the bar for a little while."

Esposito had a feeling that she had something up her sleeve from the look on her face and so he nodded. "Sure thing, you ready to head back there now or do you want to talk to Beckett first?"

"No; I'll chat with her some other time," she remarked. "Let's go; I need a new bottle of water; the other one is warm now."

"Alright, let's go sit down. I'm sure no one will bother you while you're sitting with me," he told her as he gestured for her to go first.

Kate blew out a disgruntled breath as her mother walked away. "What was it about, Castle?"

"It was about Clive," he replied; figuring that was at least partially true.

"She said it wasn't about that," Kate replied.

"I think she only said that so you'd stay put. She just wanted to put me no notice," he said with a laugh. "That's her thing tonight…it's probably a good thing Alexis is occupied with her friends or she'd probably put her on notice too."

"What was she putting you on notice for?" she asked.

"My money grubbing friends," he answered with a smile. "And to let me know that she's canceling her order of my book."

Kate rolled her eyes. "She'll have it by Christmas, mark my words."

"Don't worry about it," Castle told her. "Everything is fine." At least he hoped everything would be fine…because if it wasn't; he had a feeling he wouldn't have just one angry Beckett woman to deal with…it would be two.

Once they were settled at the bar and Johanna had a chilled bottle of water in front of her, she glanced at Esposito. "I'll tell you why I wanted to sit with you for awhile," she told him.

"I figure it's because you have something up your sleeve and you need help," he replied.

She smiled. "I see why they gave you the detective badge."

He chuckled lightly. "It's not hard to tell when a woman has something on her mind; no offense of course."

"None taken," Johanna replied; "I do have something on my mind…and I will require a little assistance."

"What do you need?"

She breathed deeply. "I'm going to sit here for about ten minutes and then I'm going to go to the bathroom and call Jim; I'm going to have him come and get me because I'm done with this. I'm not sitting here all night. I'm not fighting off people who want book deals all night. I'm not bowing to my daughter's will. Rick isn't going to be ready to leave any time soon…and I'm not going to wait on him to have his ego stroked enough before he's ready to call it a night. I'm done. So I'm going to call my husband…and then I'm going to come back and sit with you for about fifteen minutes to give him a good head start on getting here."

"Where do I come in, besides keeping you company?" he asked.

"You're going to help me get out of this room undetected. I know it's relatively simple, all I have to really do is act like I'm going to the bathroom again since they're located in that lobby area outside of this room…but I want to make sure I'm not caught while getting my coat. I don't want any of them to know I'm leaving."

Esposito nodded. "I got it…I help you make a seamless exit from the room and keep an eye on things while you're waiting to be picked up."

"Yes…and then give us a little while to get away from here and then inform my daughter that I took my leave and give her my regards. I know I'm probably putting you in an awkward position, she'll probably be angry with you for letting me get away."

"I'm not worried about it," he replied. "I think it's wrong of her to try and keep you here anyway. I'll help you get out of here, don't worry."

"I'll worry until I'm in the car," Johanna admitted; "But it's time…time to go…and time to show her that she's not the boss of me."

Ten minutes later, Johanna glanced toward the table where her daughter and their host was at the front of the room. A few more people had joined the group, they were laughing, enjoying themselves at least it seemed that way. She didn't believe that Katie was enjoying herself as much as she was pretending to…not that she'd ever mention it to her. Let her play act all night if she wanted, it made no difference to her. She sighed deeply; her feet ached in her new shoes. She was hungry, tired, bored and thoroughly fed up with this whole charade. Her phone battery was down to thirty percent and wouldn't last too much longer.

"You ready?" Esposito asked. "You've been here for ten minutes…are you going to make that call?"

Johanna cast another glance at the table toward the front of the room; they weren't going to break up any time soon, that much was obvious…and she really did want to leave on her own terms, consequences with Katie be damned. She steeled her resolve; she could do this…she had already told herself that she would and she was going to stick to it.

"I'm ready," she said as she picked up her phone and slid off her stool. "I'll be back."

"I'll be here," Esposito told her with a nod.

Johanna made her way to the bathroom without incident and once she was inside, she checked to make sure she was alone and then prayed that it would stay that way as she touched the screen of her phone and called Jim.

"Hello," Jim answered.

"Honey, I hate to ask you this but can you please come and get me? They don't show any sign of leaving any time soon and I'm done with this. I've been done for hours…but this past hour has sealed it for me. I'm leaving on my own terms."

"I'm getting my keys now," Jim told her as he moved through the house, turning off lights as he headed toward the kitchen to grab his keys from the counter. "Did you tell Katie you were calling?"

"No, and I don't plan to," she replied, listening to the sound of rustling as he pulled on his jacket. "The bathrooms are outside of the main room we're in; I guess you could call it a lobby area; that's where I have to get my coat. I'll stay there and watch for you. Hopefully Katie will be distracted long enough for you to pick me up; Esposito is going to help me slip out without notice."

"I just stepped out onto the back porch," he stated as he shut the door and made sure it locked.

"Any reporters around?"

"Not out back," he answered as he unlocked the car and got in; "But I checked out front earlier and didn't see anyone around. We'll probably be fine for tonight; they're probably somewhere close by the party waiting to see all of you leave…so you stay inside with Esposito until you see me pull up."

"I will," she promised, hearing the sound of the car starting.

"Alright, sweetheart; I'm getting ready to back out of the driveway. I'll be see you shortly."

"I'll be waiting," Johanna said before ending the call.

She ended the call, taking note of the time as she breathed deeply and exhaled, feeling some of the weight lift from her shoulders. Fifteen minutes…she just had to get through the head start she was giving her husband. There wouldn't be much traffic in their neighborhood at this time of night, she mused. He'd reach the heart of the city in about twenty minutes…maybe less if he didn't hit many lights. The theaters would've let out nearly two hours before so he wouldn't be caught in that deluge of traffic.

Johanna sighed softly; maybe for once traffic would be on her side and Jim would reach her quickly and easily. She just wanted to make her escape…wanted to do it easily and undetected. Thirteen minutes, she thought to herself, glancing at her watch…thirteen minutes to pray that she got to pull this off the way she wanted. She took another breath and left the bathroom, heading back to the bar and sliding back onto the stool next to Esposito.

"All set?" he asked.

"Yes; he's on his way. He was in the car when we hung up."

"He moves fast," Esposito said lightly.

"Yeah, he does…and a part of me wonders if he wasn't getting ready to come get me anyway. He doesn't want me out all night…which I don't want to be out all night without him either."

"That's understandable, all things considered; but listen, if you're ever out by yourself and you feel nervous, don't hesitate to call me and Ryan, okay? We'll come help you out if you need it."

"I appreciate that," she told him sincerely. "I do still have your numbers in my phone."

"Good; keep it that way…and you know, if you'd have extra brownies you don't need, you can call and we'll take care of those too."

She laughed. "Maybe I'll see if I have extra brownies some time in the next week."

"You know who to call if you do,' he said with a grin.

"I won't forget," she promised. "Any movement from the happy hour crowd up front?"

"Nah; they're still up there regaling each other with stories. It's going to be fine, don't worry."

Not worrying didn't feel like an option, Johanna thought as she stole another glance at the front of the room. Kate glanced back at her at that moment and Johanna wiggled her fingers at her and gave her a sarcastic smile. Her daughter rolled her eyes at her and turned back around in her seat. There, she thought, that should keep her turned around for awhile. She glanced at her watch. Nine more minutes…time was starting to move a little more quickly now that she was following her own game plan.

"I was thinking," Esposito said; "How about we move back to that table you were at…it's closer to the exit of the room. The bartender is cleaning up a little around here since people are mainly sticking to tables now, especially up front. That can be our excuse to move if anyone asks."

Johanna nodded as she gathered up her purse and bottle of water. "Good idea."

Esposito grabbed the beer he was nursing and they swiftly moved to the table Johanna had been sitting at earlier. He saw Castle notice them, his gaze following them but when he saw them settle at the table, he returned his attention to the person who was in the midst of a story. "How much time you have left for your headstart?" he quietly asked Johanna.

"Seven minutes," she answered, her foot tapping against the floor. "Do you think I'll make it?"

"We'll get you slipped out the door, don't worry," he said, his gaze subtly darting back to the front of the room. Kate's back was to them, Castle was preoccupied now that he had seen where they moved. Martha wasn't paying them any mind and Alexis was with her friends, ignoring them all. He could hear Johanna's foot tapping and he knew she was worried about not getting to make her exit the way she wanted. It was important for her to slip out on her own terms and he wanted to make sure it went off without a hitch. It seemed as though she hadn't had a say in much tonight…but he was going to make sure she got to leave in the way she wanted. Quietly, without a word.

"It's terrible to feel like a thief in the night all so you can have the freedom of leaving when you want to," Johanna said softly.

"I know," he replied; "But you'll feel better once you're in the car…and maybe it'll make a statement that needs to be made."

"That's what I'm hoping," she replied. "Five more minutes."

"How about I slip out real quick and have the man behind the desk get your coat ready. I'll tell him you're saying goodnight and will be out to collect it in a few minutes."

Johanna nodded. "Good idea; that will save me some time."

"Be right back," Esposito said as he casually got up and moved to the exit as if he was merely heading for a bathroom break.

While he was gone, Johanna breathed deeply, praying that this one thing would go right tonight. She looked at the table at the front of the room; they were all still occupied; not paying any attention to anyone else. "Please, God, keep them occupied," she murmured to herself.

Another minute ticked off before Esposito returned to the table. "Your coat is ready," he said quietly; "The man at the desk is watching it…and the good news is, the people that are left are all in here, the lobby is empty. I'm going to let you slip into the lobby first while I make sure no one at the table notices…and then I'll slip out there with you and walk you to the car."

"Okay," she replied, glancing down at her watch. "Three more minutes."

"Almost home," he told her.

Her phone chimed in her hand and she hurriedly glanced at it. "I'm at the last light before the venue," Jim texted. "Be there in five."

"He's five minutes away," Johanna whispered.

"Wait two minutes and go get your coat."

"I feel like I played this waiting game before…when I was in labor," she replied.

He laughed. "I bet this one is less painful though."

"Physically, yes; emotionally is a different story."

"It's almost over."

"Almost," she whispered while reminding herself to breathe as she watched two minutes tick off. "Two minutes is up."

Esposito looked toward the head table. "No one is looking, slip out as quickly and casually as possible; I'll be right behind you once you're in the lobby."

Johanna nodded, grabbing her purse and casting a glance to the front of the room. They weren't paying any attention and so she hurried away, praying the whole time that Kate would decide to glance back in that instant. She hurried toward the desk, catching the man's eye. "Mrs. Beckett?" he asked; "The red coat."

"Yes," she answered.

"Here you go," he said, handing it over the desk to her.

"Thank you," she murmured as she laid her bag and phone on the desk as she quickly pulled the coat on, Esposito slipping into her line of vision as he casually looked back at the main room.

Johanna quickly buttoned two of the buttons and slipped the strap of her purse over her shoulder as she held her phone tightly in her hand. "Two more minutes and he should be here," she said softly.

"So far so good," Esposito said as he kept an eye on the main room.

Her phone chimed in her hand and she flinched. "I just pulled in," Jim had written.

"He's here," she breathed.

Esposito hurried toward her. "Come on, let's not keep him waiting," he said as he gently caught hold of her arm and headed for the door, pushing it open and glancing outside for any media before pulling her along with him.

They hurried up the short space of walk to where Jim had pulled in. Esposito glanced back at the club, making sure they weren't followed as he opened the passenger door for her. "Thank you, Javier," Johanna said sincerely. "I greatly appreciate this."

"No problem," he told her. "Enjoy the rest of your night; you too Mr. Beckett."

"Thanks for taking care of her," Jim stated as Johanna slipped into her seat. "You're probably going to be in hot water with Katie."

"Won't be the first time," he said with a smile. "Now hurry up and get out of here before someone notices we're missing," he told them before saying goodnight and closing Johanna's door.

Johanna breathed a sigh of relief as Jim pulled out into traffic. "You okay?" he asked.

"I'm better now," she answered; "But can you do something else for me."

"Name it."

"Can we stop somewhere and get some food to take home; I'm starved," she told him.

"No problem, sweetheart; I'm hungry too. I didn't eat while you were gone; I was too worried about you."

She dropped her hand onto his thigh. "Neither one of us has to worry now…and even better, my phone is almost dead so I probably won't get Katie's call. Esposito is giving us awhile to get away before he gives her my regards."

Jim laughed, allowing his hand to cover hers for a moment. "You're very stealth, sweetheart…and I'm glad you called; I was giving you another half hour and then I was coming to get you…even if I had to raise hell to get into the place."

"It's better this way," Johanna said; "I got to do it my way."

'That's right…and I'm proud of you for it," Jim remarked.

She smiled softly as she sank back against her seat, her hand still on his thigh. This was better…this was the way it was supposed to be. "Bonnie and Clyde ride again," she couldn't help but remark.

He chuckled softly. "That's right; we're on the lam again…making a McDonalds run and hoping to out run the law…who happens to be our daughter."

"It's a whole new terrifying episode," she quipped.

Jim patted her knee. "Don't worry, babe; we always come out of it unscathed and laughing…and you know; there's always New Jersey if we need to relocate for a few days."

She laughed. "That will probably be tempting once Katie explodes…we should be prepared to run at a moment's notice."

Kate realized it had been awhile since she had checked on her mother and she turned in her chair to glance back at the bar but she didn't see her there. Esposito was still there but her mother wasn't and there was no indication that someone was still occupying the place next to him. Her stomach clenched as her eyes scanned the rest of the room; her mother wasn't at her favored back table either. She was nowhere in the room. Kate was on her feet in seconds, feeling sick as she tried to casually get away from the table unnoticed.

"Where are you going?" Castle asked.

"I don't see my mother anywhere," she answered. "I need to go find her."

Castle did a quick scan of the room. "She was at the back table with Esposito," he stated.

"Yeah; well, she's not now and Espo is at the bar. She's not in the room!"

"Don't panic," he told her, seeing the eyes of his industry friends on her. "She's probably in the bathroom."

"I'm going to go talk to Esposito," Kate stated; "I'll see if he knows where she is."

"I'm sure she's fine, Kate. You know she's been making herself scarce."

"Don't tell me not to worry about my mother, Castle," she retorted.

"I'm not," he said slowly; "That would be an exercise in futility but I'm sure she's around here somewhere…most likely texting your Dad like she has been all night."

"I'm going to find out for sure," she said before storming away.

Kate's heels clacked against the floor as she hurried toward her colleague at the bar. "Espo," she stated.

"Yeah?" he asked; knowing what she was there for.

"Where's my mother? I can't find her, the last time I saw her she was with you."

Esposito glanced at his watch. "By now, your mother is nice and comfortable at home. She called your Dad and asked him to come pick her up. I escorted her to his car when he got here."

"What!" she snapped. "Why the hell didn't you come get me? How could you just let her leave! You know I wanted her to stay here with me!"

"Yeah; I know you wanted her to stay here and be a part of your show you're putting on but she didn't want to stay. She wanted to go home; that sleaze ball hitting on her was the last straw."

"You had no right to help her leave without me knowing!" Kate said sharply. "How dare you do that?!"

"If you had known, she'd still be sitting here because she can't tell you no as easily as she'd like," he remarked. "You guilt her, you browbeat her…you bring her here and instead of trying to show her that even though it's something she hated, that you could stick with her. But no; you've left her on her own most of the night so you could be up Castle's ass…and you use the excuse of your mother being mad as your reason to leave her on her own unless you needed a photo op or to make it look good. She was done; she was tired and she's fought off enough book deals and put up with enough of your crap. She may be your mother but she has rights…and she wanted to leave so you're damn right I helped her get out of here. She told me to let her have a headstart before letting you know. She's been gone for nearly forty-five minutes and you just now noticed, Kate; so what does that say about you?"

Kate's eyes snapped with anger. "What goes on between me and my mother is my business," she seethed; "And I'll thank you to remember that she is my mother, not yours. You don't get to make decisions about what she does."

"Neither do you," he replied; "That's why she's pissed off at you…and I would've driven her home myself if your father hadn't been able. I don't blame her a bit for walking out of here; it's what you get for the way you treat her."

"You just think you know it all don't you? I just asked one little thing of her and she had to have a damn fit about it…and now everything I tried to do here tonight is ruined because she had to run out the door without me. So thanks a lot, Espo; that's going to look really good to the media."

"Who gives a damn," he replied. "I think you ought to care more about her and less about your new media image."

"What's going on?" Castle asked as he joined them.

"She's gone," Kate said; "She called Dad to come and get her and enlisted the aid of her adopted son here to help her slip out unnoticed."

"Hey, Beckett; maybe you ought to ask yourself why it took you forty-five minutes to even notice she wasn't in the room," Esposito stated. "You weren't worried about her. You figured she'd stay put to appease you, well guess what, you were wrong."

Castle glanced to Esposito. "Why would you be a part of helping Johanna do that? Didn't you think about how that would upset Kate? How it would spoil the image we were trying to create for them tonight?"

"Yeah, I thought about it," he replied; "And I figured Johanna's feelings and rights were more important than your media show. I knew Beckett would be mad at me but it was a risk I was willing to take."

Kate's jaw was tight with anger. "I don't think I've ever been so angry with you."

The detective shrugged. "I just did what you wouldn't, Kate. I listened to her…and I helped her get home where she wanted to be. She gave you enough time here tonight. She's your mom; not your prisoner…or your kid. She had every right to leave if she wanted and that's what she wanted. So you can be mad at me all you want; but I made sure she was safely inside your father's car and watched them drive away. She's fine…and you'll have to get over it."

Castle's fingertips brushed against Kate's back. "Are you going to try to call her?"

"No," she said angrily. "I'm going back to the table and we're going to finish our evening…and then I'll figure out what I'm going to do about my mother…because if she thinks she's not going to hear about this, she's sadly mistaken."

Esposito smirked a little. "Well now that you finally noticed she's gone and I've told you where she is; I'm going to head home. Thanks for the invite, Castle; I'll understand if I'm left off the next list…because I'd do it all over again if I had to."

"Come on, Kate," Castle murmured, "Let's go back to the table…we'll figure out the rest later. At least you know she's safe."

"Yeah," she scoffed; "She's safe…at least for the moment because I assure you she isn't safe from me."

"What's this?" Johanna asked with a smile as she padded into the kitchen after changing her clothes. Her husband had dimmed the lights and on the table sat two lit candles, setting their midnight fast food dinner aglow.

"I figured after the evening you've had, you needed a softer atmosphere to enjoy your meal in," Jim replied as he turned on the radio and tuned it to a station that played oldies. "And for your listening enjoyment, music you've actually heard and like."

Johanna laughed softly as she made her way to him, brushing a kiss against his lips. "Thank you," she murmured.

"For what?"

"For being my knight in shining armor as always…for reminding me to breathe when I needed it. For letting me know that you were watching the arrival online…for aiding my escape. For a midnight McDonalds run…for everything in between…and for letting me borrow your shirt," she whispered lovingly, her gaze dropping from his to the white t-shirt she was wearing that she had grabbed from his drawer.

Jim smiled, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. Her face was scrubbed clean of makeup and with the exception of the rings she wore every day, her jewelry was stripped away; the pins taken from her hair, allowing it to fall loose. She was barefoot, clad in his t-shirt and a pair of thin pink pajama pants. "I'm always happy to aid in your escape…and your adventures. As for the shirt; well, as beautiful as you are in red dresses and decked out for a night on the town…I think you're even more beautiful just like this."

Her fingertips swept along the line of his jaw as she kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you too, sweetheart. We better eat before it gets cold."

She nodded, moving to the table as he pulled out her chair for her. "Now this is my kind of good time," she said, opening the lid of the cardboard box that held her chicken sandwich. "Decent food, good music, comfortable surroundings and a handsome date."

Jim grinned as he opened up his Big Mac. "I'm not only handsome, I have my own car."

She laughed. "And you don't live with your parents."

"Excellent traits if I do say so myself," he said lightly.

"Most definitely," she said before taking a satisfying bite of her sandwich.

Jim swallowed a bite of his Big Mac and glanced at her. "So…what happened that made you decide it was time to come home?"

""A slime ball from Black Pawn," she admitted as she reached for some of her fries. "He brought me a glass of champagne and I told him I didn't want it. He sat down anyway, even after I told him that I hadn't invited him to sit with me. I wasn't sure what he was up to when he was appraising my jewelry and saying I had expensive tastes…but then he mentioned a book deal…and then he started hitting on me, telling me we could have a few drinks because I looked lonely; that we could have a good time and then discuss the business of the deal…and a fifty thousand dollar advance…which seems a bit high for a person with no writing experience but I guess they're desperate to get a deal out of someone. I reminded him that I'm a happily married woman and that I'm not writing a book. He said a lot of people are married, it doesn't matter. I informed him that it does. He then said he doubted I was being a nun while in hiding…and kept trying to push this book deal. I threw champagne in his face, Esposito got rid of him."

"Where the hell was Katie when all of this was going on?" Jim demanded to know, anger in his eyes.

"At the table up front with Rick," she replied. "Esposito hauled the guy up there to Rick and told them what happened and then they put him out of the party."

"Did Katie do anything? Did she say anything?"

"She asked if I was alright…but I don't think she really cared," she said softly. "That's when I decided it was time to come home. I asked Esposito if I could sit with him for long enough for them to be distracted again and he said yes and then helped me see my plan through."

"I'm glad," he told her; "And the next time Katie thinks she's dragging you to something like that, you're not going to have to worry about her guilting you because I'm going to handle it. The answer is no. I will not stand by and let her drag you to a place where you get harassed in every way possible while she sits on her ass with her boyfriend and does nothing about it!"

"Shhh," Johanna soothed, her foot brushing against his leg under the table. "It's okay now…I'm home. I'm with you…it's over now."

Jim breathed deeply, trying to let his anger settle. "Anything else?"

She shook her head, refraining from bringing up the mention of his past problem with alcohol. "I was just ready to come home…I was fed up with Katie and Rick and Martha, and sleazy publishing people and reporters…it was boring and I just didn't want to be there."

"It was a bad night," Jim said.

"Yeah; it was…but it's better now because I'm with you," Johanna said softly.

He nodded. "I feel the same way."

They ate the rest of their meal with only the occasional comment and when they finished, Jim gave in to his wife's gentle coaxing for a dance in the dim light of the kitchen, which soon turned into two and then three. He held her close as they swayed gently to the old country song on the radio, closing his eyes as he heard her softly sing along.

"Make the world go away, and get it off of my shoulders," she sang, her voice a whisper. "Say the things you used to say and make the world go away."

"I'll make it go away," Jim murmured as he held her tightly. "We're not going to watch the news or read the paper. We're not going to take calls until later in the day. We're just going to stay in bed in the morning and pretend the world isn't out there."

She continued to sing along with the song but her hold tightened and he felt her sinking against him, the tension easing and the tough girl she had been all night fading into the woman who knew she could drop her guard and let him take the reins; that he wouldn't mind if she needed to be weak for a moment or two. Soon the sound of tears worked their way into her voice and then he felt the first teardrop against the material of his shirt. He said nothing, allowing her to cry softly as she finished the song and then he pulled back to see her face, wiping her tears away with his thumb. "You were brave tonight and you blazed...you stood your ground. You did it your way…and now it's okay to let go."

Johanna gave him a wobbly smile, her fingers curling around his. "Just make it go away," she whispered. "For tonight and tomorrow, just make it go away."

He squeezed her hand. "Come on; let's go upstairs and settle in for the night…we'll make it go away."