It's not that Scorpius was nervous for his first year at Hogwarts. It's just that he's not sure if he can make any friends, if socialize at all. He wasn't the best person for that kind of thing.

As such, he sat alone in his compartment, distractedly reading a book, when the door opened. He rose his eyes, and found two people staring back at him - one green eyed and dark haired, another red haired and brown eyed.

"Hey, are you alone here?", asked a voice, softly blue.

"Can we sit?", asks the girl, yellow and sharp. "Everywhere else is full."

The first thing Scorpius learns about Albus is that his voice is blue, like the sea, and that Rose's is golden, like daffodils, but he doesn't know their names yet. The information, whoever, made Scorpius wonder if, perhaps...

"Yes, I am. Would you two like to sit?", it's his reply, and Scorpius, speaking in bright blood red, wonders if this is some sign that maybe they all should be friends. The colours match, after all. It's probably a sign of something.

They looked at each other - and Scorpius wondered if he has done something wrong - before nodding, sliding in and sitting opposite to Scorpius.

"So, what's your name?", the boy whose name, at the moment, Scorpius doesn't know, asks, and the girl elbows him. They looked vaguely familiar. "I'm Albus, and this is…"

"I'm Rose, and you can call him Al, everyone does,", she replied, with a smile. So that was why they were familiar - Albus was Harry Potter's son, and Rose was the daughter of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. He nodded internally.

"I'm Scorpius.", the girl simply nodded, the trio starting to chat - and just when Scorpius was almost sure he had made friends, the boy jumped in his seat.

"You're - you're Draco Malfoy's son!", he said, a shell-shocked blue tint in his words, and Rose rolled her eyes.

"You course, you genius, he is. At least now we know you won't be going to Ravenclaw.", Rose turned her eyes to Scorpius, sharp yellow turning mellow. "Sorry about him."

"Yeah, sorry. I mean, it's not like you're going to do anything you dad did... Right?", Albus scratched the back of his neck, and Rose sighed loudly. Scorpius smiled. "So, what's that book about?"

Scorpius happily started explaining.

Hours later, Scorpius was Sorted into Ravenclaw, Albus into Slytherin, and Rose into Gryffindor, and during breakfast in the following morning, Scorpius couldn't help but complain that Albus should have been a Hufflepuff to match the theme they had going on.

"What?", Rose asked, pointing a fork in Scorpius' direction, curious golden. "What colour scheme?"

Scorpius scratched his head. He had no idea how to give a precisa answer, but still.

"I have synesthesia. It's this neural condition where my brain sees colour when it hears stuff. Basically. There's more to it, but..."

They look at each other and nod, and Scorpius wondered what colour their silent conversation might have been. Maybe green, soft and quiet like a grassy hill.
"That's so cool,", Albus said, brightly blue like the sky, sealing their friendship.

"Yeah, what colours are the teachers' voices?", asked Rose, grinning in a sunny gold, and Scorpius speaks in red about others people's colours.