AN: Guys I'm in Dramione hell right now and I just felt like writing another. This will be long and slow burning I think. To anyone following my AOT story I am not abandoning it. I plan to update each story bi-weekly depending on free time. This fic is named after the song Affection by Cigarettes After Sex.

This chapter I'm listening to: Daya – Sit Still, Look Pretty. Bad ass sassy Hermione vibes.

Please feel free to read and review etc. Much love.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This story begins at the start of third year. In my story everyone is one year older than in canon. This will come into play later on as I feel writing mature sexual scenes between really young teenagers is a bit uncomfortable for me personally. So at the beginning of this Hermione has just turned 15 and Draco 14 (due to Hermione being one of the oldest in the year). This will be rated M for adult themes, language and much much later scenes of a sexual nature.

It's Affection, Always.

Chapter 1- The only thing a boy's gonna give a girl for free's captivity.

It was day one of third year and Hermione Granger's year was already off to the worst start. Dumbledore had called her to his office. What could she possibly have done? She was sitting awkwardly in the seat across form Dumbledore's desk. She jiggled her leg nervously and bit her lip. Fawkes cocked his head at her inquisitively. Dumbledore wasn't here yet. She fretted her hands. Please hurry up Professor. She felt sick with nerves. It didn't help that she could feel the boy who was leaning casually against the wall's gaze boring into the back of her skull. Why was he here anyway?

Her eyes roved across the room lingering on all of the beautiful and strange artefacts contained within the office. Everything was so typically Dumbledore. It even smelled faintly of sherbet lemons. She quickly skimmed over the back corner the knot in her stomach tightening at the sight of the figure that was standing there. Draco Malfoy. She felt her jaw tighten at the mere sight of him. He'd grown taller over the summer and she was ashamed to admit he'd grown more handsome too. His white, blonde hair had grown slightly and was no longer slicked back but fell gently onto his forehead and into his grey eyes that were cast away from her. He seemed to be at the same slim, gangly stage of growth that both Harry and Ron were experiencing at the moment. But he didn't look awkward or uncomfortable with his tallness. Far from it. He looked handsome and confident. He had his arms crossed over his chest and he was glaring out of the window like he was trying to crack the glass just with his stare. His very presence always seemed to put on her edge. Where the hell was Dumbledore?!

"Granger are you seriously trying to make me angry?" He sighed exasperatedly.

Hermione sighed and whirled around in her seat to face him. His voice sounded deeper too. It made her feel strange.

"I'm not even doing anything Malfoy." She replied with venom.

Malfoy narrowed his eyes at her.

"Just even sharing the same air with you is annoying." He said coldly.

"Feeling's mutual." She replied

"Some witches would be honoured to share the same air with me, maybe more than air if they play their cards right." He said with a smug smirk and quirk of his brow.

Hermione felt her face heat. Damn his handsome face. Stupid Malfoy. Why couldn't he look as ugly as he was on the inside?

She rolled her eyes and made a disgusted face.

"Well I'm glad I'm not one of them. What are you doing here anyway?" She replied haughtily.

Malfoy walked over to examine one of the objects on Dumbledore's shelf. It was a small crystal object and seemed to change colour as Malfoy rolled it between his thumb and forefinger.

"I told you. Dumbledore asked me to come to his office first thing. Old man must be going senile since he seems to have forgotten all about me."

Hermione sighed.

"Not everyone thinks you're important as you do. Dumbledore is a very busy man. Would you stop touching all of his things? You're going to break them." She replied in an annoyed tone as she massaged her temples.

Malfoy was giving her a serious headache.

Malfoy rolled his eyes.

"Granger everyone knows how important I am including you. Even if you won't admit it. Oh, loosen up will you? Think fast Granger." He said launching the object at her.

Hermione gasped and half leapt, half stumbled out of her seat as she grasped for the crystal. She juggled it between her fingers as it slipped between them. It felt cold in her fingers and in a state between liquid and solid. The object flew from her hands and she watched in horror as it flew through the air. Her chocolate eyes widened. Malfoy snatched it in his hand with ease with a confident grin.

Hermione narrowed her eyes at him.

"You're a prick Malfoy." She said with a defiant blush.

Malfoy's grey eyes widened slightly and he laughed.

"Such a dirty word from the lips of the goody goody Gryffindor Princess. You surprise me Granger."

Hermione felt her face heat as he watched her. She held his gaze even though her legs were starting to shake. She couldn't show him she was afraid. Be brave Hermione.

"No worse than what you've called me in the past." She said firmly.

Malfoy shrugged and nodded. She had a point.

If he was entirely honest he felt bad about calling her that. Sure he was a cruel guy but even he'd thought it had been a bit far, even for him. She'd only told him the truth. Potter was a better player than him, that fact still irked him, and that had nothing to do with his broom. It had really been Potter he'd been mad at but he'd taken it out on her. She'd wounded his pride and he'd reacted in the only way he knew how. It had especially hurt because it had come from her. If it had been Potter it would have stung less. He didn't really care about Potter's opinion. But her opinion mattered in a way that he never wanted to admit to anyone.

He and Potter hated each other. Enemies from day one. He was an idiot, completely brainless, and an arrogant arsehole to boot. Malfoy knew the only reason he was even passing his classes was because of Granger. Granger was smart, very smart she was the real reason that he and Weasley were still even alive. So yes if he was being honest in a very strange way he did care what she thought about him. Her opinion mattered more than theirs for the sheer fact she wasn't an imbecile.

The mere idea was ludicrous; he knew that, she was completely beneath him in every way. That's why he hid these thoughts deep down within himself where no one could ever see. It was shameful really. Her birth, her class everything was beneath him. Everything except her mind. Her mind was something else entirely. She didn't spend her time filling her head with nonsense like half the girls he knew who spent their time looking pretty and chasing after boys. Granger was focused on her work and he respected that about her at the very least. She was probably the only other person in their year that matched him, on an intellectual level at the very least. It used to annoy him seeing her name at the top of the test scores with his name below hers, except for in potions and DADA where he was ahead, a small victory, but after a while it had stopped affecting him. He found he didn't mind giving up the top spot to her. She worked three times as hard as he did trying to help Potter and Weasel make the grade. He supposed she deserved it more than him. His name alone and the connections he had would secure his future he didn't really need to try. But Granger had no such luxury.

He didn't know when exactly he'd stopped hating her. Probably that day he'd called her Mudblood. It hadn't gotten the reaction he'd expected. She hadn't cried. She'd just glared up at him with this hard, blazing look. He would never forget it. She didn't flinch away from him she just stood her ground. She didn't hit him or hex him even although he could tell she wanted to. She just stood there. And if Malfoy was honest for a moment he had felt afraid of her. He'd never told anyone that and he never would. Now his feelings towards her were complicated. He teased her with hate filled words but they were half hearted. And his respect for her outweighed the hate but if he even so much as breathed a word of that to anyone he would be killed. By his own father no less.

It didn't matter what he thought about her. She still hated him and she always would. He could tell from the hate filled glare she reserved only for him. When he had glanced over to see her had smiling and giggling with Potter and Weasley at the feast last night he had to admit she looked pretty. She'd grown prettier over the summer. Her hair had decreased in bushiness and now curled tamely to her shoulders in comparison. Her face was freckled lightly from days spent outdoors and her skinny, girlish frame was beginning to fill out. Again this was something he knew he had to keep to himself. It made him feel disgusting even to think like that. But as he gazed at her watching her cheeks flush and her dark lashes lower he realised that if Hermione had been a pure blood he would have asked her out by now and there would be no feelings of shame. But she wasn't a pure blood. And he was. Those were facts neither of them could avoid. So he would keep things the way they were because that's the way they had to be. Would always have to be.

Recently he was beginning to think the whole pureblood thing was old fashioned nonsense but his family had been the jewel in the pureblood crown for centuries. He was proud of his heritage and would have no choice but to follow tradition. It was what was expected of him and he wouldn't fail his father. He'd sometimes felt sorry for muggle-borns being trapped into a life of constantly being thought of as subpar but he guessed being a pure blood had its own entrapments too. He realised they'd been staring at one another saying nothing for the last few moments. Awkward. He couldn't be the first to look away. Just then Dumbledore swept into the room and they both broke each other's gaze. He'd never been more grateful to see the crazy old man in his life.

"Sherbet Lemon?" Asked Dumbledore as he gestured to a tub on his desk.

They both shook their heads.

"Please sit. Mr Malfoy, Miss Granger." He said as he gestured to the chairs opposite him.

They both took a seat.

Dumbledore looked over his half moon spectacles and gave them both a particularly warm smile.

Hermione swallowed thickly. Oh Merlin this was not going to be good.

"Well I expect you're probably wondering what you both are doing here." He said.

Hermione felt a little calmer upon hearing his voice.

Malfoy made a disgruntled sound and muttered beneath his breath.


Hermione directed a glare towards him. Shut up Malfoy.

"Well as you know Miss Granger you are taking more subjects than it is physically possible to attend with your timetable-"

Malfoy snorted.

"Granger just when I thought you couldn't be any more of a loser-"

Hermione's glare intensified and Malfoy smirked. He knew that if Dumbledore were absent she would be unleashing a colourful array of words at him.

Dumbledore coughed and smiled at them both. Signifying he was not finished and would not tolerate many more interruptions.

"So for this year only I am entrusting you with a time turner. I know you are a very responsible young woman and that is why I am trusting you with this. It must be used only to attend your classes. Time is a fragile, complex thing Miss Granger and I trust you know that."

Hermione's eyes widened and she took the time turner from Dumbledore's hands. She admired it in her palms before slipping it around her neck disguising it beneath her robes.

"Thank you Professor. I understand completely."

Dumbledore nodded.

Malfoy coughed politely.

"Sorry to interrupt but what exactly does this have to do with me?" He asked coolly.

He was pretty annoyed that Granger would have something as cool as a time turner for an entire year and he knew she would only to use it to attend stupid, boring, unnecessary classes. Think of all the fun he could have if he had one…

Dumbledore smiled at him and produced another time turner.

"I am also bestowing one to you Mr Malfoy-"

"What?" Blurted out Hermione.

She blushed at her outburst and glared at Malfoy's satisfied smirk. Urgh she wanted to slap that smirk right off his face. If it weren't for Dumbledore's presence she may have.

"Annoyed you're not the only one getting special treatment Granger?"

"No, that's not it at all. I just don't think giving something that powerful and dangerous to someone like you is a good idea-" She said sourly.

Malfoy's eyes widened.

"So you don't trust Dumbledore's opinion?"

Hermione blushed. He was twisting her words.

"No. Of course I do. It's you –"

"Please – Miss Granger, Mr Malfoy. Feel free to continue your old, married couple bickering in your own time but for now listen carefully."

They both drew disgusted looks at each other.

But Dumbledore didn't fail to notice the tint of pink on their cheeks. That shut them up.

"Mr Malfoy as you are aware you have not yet taken your mandatory year of Muggle studies-"

"My father-"

"Yes. I have received his numerous letters. But nothing can excuse you from the rules I am afraid. All of our students must complete one year. You know that as well as I Mr Malfoy. I understand it is not your wish but rules are made to be abided at this school. For the purposes of educational equality everyone must learn the same approved curriculum. You may even come to find the teachings…somewhat illuminating Mr Malfoy." He replied cryptically with a twinkle in his blue eyes.

Malfoy paled and he felt anger flow through his veins.

"This is ridiculous!-"

Hermione barely stifled the giggles beneath her hand. This was hilarious. Oh glorious payback.

Malfoy glared at her.

"Find this funny Granger?"

Hermione shook her head but let her giggles burst forth. She couldn't help it.

"Perfect. So we all understand each other. As you will be the only two pupils with time turners I urge to use caution and responsibility and keep your time turners a secret from all other's even those closest to you understand? In the wrong hands time turners are very dangerous. So you will use them only to attend your extra classes and for two hours extra study per day that you will complete together in the room of requirement."

Hermione's laughter died on her lips. Dumbledore couldn't be serious? Two hours, alone, with Malfoy…they'd kill each other.

Hermione glanced at Malfoy in complete horror as Dumbledore finished speaking to them. She was happy to see a similar look of horror and disdain on his own pale face.

"I'm not studying with her."

"Sir, I'm not studying with him."

They replied simultaneously.

They glanced at one another quickly their cheeks flushing slightly.

Dumbledore's smile widened.

"I am afraid you have no choice. You will have to learn to work together in order to get through this year. Now you both have a lot of work to do. Run along. Any questions and you can come to me at any time. Questions remember not complaints."

Hermione wrinkled her nose and Malfoy looked disgusted.

The world would stop turning before they learned to work together she knew that for certain.

"I assume you are both mature enough to organise your own meeting times. I have informed both Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall of the situation should you acquire their assistance."

The bell's chimed and Dumbledore gestured towards the door.

"I think you both have classes to attend if I'm not mistaken." He said with a soft smile.

Hermione and Malfoy looked at one another in complete disbelief. This was actually happening. Hermione swung her hair over her shoulder defiantly and nodded at Dumbledore.

"Professor." She said with a nod.

She stood and Malfoy stood with her securing his own time turner around his neck. They walked to the door consciously avoiding eye contact.

They made for the door at the same time and her shoulder bumped into his arm. They glared at one another neither daring to move.

"Ladies first." Said Hermione through gritted teeth.

Malfoy rolled his eyes.

"Hilarious Granger. No, I insist." He said gesturing to the door with a mock gentlemanly bow.

Hermione blushed and tensed her jaw. He was infuriating. It was also infuriating how warm his arm was against her.

"If both of you don't stop blocking this door way I will remove you both." Said the cold drawl of Professor Snape.

Hermione stiffened as she gazed into the black eyes of Severus Snape who was waiting to enter the office. Without another word she squeezed between him and Malfoy.

She began to descend the stairs. Malfoy caught up to her and she sighed. She supposed she better start getting used to this.

"So when should we meet tonight?" Asked Hermione shyly.

Malfoy laughed.

"You aren't seriously going to listen to that crazy old bat? My father will find a way to get me out of this stupid situation." He said coldly.

"And until then?" She asked.

"Until then I sure as hell am not spending two hours of my day with you. We don't all spend our free time in the library. Some of us actually have places to go and people to see. I don't have time for all this nonsense."

Hermione rolled her eyes. He was such pompous ass.

"It doesn't thrill me either, trust me. But we don't have a choice, at least for now. Meet me at 7." She said.

Malfoy groaned.

"This can't be happening. I have Quidditch practice at 7. You can't boss me around like Potter or Weaselbee Granger."

Hermione shook her head and sighed.

"For someone so smart you're pretty stupid."

Malfoy frowned and tensed his fists angrily at her half compliment.

Hermione stepped in front of him on the stairs. She swung her time turner like a pendulum in front of his moody face.

"Use this. After Quidditch practice go back to 7 and meet me in the room of requirement."

Malfoy sighed but nodded. She was right. Right now he had no choice if they refused they would just get punished by Snape and McGonagall. He had no intentions of getting on the wrong side of his godfather.

"Fine. But don't expect to make this a regular thing alright. The thought of being in your company every day makes me feel queasy."

"Again the feeling is entirely mutual Malfoy."

She rushed off with a glare aimed straight at him. He watched her for a moment. He watched her long brown, unruly ponytail swinging from side to side. This was the worst start of term ever. His father would most definitely be hearing about this.

Snape shook his head at Dumbledore.

"Do you really think this is the best idea Albus?"

Dumbledore laughed gleefully.

"Severus, it's a terrible idea. One of my worst in fact. But you and I both know what it will mean for them both, and for us all, if they learn to put their differences aside. You heard the prophecy."

Severus sighed but nodded.

"But they are only children. Is it really right for us to push them together like this? Even if it is for the greater good?"

Dumbledore hesitated and smiled at Severus meaningfully.

"Do not think that because we are merely nudging them in the right direction that they would not have reached the same destination on their own. They are more like minded than they realise. Do they not remind you of anyone Severus? They are very intelligent, proud, stubborn, prejudiced and teasing towards each other. A slytherin and a very talented muggle born Gryffindor. "

Severus caught his eyes suddenly and smiled sadly. Yes they did remind him. But his and Lily's story had not had a happy ending in any sense of the word. He wondered if he dared to hope for anything other than a tragic end for both Hermione and Draco. He was scared for them and all that they would have to face. Draco was pouty and spoiled but he was a very sensitive, talented boy beneath it all. And Hermione, although he gave her a hard time, was truly astounding for her age. Her kindness and determination reminded him greatly of the only woman he had ever and would ever love. He hoped that they would have the chance he and Lily had been denied. If only he'd learned to let his prejudices go. Don't make the same mistake Draco or you'll spend the rest of your life regretting it.

Dumbledore smiled sadly as he watched Severus remember.

"Have faith Severus. Have faith that love will conquer hate. Our very lives and the future of the magical world may depend on it."