First of all: Thanks to all who took the time to review or email me about this story. It's the feedback that keeps me going on stories like that! (And if you haven't reviewed it yet, please do. I live for it.). And a sincere thank you to whomever nominated the story for the Rendezvous awards, whoever you are! Truly, I feel honored to have been nominated. (If you want to check out all the wonderful nominees in many different categories and vote, here is the address: rendezvous. index2. htm)

Bad news: Chapter 25 WAS the last chapter of "Guess What?" No more. Really. Although, I'm somewhat sad too, to have that journey end, it was time to say so long.

Good news: Yes, I am planning two sequels. The first sequel will be Jack and Irina and is tentatively titled, "Game Theory." The last installment in the trilogy will be Weiss and is tentatively titled, "Marry, Screw, Cliff." Now, if you have any suggestions or hopes for the type of woman Weiss deserves/needs, please email me and let me know!

Timing: Look for "Game Theory" in about a month or so, after I finish another story. (That story, "The Perfect Weapon" is currently only up at sd- Please note that story is absolutely nothing like "Guess What?" or any of my other humor pieces. Because, yes, I do have a split personality. TPW is a dark, smutty J/I piece for those 17+ only, please. And yes, darker and dirtier than "The Last Word," which is currently also at sd-1 or you can access it thru the Rendezvous site under J/I nominees.) But I will be SO ready to get back to the humor after I finish the angst! So check back in 3-4 weeks.

Thanks again! Karen aka Camille