
For Kagome chapter 1 Rewrite

IMPORTANT Note: Chapter 1 is the only chapter writen in first person pov.

Edited: 01/12/2019

Hopefully this is better than the awful cringe worthy previous version.

Disclaimer: I own nothing :c

Where Am I?

That was the first thing that came to my mind. All I could see was darkness.

"All right, don't panic. What's the last thing you remember?"

My mind wandered back to last night. "Let's see, I woke up, had breakfast, went to school then came back home and fell asleep." I recalled, making sure to not forget anything.

Nothing out of the usual happened, well besides my unplanned Inuyasha marathon at 3am, but that was normal for my Fridays nights anyways. So there was no logical explanation as to why I was feeling so lost and confused.

So why... Why it's so freaking dark and cold? Why I can't remember nothing after I fell asleep last night?

My eyelids were heavy with tiredness. I tried to move my body, but it feel like my limbs were way too weak to even move an inch. I tried to talk and a whining sound came out.

My body was moved around by someone or something before I was grabbed by a pair of hands that held me like I weighed nothing. Panic began to invaded me as a millions thoughts filled my head. Was I about to die by the hands of a titan? That seemed like the logical thing, after all, I doubted that any normal person could hold with such an ease. I wasn't the tallest girl in my class, but I was a little above average height with my 5.5 ft.

A warm breath caressed my face as a kiss was placed in my forehead, "You're finally awake," a sweet voice said.

With those magic words, my eyes fluttered open.

I suddenly found myself staring at an unknown woman. She was the one holding me. The love and care drowning her gaze did nothing to make me feel at ease. Actually, it contributed to the awkwardness I already felt to begin with. I was expecting to find the ugly face of a titan, not the beautiful face of this lovely woman. In fact, her face was almost familiar, though I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

The way she was holding me remind me of a mother holding their baby, how funny considering I'm almost an adult. Would it be rude if I asked her to let go of me?

Unfazed by my lack of answer, the woman spoke again, her voice almost a whisper, "Hello there sweetheart," She smiled down at me, "Are you hungry?"

I opened my mouth, ready to deny her words, and again that pathetic whine came out.

"I'll take that as a yes," She said sweetly as she moved me closer to her chest.

Well, this was awkward. Was I supposed to suck? Oh dear goodness, I'll need therapy after I wake up from this dream.

After the woman stopped feeding me; I finally realized something wasn't right. First of all, I was a 19 years old girl, not a baby, and this woman was definitely not my mother and the man ( whom I just realized was in the room) next to her wasn't my father and the old man with the tears in his eyes wasn't my grandpa.

But why do they look so familiar?

"Kagome," Said the younger man coming closer to rest his big hand in my head. "Your name is Kagome. The light of our lives."

What a funny coincidence, just like Kagome Higurashi.

"Higurashi Kagome," The old man nodded in approval, "I like it. It fits her."

If I could, I would be laughing at my predicament.

For some mysterious reason, I was Kagome Higurashi from inuyasha.

Should I consider myself blessed or plain unlucky?

With every passing day, I was even more convinced that, whatever was happening to me was indeed real, and not a painfully long dream.

Kagome's family ... I mean, my family wasn't so bad. Grandpa was a bit dramatic, but for the most part he was alright. Emiko, my mother was an amazing mother and cook, she was literally the definition of a perfect parent. Now I could understand why she was a beloved character. And lastly, my father Kei, he was a kind man who loved his family dearly. He rather cut off his own arm than to see any of us in pain.

They were really gaining a place in my heart.

"Unfortunately, happiness doesn't last forever," I thought as I looked at the photograph of the man I learned to love as my true father. I lit an incense, careful not to burn my hands, (coordination was still tricky for me,) and murmured a quick prayer for the peaceful rest of his soul. Once I was done I wiped my tears and walked towards my mom, hoping to hide my red face and swollen eyes in her black dress.

The tragedy had reached the Higurashi shrine, and only the birth of a new member had removed the sad aura that polluted the air in the sanctuary.

My younger brother, Sota, was born on a cold April night in the same hospital as me. His first cry brought a smile on my mother's face, one I haven't seen in a while.

It's been three months since Sota's arrival and I could feel an obvious change in the air. This could only mean that even from an early age, the original Kagome could feel the presence of evil spirits. I touched my left side out of habit, of course I could. After all, I had the jewel inside me to enhance my spiritual power.

I have a task in this life, one that has been chosen for me. I would succeed in memory of the original Kagome, I will not disappoint her or anyone if I could help it.

I no longer feel sad every day; instead I expected each day with happiness and anticipation. Every day that passed meant one day less for my 15th birthday, the day my destiny is sealed forever.

I needed to train if I wanted to be more useful to the team this time around.

"Jii-chan," I called the old man sitting next to me. "Tell me about the shikon no tama."

His eyes widened in surprise as genuine smile bloomed in his face. I could tell he was proud of me from that simple question.

"Who told you about it?" He asked curiously. "I'm sure I have mentioned it to you,"

Crap, I'm only 5, of course he's curious to where a learned that. Quick think about something.

"I heard you talking to the American tourists the other day," Nice one Kagome. I mentally congratulate myself.

He smiled, "I knew one of my grandchildren would be interested in the shrine. After all, is in the Higurashi bloodline to care for the shrine and rid the world of evil yokais."

I nodded, "Sota's still a baby. When he is big like me we can help you with shrine. I can dress up like a miko and sell the talisman."

He beamed at her idea clasping his hands together loudly, "I'd like that! We can even dress Sota as a yokai," A moment passed as he continue to contemplate the idea, before he cleared his throat, "The shikon no tama you said, well it all began…"

He began to tell the story with his own sound effects -according to him- to make the story more interesting.

"And the priestess said," he cleared his throat "Agh! My love how could you?"

I stifled a laugh. That was the worst girly scream I ever heard in my two lives, and that saying a lot.

"The priestess used her bow and shoot an arrow that sealed her yokai lover in a tree," He said in a sympathetic tone before coming closer, and almost in a whisper he said, "And you know what, Kagome?"


"The tree of the history is the very same one were sitting right now,"

"Really?" I said feigning excitement; after all I already knew all of this.

"Yes" He smiled, "Our family has the honor to take care of the shrine, Kagome, so you should feel proud that you live in such an historic place."

I nodded smiling, "I want to be a priestess like the one in the history."

First step of my plan has been completed.

I was currently 7 and learning how to use my spiritual power to appease evil energies with one of Jii-chan old friend, Chikako-san. She was an elderly woman in her late 60's who was in charge of the Nobuko shrine and was my current teacher in my miko training.

Sweat build up in my forehead as I bit my lips, clenching my fist to suppress a shiver. This was harder than what I first thought.

"What it is, Kagome-chan?" a voice said behind me.

"I can feel it, Chikako-san," I shook my head, "But I can't stop it."

"Think about your spiritual energy like an extension of your body," she placed a bony hand in my right shoulder to comfort me. "You know where the presence is, so extent your hand and imagine a light coming out of it," she explained before removing her touch.

I did as told, and was surprised to feel something warm coming out of my right hand. I stared for a few seconds, before I remembered the task at hand. I imagine the light separating from my hand and hitting the target. It obeyed my command successfully purifying the evil presence.

Chikako gasped, "A-amazing"

I opened my eyes to see a pinkish light emanate from my hand, "How was it, sensei?"

"I've never seen such a powerful spiritual energy before," she said in disbelieve. "Especially in a young child like yourself. I'm glad your grandpa brought you to me, heavens knows he doesn't know a thing about spiritual energy."

I grinned at that, "Thank you, Chikako-san, but I must leave now or I'll be late to my archery lessons."

Still a bit dumfounded, she nodded and waved in goodbye.

I was 9 now, and I'm proud to say I'm stronger than the previous Kagome. That's right, even after all of these years, I still feel weird being in one of my favorite characters body. But I was slowly accepting it.

I was currently at school having lunch with Ayaka-chan, A friend from elementary school I hang out all the time when I wasn't busy training. She was a shy girl with big brown eyes and short black hair I had meet by accident when I collided with her in the hallway. She had spent the rest of the day staring at me until I apologized and promised to be careful, she had only smiled and introduced herself before inviting me to have lunch with her.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked me.

"How we meet," I said smiling.

She nodded satisfied with my answer wiping some leftover crumbs from her shirt, "I'll see you after class?"

I shook my head feeling guilty, "I have kendo today," I smiled, "Maybe some other day?"

"Oh," she said in a sad tone that broke my heart, I was her only friend after all.

"But we can hang out tomorrow if you want,"

"It's fine by me!"

13 wasn't an easy age. It was the most uncomfortable and awkward of all ages.

I shivered at the memory of this morning events. I have "The talk" with mom. I was flustered the whole time, and here I was thinking I was mature when I couldn't even withstand the bee and flower talk for a second time.

But I was finally free.

I stretched my arms, a content expression adorning my face. I had received my exams results and I'm proud to say I'm freaking smart.

I hadn't spent all of this time just training physically and spiritually. This way I could leave without worrying too much.

"Buyo," I called the fat cat. "Come here"

He purred in response and sat in my lap. I scratched his ears earning lot of purrs from him.

"Sis," Sota called pouting, "Let me hold Buyo."

"Alright, but be careful" I warned before standing up. "Mom. You need help?"

"Ah, yes." She said turning around to smile at me, she dried her hands in her apron before handing me a knife, "Can you cut the vegetables?"

I nodded and happily did as told. I loved helping her around, simple task like this helped me forget that my time was almost up.

I'm finally 14. Only one more year. Wait for me for me Naraku, I'll kick your ass this time around.

"Kagome!" Eri called me in a reprimanding tone. "Paid attention would you," she pouted, "I need your help with this."


"Higurashi! Something you want to share with the class?" Our sensei called me in an angry tone.

The class giggled at my expense, earning a heated glared from the sensei that quickly shut them.

I blushed shaking my head, "No sensei," I bowed my head low, "I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

2 weeks later I did something I haven't done in a while.

I was currently in the bathroom staring at my reflection. How many times have I done this, what more convincing I needed? Involuntary my hands reached to touch my hair, my face and finally my abdomen, my hand rested there for a couple of seconds until a soft light engulfed my hand. The shikon no tama. How weak will I be once you're not inside me anymore?

I sighed. Dread would do me no good. I turned off the light a walked to my room. I needed to rest, I have kendo tomorrow.

"Happy birthday Kagome-chan!"

I opened my eyes lazily and was momentarily blinded by the sun light. Once I regained my sight I was greeted with a beautiful view. Mom placed a small cake in my lap and encouraged me to blow the candles while Sota and grandpa were singing in the background.

I feel my eyes water but not with happiness, today was the day. I closed my eyes thinking about a wish.

I wished that everything went fine and that I wouldn't ruin the main plot too much.

I blow the candles, and with that my fate was sealed.

What happened next was a blur.

I was now staring at the well. Sota was saying something but I could not hear him. My palms were sweaty and I was trembling, instead of backing away I move forward, walking down the stairs slowly.

A feel of dread suddenly fills me. I kneeled to pick up the cat. Once he is secured in my arms I turned to face Sota with a nervous smiled plastered in my face.

I wait 10 seconds and nothings happen.

"Sis come back, I don't like this place," Sota begged her, his eyes wide with fear as he stared at every shadow with mistrust.

Has my mere presence ruined everything? Should I jump on my own? No. I quickly decide that would traumatize Sota. Better let things happen on their own.

"I'm coming." I said ready to walk away, "I don't want to be late today because of Buyo,"

Just when I was about to run away, a cold sensation spread in my back. I let go of Buyo, not wanting to drag the poor animal with me and slowly turned my head to see hundreds of arms near me about to pull me inside the well.


I heard Sota scream and his steps coming closer. But it's too late; I'm now facing the centipede woman.

"I can feel it," She moans, her putrid breath makes me wince, but I refuse to close my eyes, "My power is regenerating," She brings my face closer, wasting no time in bombarding me with questions, "You have it, don't you?" She licks my face and I shiver with disgust.

I can't move, four of her arms are holding my limbs.

I struggled but she kept her iron grip. Think Kagome, think.

Sota is coming closer you can't put him in danger. "Sota get jii-chan!" I shouted, looking at him over my shoulder, he looks ready to protest, his trembling little hand holding a log to hit the yokai, but it wasn't worth the risk, "Do it!"

He let go of the log, running as fast as he could, leaving me to deal with the yokai on my own.

I focused on her spiritual energy, taking a deep breath as I expel my spiritual energy from all of my body.

The centipede woman screams as she disintegrates and I take this chance to catch my breath. I had used too much of my spiritual energy, without the jewel I would have fainted. I need to be more careful next time.

Before I even noticed, I landed softly at the bottom of the well.

This feels so surreal. For the first time since I woke up as Kagome Higurashi I was feeling the reality of everything.

Now I was in place were demons were real and they wanted only one thing. One thing I have inside of me.

"Not for long," I thought grimly standing up.

I grabbed one of the many vines that growth in the well and started to climb my way out.

"Next time I'll bring a ladder." I muttered to myself.

Once I'm out of the well I couldn't help but smile. It was a lovely view. Everything seemed greener and the air more pure than the one in the future.

I'm finally here, Inuyasha. Wait for me…