"Tay, wake up," Alicia said. I turned to the other side and pulled the covers over my head. "Five more minutes," I mumbled. "Fine, I'm gonna get a bucket of water," She said and walked out of my room. My eyes shot open and I sat up, "I'm up! I'm up!" I called quickly.

She turned back around and smirked. I groaned and fell back to the pillow. She walked back, "Come on, sis, let's go," She said, smiling as she grabbed my arm and dragged me out the bed.

God! School! Why?!

I showered and slipped into my clothing. I went down the hallway and stopped at Nick's room. It was open. I walked inside and noticed he wasn't there. The bed was clean so he wasn't home last night. I sighed, shaking my head.

I stepped out the room and walked to the kitchen, where Alicia and Mom were there. "Morning," I said. "Good morning, Baby," Mom said, smiling and then turned to Alicia, "Go get ready."

My sister rolled her eyes and walked pass her. I sat down on the table and Mom placed my breakfast. "Thanks," I said. Then, Travis, Mom's boyfriend, came in. "Hey, good morning," He said and placed a kiss on the top of my head. "Morning," I said and continued to eat.

Alicia and I like Travis but Nick doesn't, he didn't tell me or my sister. But there is something common between the three of us; We don't like Travis's son; Chris. Don't know why and don't ask, but we don't. He's just an idiot.

He kissed Mom's cheek. "Good morning," She said, smiling. He looked at me, "You ready?" I nodded, "Yep." I took one last bite before getting up. "Alicia, come on!" Mom called. "Coming!" She called back as I grabbed my backpack.

The house's phone rang. Travis walked over and answered it, "Hello?" Alicia walked in, dressed and with her backpack. "What? When?" He asked. I shard a confused look with my sister before looking back at Travis talking on the phone.

He sighed. "We on our way," He said and hung up. "What's going on?" Mom asked and Travis glanced at each of us.

"Nick is in the hospital."