Jean x Mikasa

Covered in dirt, as titan blood steamed off of him, Jean held a seemingly lifeless Mikasa in his strong, muscular arms.

Their scouting mission to the outside world had gone terribly wrong.

In normal circumstances, he would have hated being this dirty. But, in this moment, all that mattered to him, was that the knocked-out girl in his arms be alive and kicking soon.

And it was a stroke of luck that he had come to her rescue just before the titan (which now lay in a steaming, decomposing heap behind him) had a chance to completely squeeze the life out of her.

He quickly put his head to her chest to check for a heart-beat. He let out a sigh of relief, when he heard a steady, life-giving beat echo-out into his ear.

With a gentle hand, he brushed aside the silky black hair from her face and let his eyes wonder.

He noticed her long, dark lashes, perfectly arched brows, and her small, perfect nose. But, to him, those features had always made her face beautiful. What really caught his attention, was the way her inviting, plump lips were parted ever so slightly.

And the sight of those lips made him do something that surprised his inner-self more than anything….

Without thinking he stooped, and simply kissed her.

It was a light, tender kiss.

Poor Jean, even though he knew deep down, it was wrong to steal anything, let alone a kiss,

there was nothing in his mind that could stop him form feeling happy and warm.