A/N: In this story everything happened as in the original up until the point where Lydia runs off with Wickham.
On the morning of her fourth day in Lambton Elizabeth joined the Gardiners for a walk, promising herself that she would finish writing to Jane upon her return. A Letter from Jane had been waiting for Elizabeth when she arrived in Lambton but Elizabeth had yet to reply. She hopped that the walk might provide inspiration for her letter and settle some of her apprehensions regarding the dinner she and the Gardiners would be attending tonight at Pemberley.
The party returned from their walk to find that Mr. Darcy had visited in their absence. After expressing her surprise Elizabeth escaped to the writing desk but, after setting out the writing things, she found herself staring at Mr. Darcy's calling card which had somehow remained in her possession. She could not deny the excited flutter of her heart when she considered his wanting to see her again so soon yet, she could not be entirely sorry to have missed his visit. She would, after all, be seeing him tonight. With a quick look to see if her aunt and uncle had observed her she slipped the card out of sight telling herself she would dispose of it later. She was not the kind of girl to hold on to a man's calling card is if it were a memento of his affection.
Elizabeth forced her attention back to her letter. Never had she found writing to her dear sister to be so difficult. She had been so preoccupied that she could hardly think what to say of the people she had met in Lambton or her amusements there and what was most on her mind she did not wish to write.
Finally she ended the letter, with an apology for her brevity and a promise to write again soon, and went to dress for dinner. Her aunt had gone to get ready some time ago and she would soon be sending her maid to Elizabeth.
The Gardiners and Elizabeth arrived at Pemberley and joined the other guests in a large parlor where they were greeted eagerly by Mr. Darcy. In addition to those of Elizabeth's acquaintance the party included seven gentlemen and three Ladies. Mr. Gardiner quickly fell into conversation with the Gentleman he had met the day before while fishing and introduced his wife.
Mr. Darcy addressed himself to Elizabeth, "I hope you had a pleasant day."
"Very pleasant, I thank you. We spent the day walking about with some of my aunt's friends but we were sorry to miss your call. Another time we hope to have more luck."
If Elizabeth did not mistake his expression this was a welcome communication but he only asked where they had walked and, after hearing her description, told her of a shop at the other end of Lambton, she might enjoy visiting, which boasted a fine collection of books. Then, looking up and noticing two of his guests standing apart from the others, he asked if he might introduce her to Mr. and Mrs. Kitteridge. The introductions were made and the four of them exchanged the usual pleasantries until Mr. Darcy noted that Mrs. Gardiner might be tiring of fish tales and excused himself to introduce her to the other ladies.
"Do you not fish Mr. Kitteridge?" asked Elizabeth.
"I like fishing well enough but I have many opportunities to fish. I have been much more interested in exploring the grounds of Pemberley. Yesterday we went riding with Mrs. Millforte and Miss Dixion," he indicated the two ladies who were talking with Mr. Darcy and Mrs. Gardiner, "and we spent much of this morning exploring a narrow walk amidst the rough coppice-wood." He spoke more of his admiration of the place with his wife supplying additional details.
"I am quite jealous," said Elizabeth, "I toured the Gardens the day before yesterday with my Aunt and Uncle but did not have the opportunity to explore that walk."
"I am not sure I would have endeavored to explore it if I had realized how long it is," said Mrs. Kitteridge. "I admit I was very tired by the end. Is it your first time seeing Pemberley Miss Bennet?"
"It is."
"It is ours as well. We were pleased to be invited and very surprised. Until recently we did not think Mr. Darcy liked us."
Mrs. Kitteridge's husband gave her a sharp look and with some embarrassment she added, "But we did not know him very well before and these last few months he almost seemed to go out of his way to change that. Have you known the Darcys long?"
Then this change in him was not something he had adopted on seeing her. Elizabeth longed hear more but had no way of asking and said, "I have known Mr. Darcy a little less than a year. Miss Darcy I was introduced to yesterday."
"I would like to know Miss Darcy better but I have not had much opportunity to talk with her."
All three of them glanced over to where Miss Darcy was sitting with Miss Bingley and Mrs. Hurst. They were sitting quite close and talking quietly to her in an almost proprietary manner. Mr. Darcy's gaze was also directed toward his sister and with a frown he excused himself from the ladies. As he approached his sister his expression softened. He leaned over to speak with her, she rose, and he brought her to join Elizabeth and the Kitteridges.
"Thank you for coming Miss Bennet." Miss Darcy said quietly not meeting anyone's eye until quickly glancing at her brother who gave her an encouraging smile.
"It is our pleasure. Thank you for inviting us. We were just talking of your beautiful grounds here at Pemberley."
Mr. Kitteridge repeated some of what he had said to Elizabeth in admiration of Pemberley and Mrs. Kitteridge asked, "Do you ride Miss Darcy?"
Miss Darcy answered in the affirmative and Mrs. Kitteridge gave her an encouraging smile. "I hope some time you will join us and show us your favorite haunts. Which parts of Pemberley do you most enjoy?"
Seeing that Miss Darcy looked alarmed to be called on for her opinion Elizabeth said, "I would think it would be impossible to choose."
Miss Darcy gave her a small smile, "Indeed."
The conversation turned to other topics and Elizabeth was well entertained until she noticed that something had caught Mr. Darcy's attention. She followed his gaze and saw that Mr. Bingley's sisters had drawn the other ladies away from Mrs. Gardiner and were whispering in close conspiracy while throwing the occasional pointed look at one or the other of the Gardiners. Mrs. Gardiner was now talking only to Mrs. Annesley and did not seem unhappy with the alteration. Mr. Darcy looked as if he might take some action but just then dinner was announced and for a moment Elizabeth was filled with trepidation. She had suddenly thought of the possibility that Mr. Darcy would offer her his arm and lead her into dinner in spite of the other ladies who must outrank her, but it was a silly notion of course he would not do anything of the sort, nor would she want him to. He would lead his sister… but no he had already turned away from his sister and…Elizabeth almost believed her eyes were deceiving her as Mr. Darcy approached Mrs. Gardiner and offered her his arm. Mrs. Gardiner accepted it with a look of surprise and Mr. Darcy led her into dinner leaving the others to sort themselves out as they would.
Though curious to see Miss Bingley's reaction Elizabeth did not dare to turn her eyes toward that lady for fear of appearing to triumph. Instead, she was glad to accept Mr. Bingley's arm.
Elizabeth was not seated near enough to Mr. Darcy to have any share in his conversation but she was glad to speak more with Mr. Bingley. They had been talking for some time of Hertfordshire when he said, "I had not intended to stay away for so long. It is sometimes the way of things that one invitation leads to another; the neighborhood must have wondered at our sudden departure, I hope they did not take it amiss."
Mrs. Hurst, who was sitting crosswise from Elizabeth had been listening to their conversation with a frown and now leaned forward to say, "Oh, Charles I am sure those we left behind in Hertfordshire are too engaged with their own concerns to ever think of us at all."
"Please do not imagine," Elizabeth answered her, "that we are the sort of people who forget our friends the moment they go away. Let me assure you, Mrs. Hurst, that nothing could be further from the truth. In a small country neighborhood such as ours your absence must be felt. My sister Jane was especially sorry to see you go and, to my certain knowledge, regretted that she did not have the opportunity to spend more time with you and Miss Bingley while she was in London."
Mrs. Hurst quickly struck up a conversation with her neighbor but Mr. Bingley narrowed his eyes as he glanced quickly at each of his sisters before turning back to Elizabeth and asking, "When was your sister in town?"
As Elizabeth browsed the selection of books in the shop she was visiting the next morning she pondered the events of the previous evening. She had done nothing wrong, she assured herself, by informing Mr. Bingley of Jane's visit to town. She had spoken only the truth. There had been ample time for Mr. Darcy to tell his friend the truth if he had intended to do so. Yet when she remembered the frown on Mr. Darcy's face, as Miss Bingley and Mrs. Hurst spoke to him in furious whispers during tea, there was still a niggling feeling of guilt that she could not reason away.
"If you are looking for a book about the Bishops' Wars you might find that this one offers a broader perspective."
Elizabeth jumped, "Mr. Darcy!"
"Please forgive me I did not mean to startle you. I thought you noticed my approach."
Elizabeth smiled, "No apology is necessary, Mr. Darcy, I must have been lost in thought."
She took the book he was holding glancing over a few pages. "Thank you for the recommendation. I have recently learned the importance of looking at things from more than one perspective."
"As have I."
Their eyes met and they were momentarily silent while each of them wondered whether the other's words held the same deeper meaning as their own.
Elizabeth broke the silence asking, "Are you here alone this morning Mr. Darcy?"
"My sister and Mrs. Annesley are at the Milliner's across the street. I accompanied them for the purpose of doing some errands of my own and I thought it best to be away from Bingley for a few hours. Last night I confessed my interference in his affairs and that I knew of your sister being in town last winter."
Elizabeth looked surprised and he continued, "I could not let his sisters take the blame alone."
Elizabeth's surprise turned to embarrassment, "I am sorry to have made things awkward for you but I do not believe I was wrong in speaking as I did."
"Nor do I. You spoke only the truth. I ought to have made the confession long ago."
"Was Mr. Bingley very angry?"
Elizabeth lowered her eyes unsure of how to reply. The silence between them was in danger of growing awkward when Mr. Darcy spoke again. "It is not in Bingley's nature to stay angry long, even this morning I saw signs of his relenting."
"I am glad."
"I believe he will be returning to Netherfield very soon. He may even leave today."
"I am sure everyone will be pleased to see him."
"I hope there are not those in the neighborhood who resent his long absence."
"I do not believe there is and, if his leaving did cause any misunderstanding, his returning will easily set all to right."
"Once Bingley forgives me I would like to visit him at Netherfield. I would like travel there together but I am sure he is no humor to wait until my obligations here are discharged."
Elizabeth smiled, "You do not believe he would yield to the persuasion of a friend?"
Mr. Darcy returned her smile. "In this case I do not think his conviction can be shaken and I am proud of him for standing firm. But I notice you have not said how the neighborhood is likely to receive my visit. I know I did not make a good impression there but I hope I might have a chance to make amends."
"I would not like to think we are the sort of neighborhood to hold a grudge especially when our own conduct, if strictly examined, is not irreproachable."
They talked a few minutes more, Elizabeth made her purchases, and Mr. Darcy asked if he and his sister might have the honor of giving her a ride back to her lodgings. It was an honor she was happy to bestow and he led her toward his carriage.
As they approached the carriage Mr. Darcy frowned, "What can have happened to John?" and following his gaze Elizabeth noticed that the coachman's seat was empty and the horses had been hitched to a post. "I asked him to…"
Mr. Darcy's words were cut off as a large man stepped up behind him and bludgeoned him in the back of the head. At the same time a second man seized Elizabeth and held one hand firmly over her mouth, she felt a pistol pressed into her side as he hissed into her ear, "Now then Miss Darcy, come along quietly, no screaming or your brother will get worse. Do you understand?"
Elizabeth nodded. When he took his hand away she whispered, "I am not…" then her wits caught up to what was happening and she forced herself not to glance across the street where the real Miss Darcy might emerge from the Milliner's shop at any moment. "…not going to make any trouble."
"Good girl."
Two men were already tossing Mr. Darcy unceremoniously into his carriage. The one holding the pistol pushed Elizabeth in roughly behind him and sat down across from her still pointing the pistol toward her. "This is just to keep things nice and friendly, Miss Darcy. No reason for anyone to get hurt."
The other two men entered, yanked Mr. Darcy's arms behind him, and lashed his wrists together with a short chain which they secured with a padlock. Then they went out and Elizabeth heard them unhitching the horses and climbing into the driver's seat.
As the carriage pulled away Elizabeth risked a quick glance behind and saw Mrs. Annesley emerging from the Milliner's shop just before they turned a corner and the shop was out of sight. It was only after her initial relief at the success of her subterfuge passed that Elizabeth began to question the wisdom of her actions.
A/N: I've read a number of fanfics where Lizzy gets kidnapped so I thought it would be fun to explore having the two of them get kidnapped together and see how they deal with it. In a way I didn't really need most of this chapter other than for the sake of picking up at the point where things change but it was kind of fun to see Darcy hosting a large group. His leading Mrs. Gardiner into dinner was probably a bit unrealistic but I couldn't resist it for the sake of putting Miss Bingley in her place. I'm just writing this for fun so I may take a few liberties here and there. :) Chapter 2 will be posted momentarily.
Thanks for reading – I hope you enjoy!