This idea came to me when I was going through pictures on my computer for inspiration. I dont normally like writing stories this short but I didnt think I could continue writing this without making it a chapter fic so a drabble it is

If you could take a pill that rid you of all your emotions would you? Would you get rid of sadness anger and heartbreak? Are the fleeting stabs of happiness and hope really worth the pain and grief? This was a decision that only one boy had to truly make. Chase Davenport, the smartest man alive had finally created something he could be proud of. He created the pill in question.

The bullying would top hurting. The anger and fear would blow away. The little white, so innocent laying on the table in front of him was truly a gift and a curse. He would no longer love his family. He would be a shell of a man, caring for no one even himself.

With shaky hands he picked up the drug. He'd considered making a trial version, something that would only last a week or month but he knew that the change in him would be obvious and drastic. His family would prevent him from ever taking the pill again.

His mind traveled to the morning before where Adam had thrown him through a wall. He remembered the day before when he was ridiculed for knowing the answer to a teacher's question. Even the day before that he had been pushed to the ground twice in school and punched in the stomach by Adam. Every day was hell and he had spent too long tolerating it. This was not how life was be supposed to be.

He would never have what life was supposed to be but at least this way he'd never be in pain again. Tipping back his head, he dropped the pill down his throat, swallowing it easily. Afterwards he would describe the feeling of his emotions leaving him as odd. He couldn't remember if he had been scared, sad or happy. He couldn't remember any emotion he'd ever felt. He knew his actions but his mind could no longer comprehend what it could not reproduce.

I know it was short but I'd love your reviews.