During the movie Ira and Mako spent most of the time holding hands. Once and a while Ira would look at Mako but turned back to the movie when she turned to look at him. Ira couldn't help but blush as they held hands. Mako was his first ever date and hes not familiar with how dating girls worked. So far though she seemed happy and having a good time which was a relief for him.

After the movie ended Ira payed for the broken cup holder. Mako apologized even though the staff was not happy, but the theater manager after hearing about the broken cup holder and the situation; he felt a little bad that none of the seats fitted Ira's big physique and promised that he would have a custom seat made for him next time he came. Ira was much obliged and thanked him before he and Mako left the theater.

Once they got outside they looked up the sky and saw the sun will set in a little while.

"That movie was great!" Mako cried.

Ira smiled.

"Yeah I guess it was."

Ira than looked down at Mako.

"Where would you like to go next Mankanshoku?" he asked.

"Whuh!" she cried in surprise "This date is still not over?"

Ira blushed.

"N-no I guess not. Unless you want it to be."

"Are you kidding me!" Mako cried "Heck no! I know where we can go! Lets go to the park and eat my mom's special croquettes."

Ira smiled.

"Mankanshoku lets take my car." he said.

Mako's eyes beemed as she smiled.

"Shotgun!" she cried.

Once they reached Ira's car Mako enthusiastic as ever admired Ira's car.

"You've got the sweetest ride ever Gamagoori!" she cried.

Ira blushed and smiled a little as he opened the door for her.

"Thank you Mankanshoku."

After he entered the car he started the engine and drove to the park. The park was popular for picnics, hikes, and flying kites when it was windy. Their were only a fair few of people at the park. A mother was pushing a baby in its stroller. A father was playing frisbee with his son. Children were swinging on the swings. And a little girl was feeding ducks at a nearby lake.

Near the lake across a bridge were tables laid across for picnics. Taking Ira's hand Mako led him towards one of the tables and they both sat down. Reaching into her shirt Mako pulled out a nicely wrapped package from her shirt. Ira nearly choked a gasp. How was that possible?! Opening the package inside was Mako's mom's croquettes.

"Well lets eat!" she said happily. Before digging in they blessed the food.

"Thank you for this meal." they said together.

As they ate Ira looked at Mako whos cheeks were filled with food. Taking a hankerchief he slowing extended it towards Mako's face and wiped some food from her chin.

After swallowing Mako spoke.

"I'm really glad you asked me on this date Gamagoori."

Ira blushed as he slowly smiled.

"I'm glad you agreed to accompany me Mankanshoku."

Mako stuffed some more food in her mouth.

"I was wondering though... Why did you ask me?" she asked. "I thought you liked Lady Satsuki."

Ira nearly choked on his food as he was surprised by her question. He slowly cleared his throat before he answered.

"W-well...I-I really admire you Mankanshoku. I've always admired you since we first met. And I want to know more about you. You surprise me and I-I've aquired feelings for you!"

Mako was really touched by Ira's words. She couldn't help herself as she stood on top of the bench and reached her hands toward the heavens.

"Mako accepts your feelings Gamagoori! Mako knows how you feel and I feel the same way! I too have always admired you since we first met! And I too would like to know more about you! Also I would love to go on another date with you!"

Ira was touched by Mako's response but he also was a little embarrased as almost everyone at the park was staring at them in awe. Ira cleared his throat once.

"Thank you Mankanshoku. Your words mean alot to me. And uhhh...your standing on a picnic table. Please get down."

Mako looking around noticed everyone staring at her and she slowly sat back down her cheeks blushing in embarrassment.

"Awww frick." she muttered "This is so humiliating."

Ira couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"That makes two of us Mankanshoku. But I don't regret anything I said."

Mako then smiled and her cheeks pinkened.

"Me too Gamagoori."

Mako then closed her eyes leaned toward Ira and puckered her lips. Ira felt his heart race at an unsteady beat. Sweat poured from his head as he blushed. Was she serious?! Here?! Right now?! Seeing that Mako was waiting for him to act, he hesitantly leaned foward to Mako's awaiting lips.

Suddenly Ira heard a crack and some whispers coming from the bushes behind them.

"Shhh! Shut up they'll hear us!"

"Your the one talking!"

"Both of you be quiet!"

Ira slowly stood up.

"Excuse me for a momemt Mankanshoku."

Mako opened her eyes and slowly nodded her head. She put on a fake smile to hide her disappointment.

"Okey dokie." she said.

Ira then strutted towards the bush loosing his patience.

"Oh no shit here he comes!"

"I can see that!"

Ira then stood tall and furious as he stared down at the other Elites, Ryuko, and Satsuki who were hiding behind the bush.

"Well isn't this a surprise." Ira said sarcastically.

Uzu nervously smiled and waved.

"Hey big guy! Your doing great."

Ira was not amused.

"What are you guys doing here!" he demanded "How dare you spy on me and Mankanshoku on our date!"

Nonon crossed her arms.

"Hey Toad it wasn't my idea. I never wanted to eavesdrop on you and the Underachiever flirting with each other."

Uzu nodded.

"Yeah this was all Matoi's idea."

Ryuko stared daggers at Uzu.

"What! You bastard! You have some nerve to be pointing this on me! Satsuki was in on this too!"

For the first time Satsuki blushed in embarrassment.

"I-I was not!"

Ira sighed as he rubbed his eyes.

"I don't care who's idea it was! Just please get out of here. I mean well and no offense Lady Satsuki."

Satsuki smiled in understandment.

"None taken Gamagoori. Were sorry for the interference. Come on guys, lets leave Gamagoori and Mankanshoku with their date."

Houka turned off his tablet after secretly recording them.

"This will make good data for my rescources."

As they turned to leave Ryuko pointed a finger at Gamagoori.

"If you in any way hurt Mako, your going to pay big time."

Ira sighed.

"I assure you Matoi Mankanshoku is in good hands. You have my word."

Ryuko gave Ira one more look before she turned around and followed the others. Ira then turned on his heel and walked back to the picnic area. Mako wasn't at the table. Looking around Ira spotted her feeding a squirrel some leftover croquett.

"Sorry about that Mankanshoku." he apologized.

Mako smiled.

"Its all cool. Everything okay Gamagoori?"

"Yeah. Its getting late. We should be heading back."

Mako wiped the crumbs from her hands and followed pursuit.

After getting in the car before Ira started the engine Mako pointed at a direction.

"Gamagoori look a beautiful sunset!"

Ira looked at the direction Mako was pointing and sure enough their was a sunset. The sky was a perfect mixture of orange, red, pink, and purple. It was a beautiful sight to behold. He couldn't have asked for a better day.

"Well spotted Mankanshoku." he replied.

He decided to sit and watch the sun set with Mako. Mako then rested her head on Ira's arm. Ira blushed and his heart beated fast as he slowly extended his arm around her shoulder bringing her close to him.

After the sun setted Ira started the car and immediatley drove Mako home. Once they approached her house. He slowly shook Mako who was asleep.

"Mankanshoku were here." he said softly.

"Hmmm? Home already?"

After stretching Mako gave Ira a tight hug.

"Thank you for the date Gamagoori! I had a wonderful time!"

Ira blushed as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Thank you Mankanshoku." he said softly.

After she released him she reached out to open the door. Ira then took the opportunity for this moment.

"Mankanshoku wait."

She turned to look at him as he leaned foward and pressed his lips to hers. Slowly the couple began to kiss tenderly and passionately. After it seemed the kiss would never end, Mako pulled away with her cheeks pink as ever. Ira too felt he cheeks radiate.

"Goodnight Gamagoori. I'll text you later." Mako said as she opened the door and stepped out.

Before she went inside she turned and waved at him which he too did in return. Once Mako was inside, Ira started the engine and drove off satisfied with how this day ended. He couldn't have asked for a better date.

Or maybe he can...

When Mako entered the house she saw Ryuko and her entire family waiting for her with excited grins. Well except her dad.

"So...how was it?" Ryuko asked.

Ira too was not expecting to see the Elites and Lady Satsuki later waiting for him at his house to spill out everything.