Author's Final Thoughts:

Well this certainly was an experience! I would like to thank everyone who's stuck this out and read the complete story. You don't know how much that means to me.

As a lesbian, I found it difficult to write for straight relationships, especially when it came to the matter of sex. This story was a way to help me figure out how to write like this. Since I knew the characters and world so well, it allowed me to focus strictly on the love aspect. I did loads of research on the topic (no pun intended), talked to some of my male friends, and tried to come up with a writing style that was both as accurate as I could make it yet going completely raunchy as well. Since this is smut, there was only so much I could do in that regard, but I hope I found a good balance.

Now, as this story has been under fire from self-imposed police, there is no guarantee that this story will remain. So I have uploaded the story on two other sites. The story can be found on FictionPad (under the user name Glee-chan). The site is a little screwy, but I think you can still find it if you search it. You can also find it on Archive of Our Own (under the user name GleeChan). Since FFnet does allow links, this is the best I can do: archiveofourown dot org /works/9531002/chapters/21551309 . At both sites, the story is still named Harry Potter and the Hogwarts Harem. I won't soon forget Varangue's crusade against me, but I also won't forget the support many of you have shown me through out this process.

So once again, thank you so much for reading this story. I tried to keep the characters acting as they would have within the structure I set up. In someways it worked, and others it didn't. Still, I hope you've all had an enjoyable experience.

- Glee-chan