Chapter threeeeee~


At exactly six thirty, the room to our shared dorm opened, and Arthur appeared. He held a bag in his hand and smiled at me

"I may have snuck off campus to grab us a couple of snacks. What film would you like to watch?"

I couldn't help but grin, that bastard was perfect.



I shook the thought from my head, "You're less of an idiot than I thought. Come on, lets scoot our beds together." I beckoned and Arthur obliged.

Once we had created one massive bed and changed into pyjamas, we both got comfortable and Arthur turned the telly on.

"Film?" Arthur questioned again. I glanced down at our selection. Arthur had gotten the Hunger Games trilogy, and the Harry Potter series.

"Hunger Games." He nodded and popped the film in, before getting comfortable next to me. I opened the bag of butter flavoured popcorn, and Arthur dug into a package of crisps.

As the movie played, neither of us paid attention. Arthur would occasionally lean over and whisper some dumb joke, or some criticism of the film into my ear. I would respond by either smacking him, or agreeing with his criticism and making one of my own. Eventually, that progressed into talking and laughing.

We managed to make it through the entire Hunger Games trilogy, and so I put on the Harry Potter. Halfway through the movie, our banter ceased and Art got quiet. I looked over and watched him struggle to keep his eyes open.

"Awww, is wittle Art tired? Does baby need a nap?" I teased, poking his side. Arthur weakly swatted at me, a sleepy grin on his face. "Oh belt up, tosser. I'm older than you! 'Sides, I'm not even tired!" His words lacked any real venom and I rolled my eyes.

"You're clearly tired, bastard."

Arthur shook his head and stuffed a handful of M&Ms into his mouth. "Awake."

"Go to sleep." I murmured. That was why I loved movie nights. Arthur always got tired before I did, and tired Arthur was incredibly cute, I had to admit.

Around ten minutes later or so, I felt Arthur's head on my shoulder and heard light snoring. Apparently he had lost his battle with sleep. I checked the time, midnight, and reached for a blanket to cover Arthur with.

He looked adorable, with his blonde hair covering his eyes, his pyjamas on, and his hand still in the M&M's box. I soon realise that I should probably go to sleep instead of staring. Arthur looked so comfortable, so I decided against moving, and begrudgingly, I choose to remain where I am and close my eyes. My cheeks burnt with embarrassment.

Morning comes, except this time it's Arthur shaking me awake, mumbling something about being late. I open my eyes, wincing at the bright light of the dorm room. "God, turn the fucking light off!" I growl.

"Get your ass up! We're late." Arthur shouts from the bathroom. I groan and look around. Our makeshift bed is still intact, and there's food wrappers surrounding me. I close my eyes. The bastard can spare five more minutes.

"Lovino Vargas you get your ass up right now. It's the second day and I'll be damned if you're late. You woke me up yesterday, and today I'm not going to let you sleep all day. So I apologise for this." I hear Arthur's words, but don't process them. Until a pillow smacks me square in the face.

"Oi, you stronzo! I'm fucking awake, don't you dare hit me again, bastard!" I jump up, incredibly angry. Yet, Arthur merely rolls his eyes. "I'm going to stop by the dining hall and you get something to eat. You better be ready by the time I'm back. You have eight minutes." and he's gone.

I feel myself calming down. Really, Arthur is the only person not intimidated or afraid of my anger. In fact, the bastard's temper can be worse than mine. I get up and get ready, feeling sluggish. It's going to be a long day.

Arthur returns, a muffin and some fruit in tow. "There was no coffee you liked in the dining hall, sorry. Are you ready?"

"Don't worry about it, thanks for the food. Let's go." I graciously accept the breakfast, noticing that Arthur grabbed nothing for himself.

We end up sprinting to the main schooling building, and parted ways, with Arthur shouting, "I'll text you!"

I offered a wave before heading to my first hour class, physics.

When I got there, Antonio was already there, waving frantically.

"Looooovvvviiii! I'm over here~!"

"Yeah, I have eyes that work. You don't need to yell my name like a fucking maniac." I huffed and sat in my desk, which happened to be right next to that Spanish bastard. Antonio ignored me, instead choosing to throw his arms around me in a hug. I shifted away, and aimed a punch to his gut. Antonio doubled over, and Francis, who on the other side of me, laughed.

Once the teacher walked in, everyone stopped talking, except for Francis.

"Lovino. I've been hearing some rumours about you, mon ami~"

That caught my attention.

"What are you talking about, bastard?"

"I've been hearing something about you having a crush on our dear Arthur~" I nearly choked.

"What the fuck? Who told you that? You know Arthur's my best friend, but, god, I don't have a fucking crush on him!"

My phone buzzed, and I checked my phone to see a text from Arthur. Francis had a knowing smile, watching me as I responded to the Brit.

"No need to get feisty, Lovi. I was just wondering if there was any truth to the rumours. I seem to have gotten my answer~" Francis winked at me. I felt my face heat up, and I turned back to my notebook. "Pay attention to the teacher, bastard."


Arthur ran into the class, slightly late again. His face was flushed and he was panting as he sat into his seat next to me. He looked absolutely adorable.

"Late again, Kirky?" I teased. Arthur glared at me. "This time was not my fault, blasted Lovino wouldn't wake up. And what did you call me? Kirky? It's Arthur Kirkland."

"Okay dude, sorry, no need to snap. Chill outtt." I held my hands up in defence. Arthur merely frowned and turned his head toward the teacher, taking down notes. For the rest of the class, I poked and prodded Arthur, asking him various questions. Really, I just wanted to have his green eyes on me.

When class ends, I pack up as quickly as possible, just so that I can walk out with him. As I'm rushing to catch up to Arthur, who is already halfway out of the door, my foot catches on the edge of a chair. Then, I'm airborne. I feel my books fly out of my arms and I feel the impact of my face and body meeting with the floor. And damn, does it hurt. I feel myself being lifted up, and I look up to see Arthur there, supporting my torso. The dude's smaller than I am, and I can see him struggling to get me up on my feet, so I assist him. "Thanks for helping me, bro!" I shoot him a grin, and he rolls his eyes and begins to pick up my things. Once he's handed the pile of my books to me, the bell chimes, signalling we only have two minutes to get to our next class. "Bloody hell! My next class is on the other side of the building. I've got to go, bye!" Arthur shouts, then he disappears out of the door. I notice I'm smiling as I head to my next class, until I remember that I have the class with that fucking Italian. Dude's hot, but I can tell he hates me. He's fiercely protective of Arthur, and they're not even dating! But I really don't want Lovino to hate me. As I sit down next to Lovino, I wonder about the status of Arthur's sexuality. From what Francis told me, people of both genders can't resist the cranky Brit. But does he swing both ways? While I'm ignoring the lecture, and analysing Arthur, I feel Lovino's amber eyes burning a hole into the side of my face. So I turn to meet his gaze and he jumps a bit. "Why are you staring at me?" I question. Lovino glares even harder at me. "Hmph. I can hear you whispering shit to yourself and it's annoying. Shut the fuck up."

My face paled slightly and Lovino turned back to the teacher. Had I been speaking out loud? What did Lovino hear? I buried my face into my arms, and let out a sigh.

The bell rang and Lovino took no notice of me, as he exited the room to start his break period and, most likely, meet up with Arthur. Apparently neither Arthur nor Lovino were keen on waiting for me.

I rushed to catch up, and watched as Lovino purchased a drink from one of the canteens and then stood impatiently, clearly waiting for someone. Then he walked in, the Brit with the golden hair and striking eyes. AKA Arthur Kirkland. He came up to the Italian, and smiled as Lovino shoved the drink at him. I didn't even have to look to know Lovino was blushing. Arthur laughed and accepted the drink. I figured now was as good a time as any, and approached the two. "Hey guys!"

Lovino bristled and glared at me. Arthur gave me a quick once over and sipped his drink, "Good morning, Alfred."

"What're you drinkin'?" I asked, hoping to gain knowledge of Arthur's drink preferences.

"This? It's a cup of earl grey, courtesy of Lovino. It's my favourite tea." Arthur smiled at Lovino and nudged him. "You're really too kind, Vargas."

"Shut the fuck up. It's only repayment for the latte you brought me yesterday. D-don't get excited." The Italian fumbled over his words, glaring at the floor. Arthur merely sighed and took another sip.

Then I had an idea.

"So, Arthur. You said you had a recital to practice for yesterday. What do you play?" Arthur perked up at my words.

"Why, yes. I play piano."

"Dude seriously?! I've always wanted to learn how to play." Sort of a lie. "Would you be willing to give me lessons? Like once a week or something?"

Arthur watched me quizzically, his brow furrowed. Lovino glared daggers into my face, but I ignored him and gave Arthur my signature puppy eyes. The brit sighed, obviously annoyed with me.

"Fine. Whatever. Once a week. No more than thirty minutes."

"You're the best, Artie!"

"Please, don't refer to me with that childish name. These will only be temporary, I'll let the piano teacher at the school know you're interested and he can refer you to a proper teacher." Arthur huffed and began to walk away, "I'm leaving now. Lovino, I'll see you at lunch! Alfred, if you piss me off even once, these lessons are done."

I couldn't help the grin that had spread itself onto my face, and Lovino was fuming.

"What the fuck was that?" He growled at me, and I played dumb.

"Whattdya mean, Lovino?" I smiled at him.

"What are you up to? He's my best friend you know, fucking moron. He doesn't even like you. There's no way in hell you actually give a shit about piano!" Lovino was nearly yelling at this point, and I offered only a shrug.

"Whatever. Fuck you." Lovino hissed before storming off.

I had won.

The bell rang, and I realized that I still didn't know my way around the school. Lovino was my guide, and now he was pissed off.

Oh well.

I had private piano lessons with a cute British kid.


What was wrong with everyone today? Alfred wouldn't stop clinging to me and talking to me, even going as far as to ask for piano lessons from me.

At lunch, Lovino barely spoke to me, instead choosing to glare at me periodically and stab his lunch. Gilbert was talking animatedly to the entire table, while Alfred was busy showing Kiku something on his phone, and I decided now was a good opportunity to talk to my best friend. "Lovino." I leaned over and whispered to him. He glared at me with those amber eyes.

"Lovino, please. What's wrong? What did I do?" He ignored my question and began to eat his food.

I sighed. Today was progressing miserably.

I looked at my tray of uneaten food, and decided to leave lunch early. There was no use being there if Lovino wasn't going to talk to me. Not to mention, the volume of sound alone was enough to trigger a headache.

"I'm going to leave now. See you all later." I stood up and walked out of the door. The crisp, autumn air on my face felt refreshing. There was still twenty minutes of lunch time left, so I chose to stop by the library.

The library is one of my most favourite locations in this school. I open the double French doors, and instantly I can smell the scent of old books. The library is tall and vast, and the shelves are made of delicate chestnut coloured wood. The chairs are wooden as well, each studded with an ornately crafted design into the wood. The library is lit by a row of sconces on each side of the walls, which are painted a deep burgundy colour. Yes, the library was one of my favourite places.

I grabbed a book, and settled down in one of the leather couches.

Books and piano were both two of the most important things in my life.

I was in solace when the bell interrupted me. Sighing, I put the book away and rushed to my chemistry class.

The next two periods droned on slowly, and I was impatient to get to my fifth hour, which was piano time for me. I wondered about Lovino, and debated sending him a text message. Though, he hadn't responded to me yet.

The day went by, and soon enough I was in my practice room, getting my music out. I wasn't sure if Lovino was going to meet me here after school, but I figured there was no use in worrying about it. Though, it did sadden me. Yet, I had no time to waste. The piece I picked this year, was notoriously recognised as one of the most difficult piano sonatas to play: Beethoven's Hammerklavier.

Professor Edelstein, who assisted me in my playing, even seemed skeptical when I had approached him about my decision to play this sonata. Yet he had given me his permission anyway. This was quite the undertaking. I set my music on the piano and sat down to play. First, I played a few scales to warm up my fingers. Then, I started on the beginning of Hammerklavier.

After playing for a while, I noticed it was three. School was finished for the day.

I resumed my playing, albeit quieter, in case a certain Italian decided to knock on my door.

The knock came a few minutes later. "Come in!" I shouted, gathering up my things. The door opened and there stood Alfred. I frowned at him slightly, "What are you doing here?"

He shrugged, grinning, "I just wanted to hear you play, and I was told by Elizaveta that your last period is in the music building. It was hard finding you, though."

"Very well then. I'm leaving now." I murmured, exiting the room. Alfred followed suit, falling into step with me as we left the music building.

I was concerned, though. I really needed to talk to Lovino.

"So, Artie, what're your plans for tonight?" I prodded him. He glared at me, "My name is Arthur. Considering it's a school night, I'll probably study in the library."

"Dude, sweet! Can I study with you?"

I groaned inwardly. "Not tonight, but some day, I suppose. Where are you headed, Alfred? You don't have to follow me."

He smiled even wider, "I'm going to grab something to eat at the dining hall! Wanna come?"

I felt my stomach rumble, skipping lunch wasn't a great idea. "You know what, I could use something to eat. Sure."

Alfred cheered at my response, and grabbed my hand and took off toward the dining hall.

"Let go of me, you blithering idiot! I am perfectly capable of getting there without any assistance from you!" My words fell on deaf ears.

Once we were there, Alfred went to grab some burgers for himself. I opted for a salad and some iced tea. I seated myself at a table and waited for Alfred to return. The American came back, carrying a tray of two burgers, a doughnut, a chocolate chip cookie, and a bag of crisps. To top it off, he had a container of chocolate milk. Even just looking at his tray made me nauseous.

"That looks absolutely atrocious, not to mention you have enough food to feed a village!" I gasped. He laughed at me and sat down. "Nah dude, this is nothin'!" I rolled my eyes and dug into my salad.

I had to admit, eating with Alfred was actually somewhat pleasant. His incessant babbling was quite entertaining. Once we finished eating, I stood. "I've got to go now, Alfred. I'll see you at dinner." I offered him a wave and set off toward my dorm to confront my moody best friend.

"Oi, Lovino. I'm home." I announced as I stepped into our dorm. Immediately, a pillow met with my face.

"Ouch, what the fuck? Lovino!" I growled at the Italian, who was sitting on his bed glaring at the television. He didn't respond. I sighed and sat my things down, before sitting next to Lovino on his bed.

"Alright, Lovino. Why are you angry at me?"

He looked at me, with those amber eyes.

"Nothing, bastard." I raised a brow at his response. "Oh? Is that why you ignored me nearly all day?"

His face went red and he punched me in the shoulder. "I said nothing! I-I'm sorry for ignoring you. I was being childish." Lovino stuttered out an apology. I smiled, his apologies were always so endearing. "You know you're my best friend. I forgive you."

Lovino looked up at me, a small smile starting to appear on his face. "Well then, if you'll excuse me, I have some student council work to finish up on. After that, we're having a TV show marathon. Pick the show while I work." I stood up and pulled out a binder from my bag. "As you say, bastard."

The rest of the night passed by leisurely. Once my work was finished, Lovino had picked some cooking program series. We got ourselves comfortable and started our marathon.

The following morning, we both woke up late.

Long-ish chapter, woah. Completely unedited(there's a ton of tense shifts in this chapter). Threw in a small Arthur and Alfred moment. As you can see, Arthur isn't quite as hostile in this story as he is in most, and he's starting to warm up to our lovable American.