DISCLAIMER: Ace Attorney belongs to Capcom.
~ Perfection is... ~
Perfection is something
she strives for still.
Perfection is...
not this.
The slide of a razor
across her wrist,
that swift spark of pleasure
that should not exist.
Although she is no longer a child,
and in no danger of being caught
her adrenaline spikes
at just the thought:
Papa would not approve.
A split-second memory
of her father is enough
to snuff out the spark
Leaving her bleeding
and strangely hollow
alone in the dark
Another carefully placed slash
parts her flesh and clears her mind
letting the pain and pleasure take over
and continues until she's nearly blind
with the sensations, and then
suddenly (unexpectedly) it all ends
And for a few brief moments
she feels as though her soul
has been cleansed.