Contrary to popular belief, I AM NOT DEAD! I am, however, ashamed that it took me almost 3 WHOLE MONTHS to update! I am so sad at myself! Anyway, I am back. It's just been a CRAZY few months and I could literally make a list that would extend around the world 5 times with the reasons why I didn't update sooner, but I'm sure none of you want to read that list and would much rather read THE LAST CHAPTER of Dimitri's Prequel:) This chapter is extra long since I decided not to split it up into two, so I hope you enjoy!

Also, one of the comments (from way back in April, O MY GOSH! Still sad at myself) addressed something I got wrong in chapter 1. I don't know if you are still reading Sienna, but since I can't PM you, I'm letting you know here that you were right about Alto not being in his mid-thirties. He is only a few years older than our fav Russian;) thank you for pointing that out.

Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Academy or its characters. Everything belongs to Richelle Mead.

Vasilisa exited the car as instructed with Emil at her heels. I watched as a stream of guardians flowed out of the other vehicles and into practiced lines leading from the princess to the plane. At the moment, though, she didn't look much like a princess. Her clothing resembled someone forced to live on a tight allowance, her face held fear, her stride showed exhaustion, and even her demeanor lacked the regality of royalty. She looked broken somehow, like a mental weight had been placed on her. More than likely the accident was the cause, but maybe there was more…

I continued to wait in the car with Rose while Vasilisa boarded the jet. She looked like she was about to blow up at any moment with the way she was sitting on the edge of her seat and leaning towards the door anxiously. At first I thought she was readying for an escape attempt, but after noticing the way her eyes followed her friend, I realized she was only readying herself to jump into action and protect if need be. When Vasilisa was safely inside, I got out of the SUV with a nod to Keat (he and a few other guardians would be taking the long way home in order to return the Academy's vehicles) and opened the door for Rose. After exchanging the usual pleasantries – a glare of hatred from her and a look of indifference from me – she stepped out of the car.

And immediately collapsed.

My arms circled her before she could hit the pavement, and I hoisted her up. The air strip provided better lighting than the street did so I could now see that she was very pale. She closed her eyes tightly for a moment and when she opened them I was surprised beyond words to find them beseeching.

"Don't tell Lissa," she pleaded. "She'll worry."

I stared back into her dark eyes (perhaps a little longer than necessary), trying to find a few more pieces to the puzzle that was Rose Hathaway. Delinquent, rule breaker, and "kidnapper" yet devoted protector to one of the most important people in the world. Protector not only of body, but of mind and emotions.

I nodded and she looked relieved.

I began to make my way towards the jet, but she stopped me by saying, "I can walk myself. I was just a little light headed." Then with added attitude and defiance, "Put me down."

I was happy to oblige, but once she was on her feet I still kept the distance between us short. No need to add head trauma due to falling to her light-headedness due to blood loss. The second we got on the jet Rose located Vasilisa and soon after was by her side.

I went in the opposite direction, to the cabin of the jet, in order to talk to the pilot. He let me know that everything was working properly and we could leave at any time. I told him to give me 5 minutes to contact the academy and then he could begin the take off. Then I thanked him as I ducked out.

Taking out my cell phone, I called Alberta.

"Guardian Petrov," she answered.

"We have the princess," I told her. "She is unharmed and secure."

"That's wonderful! I knew you could do it, Dimitri." She said nothing for a moment. "And...Rose?"

"Also safe."

"Thank God," she let out in a breath of relief. "That girl – never mind. Call me when you're close to landing so I can send some cars for you. And...thank you Belikov."

After hanging up, I turned to face the aisle and nearly cursed. I'd forgotten to order the girls to be separated, and as a result they were sitting side by side, engaged in a whispering conference. I didn't miss the way Rose's eyes darted from guardian to guardian, noting their position, attention, and distance from the door. This had to stop immediately.

"Don't let them talk to each other," I commanded. "Five minutes together and they'll come up with an escape plan."

Stephan quickly rose from his seat and made a gesture for Rose get up as well and follow him to the back of the jet. Instead of glaring, Rose threw a superior look over her shoulder as she lazily walked down the aisle. She acted as if she and the princess had already figured out a plan and I hadn't actually interrupted them, but Vasilisa's face told a different story. They had no plan.

As I sat down next to Vasilisa near the front of the plane, she tensed. I didn't want to cause that kind of reaction, so I tried to look as unintimidating as possible. Not very easy for a large, Russian guy mind you.

Time passed and her nerves still didn't calm down. In fact, they seemed to get worse. She held a death grip on a water bottle beside her while her other hand furiously played with the fabric of Rose's coat. All the while I sat there helplessly, unsure of what I could do or say to assure her that she would be okay. That she was safe now.

Minutes before we reached our destination, I got up to call Alberta and inform her of our impending landing, but after hanging up I didn't return to my seat. Instead I moved to the back to talk to Rose. She had been quiet the entire flight no matter how much probing Stephan did. I wondered how I could get her to open up.

As I took the seat beside her, her head jerked to the window, refusing to even acknowledge me. She didn't look intimidated or afraid. More like annoyed and defiant (apparently our truce that we'd made before getting on the plane was over). No other student had ever acted like this towards me. It was frustrating. Why was she being so difficult? I thought about what I could say to initiate a response, but the only thing I could think to ask was something I had been wondering since she leaped at me on the street.

"Where you really going to attack all of us?" I asked.


Okay. I could be stubborn too. New tactic. "Doing that...protecting her like that – it was very brave." Again, nothing. She didn't respond to my praise, but maybe she would respond to a little criticism. "Stupid, but still brave. Why did you even try it?"

The muscles in my hand twitched (as a reflex, of course) when she pushed a curtain of dark hair aside and met my eyes unflinchingly.

"Because I'm her guardian," she said as if it should have been completely obvious, like it were already true. Then she turned back to the window.

Her words – and the tone she said them in – caught me off guard. She had spoken them with so much passion you could practically believe them. I was pretty good at reading people, but this was the second time that Rose had surprised me today. She was unpredictable. Her fire was compelling and could be a great asset if she learned to control it.

I got up and returned to the front of the plane when I started to feel it descend. I was surprised to see that Vasilisa was smiling – my guess was that she had heard Rose's answer to my question. When she saw me, though, her smile left and she looked straight ahead. She wasn't being defiant like Rose, she was still frightened. Great. My charge was scared of me. But now, after listening to Rose, I knew what I could say to help her.

I leaned in and spoke quietly. "I'm sorry about your family, Princess. I can't imagine your pain." She bit her lip and looked down. Her face twisted at the memory playing in her head. "I realize that Rose is the closest thing to have to family right now and she has no guarantee of staying at the Academy. But I promise I will do everything in my power to keep you two together."

She looked at me and studied my face, searching for any sign of deception. When she found none, a small smile slowly formed. "Thank you," she whispered.

Her gratitude was genuine, as was my promise. I may not know Rose very well, but I knew potential when I saw it. Sure she was impulsive, undisciplined, and had a lot of catching up to do, but her mind was in the right place. She knew what it meant to be a guardian, to be selfless. You only had to spend a minute with these girls to see that Rose put all of Vasilisa's needs and wants above her own. Her priorities were straight and she could become a good – a great – guardian. Not to mention the advantage of a bond in a guarding relationship. I was still unsure as to how it all worked, but Babushka – being friends with a pair of bond mates – had always told my sisters and I stories about great warriors of the past who did amazing things due to a bond. And Lord knows our world could use some "amazing things" right now – what with Strigoi numbers rising constantly.

Once the jet touched down, we immediately moved the girls to the SUV's waiting for us. Upon arrival at the Academy, Vasilisa took a deep breath as I helped her out of the car. It was barely noticeable but I could see that she was shaking. She may not be afraid of me anymore, but she was still terrified of what awaited her at St. Vladimir's. This had to be more than fear of punishment, but I couldn't imagine what else it could be.

My thoughts were broken by Rose jogging up to me. "Hey, Comrade." There was that nickname again.

"So now you want to talk?" She rolled her eyes and ignored my question.

"Are you taking us to Kirova?"

"Headmistress Kirova," I insisted. She obviously had little respect for authority, and that would be a problem one day if she wanted to be a guardian.

Ignoring the "behave yourself" look that Vasilisa gave her, she continued on. "Whatever. She's still a self righteous old bit -"

She cut herself off from saying what I'm sure was going to be the word 'bitter' and not an obscenity as we entered the commons. It was breakfast time and all of the Moroi and dhampir students were there. When they noticed the girls, none of them bothered to hide their shock or their stares.

Vasilisa looked as if she'd just been thrown into a lion's den, shrinking into herself and looking at the floor. I felt bad and sympathized with her. I didn't like being under the microscope anymore than she did.

Rose, however, radiated confidence and fearlessness. She met their stares and smirked as if their opinions weren't worth her time. I couldn't tell how much of her attitude was an act, but maybe it wasn't an act at all and she really did feel comfortable – though, I doubted it.

We made it through with nothing more than silence and stares, though, I was sure the entire cafeteria was now buzzing with talk about the girls' unexpected return. On the way to Kiro – Gah! Headmistress Kirova's office – Alberta joined us. Upon seeing the girls, her face lit up with more emotion than I'd ever seen from her. She quickly righted herself to indifference, but I didn't miss the millisecond where she had looked like a mother seeing her children for the first time in years.

As we entered the office, Rose's smug smirk left, though, I think it was more due to her dislike of the old woman rather than timidity. The girls sat in identical chairs across from the headmistress' desk and the mini army of guardians left, leaving only Alberta and I. We took up positions that ensured the most safety if a Strigoi were to attack, OR if Rose were to act out using more than her words.

Headmistress Kirova, sitting on the opposite side of the desk, spun around in her chair like you would imagine a villain doing in a cheesy movie. Her face was harsh and cold. The only thing missing was a cat in her lap and a crack of thunder. She rose from her seat slowly, examining both of the delinquents. Her eyes narrowed when she got to Rose. Not a good relationship I realized, thinking about Rose's track record and all of the times she was probably sent here.

She opened her mouth to start her disciplinary speech, but a new voice – a rather quiet and ragged voice – spoke up before she got the chance.


The Princess whipped her head around, recognizing the voice. "Uncle!"

Prince Victor Dashkov was sitting to my left. His fairly young body was weak and frail thanks to a chronic disease, and so he had trouble standing. Vasilisa wasted no time rushing to him and embracing the old friend.

"You have no idea how glad I am to see you safe, Vasilisa," he said, pulling back. "And you too, Rose."

The young dhampir nodded her acknowledgment, but then quickly looked away with what seemed to be a guilty expression. Interesting. Rose didn't seem like the type to have any regrets. Vasilisa helped Prince Dashkov back into his seat and then returned to her own.

The headmistress, sure that there would be no more interruptions, didn't hesitate in starting the lecture that she had been dying to give. It was stern and slightly over-dramatic, but still filled with valuable points that both girls needed to hear about responsibility and behavior. Unfortunately, I don't think Rose was listening. Her posture was relaxed and uncaring as she slumped back in her seat, and her facial expression looked bored as her eyes stared blankly out the window of the office.

The lecture suddenly focused specifically on Rose, so with the slightest adjustment of her eyes from the window to the headmistress her attention was regained.

"You, Miss Hathaway" - She used 'miss' in a degrading way that made the girl seem childish - "broke the most sacred promise among our kind: the promise of a guardian to protect a Moroi. It is a great trust. A trust that you violated by selfishly taking the princess away from here. The Strigoi would love to finish off the Dragomirs; you nearly enabled them to do it."

With some new found confidence, Vasilisa came to Rose's defense. "Rose didn't kidnap me. I wanted to go. Don't blame her."

"Miss Dragomir" - there was that 'miss' again - "you could have been the one who orchestrated the entire plan for all I know, but it was still her responsibility to make sure you didn't carry it out. If she's done her duty, she would have notified someone. If she'd done her duty, she would have kept you safe."

"I did do my duty!" Rose yelled, jumping up from her chair. I tensed. She was getting worked up, but she hadn't hit anyone...yet, so I stayed put. "I did keep her safe! I kept her safe when none of you" - she used her hands to gesture around the room to emphasize her point - "could do it. I took her away to protect her. I did what I had to do. You certainly weren't going to."

What was that supposed to mean? If Vasilisa was at the Academy then she would've been safe from Strigoi. What more protection could she need? The headmistress was apparently thinking the same thing.

"Miss Hathaway, forgive me if I fail to see the logic of how taking her out of a heavily guarded, magically secured environment is protecting her. Unless there's something you aren't telling us?"

Rather than making a witty quip or talking back – which is what I'd come to expect from this girl – Rose bit her lip and looked at the floor.

"I see," said Headmistress Kirov – screw it – said Kirova with a smirk. "Well, then. By my estimation, the only reason you left – aside from the novelty of it, no doubt – was to avoid the consequences of that horrible, destructive stunt you pulled just before your disappearance."

"No, that's not -" Kirova didn't giver her a chance to finish.

"And that only makes my decision that much easier. As a Moroi, the princess must continue on here at the Academy for her own safety, but we have no such obligations to you. You will be sent away as soon as possible."

Rose's eyes went wide. "I...what?" she said in a small voice. The outgoing and confident atmosphere that had been surrounding her left.

"You can't do that!" Vasilisa shouted. She jumped up from her seat in outrage like Rose had earlier. "She's my guardian."

"She is no such thing, particularly since she isn't even a guardian at all. She's still a novice."

"But my parents -"

"I know what your parents wanted, God rest their souls, but things have changed. Miss Hathaway is expendable. She doesn't deserve to be a guardian, and she will leave."

That was harsh. Rose made a mistake, yes, but she had the potential and, if Kirova let her stay, the means to become a great guardian. She was letting her dislike for Rose get in the way of seeing what I could see, but how could I argue that?

Rose's initial shock turned into anger. "Where are you going to send me? To my mom in Nepal? Did she even know I was gone? Or maybe you'll send me off to my father?" If I hadn't read her file last year, stating that Rose never knew her father, then I would've known now based on the extra dose of venom in that last word. She wasn't done though. "Or maybe you're going to try to send me off to be a blood whore. Try that, and we'll be gone by the end of the day."

Kirova looked scandalized that Rose had even said such a phrase as "blood whore" in her presence. "Miss Hathaway, you are out of line."

This wasn't going well. Rose was trying to argue, but it was to no avail. She was making her arguments based off of rage and Kirova was having none of it. She needed something solid, a foot hold, a good reason to stay. I surprised myself when I heard my voice give that "good reason."

"They have a bond," I said. All eyes turned to me. "Rose knows what Vasilisa is feeling. Don't you?"

Kirova appeared shocked at first. Then she looked from one girl to the other as if this suddenly explained a few things, but she didn't want to accept it knowing having a bond would give Rose reason to stay on at the Academy with Vasilisa.

"No...that's impossible. That hasn't happened in centuries."

"It's obvious," - at least it was to someone who grew up with bond mates as family friends - "I suspected as soon as I started watching them."

"That is a gift. A rare and wonderful thing," said Victor, chiming in.

"The best guardians always had that bond," I continued. "In the stories."

"Stories that are centuries old," she countered. "Surely you aren't suggesting we let her stay at the Academy after everything she's done?"

I was. And Kirova was not happy about it. I did agree with her on some points. Rose had crossed a line, a few lines, by leaving with Vasilisa, but I also knew Rose was worth keeping around.

"She might be wild and disrespectful, but if she has potential -"

Rose cut me off.

"Wild and disrespectful? Who the (heck) are you anyway? Outsourced help?"

"Guardian Belikov is the princess's guardian now. Her sanctioned guardian."

"You got cheap foreign labor to protect Lissa?"

Her words, while pretty much spot on – I certainly didn't become a guardian because of the pay and, well, I was foreign – were meant to hurt me because of the 'wild and disrespectful' comment, but I wasn't offended. More like frustrated that she wouldn't keep quiet. Her outbursts were only putting her in a bigger hole.

Kirova sighed loudly in annoyance, and used her arms to dramatically gesture towards Rose. "You see? Completely undisciplined! All the psychic bonds and very raw potential in the world can't make up for that. A guardian without discipline is worse than no guardian."

"So teach her discipline. Classes just started. Put her back in and get her training again."

"Impossible. She'll still be hopelessly behind her peers."

"No, I won't," Rose input, wanting to defend herself.

"Then give her extra training sessions," I said, ignoring her. This was no longer her fight. Nothing she could say would help her case, not with Kirova's prejudice. Rose's fate was in my hands now.

"So you want to reward her for breaking the rules?"

"I would hardly call extra training sessions a 'reward' to a novice."

"Her staying is a reward itself."

"And sending her away is a waste."

She hesitated now. She was almost out of arguments, but not quite.

"Who's going to put in the extra time? You?"

I stopped. I had not expected it to backfire like this. "Well, that's not what I -"

She folded her arms across her chest, looking very pleased with herself. "Yes. That's what I thought."

I wasn't a teacher. I just wasn't the type. A teacher needed patience and control, and while I tended to have patience in spades – thank you three sisters – my control was barely held back behind a guardian mask. And after only a few hours with Rose I could tell that I'd need a lot of both of those things to be her mentor. A million thoughts and possibilities hit me at once. Could I help her? Would me teaching her have any effect? Could she become the great guardian that I kept advocating? What would this do to me? Could this be a learning experience for me as well as Rose? Should I make mentoring a student my biggest concern right now?

I also thought about the promise that I'd made Vasilisa. I will do everything in my power to keep you two together. I looked down at the girls. Both of them wore the same expression of hope mixed with pleading. They were afraid of the Academy – for reasons I didn't know – but they were more afraid of loosing each other.

The look in Rose's eyes made me want to help her. 'Help the helpless' was just as much of a mantra to me as 'They come first.' And while 'helpless' wasn't an adjective that I could see Rose being called often – what with her fire, resourcefulness, and abilities – she was helpless in this situation, and I was the only one that could save her. That gave me determination.

"Yes, I can mentor Rose. I'll give her extra sessions along with her normal ones."

Kirova had not expected that answer and was obviously not pleased. "And then what? She goes unpunished?"

"Find some other way to punish her. Guardian numbers have gone down too much to risk losing another. A girl, in particular."

"I'm inclined to agree with Guardian Belikov. Sending Rose away would be a shame, a waste of talent."

Kirova turned to look out the dark window. She may not like having convincing arguments thrown at her, but she had to take them into consideration – being the headmistress and all. Plus Victor's words, because he was a high up royal, held extra weight. She faced the room again, but I still couldn't tell if she was convinced or not.

Vasilisa caught her gaze and pleaded for her best friend one more time. "Please, Ms. Kirova. Let Rose stay."

Our combined efforts must have won her over because she eventually let out a sigh of defeat. "If Miss Hathaway stays, here's how it will be." She pierced Rose with a no-nonsense glare. "Your continued enrollment at St. Vladimir's is strictly probationary. Step out of line once, and you're gone. You will attend all classes and required trainings for novices your age. You will also train with Guardian Belikov in every spare moment you have – before and after classes. Other than that, you are banned from all social activities, except meals, and will stay in your dorm. Fail to comply with any of this, and you will be sent...away."

She didn't specify what "away" meant, but really she didn't need to. Any place away from the Academy meant separation from Vasilisa. This was her best option, but she was still ticked about it and made sure we all knew it.

"Banned from all social activities? Are you trying to keep us apart? Afraid we'll run away again?"

"I'm taking precautions. As I'm sure you recall, you were never properly punished for destroying school property. You have a lot to make up for." She paused and let it all sink in. "You are being offered a very generous deal. I suggest you don't let your attitude endanger it."

Rose was about to let her attitude do just that. I could tell that she had a snappy retort on her tongue, but then she caught my eyes. Our gazes locked for a few seconds. I hoped she was reading the silent message I was trying to send her. It mainly said Don't be a fool, take the offer. But it also held a sort of confidence boost. I've got your back. I will help make you into a great guardian. She looked away from me, but my eyes stayed on her as I wondered what she was thinking. She was unreadable, and I was afraid that she might actually consider not taking this deal.

A whole minute must've passed before she looked up again. With a quick glance at the princess and a sigh, she gave her answer: "Fine, I accept."

No one seemed very happy with this deal. Rose was angry because of this new restraining order from the world, Kirova still wanted Rose gone, and Vasilisa, though relieved, was still wishing they were in Portland or anywhere but here. As for me, well, I wasn't unhappy. This would be a good opportunity for me, but I also wasn't jumping for joy that Rose Hathaway was now my responsibility. I could hear Stan's laughing voice now telling me that I'd just jumped into a fight that I have no chance of winning.

Yuri and Emil came and took Vasilisa while Alberta and I escorted Rose away. The first stop was the guidance counselor's office so she could get her class schedule. Once that was taken care of, we took Rose to her first class. She walked behind us at a leisurely pace, pretending to take in all of the old walkways and structures that she hadn't seen for two years, but I could tell she was just trying to delay her debut in front of her peers. Maybe she wasn't as self-assured as I'd thought.

We reached the Academy gym that held her first class, advanced guardian combat techniques, and I held open the door for her to walk through. She shot me a glare that said she didn't appreciate the gentlemanly gesture, but I wasn't doing it to be a gentleman. I wasn't fully convinced that she wouldn't bolt once Alberta and I walked through the door. Not that she would get very far – but still.

As she strode in, it was the cafeteria scene all over again: silence and stares. Her smug smile was back as she scanned the room. Rather than cowering, she seemed to glow under all of the attention as if she demanded it. Her smile grew genuinely happy when she spotted a familiar face.

"Hey Mason, wipe that drool off your face. If you're going to think about me naked, do it on your own time."

Well...that was certainly an opening. A few of Mason's friends laughed, wolf-whistled, or teasingly hit his arm. He lazily smiled back, but I could see the relief in his eyes, making me remember the concern and adoration he felt for her. The past year hadn't changed a thing regarding his feelings for her.

"This is my time Hathaway," he replied. "I'm leading today's session."

"Oh, yeah?" Rose remarked, continuing the taunt. "Huh. Well, I guess this is a good time to think about me naked, then."

"It's always a good time to think about you naked," another novice, Eddie Castile, added.

Although this was just Rose's way of breaking the ice, I had been a teenage boy once and I knew minds were starting to wander. Admittedly, my own traitorous mind took the liberty of remembering the glimpse of her generous cleavage I'd seen in Portland while cleaning away her blood. Thoroughly disgusted with myself, I decided that this was as good a time as any to take my leave. As I made my way to the back exit, I muttered to myself in Russian about already being in way over my head. I could already tell my mentor relationship with Rose Hathaway was going to be its own personal adventure. I just hoped to God that I was prepared.

AN: This may be the end of this story, but I would still LOVE to know what you thought so that I can potentially improve on other future pieces!

Also, before I'm accused of taking Dimitri OOC, let me state that I know he would never just say "screw it" when it comes to titles, respect, and addressing someone properly. I just got tired of having to type out "Headmistress Kirova" when "Kirova" was sufficient enough to get the point across. Apologies.

I want to thank you all for sticking with me to the end on this. It may not be a huge story, but it was still important to me and the kind things that were said throughout were a large part of the reason I kept posting.

If you enjoyed this story or liked my writing style or were entertained with the way my mind works and how I portray the VA characters, then you might want to check out 'Deleted Scenes'. I have a few short stories in my mind that I will hopefully be writing and posting on there soon.

Thank you again! I love you all to pieces! Have a phenomenal day!