Chapter 2 The Sophmoric Disaster

When I first Entered the school again the next year I was very surprised to see that the principal and the president of the program that I got kicked out of talking. Well to find out, the roles had changed. Mr. Wright was accepting the job of a different position at another school while the President of the program that I was kicked out of, became the principal of the school. I was totally surprised. The one that kicked me out vs. the one that didn't care. Who should I trust?

Well When the switch occurred, I was given this trimesters classes. I can't believe I got another English class. What was this, torture? I already went thru 3 before, does that mean another 3? Ugh, looks like I might need to do better. And of course, I was right. I met the teacher for class but she was very nice, instead of what I thought to be a repeat of Mr. Blue. Mrs. Potter had shown me many techniques but I started to get off track. I started not doing my assignments or falling asleep in her class. In my defense, it was right after lunch period. I would have no energy to use for the class. It wasn't until the end of the first trimester to find out that I was failing. What I did was after class would end I would ask if there was any makeup work to do or if there is any extra credit I could possibly do. She had gotten my grade to at least a D to pass the class, after I took the final. I was happy. I did learn about 2 movies that I have never seen before, The Green Mile, and Air Force One. Those 2 movies I still like today even with a good or bad ending. I also learned about the Lord with the Flies and Of Mice and Men. Each book kind of hurt to read, except to kill a mocking bird. I have read it before so It wasn't as bad.

Well in the second trimester of school there is normally snow cover in the city I live in. Well it came around February. Right before Valentine's day. I hadn't been searching but apparently fate had it in for me. During the Snow, there were no signs of classes to start due to the substantial risk and snow cover, all together it totaled 6 ft of snow for the month. During this time, I had a family friend message me and ask if I would like to hang out with their daughter. NOW I KNOW WHAT YOUR ALL THINKING. That is just wrong, well here is the thing, it isn't a family member, just a friend. You know when your family finds friends in their school, they get married and have children and stuff, well that is what it is. NOT INCEST! Boy oh boy, I was getting a girlfriend at a McDonalds during a big snow storm of all things. That day Maddie and her mother picked me up from my house and drove all over town. We started to go to McDonalds when we were hungry so because of the snow we decided to go inside. When inside we ordered our food and Maddie sat down next to her mom and I across in a booth. Maddie then asked if I could help her in Math since I was at the top of my class in math. Her mom said yes so we went to the booth behind her and got out the math book. She then decided to start hugging me and then confessed that she loved me. We sat there in the new booth together for an hour kissing each other and reading the math book or at least me completing the math problems. We decided we were tired so we decided to go to her apartment and watch TV. Instead she closed her door and jumped off her tampolene to give me a kiss, she made a spark with me. In most males, a spark doesn't happen but it means there dingaling (kid sensor) gets big and then they start to think thoughts of sex about them. That kiss was definitely amazing.

Well I may have used those extra snow days but guess what, the sate only will waive the schools 2 days of snow. Any other day would have to be made up. For an entire week, we had to make up 3 days of school at the end of the year. These make up days were also the worst. These days were normally filled with makeup work assignments or tests and quizzes. Boy I hated those tests and quizzes because I didn't study during the extra break. Well it did pay off for Choir. But wait wasn't I in choir last year you ask. Yeah I was, I don't understand why they put me in the same beginning choir classes as the year before. The only thing that was different was no bully and no teacher. I still was cerious of why I got put in these classes so I decied to inquire about it. Well when I went to the coucilers to do my schedule, they told me it was because when I took them the year before in the Special Art Program they were then canceled out of the system when they took me out of the program. So I had to take the same classes again in order to still graduate in 2016.

That is all for now, I am trying every week to make the next parts and chapters. My life was different then any other kid but at least I tried my best.