A long line dress in black flowed by through the city, the wealthy families and celebrities draw the attention of the people as they walk through the rain to the cemetery. The priest in the front was young and nervous of the family walking behind him. The people were however staring at the man behind him, a dazzling aura of light surrounds the handsome man as he carried a picture of an old actor with emerald eyes and red hair who on retired from acting had put the money in to his mother-in-law and wife's family deteriorating company at that time which he was the C.E.O. of. They couldn't help but think 'Oh Wow'. Even the coffin was give off a brilliant aura of light outshining the family, the pure white coffin had attractive carving on it and a glasses case on top were light come from carried by four strong pallbearers behind the handsome man. The glasses case showed white roses around the past actor. The old man's hair had become grey but he was still more handsome then his family.

Coming to the grave the funeral procession stopped having grown in number the group look down at the chasm, a small smile on the deceased man immediate family faces. Little did they know that this smile would soon disappear, for you see each of the man's three children believed that they would be the one to inherit all his wealth. No matter how much money or prize they revised for their occupations they wanted more as they decided perfect individuals like them was destined to have the best of everything and getting his money would make them the greatest being alive. They had even educated their children that they were perfect and deserved everything they wanted. They had wait a long time for the old man to die as he groaned at them as he had tried to make them understand that looks where not everything but they had no interested in it and had believed him to be malicious as he had only given them only that a middle class family children would get.

"Dearly beloved, we are here to lie to rest one Eoin Michael Goth-wind who died of old age. From ash we rose and to ash we return. He requested in serves plan the following poem by Mary Frye, 'Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep' read by his granddaughter Josephine." The young priest said by where the headstone would be placed noticing the growing audients.

A young woman of twenty-five stepped forward. She was an attractive blond with big blue eyes in a black mini dress that seem too short to be a dress for a funeral to the on looker who had join the group, surly it was just a large t-shirt made of silk that she could not possibly sit down in. In a preppy voice she recited the poem as if she didn't give the slights that her grandfather was dead.

"'Do not stand at my grave and weep,

I am not there.

I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow.

I am the diamond glints on snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain.

I am the gentle autumn's rain.

When you awaken in the morning's hush,

I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circled flight.

I am the soft stars that shine at night.

Do not stand at my grave and cry;

I am not there.

I did not die.'"

"We ask that the family and friends to one at a time place their flowers on the casket before it is when proceeding to the banquet hall for the reception. The Will reading shall take place later in the study for the family." The priest inform the crowd around him notice the weeping friends and old co-workers of the dead man hide their tears better than those that had joined along the way. He was quite disturbed by the family's lack of tears, he may look young but he was far older then he looks and never before had he been so glad for a simple reading at the grave.

It take a hour before all the flowers were laid down and the coffin sunken into the ground to be covered with dirt. Ash to ash indeed for at the reading of the Will the dead would have the last laughter and the fate of unborn would change to find almost six years late a small green eyed red head weeping not for the dead but for herself on this man's grave.

The banquet hall for the reception was with in a castle like building white walls with a blue roof. Those that had joined along the way found an invited mourner asking them to escort to the banquet as there would be plenty to share. In total one hundred and fifty had been invited to the funeral, the number of guest to arrive at the banquet was three hundred and eighty-five while the banquet had been prepared for one thousand people as per funeral plan. Any leftover food and drink was to be give later to a nearby orphanage with two hundred children and twenty staff members however the family felt it would inconvenient them to take the food to the orphanage told the chief caretaker that they were to come to the building themselves the children if they had to come could play on the ground outside but were not to come in.

Many of the children suddenly found that they were with a new mom, dad, aunt or uncle then they arrived as the old man had intended when he take out his funeral plan knowing how his children and their families would respond to driving even just the two mile from the hall to the orphanage out their way.

The banquet hall held a feast that seem to be the very best cosine any guest had ever seen that it seem more like a wedding feast then a funeral's. Plates were loaded with food and recounts of the old man greats moments were retold in small groups around the hall well into the night as the family put on a great act of mourning while planning what they would do with the wealth the old man had left behand not one of them doubted that they wouldn't be getting it all. Yes he who laughs last das indeed laughs the best as they would soon be hearing the Will by the old man.

With the feast done the guest leave and the servants clear up as the family heads up to a small conference room to hear the Will. The family seat themselves on the most comfortable office chairs money can buy content that soon they would have the bragging right on each other. The old man's children had always competed in everything even in their children being better than the others there had been no end to their arguments and tantrums for his wealth that the old man had tiered of them as soon as he saw them now the time had come when the outcome would be seen. The black conference table's C.E.O. place was not taken by the family instead a good friend of the old man Arthur Goodwill, his eyes red from tears for his old friend and fear that his friend's legacy would not go as planned. His wife Choe stood behind him waiting as the priest set up the attachment to the screen on the other end of the table.

Finishing with the attachment the priest turn around face the family for what he hoped would be last time. "As per Eoin Michael Goth-wind wish's this Will has been though all legal standing and cannot be contested by any court case to be change in favour of anyone as it is a legally binding document the proof of its court authenticity is available at city hall for viewing only. I will now play the video of Mr Eoin Michael Goth-wind reading the will as he wished to be the one to tell you all even after his death."

The priest pressed play on the laptop and the screen showed the old man sitting in a chair at his home. The old actor smile directly at his family knowingly for a few minutes, before in a well-aged voice with pure satisfaction showing on his face as laughter leaves his lips as he holds up his Will for all to see. He finishes his laugh and pace the Will on his lap to read in a clear tone the contents of the paper before him wiping the smiles straight off his family faces and living them frothing with rage at him.

Revenge is a dish best served then you are stone cold dead and no one can do anything about the disastrous fate you bestial onto them.