So Sorry for not updating, my job is starting to get extremely stressful and that's why I haven't been updating in a while so with this I have a couple other stories to update and again so sorry for taking this long.

Sitting on one of the couches in the control room, Rex was currently reading his spellbook passing the time as Ace and Baron drove the Mobile Command Center to the last Dimension Controller; Gamma City.

Typing away on the computer, Marucho turned to Ace, "Hey Ace, can you tell us anything about Gamma City?" He asked the Darkus Brawler.

"Well, not much to note," Ace said, "Gamma City was one of the first Dimension Controllers to touch down on New Vestroia digging deep underground and staying there," he explained. Taking a sip of water, Ace continued, "Rumors are that most experiments are done in Gamma City though it will be hard to sneak in with all the guards there," he noted.

"Or we can sneak without any problems," Baron said zooming in on the location as the screen resulted in there being no guards.

"Even so, we need to stay on guard, the Vexos will be expecting us," Rex said as a seal appeared on his right hand.

Parking a couple miles away from the Gamma City entrance, there were no guards, "Well it looks like we'll be facing the Vexos then," Ace said.

Taking the elevator downwards, the boys took caution when exiting and when they were about to race to the other side, they were interrupted. "Hasn't your mother ever taught you that entering someone's house uninvited was wrong?" Volt said sitting on a ledge before jumping down.

Before anyone could take action, Baron stepped forward, "Keep going, I'll handle Volt," he said equipping his gauntlet. "Ha, as if a newbie like you could beat me in a brawl," Volt said already had his gauntlet ready.

Running past Baron and towards the elevator, Rex turned back to see Baron and Volt sending out their Bakugan for the first round. "Hey don't worry, Baron's a good kid he'll win," Shun said putting a hand on the Prince's right shoulder.

Making their way deeper down, the group soon realized that this wasn't like Gamma City, "This place seems more like a science lab than any else," Ace said as they went deeper into the underground city.

Reaching the next floor after going through five levels, the group ran into their next problem, "Well look at what we have here, five little mice ready to be eaten," Shadow Prove laughed as he and Maylene stood across from them. "It seems that even without that leader of yours you still want to fight," the blue-haired said, "I wonder how you would feel when you finally have to face her in a brawl," she finished laughing.

Clenching his fist, Ace was about to step forward when Shun and Marucho did it instead, "Go we'll catch up later with Baron, complete the mission," Shun said with Marucho nodding in agreement.

"Fight hard you two," Dan said as the remaining three took off ready to finish this.

"Time to take you two down once and for all," Shun's voice said before the elevator closed on them.

"So who's going to fight next?" Dan asked as they used this time to take a short break.

"Lync is up next so I'll battle him," Rex said leaning against the wall, "Mira will most likely be battling alongside Gus in order for him to know where Mira's loyalties lie," he points out. "Ace, you better get focus for the battle then you can demand question whether you win or lose," the Alien Prince said to the Darkus Brawler of the resistance.

Reaching the next sub-level, Rex was right on the dot when the Ventus Vexos appeared before them, "Time to make you pay," he said equipping his gauntlet, "Let's see who the real Ventus Master is between us . . . Or are you too scared," he mocked.

"Me afraid of a midget like you," Rex fired back snorting, "Please, are you even tall enough to even be battling, I swear the Vexos must have been desperate if they had to let you be a member," he finished priming his own gauntlet, laughing at the end.

"Gauntlet Power Strike," they shouted out as Dan and Ace ran past them.

"So ready to get squashed," Lync said getting out his mechanical Bakugan. "Honestly, do you even hear yourself talk," Rex said, "Yes, all that smack talk makes up for the fact that you're a lousy brawler," Ventus Kunoichi noted, "Yes, I agree with my partner on this one, big talk only results in a set of poor skills," Haos Sorceress agreed.

"Shut it and send out your Bakugan," Lync said.

"Gate Card Set," Lync shouted out then launched his Bakugan, "Bakugan brawl, Ventus Altair stand."

"Bakugan brawl, Ventus Kunoichi stand," Rex responded.

[Lync Life Force: 100%]

[Ventus Altair G Power: 500]

[Rex Life Force: 100%]

[Ventus Kunoichi G Power: 590]

"Ability Card activate: Spinal Saucer," Lync said starting the battle resulting in the rings on Altair's wings glowed a neon green before it was fired at Kunoichi.

[Ventus Altair G Power: 500 + Ability Card: Spinal Saucer: 200 = 700]

"Ability Card activate: Vanishing Illusion," Rex countered. On the field, Kunoichi turned invisible just in time as the attack hit Kunoichi but there was no indication that it made any contact.

[Ventus Kunoichi G Power: 590 + Ability Card Vanishing Illusion: 120 = 710 G Power]

"Ha, if you have forgotten Altair's computer system will find you," Lync laughed at Rex's stupidity.

"Not if I do this, Ability Card Activate: Ninja Art Sonic Blast," the Alien Prince said resulting in two gauntlets to appeared on Kunoichi's wrists.

[Ventus Kunoichi G Power: 710 + Ability Card: Ninja Art Sonic Blast 150 = 860]

Releasing sonic wave after wave, Altair's sensors were being scrambled as it moved its head from side to side.

[Ventus Altair G Power: 700 - Ability Card Ninja Art Sonic Blast 150 = 550 G Power]

"Phantasm, gate card open," Lync said activating his gate card.

[Ventus Kunoichi G Power: 860 - Gate Card: Phantasm 100 = 760]

On the ground, Kunoichi's feet turned to stone, "Shit this isn't good at all," Rex muttered.

"Now this is where the fun begins," Lync laughed as he pulled out an ability card.

Watching as Kunoichi's G Power fall and Altair's rise, Rex was at a loss on what to do, "So you're finally seeing that this was pointless, about time, now to go in and finish this," Lync said laughing.

Narrowing his eyes, Rex had an Ability Card in hand, "Well then, you got another thing coming because from here on out I'm kicking your scrawny ass. Ability Card activate: Changing Winds, with this Ability Card not only do our Bakugan's G Power return to their base power but the Gate Card's effect also is canceled out, " Rex explained.

"Oh no," Lync said stepping back as his Gate Card shattered like glass.

Taking this time to start his counter-attack, Rex knew he had to do get Kunoichi into the air, and knew what to do, "Alright let's do this," he called out when his spellbook appeared. Turning to the page containing the Mobile Assault Vehicles, he was about to activate Grani but another vehicle shined, "Skyrider?" Rex muttered before it appeared in his hand, "Alright, Kunoichi lets do this, Skyrider launch," he called out.

Once the shining light dimmed, the Skyrider looked like the hoverboard the Nirvash, in the Eureka Seven anime, used once it got its jet form. Jumping on it, Kunoichi had a smile on her face, "She seems to be enjoying it," Sorceress noted.

"Damn it where the hell are you getting these things," Lync shouted out in frustration.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Kunoichi grinned.

"Ability Card Activate: Vortex Shuriken," Rex said as a demon windmill shuriken appeared in Kunoichi's right hand and tossing it, it acted like the Rasenshuriken from the Naruto Series as the wind blades shredded parts of Altair's body.

"Oh no," Lync said seeing this happen, "Not so face Brawler, I still have another secret up my sleeve, Bakugan brawl: Ventus Wired stand," he called out.

Narrowing his eyes, Rex knew what was happening, "Alright you two combine," Lync barked out.

It was at the middle of the combination that Rex made his move, "Mobile Assault Ability Card Activate: Blaster Assault," from the sides of the hoverboard, Kunoichi unleashed hellfire stopping the combination cold.

"What the hell," Lync shouted out watching as his mechanical Bakugan start to explode in various places.

"Now to destroy that pile of scrap, Mobile Assault Ability Card Activate: Blade Slash," on the right side of the board an energy blade five feet long erupted allowing Kunoichi slashed through the center of the two mechanical Bakugan resulting in an explosion.

[Lync Life Force: 0%]

As pieces of both Altair and Wired fell to the ground, Lync looked up to see Kunoichi hovering above him causing him to fall to the floor before stumbling to get back up and ran away with his tail in between his legs. "I think that finisher was overkill," Baron said as he, Marucho, and Shun joined him just in time to see the mechanical beasts being destroyed.

"Who cares, now come on Dan and Ace might need our help," Rex said.

Rushing off to the last of their members, Rex noticed that, "Why is Mira losing on purpose if we're on different sides," he said making them realize it as well.

As the battle continued, everyone realized that Mira was losing on purpose, "Get out of my way," Gus said shoving Mira aside. "I don't need her to beat the both of you," he continued taking over the battle in which he lost as Ace captured the final mechanical Bakugan Gus had in his possession. Seeing that he was defeated and outnumbered, Gus retreated, though before something could be said multiple explosions rocked the building as they all felt like they were falling into the molten lava below, "Bakugan Brawl, Come on Drago/ Go Ingram," Dan and Shun shouted out sending their Bakugan to save them; this being possible thanks to the Gamma City controller being destroyed.

Landing on the rocks next to the river of lava, Dan held the container holding the Mechanical Bakugan he and Ace won against Gus and Mira. And speaking of Mira, she was silent for a couple of minutes before she finally spoke, "Guys I . . . I just want to say I'm sorry for betraying you all like that and completely understand if you don't want me around," she said with her head down.

"What are you talking about?" Dan said grinning at Mira's shocked face.

"It's like you never left," Shun said with a small smile on her face.

"Once a Battle Brawler, always a Battle Brawler," Marucho intoned.

Ace, Baron, and Rex just gave her a smile that meant that everything was fine between her and the guys, "Everyone, thank you," Mira said tearing up a bit.

"Now that's out of the way, time to end this fight once and for all," Rex said.

"Your right, time to hit them where it hurts," Dan said slamming his fist and palm together.

"Yeah, time to hit Vestal Palace," Ace said grinning.

Back at the mobile command center, Rex fell onto his bed face hitting the pillow, "Gods, I just want to sleep," he groaned out, his voice muffled by the pillow.

"I think that is what everyone is doing Rex," Sorceress said with Kunoichi agreeing, "Yeah, get some sleep you'll need it for the final fight," she said.