
What do you think pearls talk about when their Diamonds aren't there to listen? Well, enjoy this little 'before the rebellion' fic of my AU.

Just telling you now, I don't have all their designs. That shouldn't affect this piece though since it's mostly gossip. Enjoy! Word Count (251)

"Eight, nine, ten… All we're missing are White and Pink." Cream commented as she looked through the crowd of pearls.

"Well it's already a miracle Red and Black are here." Green spoke up. "I can't believe your Diamonds let you come along."

Red allowed herself to giggle this once. "It certainly has been a while. Every time it's: Pearl, wait for me at this sector." She mimicked her Diamond, near perfectly.

"No, Pearl, this meeting is top secret." Black Pearl finished.

Chocolate scoffed at the exchange between the two. "I think your Diamonds are just paranoid. The rest of us rarely have this problem."

"Well at least their Diamonds tell them what they don't want them seeing." Purple interjected.

"Well, my Diamond lets me know everything." Yellow proudly stated, earning groans from all the others who were, quite frankly, sick of hearing her ravings.

"By the way," Blue spoke up timidly. "Does anyone know what they're meeting about this time?"

Gray raised her hand, waving it around like a lunatic. "I know, I know! My Diamond told me about some new system that's viable for a new colony!"

"Ooh! How exciting!" Orange cheered.

"Any idea who's going to take it?" Red inquired, to which Gray shook her head.

"Well, whichever of our Diamonds claims it, I hope we all get to see it one day." Cream spoke.

"To the future?" Purple added, unsure if the others would join in as she held a hand high.

"To the future!" They all cheered.