
The Wizard of Winterfell

By Jamnaz79

Notice: I do not own Harry Potter and I do not own Game of Thrones. I just love the tv shows, movies and stories written by Mr. Martin and Ms. Rowling. I do not take any money, I am sure nobody would want to pay me either. I just enjoy writing my thoughts and ideas down and hope someone gets some enjoyment from them.

298 AL Mid-Year - Winterfell

He was known as the Wild Wolf. So like his Uncle and Aunt in that he would always get up to mischief. He was always curious and wherever he went trouble would often follow. He was a hunter, climber and troublemaker. At the age of sixteen he had already sneaked out of the castle more times then his older brother and half brother combined. He had told his mother flatly that he believed in the Old Gods not that Seven, even if that had caused a large fight. Luckily his father had stopped it before it became too much. He had even visited the brothel a few times, which his mother had not found out about!

He was Harry Stark,the second born son of Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell and right now he was enjoying a once in a life time view. While the day had made a definite turn for the better, it had started pretty horrible. Yesterday the Prince had an argument with his older brother Robb. Not being one to let situations go after the Crown Prince had insulted his brother, Harry had to insult him back. Which only led to a fist fight and Harry being forbidden from today's hunt.

Harry had been looking forward to the hunt for a while. But, all of the guards in the Castle had been notified that he was not allowed to sneak out. He was confined to the keep for the day. A day when he was supposed to show his prowess with the bow and hunting instead found him stuck here by himself. There was little to be done in the castle when most of the King's party had gone off for the hunt. So Harry had turned back to an old favorite, climbing!

He had climbed up the old tower a while ago to watch the clouds. If he couldn't go out on the hunt, he would at least hide from his lessons with Maester Luwin. It had been a relaxing few hours. He had climbed up to the roof of the old tower. He even slept a few hours till he awoke to a noise. A quick flip over the side of the roof along wit a few steps down found him hiding here at the edge of the room.

Harry had rarely seen a more beautiful sight. The afternoon light spilled through the window that he peaked through. It spilled down onto the woman laying there on the ground. Her skin was pale was flawless, perfect without any blemishes. Her body was womanly with the perfect curves, hips just wide enough to grab hold to and enjoy the ride. Her chest was large enough for a good handful and mounted by perfect pink nipples.

His eyes unconsciously raked her form from her painted toenails upwards to the small tuft of blonde hair over her sex. She was covered sweat which seemed to glisten in the early afternoon sunlight. Harry couldn't help the rise on his own pants for her. It could be excused for the fact that he was a sixteen year old boy looking at the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Cersei Lannister, naked as her name-day after she just had freshly fucked by someone.

The question filtered into the back of Harry's brain, if the King was out hunting who had fucked the Queen? The question unfortunately was answered for Harry as a hand reached outwards pushing the young man backwards with a hard jolt causing him to lose his footing and bang his head hard into the stone. He would have slipped and fell but the same strong hand that pushed him gripped onto his wrist.

The blonde hair shadowed the face of Jamie Lannister as he caught the arm of Eddard Stark second trueborn son. A grimace crossed his lips as he stared at the boy for a moment then with a shake of his head he looked back towards the Queen, "He is your son's age. Too old to not know what was going on, too important to ignore. Ahh the things I do for love."

The last sight Harry saw was the Queen actually smile at the words of her twin brother before he was thrown from the building falling rapidly towards the ground. His mind briefly questioned, 'was this the end?'

The answer never came, but the ground and darkness did soon afterwards.

~~~ WoW ~~~

1997 Hogwarts Scotland, Magical Britain

Harry Potter had a short life and a difficult one. He had experienced some laughter and love, but far more heartbreak and death. Yet today it was all over, today he had finally defeated the monster that had slaughtered his parents, responsible for his godfather's death and so many years of pain and torture. In fact responsibility for everything since that Halloween in 1981 could be laid at the feet of Voldemort! The man had hunted Harry and had a single minded determination to make the boy suffer. But it was over now, it was over and looking around the ruined Great Hall at Hogwarts Harry had to wonder if it hadn't been at too high of a price?

His footsteps carried him past the corpses of Tonks and Remus, his parents last good friend now dead next to his young wife. A promise echoed through his mind that he would have to be there for their son Teddy who he had been named Godfather of. He stopped for a moment to stare at the corpse of Seamus Finnigan, a dorm-mate and friend despite their argument in fifth year. The boy had a funny and friendly side of him that always could make Harry laugh. It was perhaps bitterly ironic that he had died in fiendfyre and the lower half of his body had been destroyed, the top only surviving after he apparated out by sheer willpower. Next to him the body of Dean Thomas who had been locked up at the Malfoy Estate earlier in the year. The boy had been free to run to the continent with a way out but instead had decided to stay and help all other muggleborns out there. He died fighting taking our five Death Eaters at once. An amazing feet for the boy obsessed with football.

Harry continued to walk down the hallway passing many faces he knew even if he didn't know them well. Another thing to regret from his time here in Hogwarts, he never reached out to others besides his small click till fifth year. If others knew him perhaps they wouldn't had been so capable of flipping their opinion about him like the flip of a coin. Harry glanced to the side and grimaced at the sight of Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott both girls he had become very familiar with during his fifth and sixth year. Both so full of life and laughter and now both gone forever. This war had too high of a cost by far to extinguish a pair like these two so young.

To Harry part of his mind saw the death and destruction but it was numb. It almost felt like he was watching the end of a movie or finishing an epic tale, and what he saw was the cost of victory. It was less emotional then he expected, as he was surprised he could keep going without dropping to his knees and cursing the world for the death here. Too many good people, and he had not even reached the end of the line where the worst was by far. His eyes lingered on the trio of red heads and beautiful blonde next to them.

The twins with Bill and Fleur stood over a small group of bodies. The three young men were the only members of the Weasley family to escape the final battle. Their mother and father both struck down by Bellatrix LeStrange before Bill ended her with a rare Egyptian spell that she had not expected. Next to the husband and wife who had taken Harry into their home was young Ginny who had been murdered by the aforementioned witch moments before her mother had challenged her. Percy's cold body had been found under the robes of a Death Eater but in the end he was family so he was placed next to the family.

Harry didn't dare speak to any of the surviving Weasley family members. Besides what could he say? Sorry your mother and father died fighting in a war for me? Sorry your sister who had obsessed over me died wanting to be like me and save others? In truth he did feel guilt even if it was he was detracted from it in a strange way.

Next to the family was the last pair that Harry wanted to see. The pair that he wanted to see have a happy future together. His best mate and the young woman that he felt had been a sister to him. Both of them pale, frozen forever in death together. There were bite marks up and down their chest and arms. But in Hermione's hand the sword of Gryffindor was still held tight. It was coated in blood from the snake that too their lives just as they killed it at the same time. They had ended the last Horcrux as Harry dueled against Voldemort. They gave their lives for the Greater Good, ending the monster's last grip on this world so Harry could put him forever in the ground.

It was her death that hit Harry the most out of anyone. She was the girl who was so like him, always an outsider. She had come from loneliness and found a new world filled with hope. That same world had bitter elements but it could be better and yet in the end that world had killed her! Harry gently lowered himself down to kneel, his fingertips shaking as they reached out to close her chocolate brown eyes. They were empty just as he felt inside.

He didn't speak, nor did he glance anywhere else around the room almost afraid of who else he might see. Instead he turned and walked from the Great Hall, slipping past the new Headmistress McGonagall without a word and out into the night. He did not look up where he was going, he just left his feet carry him under the starlight. He never even noticed when he picked up a shadow behind him.

The young man only glanced up when he came to a stop at the middle of the bridge. There below him was a drop hundreds of feet deep. Enough to end the world around him, enough to toss away something that had caused so much pain in the world. Slowly he pulled the Elder Wand out of his sleeve and stared at it. A frown crossed his lips as his fingertips ran along the elderberry wood. It was so unlike anything he had ever seen before in a wand, he could feel the power strum through it like Eric Clapton playing guitar. It felt warm, magical, and pulled at the feelings. He turned and looked back downwards at the drop below him when a voice spoke up behind him."There are still some of us left Harry..."

The emerald eyed boy spun around to stare at the girl, the voice alone gave her away as only one person had just a kind dreamy quality to their voice. It was soothing as it was mysterious. A small sad smile crossed his lips, "Luna, I wasn't going to..."

"I know what you were going to do Harry Potter. But, you are not alone. Still if you truly feel it is time to wake up I understand..." The silver eyed blonde girl started with a calm clarity that was surprising.

"What do you mean?" Harry blinked in confusion a frown of confusion marring his lips, something that Luna had the ability to do in anyone."I wasn't going to jump."

"Just what I said Harry, You were going to wake up. Do you think it is time to wake up?" She tilted her head to the side causing one slender curl of blonde to fall over her cheek to the corners of her mouth where she couldn't seem to help herself but to chew on it slightly.

"I..." Harry started before Luna continued over him, "You found the wand and the stone, you had the cloak before right?"

"How did you know about the stone?" Harry glanced downwards to his left pocket with a frown.

The elfish girl simply shrugged with a smile, her eyes seeming to capture the light from her namesake in the sky and sparkle, "Are you going to wake up and leave?"

"I want to wake up from this nightmare Luna. They are all dead and it is my fault!" Harry snapped out angry suddenly at himself.

"It is not your fault, anymore then it was my fault for what happened to mother. But, what I say won't change that any more than what you said to me before changed how I felt. The nargles make certain that we don't understand it." She nodded once to herself as if her words mad perfect sense.

Harry stared at her as the anger faded like the tide being swept away. It was one of the reasons he cared for this girl, she could sooth him and change his feeling so easily. She was truly a friend that understood him. "I was going to break the wand so nobody could ever find it anymore. It has caused enough death and destruction."

"I don't think it works that way but it is up for you to decide what you want to do Harry..."Luna stepped forward and gave him a small hug before a gentle surprising kiss on the lips, "Know that you are always my friend Harry no matter your name."

After she spoke those words that beautiful and strange girl smiled before she turned and skipped off almost ignorant of the piles of destruction around the castle.

Harry could not help himself as he watched her go for a time before he shook off his confusion. Perhaps nargles really were real and infecting him? He looked back down at the wand and frowned, "No, it can not be allowed to survive too many evil men have used it in this world."

He took tight hold of the wand on each side and snapped it wanting to toss it over the side of the bridge into the ravine. But when Harry snapped it a large flash of light surrounded him before an explosion took place. The light of the explosion was powerful enough that it seemed a second moon had risen in the sky. The ancient castle of Hogwarts rocked back and forth as if an earthquake had struck it. When the light cleared a bridge was no more leaving a young pale blonde girl standing at the edge of it staring back where her friend left. She whispered to herself as a tear streamed down her cheek for sadness of what she had lost and what could have been, "Good bye Harry Stark, I wish you good luck."

~~~ WoW ~~~

300 AL – Winterfell Castle

"Wake up Harry!" The words were whispered as if an echo through a forest. A forest that he felt lost within.

"Wake up..." Slightly louder the whisper grew but still he could not tell where it came from. It was covered by a rich dense fog, worthy enough to be seen on the Scottish countryside in the morning.

"Wake up Harry, you must choose to wake up..." The whispers voice changed, it became airy and lost but a desperation joined it.

"You must wake up before the Nargles get you!" Then the feeling as if ice cold water had been poured over his body.

The young man shot up into a sitting position in the bed. His eyes, the colors of emeralds supposedly from his mother's grandmother opened wide in shock. He gasped for air feeling as if he had been drowning in a ice cold pond. He tried to breath but pain shot over his body from limbs that had not been moving in so long, locked together in almost the same position for what must have been months.

"You are awake!" The voice had a desperation in it, a worry that filled it with concern. A need and hope mixed together all at once making the the desperation apparent for anyone.

Harry shivered as he turned his eyes to the young boy that had called for him to wake up. The boy that had called to him desperate would be easily recognized normally. He had the Stark coloring of dark black hair like Harry did. But the boy's face had the Tully high cheekbones and more aristocratic face. It took a moment to be honest for Harry to realize who it was. The fact that the boy was too old, he should be six but it looked like Rickon, his baby brother had aged more than a year. He had hit a growth spurt or some sort too. But, that was not all that had grown, there were two huge wolves standing behind the boy. Summer, with his auburn coloring and the black furred wild beast that his little brother had named Shaggy Dog. How long had been asleep? Just as important what happened? Why was he here and not at Hogwarts?

His head was foggy, what was real? Was this real or was he a wizard and this was a dream? Did the wand do this? Harry had so many questions running through his head he gaped at the boy beside him not speaking.

"You need to move! They are here!" The boy spoke so fast with such concern present in his voice that Harry didn't know what to say back.

"Who?" The single in non-elegant word broke his lips, which had been chapped. It sounded like it was coming from a croak of a frog, his mouth dry as a desert wasteland.

"The Squids! They are killing everyone. We must go!" Rickon spoke quickly with fear laced in his words. It was so fast that Harry could barely understand him. He pulled at his older brother's hand trying to pry him from bed.

That was when Harry could hear it, the sound of swords clanging and screams coming from outside of the window. The realization struck him like a ton of bricks, 'they were being attacked, people were dying and needed help!'

Perhaps it was sheer willpower, or something else that allowed it but Harry slid his legs over the side of the bed and stood up. He wouldn't say that they didn't tremble from pain as thousands of pins and needles seemed to choose that moment to stab all over his body. But, the adrenaline filling his body allowed him to ignore it. "Where is Father and Rob?"

He was pulled from the room not seeing the tears come to the face of his baby brother, whether it was from fear of the people outside dying or from the fact that the question would make him think of his dead father. The boy tugged him through the doorway and down the hall. His answer came at a whisper but Harry could hear it through their rush, "Dead..."

A second shock runs through Harry as he hears the word that break his heart. The fog of questions about if this is real or not is forgotten at least for now as the importance of what is happening sets in. His father is dead, his brother is dead. Did this die outside from the Greyjoy? What happened while he was asleep? What has been going on?

The questions are stopped as they skid to a halt at the Great Hall and just as importantly what fills it. There standing at besides the High Table of all people looking pleased ass a cat that caught a bird is Theon Greyjoy. There is five others surrounding the Greyjoy heir all wearing the armor and weapons of raiders for the Iron Isles. The fact that this boy, who had always lived here now had a hand in killing his father and brother are too much for Harry.

He feels a warmth, the same one he felt in the dream he just woke up from, a power that echoed through him when casting a spell. Harry is so enraged that he doesn't even realize what he is doing as he raises his hand upwards his eyes narrowing at the boy. "Sectumsempra!"

Blood spurts from the head and chest of Theon Greyjoy as from the left side of the neck clean downwards to the right hip the body is cut in two. He doesn't have time to speak or even cry out as the two pieces slide apart and fall to the ground. Harry never notices that the smile of success is forever on the lips of Theon. For he has already turned his burning emerald eyes filled with rage and anger onto the other members of the Greyjoy raiding party.

Author note: This is the first chapter of Wizard of Winterfell. I wanted a story were Harry could still be Harry. A problem I have with my own story Desert Prince. It is a little further into Game of Thrones then normal. But, everything still happened the same as in cannon except in late 282 Harry is born. Bran is never born in this story. So instead Robb (born 281 during the war), then Harry, Sansa, Arya and Rickon. Of course Jon is in there. As you can see he never woke up after the fall right away instead he lingered unconsciously till mid 300 AL when Theon attacks Winterfell. I figured a different start but a bit more action and fun. Yes, Harry will perform wandless magic as you can see. What will it mean for the North, the Others and everyone else? We shall see.

Like it? Pairing idea? Thoughts?