A/N: hey guys I'm back with the sequel of Protection. I'm painfully aware of how short this chapter is, but I promise you the chapters will get longer as it goes along. I want to thank you guys for your support during Protection and I hope you'll like this sequel. Also if you notice anything about Raph's leg, don't complain or question about it because it's CARTOON FREAKIN LOGIC! Anyway, I hope you enjoy and I own nothing of TMNT

Raph's P.O.V.

Finally! I get to spar with my brothers! For three weeks, I just sat and had to watch my brothers train...and we had to keep telling Leo it wasn't his fault for what happened at Shredder's lair. It did take three weeks, but he snapped out of it.

Last week, I finally got to start training again, but Splinter has been taking it slow due to my "still recovering" leg. And now I finally get to do spars with everyone. I'm just hoping they don't go easy on me because of my leg. Also best of all, I don't have to use my crutches all that much...well both at least. Donnie still wants me to use at least one so my leg won't be worse.

Oh...and in case you're wondering, I did beat Mikey up for what he saw when Leo and I hugged that morning, after we were rescued. I made sure he didn't tell Donnie either.

The only thing I hate, is that I still have to wait probably another 3 weeks before I could go patrolling again...which sucks. I'm stuck down here, while my brothers are probably getting into fights. Although even though Leo stopped blaming himself, I can tell he still wants revenge on Shredder...and I'm totally alright with that.

Although night time isn't a total lost. Sometimes Splinter would have night training with me so he can still get me back on my feet. It gives me something to do besides sitting on the couch and doing absolutely nothing all night. Sometimes I even eat Mikey's pizza...don't tell him I told you or he would probably kill me.

Anyway, so I used the crutch I had to get in the dojo, and not my surprise, everyone is there just staring at me. This is really getting old...getting the same response every time I walk in.

"Ok, now that Raphael's here let's begin training," Splinter says and I dropped my crutch I had and walked over. "Today, we will be practicing more on our katas and then we will spar one another," then he looks at me. "Raphael, since you are still recovering," oh please don't say I have to sit out on this, "you will go against Leonardo to see where you are in your training."

"Hai Sensei," I say.

Phew! I thought he was gonna break his promise and said I would have to sit out. I swear, for the past week, he would always say the same thing.

'Raphael, since you are still recovering, you will have to sit out and watch.'

Man, that got old so fast! We began practicing our katas for probably either an hour and a half or two hours, before I hear Splinter speak.

"Yamay! Now we will begin our sparing for the last part of our tanning. As I said at the very beginning, Raphael, you will face Leonardo. Now go prepare."

I turn around and began to get ready for our spar.

Leo's P.O.V.

I watch as Donnie and Mikey walk to their half and Raph went to our half. I don't know how I feel about Raph sparing. I mean...he's still recovering and I don't wanna hurt him more than he is. It'll be my fault...ugh! There goes me blaming again. I'm not saying it's my fault anymore for what happened at Shredder's lair, but that doesn't mean I can still be blamed for hurting his leg anymore. I watch as Splinter walks to the tree, and I walk up with him.


He turns to me. "What is it Leonardo?"

I rub the back of my neck. "I...I don't know how I feel about sparing with Raph. He still has a bandage in his leg, and I don't wanna hurt him by mistake."

Yes Raph got his cast off about a week or two ago, but he still has to have a bandage around it.

"I understand this Leonardo, and I myself am uncertain about your brother's condition right now. But Raphael has come a long way, and I can see that he is ready to spar. Besides, it'll just be one match my son and then we will be done. I promise my son, it'll be alright."

I just look at him for a moment and I sigh.

"Hai Sensei."

"Now go. Your brother is waiting for you."

I glanced over at Raph, and he was just smirking at me.


And then I went over, pulled out my katanas, and waited for Sensei's cue.

Raph's P.O.V.

Whenever I was prepared to fight, I noticed that Fearless was talking to Sensei. Oh no...he's gonna get me out of this isn't he? When I was younger, I used to call him Buzzkill...maybe I'll call him that again if he gets me out of this. But he turned my way, and I just put a smirk on my face. Then he comes over, and I can tell that I was still gonna spar even before he took his katanas out. Then we just waited for Splinter to say-.


We both charged and Leo goes to throw a punch, but I dodge. All he was doing was trying to punch, and I dodge every attack. I'm starting to think he's just going easy on me...just as I probably figured.

"Come on!" I taunted. "Is that all you got? Give me a challenge Fearless!"

He stands his ground, and before he can speak, I kick him and he slammed into a wall.

"Ok fine!" Leo rolls his eyes and he charges.

Finally, a real challenge. He sends a kick to my plastron and I landed on my shell. In a second, I jumped back up and charged again. Our weapons clash and I was shoving Leo hard. He sends another kick, and I nearly lost my balance. Then I jumped in the air and landed on the other side of Leo.

All of a sudden, I feel a sharp pain in my leg, and I gasp. I grunt as I fell to the ground, and I see Leo rushing to me, the others not far behind him.

"Are you alright?" Leo's voice was filled with concern.

I grunt. "Yea I'm fine. My leg just gave up for a second."

"You still have to be careful Raph," Donnie said. "I told you this. Your leg is still weak and still need time to heal."

I growl at him. Gee, like I don't hear that several times a week.

"Yea yea! I don't need to hear ya lecturing me!"

"I say that training is over," Splinter said. "Donatello, will you go aid Raphael's leg?"

"Hai Sensei," Donnie said as he helped me to my feet. "Come on Raph, let's go rewrap your leg."

I grumbled under my breath and Donnie put my hand over his shoulder and both left the dojo.