A.N.-Well, here's to more Veela stories in the world.

It was June 5th when he woke up to a mindnumbing pain. He had to find her.

The sky was still dark. The moon was still in the sky. The stars twinkled. But the air was heavy. He couldn't breath. He had to find her. And quick.

He had worked up a sweat from his dreams. His brow was creased, and his breath heavy. His head pounded. He had to find her. He groaned as he saw himself in front of an mirror. His blond hair was almost as messy as Potter's. His pajamas were wrinkled from his excessive turning and tossing in bed. He had to find her.

He knew what he had to do. Somehow he knew. Even before his brain had fully processed what he was doing, he had dressed himself. He looked an ounce more presentable, and that made the difference. His robes were black, like most his clothing.

His disheveled pajamas lay discarded on in bedroom floor. He itched to see his mate's current clothes join them there, but the rational part of his mind knew that could come later.

He grabbed a handful of Floo powder and stepped into his private Flooing fireplace. He threw the green powder at the ground and shouted out his destination clearly before vanishing in an elaborate puff of green smoke that lingered for a few minutes before vanishing.

A.N.- Well, that was certainly a short prologue. But it was at the perfect stopping point. :) I almost forgot the disclaimer. {Disclaimer:Anything you recognize from the Harry Potter series belongs to J.K. Rowling. Unfortunately, she hasn't offered me to own one of the characters.} I hope you liked the beginning of my story, and if you didn't, well… I'm sorry? IDK. Anyways, I hope you liked it.