I don't own Reign or any of the characters used in this! I just love Bash and Kenna together and couldn't accept what the show did to them, so I made up my own version. Enjoy!

"This is completely ridiculous," Kenna said under her breath as she crept down the hallway full of bright red lockers and scuffed tiles, keeping a sharp eye out for teachers. Mary, one of her best friends, had asked her for help in conveniently running into Francis. He was her on and off again boyfriend, currently stuck on the off again stage and Mary wanted to flip the switch back on. That led Kenna to where she was now, having left class to try and figure out where Francis would be as soon as the bell rang. She wasn't quite sure what Mary's grand scheme was, but it would probably involve some elaborate gesture that would result in the two of them back in their sickeningly sweet relationship once again.

This is what she got for being the only one of Mary's friends who didn't care so much about school. Mary never would have asked Greer to do this, or Lola or Aylee.

Footsteps thudded around the corner, heading towards her and she swore to herself before ducking into the nearest door, pulling it shut after her with a quiet click. It was a closet with no light at all, the air stale with a slight chemical odor to it. She froze when she bumped into something warm and solid as she backed further into the small space. With her breath held, she moved away and fumbled for the door knob but it rattled on its own before she could touch it. She stepped backwards, feeling like a pinball with her back and forth movements, and hit the body next to hers again as the door swung open and someone flicked the light on. It was the janitor, who shook his head when he saw Kenna and the other person she was hiding with. She turned to see it was Bash, of all people. He was Francis's half-brother and she tried her hardest to avoid him on the best of days.

"I keep telling administration we need to lock these doors. Damn kids, find somewhere else to have rendezvous'," he muttered as he gestured for them to step out. "Come on, I can't let this slide. If I do, it'll never stop," he added, before leading them to the principal's office.

"We weren't doing anything!" she said but he gave no response. She huffed out a breath and deliberately waited a beat before following so she could speak to Bash.

"What were you doing in there?" she hissed, upset at the situation and that she had to walk twice as fast to keep up with his long strides. Her long, loose hair was swinging back and forth behind her with every angry step she took, her metal headband in danger of sliding down her hair onto her forehead.

"I'd assume the same as you, trying not to get caught for being out of class," he replied.

She rolled her eyes.

"Obviously," she said. "But why weren't you in class?"

"Why weren't you in class?"

"I asked the question first, I'd like an answer."

"I had some things that needed to be taken care of."

"Like that isn't vague at all."

"Your turn," was all he said, turning to her with that frustrating smirk he always seemed to wear. Luckily, they arrived at the principal's office and Kenna was saved from answering.

"These two need to see Principle Medici for a talking to," the janitor said to the secretary. She looked up from her cluttered desk, pictures of children and a few dogs placed in the few spots not covered in papers. There was a halfhearted strand of Christmas lights stuck to the edge of her desk. It was drooping at both ends and in the middle a great deal and a few bulbs were burnt out.

"She's finishing up a phone call, take a seat," she said, gesturing to the hard, plastic chairs opposite of her desk. Kenna bit back a sigh as she sat down, shifting away from Bash when he sat next to her. She could tell without even glancing at him that he was laughing at her, which bothered her more than it should have. The janitor also sat down heavily, a few chairs in between him and Bash.

"Just what I need, to sit here and deal with idiotic children," he muttered and Kenna almost smiled. Served him right for dragging them to the office. If he had just listened to her, he wouldn't have needed to turn them in. She could have promised to go back to class and he probably would have let her.

Principle Medici's door opened and a hand beckoned them in. She followed after the janitor, pushing past Bash so she could walk in first. As soon as she walked in though, she almost wished she had let Bash lead the way. She'd forgotten how much the principle hated her. It wasn't even her fault. Francis was her son and she had an incredible disregard for Mary. Therefore, she disliked Kenna on association of being Mary's best friend. Principal Medici's eyes followed Kenna as she took a seat on the edge of the chair, pulling her uniform skirt under her legs as she sat, Bash sinking into the other one. Kenna twisted the chain of her necklace around her finger, the little gold pendent emblazoned with a "K" nudging against her fingers.

He smiled at the principal and Kenna could have sworn she smiled for a moment before her stern façade snapped back into place.

"What seems to be the problem here, Mr. Korgan?"

"I found these two in my supply closet, having a little alone time."

"Is this true?" she asked both of them. Kenna's mind raced, weighing the benefits of lying over telling her the truth—that she'd been trying to help Mary win Francis back. She'd probably get a year's worth of detention if she told Catherine that. Her eyes flickered over to Bash's and she shrugged ever so slightly, leaving it up to him if he wanted to lie.

"Yes it is," he said, nodding along to his words. Principal Medici sighed, the sound long and sad.

"That is unfortunate. I'd hoped you two were more intelligent than this. There is plenty of time to be social outside of school," she said.

"To be young and in love," Bash said, lifting his palms in the air helplessly. Kenna snorted and immediately regretted it, when all eyes flashed to her.

"I just wouldn't call it love," she tried to explain. "It's very new and… we're very young, you know." She bit her tongue and decided she would be done speaking forever.

"Regardless of what you call it, there needs to be some form of punishment for this. I've heard that the theatre production needs assistance with the set building. You two can lend your help to them after school every day for two weeks," she said.

"I have soccer practice after school every day," Bash said quickly. "I can't miss that."

"And I have events to attend for yearbook!" Kenna protested. "I'm the only photographer, I can't not show up."

Principal Medici studied them both for a long moment before nodding.

"Fine. You can both come in an hour before school begins and work on the sets then. I'd bring a change of clothes, I've heard it can get rather messy," she added, the side of her mouth quirking up. Kenna held in her sigh, but just barely. She knew it was much better than she should have expected but that didn't mean she had to be happy about it. Mary owed her big time for this, even though Kenna knows she would have done this even knowing she'd get in trouble. Mary was just that sort of friend you'd do anything for.

"All right. Can we go back to class now?" Bash asked. She nodded and they both stood up, the janitor already having slipped out of the door.

"Bash?" Catherine called as they were about to step out of the office. Kenna waited, not sure if she was supposed to wait as well.

"You'll have to bring your girlfriend to the family dinner next weekend," she said. Kenna choked on the air, her cheeks bright red. Bash patted her back a few times and flashed a smile at his step-mother before leading Kenna out with that hand on her back.

They walked past the secretary, who looked mildly concerned as Kenna tried to take a deep breath. Bash smiled at her as well and she let her gaze shift back to her computer screen uneasily. She probably thought Kenna was having a panic attack over getting detention. Once they were in the hallway, Kenna shrugged his hand off of her back and took a step away.

"Why didn't you tell her I wasn't your girlfriend? We aren't even friends, let alone dating!"

"I'm hurt, Kenna. I thought we were the closest of friends," he said, a hand on his heart, blue eyes twinkling with amusement. His mouth twitched with a barely suppressed smile. His casual expression matched his tousled uniform shirt, which never appeared to be ironed. She rolled her eyes and started walking down the hallway. "Excuse me if I don't want my family finding out I make out with random girls in school closets," he said, following her.

"Oh come on, am I supposed to believe that Bash Poitiers is a blushing virgin?" she scoffed.

"No, but that doesn't mean I screw anything that moves," he said, serious this time, and Kenna fell silent, whatever she had been about to say had dissipated with his words. "Besides, there are plenty of rumors about you too, don't pretend you're any better than me. At least people don't think I'm sleeping with a teacher." Kenna came to an immediate stop and whirled around so suddenly, Bash almost ran into her.

"That isn't true and you know it," she said, holding his gaze until he nodded. Kenna clenched her hands into fists to stop them from shaking and she turned around again. She had been planning on returning to class for the last fifteen minutes or so, but she knew she couldn't handle that right now. She adjusted her path to stop by her locker and grab her camera. She'd just wait out by the field for the football team, snap a few pictures and then go home and away from school and Bash.

She could hear him behind her still but she just doubled her resolve to ignore him. Instead, she slid her phone out of her backpack pocket and texted Mary that she hadn't been able to figure out where Francis was going to be. She supposed she could have asked Bash but she figured Mary would understand her not taking the extra step in this case.

"That's fine. Thanks for trying : )" Mary texted back, more quickly than Kenna had expected her to. She normally didn't check her phone during class, she must be more serious about this thing with Francis than Kenna had thought.

Kenna walked up to the locker that had a large grey scratch across it. She had never quite been able to figure out what caused it and spun her lock to open it. She shoved a few of her notebooks into her backpack. She paused, though, when she remembered she needed to take her math textbook home with her. It theoretically could fit into her backpack, but it'd make her back ache as long as she had to carry it. But she also didn't want to have her hands full of things when she was trying to take pictures of the team later. She shifted some of the things around in her bag and stuffed it in alongside the notebooks, pleased when she got the clasps on the faux leather straps to shut.

Bash had stopped at his own locker, which happened to be diagonal from hers, just a little ways away. She forced herself to stop glancing at him when he almost caught her looking at him. She shook her head at herself, she was acting ridiculous. Boys didn't have an effect on her, she always made sure she had the upper hand. So why did it feel like Bash was already making her crazy?


The shots of the football team had turned out great, Kenna decided as she tabbed through them on her laptop later that night. Maybe she needed to be frustrated for all of her shoots, if it got her results like these. She rested her head on her hand and pushed the laptop off of her crossed legs, stretching them out across her faded blue comforter. It had white flowers and didn't match the rest of her room at all, but her mom had picked it out for her when she had been a little girl and she'd never had the heart to get rid of it. Her eyes drifted shut and she had been on the brink of drifting off when her phone buzzed against her nightstand.

She grabbed it and tapped her finger to answer the call. "Hello?"

"Kenna, what happened today?" Mary asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, there's a rumor you slept with Bash in a supply closet! I didn't even think you liked Bash."

Kenna groaned into her phone. Well, that explained the stupid smirks some of the football players had thrown her way on the field.

"I didn't and I don't." She paused before adding, "At least this rumor isn't about a teacher."

There was a pause on Mary's end before Kenna heard shuffling and Mary's voice came through again.

"I'm going to need a little explanation then."

Kenna explained the whole situation to her, hating Mary's stunned silence.

"So he just pretended you two were a thing? In front of Principal Medici?"

"Yep. And she said something about bringing me to a family dinner so he better straighten things out before whenever that is."

"Oh my god, the family dinners are the worst. Every time I went over for one, Catherine would just glare at me the whole time and Henry would try to make small talk and Bash was always making jokes, trying to lighten the mood but it never worked. That's the only good thing about not being with Francis right now." Kenna could practically see Mary shudder through the phone.

"Great. I better make sure I don't have to go to that. I just can't believe there's already a rumor about this. And whoever saw us must not have a sex life at all, because we were completely put together when we came out of that storage room. I didn't have a hair out of place. It would have been miserable sex if we had had it," Kenna said, laughing at the thought and at Mary's sigh. "Come on, Mary, you know I'm right. Even if you and Francis haven't actually had sex yet, you've done enough to know what I'm talking about."

"That's completely beside the point, Kenna," she said, but Kenna could hear the laughter welling up in her friend, so she took it as a win.

"I'm never going to speak to Bash again." Kenna sighed.

"Good luck with that, you're going to spend ten hours with him and only him for the next two weeks."

"You're the worst. This is all your fault, actually. You should go to detention for me."

"It isn't my fault you got caught. There normally isn't any patrol in the halls during fifth, I didn't know you'd run into the only adult in the hallways. And I would have been more inventive than hiding in a closet if I had been the one out."

"Yeah, yeah," she grumbled half-heartedly. "Are you going to speak to Francis tomorrow?"

"I'm not sure. He probably needs more time."

"Mary, you two broke up because you were worried you'd been together for too long. Even though you've been broken up for half your relationship anyway. And it's been months. It's enough time."

"We've been dating since seventh grade, it was natural to want time apart." Even Mary didn't sound convinced.

"And now you've had time a part and you're miserable and I'd guess he's miserable too. Just suck it up and talk to him tomorrow."

"We'll see."

Kenna figured that was the best she'd get out of Mary over the phone, so she chatted a little longer and decided to head downstairs after she hung up to see if her dad was home yet.

"Dad home?" she asked the housekeeper, a nice woman named Deirdre that always made sure Kenna ate her vegetables and did her homework when her dad was too busy to do the same.

"Not yet. He called, said he'd be a little late today. Dinner is ready though, if you want to eat," she said, gesturing to the chicken alfredo she'd made.

"Yeah, it smells great, Deirdre."

"Thank you, Miss Kenna. Now eat before it gets cold."

Kenna sat at the large dining room table that could easily seat ten people and ate by herself, a scene she was used to by now. She couldn't remember the last time she'd eaten a meal with her father that wasn't a holiday meal, where he was forced to be home because even work was closed. She ate quickly, shoveling the pasta down her throat so she could escape back to her room, cozy and crafted carefully to be the opposite of the rest of the house that never seemed alive. In her room, she curled up under a soft knitted blanket and did her trig homework, painstakingly writing out each problem and biting the tip of her pencil as she stumbled her way through them.

Later that night, as Kenna was trying to drift off in her bed, she tried not to think about anything related to school or detention and most definitely not Bash Poitiers.