Hey hey hey! Here's another story! I've got this one I'm working on, plus another one of my ideas, and then Tamuril2 gave me some more prompts, so hopefully there will be more coming very soon!

Okay, I want to just throw this out there right now, if you get squeamish at the mention of blood, this story might be hard. There isn't a lot of detail, but there is the mention of it, so I'm just throwing that out there as a warning.

Let me know what you think of this first chapter!

As usual, I own nothing

*Present time*

"What do we do with him?" a panicked voice asked.

"What do you think we do with him?" a second, angrier voice snapped. "We grabbed him for a reason!"

"Yeah, that reason being he was onto us!" the first voice said, panic coating his voice, getting thicker and thicker with every word.

"Maybe he was, but hey! We can always use fresh blood. The others are running out, and we haven't been able to grab anyone new for days. After that guy bit it the other day, we've been scrambling to keep up with demand. This kid is exactly what we needed," the second voice responded, his voice taking on a more soothing tone, trying to talk his partner out of his hysteria.

The young man on the table groaned as the conversation he was hearing echoed through his ears. He tried lifting his head to look around, but he was still lightheaded, and any movement made him nauseous. His head was aching, and all his body wanted to do was rest, but something in the back of his mind was yelling at him to get up, move, do something. The two arguing stopped what they were doing and started at their prisoner. When he did nothing else, they went back to their conversation.

"He's too high-profile," the first insisted. "We can't keep him around, and we need to get out of here. There'll probably be others will be looking for him; we can't let them find us. The operation has been compromised."

"You do have a point," the second conceded. "We can't keep him around like we have the others. But we can't just kill him. Think of all the money that would be wasted!"

"So just take it all in one go?" the first speaker clarified.

"One go," the second confirmed. A sigh escaped the first man, then he responded.

"Well, let's get it over with."

*Fifteen Hours Earlier*

"Guys, why is Jack bleeding?" Thornton asked as she strode into the conference room. Jack was sitting on one of the couches, tilting his head up and plugging his nose with several tissues.

"Because he's an idiot," Riley said as she nonchalantly examined her fingernails. MacGyver and Bozer choked back their laughter while Thornton raised an eyebrow. Jack simply continued to glare at the people around him

"I didn't know idiocy caused people to start spontaneously spouting blood from their nose," Thornton commented.

"Pretty sure it's a new phenomenon," MacGyver piped up. Thornton stared at the agents for a moment before turning and facing the large screen.

"So what is it today?" Bozer asked, rubbing his hands together as they waited for Thornton to speak. "Assassins? Terrorists? Fair maidens in need of rescuing?" he added in a suave tone. Riley turned and raised her eyebrow at his last comment. "I mean, uh," he backpedaled. "Ugly dudes. Fat politicians, that sorta thing! Hot chicks for Mac!" he tried. Riley chuckled and rolled her eyes as she turned back towards the screen, waiting for Thornton to answer.

"Tourists," Patricia finally said.

"Tourists?" Riley repeated in confusion.

"Whed did we sdard worryi'g aboud whad tourisds do?" Jack asked as he stared at his boss, his tissue-stuffed nose making it sound like he had a cold.

"It's not in the U.S., and we're not worried about what they're doing," Thornton explained. "We're worried about what's being done to them."

"Well that sounds ominous," MacGyver said as he fiddled with a paperclip. "If it's not in the U.S., where is it?"

"India," Thornton replied, hitting a button and bringing up different photos to display across the screen. "Tourists and visitors from different countries have begun disappearing from hotels, the street, restaurants. There have been nine in total," she explained.

"Okay, so what do we have to go on?" Riley asked as she stared at the pictures of some of the missing tourists.

"Last night, one of the missing tourists was found dead in the trunk of a car that was reported as stolen two days ago," Thornton said. "COD was hypovolemic shock, but there was no blood in the trunk or the surrounding area-"

"Meaning he bled out somewhere else, then his body was dumped in a car that was ditched away from the crime scene," Mac finished. Patricia nodded.

"There was no evidence of foul play on our victim though," she continued. "No gunshot wounds, stabbings from a knife, anything like that to account for the massive amount of blood loss. The government doesn't want to send in whole teams of CIA and FBI agents; they feel it would be too conspicuous, scare off whoever is grabbing the tourists. That's why they asked me to send my smallest, most elite team in to see if we can figure out what's going on. We also don't have any definitive proof that this is something sinister, and not just tourists getting lost or running away. There have been no ransom demands, none of the family members have been contacted in any way."

Everyone looked at each other, then back to their boss.

"Well, when do we leave?" Mac asked.

"Wheels up in an hour," Thornton replied. "Bozer, you're staying here," she instructed. "You don't have any field training whatsoever, so for now you're staying here," she insisted when he opened his mouth, leaving no room for argument.

"A'ight," he agreed after a minute. "It's cool guys," he said, turning to the team. "I got some dope props in mind, so y'all go have some fun beatin' bad guys; I'll be here waitin' for you when you get back," he said before turning and walking out of the conference room.

"Do we have anything to go on?" MacGyver asked as he turned his attention back to his boss. She shook her head as she handed him a file.

"Just the info on all the missing tourists, including the one that was found last night," she explained. "We've had our analysts going over the data since we received it, but so far they haven't been able to connect any of them. They're from all over the world; none of them are strictly from the U.S. One is a doctor, another a stay-at-home mom, while another is a student, travelling abroad."

"Well, your analysts may be having trouble," Riley said smugly. "But let me have a look at it; I'll see what I can find."

Thornton didn't say anything about Riley's comment about her analysts, because she knew Riley was right. If you couldn't find anything online, go to Riley Davis; she'd find whatever you need, if there was something to be found. Patricia simply handed over the file, then turned to MacGyver and Jack.

"Find out what's going on, save anyone you can."

So thoughts? Love it? Hate it? Confused much? (Probably not, I'm pretty predictable ;) )

Sorry it's short!