Dance With me

The sun shone brightly in the afternoon sky, hardly a cloud in sight as four Veritechs from the RoboTech Defense Force soared over head the base. Two years ago, this site had been nothing more than a cratered field overlooking Lake Gloval, the final resting place of the Super Dimensional Fortress that had saved the human race from certain extinction. Captain Lisa Hayes wiped the sweat from her brow as she walked briskly down the flight line, her destination was the hanger on the end of the line. It was a rather warm day and she was at least thankful her uniform came with a skirt instead of trousers as that would have made the somewhat warm weather feel like a desert, no matter how much the brass stated they breathed. As she passed ground crews, she gave a nod in greeting towards them as they called out the proper greeting of the day to her. Regulation on a flight line meant no salutes as no one was allowed to wear their covers in the off chance it became a foreign object sucked into a fighter engine. And with the Zentradi Malcontents flaring up, it wouldn't be smart to point out who was an officer and who wasn't, though it was a moot point as everyone knew who she was anyway.

Letting out a soft sigh as she approached the open hanger doors, her thoughts drifted once more towards the feelings she held for the pilot she was coming to see. Rick Hunter was a puzzle to her. There were times when he would be so sweet and charming that she practically melted to other times when she wished she could reach through the communications panel and simply strangle the infuriating man. It wasn't that he did it on purpose, or so she hoped, it was just how he managed to push all the wrong buttons at times that always wound her up. And yet, no matter how angry he could make her, he was always the first to make her feel better when things seemed to be on the verge of going pear shaped. Always seemed to have a kind word or helpful advice on how to handle her problems. He was the greatest friend, besides Claudia of course, she had in her life. But she wanted more than his friendship and he seemed to be perfectly fine with their current relationship. She knew he was still chasing after Minmei, and if the rumors were true, he'd met with her a few times over the last two years. The thought that he had entered a relationship with Minmei tore at her heart, but she couldn't stop herself from the hope that maybe they were all just rumors, or the longing in her heart to be with him.

'Great position you've put yourself in Lisa. Chasing after a man who doesn't see you in that light.' She mentally grumbled as she entered the hanger. Her nose was assaulted with the scent of engine grease and fuel, and her ears with the gentle melodies playing from the small radio sitting on the tool chest to her left. She noted that the radio wasn't playing anything sung by Minmei, but an artist she couldn't place. Confused, but feeling bolstered that maybe it had indeed been rumors, she came around the right side of the Veritech sitting proudly in the center of the hanger. Skull One, Roy Fokker's old plane gleamed under the light, her white hull highlighted in gold bands seemed to hum with power. The remarkable plane was the very first of the production run of the Valkyrie fighters that were now the work horse of the RDF Air Wing. Lisa ran her hand along the nose as she passed, the metal cool to her touch, as she approached the man of her desires waist deep into the fighter's engines. When Lisa had first questioned why Rick would handle his own maintenance, he had told her that it was a habit he had since his air circus days. He felt that a pilot needed to know just how their planes ticked, that it created a bond between man and machine that allowed him to come back from every battle in one piece. She pushed down the wave of guilt that flared up from the memory of the time she had accidentally shot him down. Rick had waved her off at the time, saying it could have happened to anyone He even joked that his old Veritech had been handling funny anyway and now he had a new one to raise chaos with.

She could hear him humming along to the soft tune as he slowly extracted himself from his fighter, his flight suit tied around his waist leaving him clad only in his white, oil stained, tee shirt. He seemed to be in his own little world as he turned to the cart beside him, placing the wrench down and grabbing a grease smeared rag to wipe his hands on. He looked adorable as he nodded along, a few smudges of oil on his cheeks as he went about his normal routine.

"Oh, hey Captain!" He greeted upon seeing her standing not five feet from him. "What brings you to my kingdom?"

Lisa smirked at the joking tone as he spread his arms wide. "And what a Kingdom it is my lord."

"You may enjoy the view but touch nothing peasant!" He joked, eliciting a laugh from the woman before him. He sobered up and tossed the rag onto the cart and walked towards the cooler set by the wall. "If this is about the trainee reports, I'll have them on your desk by 0830 tomorrow. Still waiting on Max's report for Baker. I swear that kid is a menace in the sky. Doing what he wants when he wants. He's liable to get himself killed." Rick scoffed and grabbed two bottles of cola and turned to Lisa. "Want one?"

"Sure. And Baker sounds like another hot headed pilot I know. Goes by the name of Hunter. I think you know him." She teased. She loved moments like this with Rick.

Rick, being a mature adult and a respectable military officer, stuck his tongue out in response as Lisa accepted the offered drink. He popped the cap off and took a long swig, savoring the ice cold drink.

"I just stopped by to see you Rick. Though since you brought it up, I will need that report tomorrow." She took her own sip and hummed in appreciation.

"I was wondering when you would drop by. You've been pretty distracted this last week."

Lisa grimaced before she responded. "Yes well. With everything going on, I've been spending a lot of time going over the SDF-2's systems and construction time line. They should have her finished in a month or two. Not to mention all the requisition orders I've had to sign off on."

"That's good to hear. Glad my transfer paperwork went through to her." Rick grinned seeing the surprised look on Lisa's face.

"But...when? I never saw the request cross my desk." She asked in confusion. It wasn't like she wouldn't have stamped the approval on it. She had been upset when the last of the transfer request had come through and she hadn't seen Rick's. It had lead credence to the possibility that he and Minmei had entered into a relationship.

"Admiral Gloval. Found out at the ball last month. For awhile, I thought I upset you to the point you denied it." He tapped the bottle against his chin thoughtfully before he continued. "He told me right before you left."

Lisa flushed as she remembered the ball in question. She had been plucking up the courage all night to approach Rick for a dance, maybe even confess how she felt. Claudia had been extremely supportive of her and had offered, well threatened would be the correct word, to drag her over and toss her into his lap to lend Lisa a hand. That was until she over head a certain Jan Morris, who had been requested to come to the ball to show support for the men and woman in uniform, had let slip that Minmei was involved with someone they all knew. Claudia had asked what was wrong as Lisa's anguished face had set her on edge. The woman made some lame excuse of not feeling well and left the ball quickly when she spotted Rick approaching them, his face almost split wide in a massive smile. She had ended up crying herself to sleep that night.

"You left right before I could ask you for a dance. I was going to tell you then." He looked to her, his face showing concern. "But since you left after you saw me, I can't help but feel I did something to upset you. Despite Claudia telling me you weren't feeling well, which by the way, even she didn't buy that excuse you know." He chided.

Lisa ducked her head and locked her eyes on the bottle in her hands, the heart break welling back up. "Well..I...I didn't think it was appropriate to dance with my subordinate."

"Uh huh." Rick did not sound convinced. "Pull the other one. Lisa, don't lie to me. Is it about Minmei?"

She sighed and nodded her head, still not meeting his eyes. "It wouldn't look to good for you if your girlfriend found out you danced with a woman you kissed once."

"Kissed twice actually." Rick remarked, a smirk crossing his face at the memory. "And I got to admit, those rumors about her and me are some of the funniest I've ever heard. How can you be engaged to someone you haven't seen or talked to in two years!"

Lisa felt her eyes widen as she glanced to Rick, looking for some sign that he was either being serious that there was nothing going on or trying to cover himself from what ever wrath she might have. Seeing the mirth in his face and the twinkling eyes, it stole her breath as she realized the rumors that had circulated were false and her heart skipped a beat at that realization. "But...I heard Jan talking..."

"Minmei and her cousin are together. Not quite sure how that's even acceptable and I get that they aren't blood related. Still..." He trailed off as a disgusted shiver passed through him. "I gave up on her a year and a half ago. Gave all my autographed stuff to Rico. Man, you should have seen his face! He looked like Christmas had come early!" Rick chuckled, finishing his cola.

"Oh." Lisa looked back at her knees, her face flushed from how embarrassed she felt for even considering those rumors may be true. "I'm sorry Rick. I shouldn't have let it get to me."

"Why did you though?" He prodded, leaning back with his hands clasped behind his head. "Why would the idea of me dating Minmei upset you?"

'Oh God. I can't believe I trapped myself here! I can't tell him. Not until I know how he feels!'

"We're friends Rick, good ones at that." She fished for a possible answer that would give her some breathing room. "I just was hurt because I thought you didn't trust me enough to tell me you were. If it had been true of course." 'Thank God, pride intact!'

She glanced at Rick and saw him crack one eye open, narrowed at her as he smirked. "Sure Lisa. I'll buy that."

The sarcasm wasn't lost on her. He stretched out his arms and rose to his feet. As she watched, he strode to the radio and increased the volume of the slow song that came on. The melody was catchy and enjoyable, and Lisa was wondering just what Rick was up to. He walked back over to her, his cocky grin that stole her breath away and made her heart beat just that much quicker plastered on his face. "So...about that dance you owe me."

Lisa's face reddened as she looked at his outstretched hand and his pleading eyes. "'re covered in grease. And I'm still in uniform."

The weak defense did nothing to dissuaded the man as he remained still, his hand open and inviting her. "Come on Lisa, dance with me, just this once. Promise I won't step on your toes."

She looked from his face to his hand, her own gripping the half full bottle tightly as her breath caught in her chest. She looked back into his eyes, seeing a hope in them. Setting the bottle down, she shyly placed her hand in his and felt him gently pulled her to her feet, placing her against his chest. She was blushing fiercely as Rick placed his hands on her hips and the two began swaying to the beat of the music, the cool summer breeze blowing through the hanger. She closed her eyes and buried her face in his chest, a happy little smile gracing her delicate features as the rumble from Rick's chest soothed her nerves as he hummed along to the music. "You're not too bad at this Rick."

He chuckled at her whispered praise.

"I've had some practice." He explained as they slowly rotated. "I asked Claudia to teach me for the ball. Now that was embarrassing! I can't tell you how many times she would yell at me for not putting my hands on her waist instead of her ribs or that I had to be closer to her and not a foot back. It was awkward as she's pretty much my big sister you know."

Lisa giggled softly at that statement before her mind replayed what he had just said. "You wanted to learn before the ball?"

"Yup." He admitted, his own cheeks flushing. "I had one particular girl I wanted to dance with and wanted to make a good impression on her. Unfortunately for me, she took off with the excuse of not feeling good."

Lisa stopped moving and her eyes shot open to their widest potential. Emerald eyes, filled with wonder, hope, and love locked onto two blue orbs filled with honesty and want. " mean..."

"That's right Lisa. I wanted to dance with you that night."

Feeling her eyes start to water, she struggled to formulate a coherent sentence, until Rick interrupted her attempts. "I know you are asking why, or at least trying to. I told you I gave up on Minmei a year and a half ago. It took me another six months and some rather heavy handed suggestions from Claudia, Gloval, and the Trio to think about you. All the mixed signals I got confused me for another four months until I managed to unravel it all in my head and in my heart. Spent the last eight trying to convey my emotions to you, but I've never really been too good at putting my emotions into words." He gave a small laugh.

"You like me?"

"Like is such a weak word to use. More"

Lisa didn't want to believe this was true. Part of her was jumping up and down, screaming for her to claim him, the other part was stunned, thinking this had to be a dream. But if it was, she never wanted to wake up! Screwing up her courage, she hesitantly reached a hand up and cupped his warm cheek, her eyes not daring to leave his. With trembling knees, she slowly pulled him down until Rick's lips met her's, the kiss gently but to Lisa, she felt a spark shoot from her lips to her very being. A warm glow flared into her chest as her heart swelled. Her emotions swallowed her and were conveyed to Rick through the simple act, telling him all he needed to know about her own feelings for him. The world seemed to fade around them as they lost themselves to the roar of emotions the kiss brought forth. All too soon for either one's liking, it ended. Rick rested his forehead against hers, a warm smile on his face. She slowly opened her eyes, still not daring to hope this was real. "This...this isn't a dream? You're really...we just...?"

Rick smirked as she looked to him, a small welling of fear in her eyes that this might have actually been a dream. "If this is a dream, I'm going to be pretty upset as it took me a month to get the courage to do this."

Lisa wiped a few stray tears and flashed a brilliant smile at him. "I'm very happy you did Rick. I glad at least one of us did at any rate."

"Yeah well, you shot me down once so I really wasn't worried about a second time." He joked.

"Are you really sure though?"

Rick used his hand to cup her chin gently, using his thumb to wipe the last tear that rolled down her soft cheek. "You know, actions speak louder than words."

Lisa lost herself in the second kiss. Who would have thought she could have avoided all her heart ache over the last eight months if she had just had one dance with Rick.