Disclaimer: I do not own Descendants or any of the characters

Mal was drawing outside in the courtyard. She was drawing the beautiful roses that go across the scenery. Ben found her and sat down next to her, "Mal, what was your favorite food on the Island? I want to know for our next date." She glanced at Ben, and then began drawing again. "Mal?" "Threwnofodonheise." "What?" "There was no food on the isle, no good food anyway." "What do you mean?" Ben asked concerned. Mal shut her note book. "There was no food on the Isle of the Leftovers." Mal snapped. "All of it was stale or moldy." "The best drink in the morning was Black-like-your-soul-coffee which is just mud with extra toads." "Mal, I didn't know." Mal sighed, "Its okay, but my favorite food on the isle was stale pudding so…" "So we are going to have not stale pudding on our next date." Ben concluded. Mal nodded and went back to drawing.

Later that day

In the boy's dorm room Carlos and Jay were playing video games. "Ha! I win again!" exclaimed Carlos. "I let you." Argued Jay, "Nope I won fair-and-square." Knock Knock Knock. Jay being the closest to the door answered it. Ben stood there looking worried. "Sup'" asked Jay. Carlos put down the controllers and went to see what was going on. "Mal said there wasn't any good food on the island." No point in wasting time thought Ben. "What Mal said is true but don't worry about it we've dealt with worse sit down you can help us on our Remedial Goodness homework." Carlos said. Ben sighed and sat down on Jay's bed.

One Hour Later

"Yes! We finally finished the goodness homework" exclaimed Jay. "See you guys later I'm going to go get something to eat." Ben said. "No problem dude" Jay said as Carlos tugged something under the bed. "Mal put preservation spells on these." Carlos said putting a bag of food on the bed. "Yup and I'm pretty sure it was my best spell ever." Said Mal who was now sitting on Carlos' bed where the food was. "Mal who did you get here?" questioned a very surprised Ben. "Well on the Isle lock-picking is one of the first things you're taught." Mal answered sinking her teeth into a chicken leg. And as Ben watched as Mal, Carlos, and Jay ate under-the-bed-food he thought maybe he'd have to invite them to the royal food banquet and they could really have the best food ever.

Hope you liked it, bye