Not mine


The pair sat on the park bench in silence. Each was staring forward, avoiding the gaze of the other. A couple walked past them, arm in arm, laughing at some private joke. Every so often one of the two blondes would steal a glance at the other. Finally Jim decided to break the silence.

"This still seems like a dream." Aisha reached over and squeezed his hand, turning and smiling tenderly. "Can I ask you something?" Jim said


"You didn't seem surprised that it was me."



"Two words. Diamond Strike" she said with a smile. Jim started blushing at that, causing Aisha to start to giggle. "I couldn't believe it when you said that."

"Which time?"

"Either time." Aisha said causing them both to start to laugh. Jim looked over to her and felt his face break out into a broad grin.

"I still can't believe that its you."

"Well now you know how I felt yesterday morning." Jim smiled at this for a few seconds before his face fell into a frown.

"It was my fault wasn't it?"

"What?" Aisha said with a puzzled expression.

"You getting hurt. It was my fault."

"Why would you say that?"

"It was just after i said it that you got shot." After this Jim stared down at the floor. Aisha looked at him in amazement.

"Jim..." Reaching down she cradled his head in her hands and gently lifted it so that he was looking her in the eyes. "Listen to me. This is not your fault." With that she brought there faces together into a soft kiss. "I'm glad this has happened. Are you?"

Jim smiled "Yeah."

"Good." With that they settled back into each others arms looking up into the night sky.

"So what do we do now?" Jim asked.

"mmm?" Aisha said looking at him.

"Well this is my first real date and I don't really know what to do next." Jim admitted bashfully.

"Heh, me neither." Aisha said with a grin. It was then that a deep growl came from Aisha's midsection.

"I guess picking up some food first would be a good start then," said Jim with a laugh.


Twenty minutes later they were sitting back at the park bench, each eating a hot dog with an unopened tub of icecream on the floor between them.

Raising a napkin to his mouth Jim wiped away a little mustard and turned to Aisha who was just starting her second hot dog.

"Can I ask you a question?" He said

"Shoot" Aisha replied, her mouth still full.

"Why did you first start playing Illusia?"

Aisha looked thoughtfull for a few seconds then swallowed her food. "I wanted to try being someone else."


"Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my life, its just that sometimes i get tired of allways having to act a certain way. Everyone allways expects me to be noisy, brash and cheerfull. If I don't act that way people think that I'm up to something or that I'm ill. It was nice to be able to be someone else, if only for a few hours." A sad smile crossed her lips. Turning round she asked "What about you?"

"I just wanted to be able to be someone out there who didn't have to allways be the responsible one. Someone who people didn't look at and automaticly think is the kid."

They both sat there for a few moments in silence, their eyes scanning the length of the park, both deep in thought.



"You don't ever need to pretend who you are with me. I like the real you. Whether you're happy or sad, lively or tired, quiet or noisy."

Aisha was silent for a few seconds before quietly saying "Thank you." She gently lifted an arm and wrapped it round the shoulders of her companion. They sat like that for the next hour, no sound coming from the two. It wasn't until she heard a soft snore come from James that she realised he had fallen asleep. Planting a soft kiss on the hacker's forehead she said quietly, "good night Jim."


When Jim awoke he found his head resting hi Aisha's lap.

"Morning" she said.

"Morning" he replied sitting up. Reaching up to his face Jim rubbed some of the sleep from his eyes. "What time is it?"

"About half six."

"I slept the whole night?" Jim asked incredulously

"Yeah guess i must be too much woman for you." Aisha said with a laugh.


"I'm just kidding around Jim." Aisha said as she stood up from the bench.

Jim pushed himself up and stood next to her. "So what do you wanna do now?"

"Dunno. Guess we should really head back to the Outlaw Star."

"Yeah You're right." Jim agreed as they began the walk back to the docks.

"So what are we tell the others?" Aisha asked.

"not sure. Suzuka's gonna be interested though."

"Suzuka?" Aisha asked a hint of curiousity creeping into her voice. "Why do you say that?"

"Suzuka was the only one who knew about Illusia. She figured it out when i was using moves and tricks which she hadn't taught me. I've been telling her about the game, stories and about you for the past month or so." Aisha looked shocked by this. The hints of a smile began to show on her face.

"Did she know what you called yourself."

"Yeah of course."

Aisha's face broke out into an amazed smile.

"I can't believe her" she whispered.


She turned to look at Jim. "Yesterday, after you left, I talked to Suzu about all this, she never said a word that she allready knew all about this." At this Jim began to chuckle. "I never knew that Suzu had a talent for Match making." she finished and shook her head.


As they aproached the ship they saw Suzuka standing in the door way. A small package held in her hands.

"Good Morning. I trust you had a pleasent night." Suzuka said.

With a grin Aisha walked past her and down towards her room saying, "Suzu, we're gonna have a long talk about the benefits of sharing information later."

Jim stood there staring at the kimono clad woman before him.

"Is there something I can do for you Jim?"

Jim stood there, watching her then said, with a smile, "Thank you Suzuka." He then executed a formal bow in her direction.

Suzuka returned the bow with a smile. "I did very little James, just helped two people find eactheh other." with that she turned and started towards the ship. "Oh i almost forgot Jim, this arrived for you last night." She handed him the parcel and proceeded inside the ship. Ripping the brown paper off his brace broke out into a grin as the sun glinted off the contents. Inside was the broadsword he had used on that night two weeks ago. Inside was a note, thanking the pair for their work and a check for 3000 Wong.

Jim began, cheerfully, whistling a tune as he walked into the ship and locked the door behind him.




Short chapter I know but this chapter was really just rounding off the story of Illusia. I'm glad that i got such a nice response for everyone. Check back in a few days for the first part of the Sequel to Illusia.....still gotta think up a title for it first though.

