Chapter 4: The right card in my hand.

Slendermankill6: i draw! Wait a second I left my deck at home! Great...

Now how am I suppose to duel. Oh well I guess start writing this. Just kidding I almost never leave my deck at home. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter. Now disclaimer!

Sammy Hella: slendermankill6 does not own yugioh. But he does runs a red-eyes deck and they need to make more support for it.

Slendermankill6: MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY!


Sammy, Kazuma, Karin, Miku and Coco were walking towards their normal spot at the fountain. Kazuma and Sammy were shoving each other sort of shouting about their deck. Karin and Coco were giggling and watching them while whispering about something. But for some reason Miku wasn't in between Sam and Kazuma. He was hanging back looking at a card in his hand. Kazuma was the first to turn around to see him. " hey Miku is something wrong? Normally you are up here arguing away. " This caught everyone else attention.

Miku head quickly shot up from the card. " umm no not at all. I'm perfectly fine. " he chuckles nervously " I just have some thinking to do is all. " he said as he looks to his friend. " just go ahead to class. I'll be there in a bit" he smiles a bit before running off

" H-hey wait Miku!" Sammy called out before feeling a hand on his shoulder. He turns to see Kazuma shaking his head. " Kazuma something is obvisouly wrong. We need to go help him. "

" Sammy what day is it?" Kazuma asked Sam as he begins to think for a bit. " It's Miku birthday. We all know what happen on this day. He just need to be left alone for a bit. " Kazuma said sternly as he loosen his grip on Sam.

Sammy looked at Kazuma with mixed emotion. He knew Kazuma was right but he didn't want to just do nothing for his friend. " HEY!" All eyes we're turn to Coco who had a grin on her face. " why don't we do a party for him! You know turn his speical day into something good"

Karin smiles and nods " yeah that sounds like a good idea. We can all help out. " she said as she pulled out a slip of paper and begin to write something down. " Coco and I can make a cake. Kazuma can handle decoration while Sammy works on getting a gift" she said cheerfully.

Sammy nods and smiles " Yeah. I think he would enjoy that! " He pull his hand up to the back of his neck and rubbed with a stupid grin on his face " it what friends are for right?!"

" Yeah!" The others cried

" alright it's decided then. After school we will go do what we need to and meet up at Miku place. We still have the key right?" Everyone nods. Karin smiles " good now got a game plan let's get to work.


Later that day Miku was sitting under a tree in the park. Directly in front of him was a small pond. But he wasn't paying attention to the birds chirping above him or the fish swimming in the pond. He looking at the same card he has been. He sighs as he slide the card into his pocket and stand up. He slowly begin to make his way back home. He didn't make it to school and really just wanted to be left alone.

As he begin to walk away from the tree he was quickly grab and turn around. All he saw was red before he was shove back away from his unkown stranger. When he looked up he saw a girl with a toothy grin and emerald eyes. Her crimson hair complement her white shirt with what appears to be a cartoon rabbit slamming a hammer onto a duck. She wore a pure red leather jacket and jeans. " hey there handsome " she spoke as she holds out a duel disk " let's get straight to the point. Dragon duelist sent me to capture you. Now get ready babe " Miku looked at her blushing slightly. " my name is Ayamio.

Miku slowly move back and grab his duel disk. He slide it on and prepare himself. " fine Ayamio. Let's duel!"


With Sammy he was currently looking through the store to get Miku's present. " Why did you drag me along!?" He heard his sister ask him. She wasn't happy because she could be with her friends right now.

" Because I need help picking something out " Sammy said to his sister " and I figure you would help and I said I would get you something to. "

She grins a little " That's right. Why don't you get him some cards or something. " she said looking at her brother

Sammy sighs a bit and looks down to his sister" simple. We agree we want to get something with thought. Not something he could just look through and trade. We want to get him something that he could use and think of us. "

Sarah groan as she walks with him. " fine!"


Back with Miku he was running his turn. It was a pretty even match as he currently had number 17 leviathan dragon. He already detach one xyz material from it so it was at 2500. While Ayamio had out toon world and a toon buster blader." Now room buster blader take his life points directly " the beast swing at Miku lifepoints taking 3600 thanks to it being a toon monster and toon world" now i past my turn. I'll tell you what handsome. You beat me and I'll give you a kiss " she winks at him causing him to blush.

Miku drew and look at the cards at his hand. He had two traps that could buy him time so he decided to play them face down. He needed to find something to help him. " I activate number 17: leviathan dragon affect and detach a material to raise his attack. " now his monster at 3000 but still not enough to take down the toon monster." I'm going to past from there "

Ayamio drew and smile " ok now room buster blader attack!" Miku quickly active a trap card magic cylinder.


Coco and Karin was in Miku apartment just throwing in a cake. His apartment was very small and simple with one bedroom one bathroom with a kitchen and living room. " great now we can help Kazuma with decoration. " Coco said grinning before they heard a crash noise come from living room. Te girls rush to find Kazuma on the ground surrounded by blown up colorful balloons. Above him was a half hanged happy birthday sign

" why didn't we get Sammy to do this and let me go get the gift" he said slightly annoyed. The girls end up laughing at this. Just as the front door open they heard Sammy voice

" Hey I'm back " he said walking into the room with a present under his arm. He grin at everyone

Kazuma was the first to ask" so what you get him " he said slowly standing up carefully not to step on the balloons

"Well my friends I got him..."


Miku was out of luck. He had no cards in his hand that would get him out of this. He didn't have any speical affects or anything left up his sleeves. He was about to just pass his turn and give up till he felt something. He slowly reach into his pocket and pull out a card. The same card he been looking at all day. " b-but why. " he felt the card hum and he sigh. " okay. I guess I put this off long enough. I'm sorry. " he close his eyes and took a deep breath. As he exhale his eyes snap open. " alright here we go. I overlay number 17: leviathan dragon and use him to speical summon number 17c: primal leviathan dragon! " the large dragon serpant rose as he look like leviathan dragon but much larger. And much much more ancient. He roar loudly with three thousand attack and defense. " since leviathan dragon didn't have any xyz material I could use him to speical summon this monster. Now I detach leviathan dragon from primal leviathan dragon and his affect activates. Now I can target one monster on the field and make it lose all it attacks and negate it effect. Then primal leviathan dragon gains that attack. Now I target room buster blader. " as toon buster blader attack went to zero primal leviathan dragon went up to 5600" now let primal leviathan dragon attack as destroy her room buster blader! " as his dragon look directly at the toon monster it jaw open as he sent a powerful blast of engery and destroys the toon monster. As the duel slowly fades away Miku grins at his card before he hears something

"I'm proud of you"

He looks around for the voice. " what the?!"

Before he could do anything Ayamio slowly walk up to him and grab him by the shirt. She pull him in and locks their lips. She grins as she kiss him and slowly pulls away. "A deal is a deal handsome. It's good seeing you again Miku. Happy birthday " before Miku could ask anything she shoves him on the ground and when he looks up she was aready running faster then he could get up.

Miku end up sighing " just great. I get kiss and I didn't even get a date " he looked primal leviathan dragon and smiled" thank you


When Miku got to his apartment he slowly open the door and see total darkness. When he went for the light switch he feel something under his foot and then. POP! Miku was blinded by the light being turn on suddenly as his friends surrounded him. " happy birthday Miku! " Miku look stun and quickly looked down to see what he step on. Appearently he step on a balloon.

He look to everyone grinning. They threw him a party. A party for him. He looked around to everyone as they came in for a group hug. " Th-thanks guys. I really don't know what to say." He smiled some before Karin grab a present box and gave him it. " W-what is this?"

Sammy just grin " why don't you open it and find out?" Everyone else was smiling as he looked at it. He slowly rip off the wrapping to show a cardboard box. As he get the box open he look shocked. There sat a duel disk. It had a aqua blue surface as a slightly darker blue made a wave across the cards slot. The edges were curve to give it a natural look.

Miku was surprise his friends would even do all this for him. As he turn to them he smiles " Thank you guys. "


Hours later Miku stood in the middle of the night at a cemetery. He look down at two tombstones in front of him. He smiles sadly as he laid down some lavenders and daisy. As he set him down he touch the names written onto them. " I'm sorry I wasn't there for you two when you needed me. But I promise you I won't let that happen again with anyone else. I just wish i did the same with you. " he slowly stand up as water drip onto his head. He looks up to see rain was beginning to fall. He stood there for a minute before slowly and turning around.

" Hey you ready?" Kazuma asked him as he was standing with the others waiting for him. Miku nods before slowly touching the names one more time. He then went to his friends who was holding up an umbrella " come on birthday boy get in the car. " Kazuma pull open the car as they all started to pile in.

For the rest of the ride back to Miku home they chat and smile. There only one sad thought that went on inside it and it came from Miku. " I'm sorry Ren I'm sorry Ino" he stated softly and looked out the window. He then turn his attention to his friends and smiles.


Slendermankill6: We'll I got this one in a lot faster then the last. I've had this idea for a while now so it was easy to put down. I also felt like I needed to get another one out since the last took so long to write. Well now since this one out I guess it time to move on.