Chapter 10: Toru's First Assignment

"Alright! A new mission!" Katsuragi shouted out as she pumped her fist up in the air. Toru looked up from his desk to see Kiriya before the others of his class. "Yes, the mission comes in from a member of the Diet group who believes he is being targeted by a competitor of his." Kiriya began to explain.

"Evil Shinobis?" Asuka questioned.

"That's why we were hired. Our client said if it was anything else, he would've had the proper authorities notified." Kiriya answered.

"Do you think it's anyone we know?" Ikaruga continued with the questioning.

"I hear it's students from the Karasu (Crow) Academy."

"Karasu, sensei?"

"Karasu Academy is an Evil Shinobi Academy that specializes in high-target espionages. Targets just like our Diet member." Kiriya explained. "Unfortunately, that is all we actually know about the group. Just like Hebijo, Karasu Academy is hidden from the sight of all society, hidden somewhere away from the cities, unlike our Academies. But still, be highly aware. Don't underestimate them. Just because we have nothing on them, doesn't mean they don't have anything on us…"

Somewhere in Tokyo, Nara Enterprises;

"And so with that, hopefully we can be able to see rises in our stock by an increase of 30%." A Nara official explained to a room full of board members as sitting at the very head was an elderly male who's hip length hair has already fully greyed and major wrinkling forming on any seen part of his skin. After the official's presentation was done and everyone began clapping, the elderly male noticed a blinking, purple light on his wrist. "Excuse me, everyone. There is something I must attend to." Everyone in the board room turned to face the elderly man as they murmured out, "Yes, Chairmen."

Kunikata Nara, Chairman and founder of Nara Enterprises, an organization that has its hands in all kinds of businesses, good…as well as bad. In fact, the latter was what made them a huge success overnight, making Kunikata one of the most richest and respected men in the central provinces of Japan. Enough so that he actually holds a seat in the National Diet. Finally returning back to his room, Kunikata pressed a button as all of the windows in his office had a layer of sun shades held over them, making the room darken to his taste. "…What have you to report, Inara?" Kunikata softly called out as he sat in his seat. Emerging from the shadows was a kunoichi with raven-black hair and piercing, dark-green eyes. Her attire was a school uniform who's blazer and skirt colors were of a dark maroon, almost like blood. "Sensei, the target appears to have reached out to members of Hanzo Academy." Inara informed. It seemed as if the news have brought a gust of whimsy to the old Nara as he slowly let out a weak laugh. "Sensei?" Inara's brows furrowed at Kunikata's sudden change in mood.

"Nothing, my girl. Nothing." He finally regained his composure. "Make sure that when they try to stop you and the others, they meet a welcoming rebuttle."

"Yes sir." Inara placed her hand over her F Cup chest before bowing slightly and melting back into the darkness behind her.

The Next Day, National Diet Building;

"Ooooooooh…" Toru's eyes brightened as he looked upon such a respected monument. Being the Japan equivalent to America's Congress, the National Diet is the centerfold of Japan's Democracy. In that building, many important decisions were made for the good of the country. It was enough to almost make the young Shinobi want a change in career, although he feels he would be of more use in the shadows than in the spotlights. "Oh, do you have an interest in politics, Toru?" Asuka tried to converse as her and Toru were walking with the others of the shinobi group among non-shinobi students of the Hanzo Academy. As a way to disguise the young ninjas and infiltrate the building's grounds, Kiriya convinced the school to allow a field trip to the National Diet Building. When Asuka tried to talk to Toru though, Toru didn't respond. In fact, he didn't even acknowledge her even saying anything, making the young leader sigh out in defeat with saddened eyes. Ikaruga slowly pulled Asuka to the side as she whispered, "It's going to take a lot longer than a couple of days for him to warm back up to you."

"I should at least be happy he's still communicative with you four, but I'm the squad leader. It's not exactly spurring a sense of self-accomplishment if one of my squad members can't even bear to look at me, let alone talk to me." Asuka confessed to her senpai.

"I'm sure when the time comes, Toru will act accordingly." Ikaruga tried to comfort her friend only for everyone to be distracted by a sudden burst of energy from Katsuragi, "Hey guys! We should all get a picture!"

"That sounds like a great idea, Katsu-nee!" Hibari cried out, wholeheartedly. As the two ran around, snatching their close friends, all six of the Hanzo Shinobis were grouped up together as Katsuragi had her phone out for a selfie. Everyone, except Toru was looking, which didn't really sit well with Katsuragi, "Come oooon, Tor-Tor." She tried to urge to young boy, but not even a budge. "Hmmm…hey." Katsuragi leaned down to Toru and whispered in his ear, "You don't have to smile, just look at the camera. If you do, I'll get you some caramel cubes." She smirked as Toru's eyes widened at the sense of that sweet candy already hitting his tongue. Looking up at the camera now, with earnest, Toru was ready. "Alright everyone! Say Hanzo~!"
"Hanzoooooo!" The girls shouted out just as Katsuragi took the picture of all six, with a very endearing Toru being caught in the camera too. It actually made Asuka somewhat relax. At least there was a way to get his attention.

Upon everyone entering into the Diet Building, Kiriya was able to take his students and lead them off away from the rest of the school. Down some of the building's hallways, Kiriya would soon bring the students to one of the many Diet Officials' rooms. The one he led them to was currently occupied by a portly man, but the chubby part of the gentleman made him look more endearing and approachable than slimy or unappealing. Toru recognized the man. His name is Isshin Todoroki, an esteemed member of the National Diet. So he's the one that's being targeted, Toru thought. "Ah, Kiriya. Thank you so much for assigning me protection. These must be the students you spoke so highly of." Isshin looked out to the six students as he reached his hand out to shake all of their hands, "I am entrusting my life to you all. No pressure, hahaha." Isshin lightly joked.

"Mr. Todoroki, forgive me for asking, but who do you think is trying to make an attempt on your life?" Asuka asked.

"Hmmm, there are a lot of people who dislike me on the Diet Board, but if I was a betting man, I would say Kunikata Nara." Isshin assumed.

"Wait, of Nara Enterprises?" Ikaruga's eyes widened.

"The very same." Isshin pointed. "Me and him have been heated rivals since I have made accusations against his party for being backed by the criminal underworld. I have spent many tireless nights trying to dig up anything against him since he's trying to run for Prime Minister in this upcoming term.

"And that's why he would try and kill you. He's afraid you might find something." Katsuragi stated.

"Hence…why I ask for a secondary assignment from you all." Isshin confessed as all of the young shinobis seemed surprised. "I only require half of you to really watch me during the upcoming week's Diet activities. The other half, I want you to infiltrate Nara Enterprises to see if you can get any evidence against Kunikata. Specifically anything about his ties to the criminal underworld."

"Sir, this is definitely out of nowhere." Ikaruga stated.

"If it's the price, I wouldn't be afraid to pay it." Isshin continued to bargain. At this point, Ikaruga looked only to Asuka, waiting for her decision. "…Alright. I'll entrust your protection to Katsu-nee, Hibari, and Yagyu. You can count on me, Ikaruga-senpai, and Toru to get Kunikata's dirt." Asuka stated, making Isshin smile, "Thank you so much. I am relying on you all."

After their meeting with Isshin, the group were soon escorted back to their hotel where each of them had to share a room with another. Much to Asuka's delight and dismay, she was sharing a room with Toru. "So, um…how are you enjoying your first assignment, so far?" Asuka tried to make conversation with the obviously still sore Toru. Toru just plainly got under his bed's covers and turned on the TV, completely ignoring Asuka's question. Whimpering slightly, Asuka couldn't take it anymore, "Toru…please…if we really want to work well as a team, I need some comfort in knowing that I can trust you to follow my orders."

"…I…can follow…your orders." Asuka gasped as she looked straight over at the now speaking Toru, talking in his rusty-used voice. "Part of…being a shinobi…is following orders…I won't deny that…but…if you expect anything else…outside of following orders…you've got…a long way to go for me…" The room grew quiet…that was the most she's ever heard Toru speak. Maybe it'll be all she hears from him for a while. At this point…she'll take what she can get. "Okay…goodnight, To-kun…" She bid goodnight, hoping saying her little nickname to him will spur something.

"…Goodnight…" Toru finally responded after the lights were out, making Asuka smile at least a little.