Dak'kull Dubu

"What!? You don't accept yen!? Are you stupid or something?!"

"Like I have said countless times before sir!" The blue pudgy catfish chef said before crossing both arms. "I have never seen this type of currency before. Now get going or I'll call Nadia to kick you out!"

Okuyasu fumed before turning around, his tanned face was now red with anger. He had spotted Koichi sitting down with a glass of water as he sat down with a nervous expression, surrounded by a varying degree of Dagonians who were sitting on other tables.

"So, How did it go?" Koichi asked. Okuyasu waved a hand in annoyance before sitting down.

"Shitty! Did you know they don't even accept yen here!?"

Koichi merely shrugged, "I guess that makes sense." he said before taking another big gulp from the glass of water. Okuyasu tilted his head.

"Hey, where did you get that water from? I'm kinda thirsty too."

"Hmm? Oh, this?" Koichi asked before speaking, "A fish waitress came along over there and gave it to me, she said it was free of charge." Koichi said before smiling.

Okuyasu grunted, clearly in an annoyed mood. He leaned back, opening up the menu full of food he couldn't buy before raising his voice in a rude manner.

"Oi! Waitress fish!"

Koichi would normally look down on such behavior, especially if it came from a friend. But knowing Okuyasu, Koichi realized it was pointless before picking up his glass of water again.

There was no response for a few seconds.

"Coming!" A girls voice said, supposedly the waitress.

Koichi took another sip as Okuyasu further waited before the dimwit grew impatient, beginning to grit his teeth before he spoke up again.

"Where the hell's the god damn service?"

A figure ran alongside the table before turning, carrying a bowl of rice with the other hand.

"Uh, Sorry sir. What can I get for you?"

Okuyasu dropped the menu before turning his head.

"Some god damn wat- wa- WAHO!?"

Standing there was the waitress. A cute Dagonian girl as she raised an eye at Okuyasu's stunned look, there was a pause before she spoke to get his attention.

"Uh, sir?"

"Duuuh... Oh uh, yeah. Water..."

She wordlessly poured a glass before placing it on the table, "Here you go." before walking off to the next.

Okuyasu was still staring at the dagonian girl, a blush on his tanned face before leaning close to whisper to Koichi.

"Did you see that fish girl? She was cuter then any girl I've seen at school! Do you know what this means Koichi?"

The smaller teen shook his head.

"It means that the women in this city must be absolute bomb shells! I mean, think of it!-" Koichi said as he pointed towards the Dagonian waitress who was busy serving a table. "- If a normal waitress in a place like this is super cute, then that means more is to follow!" Okuyasu said before taking a big gulp of his water.

Koichi took a sip of his before speaking up, "I think we should worry about women later. Our friends must be worried sick." Koichi said in a silent voice.

"Yeah, yeah. By the way, how much do you think I have a chance with her-"

"Okuyasu!" Koichi said in a agitated tone.

"Okay, Okay! Fine then. We'll worry about women later..." Okuyasu said as he sighed with a hint of disappointment. "But how do you think we can get back?"

Koichi slumped his head down, "That's what I'm trying to figure out. That blue anomaly took Rohan and Mr. Jotaro through it. Maybe they might have ended up here too."

"Yeah, and that bastard Kira." Okuyasu added.

"Wait, what?" Koichi asked as he placed his glass of water down.

"Kira got taken by that anomaly too. Did he not?" The taller teen stated as a matter of factly. Koichi pondered for a second before a grim realization came over.

That was very bad news.

"T-Then we definitely need to find-!"

Koichi was about to finish before the both of them heard loud talking from the table near them.

"You hear the news? Some ass hats beaten up a bunch of our boys down in the casino." The thin faced man said, he sported a red mustache and goatee

The young teen didn't know why, but he felt that this was important info, something that could give him a better understanding of what was going on. The two adults kept conversing.

"Damn, think he's gotta bone to pick with the boss?" The fatter one asked.

"No idea. But he's a parasite user of some sort. And he's still running around in there. Heard he beat up one of those freaks from the circus."

"That Taliesin guy?" The fat one asked.

"Yep, beat the shit out of him. The boys are sayin' they will soon get it under control tho'." The thin one said.

Before Koichi could hear more, the chubbier one looked to the side before getting the attention of the thinner one.

"Hold up... Look. There she is! That fishfolk dame we were sent to find!"

Koichi tilted his head in confusion before looking to the side. Sure enough, the waitress from before was busy serving a table on the opposite side of the room.

"Hey, girlie! Can we get some service over here?" the Fatman said in a mocking tone.

Okuyasu visibly stirred. Already Koichi could already sense trouble as the waitress made her way to there side.

"Yes? May I help you, sir?"

"Hey now... You're quite the dish. I'd like to eat YOU up." The thinner one said in a flirtatious tone. Clearly a pervert of the lowest degree. "Why don't you swim over here with a couple of free drinks... And then we hit the town?"

Koichi wanted to puke after hearing that, no one in the right mind or conscious would ever say something like that. Okuyasu on the other hand looked ready to explode as his face was red with rage and gritted teeth.

The young waitress looked clearly disturbed as she attempted to back away. "I... I'm sorry, but I need to work." She said only to be grabbed by the shoulder and bought closer.

"You know... You are pretty cute." The fat one said before adding a insulting comment, "...For a stinkin' gill-girl."

The sound of a chair crashing down was heard, Koichi didn't even see the action before Okuyasu was up. His body language was tense and angry as he walked over to the table, stopping 3 meters away behind the waitress.

"Oi! Assholes!"

"Huh?" The two mobsters said as they looked at Okuyasu, there was a lengthy paused before the two mobsters laughed, the fat one shoved the dagonian waitress to the side. "Well, well, well. Looks like we got ourselves a hero-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Okuyasu said as he raised a finger in a scolding manner, "I may not be that smart! But even an idiot can tell that you two are up to no good! And I sure as hell can tell you that I'm gonna kick both of your asses for showing your ugly faces!"

"Is that so?" The fat one said, brandishing a wicked looking machete before standing up. "Clearly you don't know who you're messing with."

The thin one smiled as he stood up alongside his friend, pushing his chair in.

"You tell that teen, Lawrence." the thin one said before snickering.

"Ah shut up Riccardo. That stupid teenager is askin' for it." Lawrence said before grinning in a sadistic fashion. Okuyasu merely stood there, his face showing no emotion as the fat one, now Lawrence came closer.

"Say your prayers dumbass!" Lawrence said before preparing his machete.

Okuyasu merely smiled. The two mobsters hesitated, clearly not expecting that reaction. Minette was at the side, looking at Okuyasu in worry and curiosity.

"H-hey! Why are you smiling like that?" Lawrence asked in annoyance as he tested the grip of his weapon. "Are you brain damaged as well?"

"Hmm?" Okuyasu asked before smiling even wider. "Eh, guess I might as well."

Okuyasu crossed both arms around his chest before pressing them to the side. Wordlessly, something began to happen.

First the white lined digits of a hand appeared from Okuyasu's chest before the rest of it's blue and white arm followed. It was then it's emotionless and stoic face lifted itself out, it's yellow striped and robotic eyes looked directly at the two gangsters before the rest of the body came through, standing directly behind Okuyasu before showing both of it's hands off in a pose.

"I, Okuyasu Nijimura, will make your lives fucking miserable!"

The two gangsters backed away, there mouths agape as they peered at the being behind him. "What!? You're a parasite user!?" Riccardo yelled in shock. Minette had a hand over her mouth in surprise as well.

"Oh, you guys can see Za Hando?" Okuyasu merely shrugged.

"Meh, doesn't matter... BECAUSE YOU'RE ABOUT TO GET A REAL CLOSE LOOK!" Okuyasu said before his Stand swatted, a greenish blueish hew of energy appeared between him and Lawrence.

There was a slight pause before a rush of air, within a second Lawrence was bought forth as the space between the two of them disappeared. The Gangster couldn't even gasp before Okuyasu performed a uppercut directly to the mobsters face, knocking out a few teeth in the process as the gangster stumbled back, grabbing his now bruised chin.

"Y-You god damn punk!" Lawrence yelled as Riccardo backed away. Okuyasu merely laughed as The Hand merely swatted again, bringing Lawrence directly in front of Okuyasu again as the teenager threw a right hook directly into his face.

By this point it was apparently obvious that the Stand user was just toying with the mobster at this point, Riccardo winced every time Lawrence received a hit as the mobster tried to wrap his head around the events that were happening.

Lawrence rubbed his now bruised cheek as his arms shook with fear, Now rapidly backing away from Okuyasu. The mobster turned towards his comrade. "Riccardo! H-help me out here will ya-" only to see that Riccardo was already running out the door.

"Sorry! You're on your own Lawrence!" Riccardo yelled before closing the door behind him. Lawrence's face was priceless as he looked as if he was on the verge of panic. Sadly panic also leads to irrational thinking.

Lawrence, without a single thought of hesitation, grabbed Minette who attempted to retreat as well before holding the machete to her neck. "Back off kid, or I'll slice this gill-girls pretty throat!" Lawrence yelled in panic.

Okuyasu's face changed from the of a smile to confusion and then to anger.

"W-what!? You bastard!" Okuyasu yelled in anger, The Hand visibly angered as well. Lawrence smiled triumphantly as he backed away .

"Heh, maybe. But I'm gettin' outta here, and there ain't nothing you can-"

Lawrence's machete hand immediately plummeted to the ground, Minette took the opportunity to jump away from her captor, running to the side. Lawrence chocked out as he attempted to raise his arm, the machete seemingly growing heavier by the second.

"Wh-what the hell... Why is it so god damn-"

"Act 3! 3 Freeze!"

Within an instant there was a reverberating sound before the Machete plummeted even further, bringing Lawrences entire body into a prone position as his hand began to bend the wood beneath.

"-H-Hea-vy..." Lawrence said between gasps.

Koichi silently walked up next to Okuyasu with both arms crossed. The small white and green humanoid, Echoes was out as well. It floated upwards before pointing at Lawrence.

"Next time, Eat a salad!" Echoes said, it's vulgar language already going into action. "Fatassss!"

"Great job Koichi!" Okuyasu said before looking back at Lawrence, now unable to even move. Okuyasu's grin grew even wider as he walked forward, cracking both knuckles.

Lawrence immediately relinquished his grip from the machete as he attempted to slowly crawl away, raising a hand in fear. A few Dagonian's backed away from the gangster.

"H-Hey, you didn't actually think I was serious back there? I-I wouldn't even hurt the wings of a fly, much less a gill-girl." Lawrence said as he attempted to save his own skin. Okuyasu's hand shot out, grabbing his red shirt by the collar before lifting him up with a surprising amount of strength.

"Maybe..." Okuyasu said as he put a finger to his head. "-After all, I'm not very smart to figure that out."

Lawrence smiled in relief, he might be able to worm his way out of this.

"But then again. I was gonna beat the shit out of you anyways, so I guess it doesn't really matter." Okuyasu said as his stand balled a fist.

Lawrence's expression froze out in fear before Okuyasu pushed him back, The Hand rushing forward before using both knuckles, punching Lawrence directly in the stomach.

The mobster spat out a glob of saliva from the sheer force before receiving another punch to the chest, lifting him up into the air before The Hand went on full attack mode. It's arms throwing a complete barrage of punches directly into Lawrence's body, keeping him within the air as his ribs broke.

"Next time, don't piss me off asshole!" Okuyasu yelled, "Or Za Hando will scrape you out!"

And with that, The Hand threw a bone shattering hook directly into Lawrences face, his skin bruising and morphing on contact before the force threw him backwards. Directly into the glass door as it shattered, leaving the mobster out on the boardwalk as he lied there groaning.

Okuyasu patted his hands together before turning around to Koichi and a crowd of shocked Dagonian's who happened to witness the entire thing.

The teenager looked at the crowd before standing proudly, only for the crowd of Dagonian's immediately leave the restaurant in fear. Okuyasu at least expected some form of praise.

"What is all the ra-? MY DOOR!" A familiar voice yelled. Okuyasu turned to see the pudgy blue chef from before, holding a clever and a knife from the kitchen as he went into hysteria.

"Who did this!?" Yu-Wan yelled in anger before turning his head to Okuyasu, "You! I knew you were trouble when you first came in here!" The catfish said before getting into a comedic, albeit dangerous combat pose.

Okuyasu immediately shrilled, "Me!? I'm the one that kicked that asshole in the... Ass..." Okuyasu said as he realized his wrong choice of wording. "In fact, you should be thanking me!" The teen said as he quickly recovered.

"Thank!? you?! Before you were trying to enforce a fake currency on me, you punk!"

"PUNK!? Why I outta-!"

Koichi immediately jumped in front of Okuyasu, putting both hands in an attempt to calm his friend down. Minette doing the same for Yu-Wan as they both attempted to diffuse the situation.

"Okuyasu! Please! We can't go around fighting everyone we see!" Koichi said in a nervous tone. Regardless, Okuyasu still held his pissed expression.

There was whispering and a hint of agreement before Yu-Wan and Minette turned around.

The blue catfish chef sheathed his knives before taking off his cooking cap. "Uh... Minette told me you stood up for her against those thugs. I suppose an apology is in order for my misunderstanding, Mr... uh?"

Okuyasu visibly calmed down.

"Okuyasu, Okuyasu Nijimura." The teen said as he held out his hand in a corteus taught fashion.

The Dagonian took it, "Yu, Yu Wan." The both shook as Koichi finally gave a sigh of relief.

Yu-Wan put his cap back on, "Very well 'Okuyasu'. For your service, I'll give you one of my specialty dishes. On the house!" The catfish said.

Okuyasu immediately beamed up, Koichi smiled as well.

"R-Really!? Awesome! I'm hungry as he-!"

Suddenly there was a loud bang before a figure collapsed behind them. Yu-Wan's face turned to surprise whilst Minette held a hand to her mouth in shock.

Okuyasu and Koichi turned around to see a bloodied girl wearing a revealing tank top, even missing a an arm which shocked both teens.

"Nadia!" Yu-Wan yelled as his stubby legs ran past the new two teams, helping up the hurt girl. Minette got over her shock as well, running beside Yu-Wan to help her up.

"I-Is she going to be okay!?" Koichi asked in a worried voice. Yu-Wan merely looked up before a crinkling noise was heard by the door.

An arm was slowly crawling toward the group.

"AH! WHAT THE FUCK!" Okuyasu yelled, the Hand was already out as it scanned the moving dismembered arm.

"Wait! Don't do anything!" Minette as she grabbed the moving arm. Placing it next to the cat girl.

Almost instantly, the tendons slowly began to connect itself before fully reattaching itself to the stump. Koichi and Okuyasu watched as there jaws dropped. However Minette and Yu-Wan simply ignored them as the gently shook her in an attempt to wake her up.

"Nadia! Who did this?!" The Catfish said in distress.

She opened an eye before she slowly spoke.

"D-Damn... Flo-wer." She simply said before falling unconscious. There was a long pause as Okuyasu scratched his head.

"Flower Cat?" Okuyasu thought before he came to realization, turning to Koichi. "Oh, that reminds me Koichi. I think I left Stray Cat outside, he might have gotten grumpy..."

Koichi turned to his friend as his face was pierced with confusion, "What?"

"When me n' Josuke were fighting Kira, he was using this other Stand to help him fight I think. So I got the Hand to snatch it and put it in my pocket." Okuyasu said as he finished his story.

Koichi immediately backed up a notch, "Wait! Wait hold on! You're telling me that you left a highly dangerous and possibly angry Stand outside where it could have attacked anyone!?"

"Uh, yeah." Okuyasu said in a simple manner, "I mean, I'm not very smart so..."

"OKUYASU!" Koichi yelled in anger, something surprising from the smaller teen. "You could have gotten that lady killed were it not for that healing factor she has!" Koichi said, "Now go out there, and get that Stand before it causes someone else to end up like her!"

"Okay, Okay, fine then. Jeez, you don't have to yell!" Okuyasu said before walking past the shattered door and into a nearby ally. "Kitty! Here kitty! ... Where the hell did I put that damn cat?" Okuyasu said to himself.

Koichi turned to the two Dagonian's holding the unconscious Nadia.

The sight of blood repulsed him, so he had decided to do something about it as Echoes act 2 wordlessly appeared before placing the word 'Clean' on both the girl and the floor. On instant the dirt, blood, and grime had dissipated.

Yu-Wan and Minette were a bit surprised at first before rapidly calming down, the two of them looked up to see Koichi's Stand.

"So..." Yu-Wan said before pointing at Echoes Act 2, "What exactly are these... Creatures the two of you have?"

Koichi was a bit surprised, "Wait? You can see my Stand?"

"Stand? So that's what it is." Yu-Wan said to himself. "And us seeing it? Were we not meant to?"

"Oh, um. No honestly, only other Stand users can see Stands and harm other Stands as well." Koichi said as he stated the facts.

Minette spoke up, "So that's why some of the customers seemed to not notice..." Minette said before she also came to realize something. "And these Stands... Are they like Parasites?"

"Parasites? Um, I'm not sure what that is."

Yu-Wan raised an eye, "You don't know what Parasites are?"

Koichi merely shrugged with an unsure look on his face, "No sorry... We don't even know what this city is called, or how we exactly ended up here. I know it may be heard to believe, but I don't even know what kind of species you even are!"

"Hmph." Yu-Wan said as he twiddled a tiny bit with the fins on his cheeks. "I believe you."

Koichi tilted his head with a hint of surprise.

"Oh don't give me that look! After all, the powers I've just seen just now and your naivety with the whole of New Meridian is definitely an indicator that the both of you aren't from around here. By the River King, I don't even think your from the same world altogether with those powers you have!" Yu-Wan explained. Koichi sheepishly nodded in agreement.

"If you need it. I can offer the two of you a place to stay for the night."

"Really?" Koichi asked before he brightened up, "Wow! Thank you Mr. Wan!"

"Don't mention it. But only for tonight!" The chef said, "I'm not that generous." Koichi nodded to show that he understood.

"Hey guys! I'm back!"

There was a crinkle as the trio turned there heads to see Okuyasu at the doorway, now carrying a pink flower. "Found it! Someone must've accidentally kicked up the crate that I left it in 'cuz it was cranky as hell!" The teen said before he petted the flower gently.

"Um..." Minette said as she titled her head, "I don't really see any-"

Two bulbous eyes appeared on the flower before it revealed a fanged face which hissed rapidly. Okuyasu immediately struggled with his grip as the creature attempted to escape from his grasp.

"Oh wo-woah woah! Easy there!"

Yu-Wan and Minette paused whilst Koichi went to assist his friend.

"Act 1." Koichi whispered. Within an instant a less evolved version of his stand went forward, throwing the word 'Calm' onto the creature before it immediately ceased, looking around at it's new surrounding with curiosity.

Okuyasu smiled, "Thanks Koichi!" before looking around, "Uh, you guys wouldn't happen to have a flower pot around here right?"

"Oh, uh... Here." Minette said, ever resourceful as she took a potted plant from the window, tearing out the plant and leaving the rich soil. Okuyasu quickly placed the cat on it before the creature dug it's roots into it, mewling happily.

Yu-Wan stared at it, "So this is the thing that attacked Nadia? How in the River-King's name could've it done tha-" The chef waved a knife too closely as the cat was immediately became aggravated again.

Hissing angrily, it's petals coiled around into a leafy muzzle before something directly at Yu-Wan.

"Get down!" Koichi yelled before he got Echoes to tackle the Dagonian to the ground. A ball of transparent but disturbed air whizzed right past before hitting the wooden wall. It shattered a giant hole through it.

Minette helped the shocked chef back up as he looked at the damage. Okuyasu scratched his head again.

"Oh yeah... I forgot, it can make air bullets. Don't even ask me how that works."

River King Casino

"Taliesin!" Cerebella yelled in shock as soon as she saw the purple elf lying bloodied and unconscious, his clothes now soaked from the drained water. His parasite Muse looked equally worried as she turned her head to the approaching performers.

"Cerebella! Thank goodness! Talie is hurt!" Small splinters of tears began to form in the instruments eyes. "You need to help him! Help him no-!"

"Calm down Muse! Panicking is not gonna help him here!" Cerebella said, she scanned the crowd, ignoring Beatrix's bored looking expression before spotting two Medici mobsters who were busy slacking off and gambling with the slot machines, completely ignoring the fact that one of there comrades was seriously hurt.

"You two! Get off your asses and bring him to the hospital!" Cerebella yelled.

The Mobsters merely grumbled in annoyance as they continued playing. Within an instant Vice Versa reflected her anger as the living weapon punched both slots, crumpling the metal as it sent both machines flying. The gangsters sat there stunned before immediately going to work out of fear, jumping off there chair and lifting the injured elf up.

Muse looked relieved before the parasite realized something else.

"I-I just remembered... The spy, he was a Parasite user of some sort." The instrument said.

"No kidding." Cerebella said, "But now that he's hurt one of us... Just makes me wanna beat the crap out him even more." the Girl said as she gritted her teeth, Vice cracked both knuckles to show her anger.

Little Innsmouth

It was a weird situation the mangaka found himself in. Escorting a very young girl through the streets of a fantasy china town, filled with fish people that sold and acted as vendor's for goods.

His first impression of them was a bit of shock, but he had quickly gone over it after Umbrella laughed at his naiveness.

Rohan decided for a moment before reaching into his green satchel before bringing out fountain pen and a blank textbook. He went to work, drawing a story board of his surroundings.

He was 5 seconds in until he saw Umbrella looking up at him.

"Watcha' doing?" The pinkette asked, attempting to get a look at what he was writing. Rohan backed the book away from her, he disliked those that snooped at his work.

"Drawing a storyboard." Rohan said, his hands going to work as he talked.

"Storyboard? Like a comic?"

Rohan almost laughed, to compare a manga with some drowned out western comic would be considered borderline heresy for Manga fans. Rohan kept a straight face however.

"No, I'm drawing it for a manga. For the Shonen Jump weekly to be exact, this place gives me great inspirations."

Umbrella put a hand to her chin, going detective mode.

"I have no idea what you just said." before changing the topic. "What's it about?"

Rohan sported an annoyed expression before leaning on the wooden walls of a store, "Well, Pink Dark Boy is about-"

Umbrella immediately interuppted. "Woah, woah, woah! Hold on a second!" The princess said, suppressing a giggle. "Your telling me your comic is called... Pink... Dark... Boy?" Before the Reinor began laughing. "Oh my god!

Rohan was immediately pissed as his pride took a hit. "Hey! Do not make fun of my work! You haven't even read it!" However Umbrella kept laughing.

"Might as well call it, Yellow Light Girl while your at it!" Umbrella said before giving another fresh round of giggling.

The Mangaka wanted to face palm before giving up. "Fine then, can you please just drop the subject..."

Umbrella giggled one last time before Rohan noticed something, just out of the corner of his eyes, someone was watching them.

"Get down." The artist merely said, Umbrella understood immediately ducking low.

"Is it buttface again?" She whispered only for Rohan to shake his head.

"It couldn't be. Theres no way they could have caught up to us." He said as he looked around before noticing. A group was approaching them.

He quickly gestured Umbrella to hide, which she did as she crawled under a store balcony whilst Rohan leaned against the shadows of an alleyway. He peeked to check the sidewalk as a few dagonian's immediately broke away. Apparently they knew what was going on.

"Heavens Door." Rohan whispered before the Stand appeared beside him, bringing both of it's hands in a combat position.

Already the day was now close to night, as the various lights of little innsmouth began to shine as it grew darker. A lantern was strewn on the street corner, allowing Rohan to see a group of ominous shadows begin to grow.

"Hmph, the little princess must've hidden somewhere... Spreadout." A voice said before walking to the mouth of the alleyway.

A lady, wearing a party dress and a feather cap with a black face covering her appearance as a singular white eye shown through it. Her left arm wasn't even an arm, just a deadly looking weapon in it's place.

She turned to look at the Alleyway as Rohan held his breath before moving on, checking her weapon before being followed by a crowd of armed gangsters. A minute passed before Rohan was absolutely sure they had left.

Umbrella was already out of her hiding place, but her face showed it all. Incredible worry with a hint of fear.

"Who was that lady?" Rohan asked. "Why was she looking for you?"

"T-that was black Dahlia... My sister told me that she's an Assassin who kills people and works for the Medici mafia." Umbrella said, "And the Medici's hate the Renoir's... Maybe we should go find my sister. I think she might be downtown." The girl said, clearly shaken.

"Hey. Listen hear." Rohan said as he knelt down. "As long as I'm around, I'll make sure nobody lays a hand on you, just like in the 'Comics'. Got it?"

Umbrella took a deep breath, "Thanks Mr. Rohan." She said.

"No problem, just lead the way." The Artist said as he smiled.

Umbrella smiled back before turning around and walking, albeit cautiously now. Rohan simply followed, putting his sketches away into his satchel.

Right now they needed to be careful.

Grand Cathedral

Marie Korbel titled her head to the side after studying the anomaly for 10 minutes straight, and yet she still couldn't figure out what it's purpose was.

She estimated it had appeared around mid day, before remaining there beneath the lower parts of the cathedral, opened as if it was a gateway to somewhere else. It didn't help the fact that the glowing blue portal spat something out.

A rock.

Or to be more precise, a rock with a elegant looking human face on it. Disturbing, but it didn't effect the skullgirl as she studied it further. She could almost sense-

"Skullgirl." A distorted voice was heard before Marie sighed and turned around, revealing Double and a bored looking Valentine. "We have answered your summons."

"Good." Marie said as she continued to study it.

Valentine immediately noticed it. "What the hell is that thing?"

"I am not sure. It simply... Appeared down within the lower parts of the Cathedral."

"Strange." Double said as she too began to study it, "Perhaps the Trinity have a plan for us."

"Wait, hold on." Valentine said before getting a closer look. "This... Isn't rock. This is frost coating." The nurse summerized before her finger grazed around the edge, ending out a sharp point. The nurse recoiled as she pulled her hand back.

"Son of a-..." The nurse said before inspecting her hand, a slight cut showed as her gloved finger began to stain red. "Didn't see that sharp spot."

"Enough." Marie said before turning to the both of them. "I called you back because I have a mission."

They both stood at attention.

Marie continued. "The both of you are to attack Anti-Skullgirl Lab 8 and destroy as much of their research as possible." the Skullgirl paused. "However, you both must leave Peacock alone."

"I cannot comply." Double said before Valentine spoke up as well.

"Yeah, even I agree. That experiment is too dangerous to-"

"Do not question. I command the two of you to leave her alone." Marie said in a deathly serious tone. Valentine merely grumbled as Double stayed silent. "Now go." Marie said before her two goons were dispatched, leaving the cathedral.

The Skullgirl took one last look at the frost structure before dismissing it, going down to the depths of the cathedral.

Little did she know that cracks began to form around the droplets of blood Valentine had accidentally shed.

Something was awakening.