Adrien took the long way home so he could think up a really good excuse and story to tell his father to explain where he had been the last few days.

"I mean I can't really tell him the truth can I?" he asked Plagg who tried to help by saying 'He probably won't be there or noticed you have been missing'

At last he was at the gates of his house, took a deep breath, and pressed the doorbell.

'Yes? Adrien?' came his father's voice through the microscope the camera had.

"Hello, Father," Adrien said giving a slightly nervous smile hoping it would have been Natalie instead.

With a buzz, the gates opened.

'Come inside and come straight to my office.' his father said before the camera pulled back into the wall.

Sighing, Adrien walked inside the gates, up the drive, through the doors, and as instructed went to his Father's office.

'Knock, knock'

"Hello? Father?" Adrien said as he opened the door and looked in coming inside, seeing his father at his desk, looking at a desk picture of himself, Adrien, and Adrien's mum.

Gabriel waited until Adrien was up in front of the desk and sitting in the chair there, before he asked any questions.

"So. Where have you been these last few day's Adrien?" Gabriel asked not putting the picture down or looking to his son.

"I was... Hiding," Adrien said as strongly as he could "I had gotten knowledge that that most recent Akuma wanted me so I did my best to hide from her."

"Why would this Akuma want you in the first place?" Gabriel asked finally putting the picture down and looking to Adrien.

"To get back at me for hurting her," Adrien said sighing and went into the story, the best he could, about what happened a few days ago at school.

"I see," Gabriel said in his thinking voice, holding his chin.

"Father, please don't pull me out of the school I..." Adrien began but was cut off.

"How did you know to come back if you were in hiding?" his father asked.

Surprised, Adrien took a few seconds to think up an answer and gave one.

"I saw the ladybirds fix everything," he said slowly so he remained calm "And left it a few hours just in case something else was still not quite right." he said, which was relatively true.

"And this... 'Marrinette'," Gabriel asked checking he said the name right, getting a nod from Adrien. "She really does love you?"

"Yes Father," Adrien said confidently.

"And do you love her back?"

"Yes Father. I love her with all my heart." Adrien said looking his father in the eye as he said this.

"Hmmm..." Gabriel said a small smirk on his lips "I seem to remember her from that hat computation. Do you know if she has any other skills to do with fashion designing?"

"Excuse me?" Adrien asked blinking, confused.

"Do you know if Marinette wants a job in fashion designing?" Gabriel repeated.

"Um, yeah I think so," Adrien said not really sure how the conversation got to this.

Nodding Gabriel turned to some buttons on his desk and buzzed Nattily.

'Yes Sir?' she asked.

"Nattily, please can you bring to my office a Work Form," Gabriel asked, grinning slightly at his son's face.

'Of course Sir,' Nattily said and a few seconds later, she was coming in with the papers needed and handing them to Gabriel Agreste.

"Now," he said pulling out his pen and un capping it looking to his son. "What is Marrinette's full name?" he asked poising the pen over the paper.

30 minutes later

"Ok, who was that man and what did he do to your dad?" Plagg asked straight away as he came out of Adrien's jacket as the boy went up to his room and shut the door.

"I have absolutely no idea Plagg," Adrien said looking at the enveloped form in his hand, being told to give it to Marinette at school tomorrow.

"Do you think she'll take it?" Plagg asked after a bit changing the subject.

"I don't know," Adrien said putting it with his school stuff "I hope she does."

"So you can see her more?" Plagg asked cackling and hugging his cheese.

"No... So that her talents can be recognized by other people," Adrien said now going over to his sock draw "Now get this place cleared of your stinky old cheese like you promised. I'm going to have a shower."

With that he got a towel, a fresh set of clothes and went into his bathroom, leaving a slightly grumpy Plagg to move his cheese from the sock draw, and place them into the cupboard behind Adrien's picture of Ladybug.

The next day at school Marinette was there early, she not wanting to be swarmed by everyone she went straight to the classroom.

"Well... well..." a shrill voice said as Marinette stepped into the classroom, seeing nearly everyone was there, Chloe at the front.

"Look who it is everyone, Marrinette Dupain-Cheng. You're lucky my Daddy is still letting you come to this school you know. After what you did to me."

"Oh so I guess the rest of the class and Paris doesn't matter to him?" Marinette asked looking the brat into the eye "Don't answer that. I know what the answer is already. As long as you, Chloe Bourgois are safe and well, it doesn't matter what happens to the rest of us. Heck we could all die! And your big-fat-pompus-wind-bag of a father won't care, as long as you're alright. Correct?"

Everyone was stunned, and some a little worried, not wanting Marrinette to turn again, like Ivan did.

"DON'T YOU CARE CALL MY DADDY ANY OF THAT STUFF!" Chloe screamed, charging at Marinette, but she dodged the attack and pinned the bratty teen to the all.

"Then stop treating me, and everyone else here, here at school and in this city, like doormats and things you find stuck to the bottom of your shoe..." Marinette said in a slight whisper.

"And STOP! using your DADDY! to blackmail people to get them to do what YOU! WANT!" Marinette cried out, throwing Chloe back at the desks, and leaving the room to cheers and applause from everyone Chloe had ever hurt.

After a few minutes when the cheering had died down, Chloe grabbed her stuff and left, not even noticing Adrien as he came in.

"I missed something didn't I?" he asked Nino and Alya who nodded and told him what just happened.

At the look-out deck of the Eifel Tower, Marinette was looking out at the city not sure how she should be feeling.

Happy? Angry? Sad? Afraid? Disgusted with herself for what she just did?

"Please don't be mad at yourself Marrinette," Tikki said who was there with her on her shoulder. "You have to admit Chloe had had that coming to her for a long time..."

"I agree," Chat's voice said making Marinette spin around and spot Adrien, a grin on his face and something behind his back.

Tears in her eyes, Marinette rushed over to him and hugged him.

"What are you so upset for?" he asked patting her head "I'd have thought you'd be happy, finally getting one over onto Chloe like that."

"I... I am," she said sniffing "But how do we know it was me that was doing it and now Widow? And if it was me or not I think we both know that Chloe's just going to go straight to her dad and do something to make it so my parents bakery is shut down or some other mean trick."

"I'm sure she will," Adrien said hugging her while Plagg was with Tikki "But I know for a fact that our friends at least, will stand up to them and help you keep it. I'll even try to get my dad in on it too." he said smiling. "And speaking of my dad..." he said pulling the thing out from behind his back and giving it to her.

Intrigued, Marinette took it and opened the letter.

'Dear Miss Marinette Dupain-Cheng,

I, Gabriel Agreste, am asking of you, to come and work as my apprentice in fashion designing in the Agreste clothes line once you have finished school

If you wish to do so, please fill in the forms included and send them back.'

Marinette stared at the letter and re-read it over a few more times.

Not believing this, Marinette looked for the form and pulled it out, with wide eyes.

"So want to join us?" Adrien asked smiling.

"Us?" Marinette asked looking to him.

"Me and my Father," he said, explaining "He wants me to take over when he retires but I've never been one for designing."

"So you want a Lady's touch do you?" Marinette asked, more relaxed around him now she knew he was Chat Noir.

"Not just a Lady's Marinette," he said quietly hugging her gently "I want My Lady's touch."

"Silly Kitty," she said smiling and hugging him back, both of the ignoring their Kwami's opposite reactions to this, and the sound of the school bell going off, all thoughts of what happened just a few minutes ago gone from their heads, as they held each other in their arms.

Neither knew what the future held, but they knew that as long as they were together, they would make it, and that they would always be together.

The End