Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho.

Summary: "I always get what I want," he murmured against the skin of her throat, but she was more focused on the warm hand trailing teasingly up her night dress. Good lord, what had she gotten herself into?

A/N: Hey! I'm back with another story. This time a little bit more… sexual… and darker… Kind of AU, if you ask me. No spirit detectives. No Yusuke, Kuwabara, or Shuichi Minamino. But, expect a lot of demons and deaths in this fic. Still contains the same worlds Reikai, Makai, and Ningenkai, but without the original YYH storyline. I'm warning you, though, there's an evil and possessive Youko in this fic! (He didn't escape to Ningenkai, become Shuichi Minamino, and learn love from his mother in this setting, after all) So, if you don't like that kind of thing, I suggest you press the Back button, leave this story and find another one to read. If not, then, without further ado, the first chapter!

Chapter 1


Botan was in the middle of arranging the books in the Reikai library, when a voice, one that sounded smooth but felt unwanted to her, greeted her.

Her amethyst irises peered and narrowed at the tall, silver haired man leaning with one shoulder against one of the bookshelves. His smoldering gold leered at her, the dangerous smirk baring his sharp fangs as his fox ears twitched on his head.

"What are you doing here, Youko?" she asked, as she descended down the stairs leaned against a bookshelf. She went for the pile of books lying on a huge, round brown desk, ignoring the fox demon who calmly strolled up to her.

"Why, am I not allowed here?" he inquired instead of answering, voice seductive as his eyes fixed on her small back. She rolled her eyes, but didn't bother to answer.

Botan turned, and almost dropped the books in her hands when she realized that Youko had both hands placed at each side of her hips against the table, his tall form towering over her lithe figure. Crap, she was trapped.

The shock died out of her system as she stared up at his dark, heated pair of gold, taking its place was anger and frustration. Her features hardened as she felt him nudge his legs between hers.

If it wasn't for the great amount of respect and admiration Koenma held for him that allowed the fox demon to stay here in Reikai, Botan would have punched him square in the face a long time ago, if that was what it took to make him stop his perverted advances on her. But, Youko was considered as Koenma's loyal subject, even if he was a demon. She didn't know the reason her boss trusted this guy so much – something about Youko saving his life centuries ago – and frankly she didn't care. She didn't care if he was hot. She didn't care if her friends were chasing after him. She didn't care if he slept around with almost half of the ferry girls. She just wanted him to leave her alone.

"I'm busy," she said as calmly as possible, as she placed a hand on his alabaster chest. But before she could shove him away, he pulled apart, stepping aside to allow her to advance further for the bookshelves.

"You're always busy," Youko murmured, and for a moment, she detected a hint of disappointment in his voice, before quickly squashing that thought. She could feel his eyes on her body as she began to arrange the books to their original place.

"I'm a ferry girl," she stated dryly. "I'm supposed to be busy."

She was about to whirl around and head for the table again when a callous hand roughly tugged her back. Botan let out a loud yelp as she felt the owner harshly pushed her towards a bookshelf, her back connecting painfully against the wooden material. She was barely aware of the few books that felled off their place and onto the ground as she was more preoccupied with Youko's sharp nails digging into her forearm.

"Let go of me, Youko," she hissed as he shifted closer to her, setting one arm against the left side of her head. His gaze seemed unreadable as it stayed glue on her squirming form. "You're hurting me," she winced when he dug his nails deeper through her pink kimono and into her soft skin.

"This is exactly what I'm talking about," he stated, as if he was merely talking of the weather, and as if he wasn't pinning her against the bookshelf. "Why is it so hard for you to understand that all work, and no play is no fun at all? It's always business when it's with you. Why do your ferry girl duties always have to come first before anything?"

"Because I'm not like one of those ferry girls who swoon over you and drool at the idea of the next night when they could fuck you again," Botan's voice spat, as she harshly tried to break free of his hold. But, her efforts proved to be futile, as the more she struggled, the more he tightened his grip.

"Exactly," he growled, the sound reverberating through her being as it resonated in the library empty of presence except from theirs. A light smirk tugged at his lips as she glared up at him, refusing to back down and give in. "That's why I want you so bad," he whispered as he leaned in, his voice hoarse and desperate as his hot breath fanned at her sensitive ear.

"No, you want me because you know you can't have me," she murmured, fixing her gaze on the cold floor. She saw Youko's right foot lightly tap as his free hand reached for her hair, his sharp nails dangerously running in her strands of blue. "Why do you keep bothering me, Youko? Why can't you just go to someone who can satisfy your needs and don't really hate your guts like I do?" she whispered, trying to ignore the sensations that followed his featherlike touches.

Botan yelped when Youko suddenly grabbed a fistful of her hair, yanking it hard enough to hurt. His features were fierce as he glowered down at her.

"Because no other woman will do," he growled, low and dangerous, and without waiting for her to respond, attacked her neck with his lips.

Her body trembled as she felt his hot mouth nip teasingly at her smooth neck. His hand released her arm, and seeing a small chance to escape, the ferry girl attempted to push him away when he all but took hold of her wrists in one hand, holding them above her head as he darted his tongue out, the wet appendage drawing lazy but teasing circles on her flesh.

"There's no use resisting, Botan." His words seemed to warn her of an impending doom as they resonated in her ears. "You can struggle all you want, but I'm stronger," he murmured, before grounding his pelvis against hers, the loud, startled whimper elicited from the girl in his arms causing a satisfied smirk to graze his lips.

"Stop," she said, before inhaling a shaky breath, "This is wrong. You could be thrown into Reikai prison for this… for molesting a ferry girl."

She gasped when his free hand found her ass, squeezing the plump mound roughly before pulling her hips closer against his. She felt him grind against her, and bit her lower lip in an attempt to stifle her moans.

"Then, why haven't you tell Koenma about this?" he asked, but his voice was taunting. He flicked his head up to study her, his gold eyes menacing as they gaped down at her flushed face. "Afraid, aren't we, sweetheart?"

"Don't call me that," she spat, turning to look away from his soul-piercing gaze, but she didn't acknowledge his words with a response. Her silence deafening, but confirming his suspicions.

"I knew it," he stated, all too knowingly, "You are afraid. Afraid of what might become of me if I were to be sentenced to prison. Afraid of what might happen to your tarnished image of the perfect, top favorite ferry girl of Koenma if word about this spreads around. You are afraid, dearest, and I can smell it." He inhaled the air, the scent of her fear intoxicating as it invaded his nostrils. But, he also caught something else. Remorse, worry… and arousal.

When she was unresponsive again, he knew he hit the jackpot.

He removed the hand that was on her hip, only to cup it on her chin and force her head upwards to meet his gaze.

"Tch, tch…" He shook his head, an amused smirk touching his lips as his gold orbs glinted in a menacing away. "Botan… Botan… Botan…" he whispered. "Always the kind, proud woman, are you not? You're scared of me and what I might do, you feel guilty because you're supposed to be this perfect image of the perfect ferry girl who does nothing wrong and never sleeps around unless it's with someone of Reikai origin or if you love him, but," He relished in her mewl as he slammed his covered erection against the area between her legs, the action pushing her against the bookshelf so hard she almost feared it would fall, "but, you care about me. You worry about me. You worry about what you feel of me. You are attracted to me, but you refuse to indulge in your desires. You see them as silly and forbidden, but that's where you're wrong. They're not."

She took a sharp intake of breath, vividly away of the tears stinging at the back of her eyelids. "Stop," she whispered, her voice hoarse, sounding as it would break under the pressure, "You don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, but I do." Youko grinned evilly at her. "I do very much. You hate and curse my very existence, because you want me, Botan. You want me. And you may be afraid of expressing your sexual urges, but, I, on the other hand, have no qualms of just dragging you into a closet and fuck you right there." A heat pooled in his smoldering gold irises, a heat so strong that she had to avert her gaze. But, he would have none of that, and he tugged her face harshly so she was looking at him again, the lust in his eyes barely conceivable and making her gasp. "Would you like that? Cause I'd like that. Very much, my dear."

"Youko," she shakily called with quivering lips, "Please let me go."

"What if I don't want to?" he challenged her. "What if I want to keep you right here? Fuck you so hard in this library where anyone can come in until you forget your name and scream only mine?" He began to grind his hips against hers to emphasize his point.

Botan felt something familiar building inside her, and tried to ignore it when the doors of the library slammed open, the fox demon finally letting go of her as a different voice echoed in the quiet room.

"Where are you, Botan-chan? Koenma-sama's calling for you, he says he wants to talk about something urgent." It was Hinageshi, and judging from the padding footsteps that obviously came from the small red-haired ferry girl, she was close to walking to where they were right now.

Botan shoved Youko harshly away, just in time for Hinageshi to pop at the corner of the bookshelf.

"Oh, hello, Youko-san! I didn't know you were in here," she greeted the fox with a bright smile on her lips.

Youko bit back a chuckle, casting a brief glance over the upset-looking and disheveled blue haired ferry girl, before turning to look at Hinageshi. "Yes, I was just looking for something…" he murmured, a small smirk lingering at the edge of his lips.

"Oh, I see. Did you find what you were looking for?"

"Yes," Youko repeated, and Botan could feel his eyes on her form as he said, "I did."

Hinageshi perked up. "Well, that's good then!" She then rotated her head to the right to peer at Botan, blinking when she finally noticed her messy hair and her slightly wrinkled kimono. "Are you okay, Botan-chan?" she asked worriedly, her lovely features marred in a deep frown. "You seem… a bit…" she trailed off as Botan sent her a stern expression, indicating that she should drop the subject. She quirked one red eyebrow at the other girl, but decided against probing into the matter.

"Well, Youko-san, if you may excuse us, we will be going now," Hinageshi regarded the fox demon with another wide grin, barely aware of the satisfied smirk playing at the corners of his mouth.

"Sure." Youko nodded, unable to take his eyes off of Botan, who was unwilling to meet his stare, "See you later, Hinageshi… and Botan."

The blue haired ferry girl tried to ignore the purr that rumbled in the library when he said her name, and turned to her small friend instead. "Come on, let's go," she said as cheerful as ever, slipping on her bubbly mask to hide her discomfort.

Hinageshi didn't seem to notice there was something wrong with her, which was a good thing. "Okay!" the redhead chirped, before turning a moment to wave a hand at Youko as farewell. "See you, Youko-san!"

As Hinageshi grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the room, Botan couldn't help but feel as if Youko's eyes were staring at her.

Just as she stepped out the door, she looked back at her shoulder, and realized she was right.

A/N: This fic was inspired from a Draco/Hermione fic I read on the Harry Potter section. I can't remember the author's name, but she's a great one, and her stories are all wonderfully done. That aside though… Oh. My. God. I feel so wrong for writing this… Lol. Can't deny that I love writing this sort of thing though XD I'm sorry. I ruined Youko. You're probably going to love him but hate him at the same time as I continue to update more chapters into this story. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this! And please, don't hate me. T.T