So, I know this isn't my usual genre, but I have wanted to write this fic for a while and it is.

Disclaimer; I do not own, I do not profit.

Even though his spider sense had warned him that danger was coming he hadn't been able to dodge the several fast attacks that had come his way. Or rather, he had dodged them perfectly, and that was the problem. His jumps and tactics were reactive, right from his subconsciousness, and as we all know, movements like that tend to follow a pattern, a pattern that his long term enemies had learned to follow all too well.

His last jump, where he aimed to land at the wall of an old industry building, had become his undoing as his right leg was snared on a string of web, and within one second it had pulled him down hard.

He hadn't fallen onto the hard ground beneath though, no, his fall was stopped when he was pulled straight down onto a platform of webbing, much similar to his own and yet so very different. A shiver went down his spine since he knew who had made this trap, and he struggled to get loose from the sticky web, his arms, legs and whole body completely stuck onto it. Sensing a movement above him he tried to turn his head, his mask allowing some movement for him to do so.

"Hello there, Parker." It came out like a purr, and he tensed and stilled his body when he heard it.

"Brock...Venom...what's up?" His mind was racing, trying to find a way out from the web that held him down, his pulse increasing as Venom started to make more of it, shaping it around them like a cocoon. Venom chuckled as he moved around, creating more and more web, shaping a small room just for them and what was to come.

"Well you see, Parker, a special time has come along." Finishing up the last strands of web, the construction now complete around them, a thick wall of his web guaranteed to hold him and his prey securely inside, he hummed happily as he hovered his body above that of the smaller male.

"Uh huh...and, time is that, exactly?" He had been trying to tug his arms and legs loose from the web under him, but now to his surprise, Venom started to cut him loose, starting with his feet and legs. Spider-man could feel the corner of his right eye twitch as Venom shuffled forward, lifting up the smaller man by his waist, placing Spider-man's lower body into his own lap while his hands were stroking from the thin hips and down his legs. Venom grabbed Spider-man's legs just above the knees, pulling their bodies closer, making Spider-man flinch from the friction it caused between their crotches.

Venom leaned forward so his face hovered above spider-man's, pleased to see that he had the attention of the man under him.

"Well you see, my symbiote insists that it's a very special season right now, but there isn't many around to share it with and all that." As he talked he started to grind their bodies together, his symbiote humming inside his mind, pleased with the situation.

"Ah, for fucks sake, Eddie, what season? What are you trying to do?" He had began to struggle again, tugging at his wrists, trying to pull his hands loose so he could push the other male away from him. Brock chuckled. He had always wanted to prove how strong he was as Venom, he had always wanted to win over spider-man, but who would have known that it would be this easy? Grabbing the slim hips under him he gave a few extra strong thrusts, and hearing the male under him gasp and feeling his prey struggle to get loose from his web sent pleasurable shivers down his spine.

"Isn't it obvious, Parker? You're a smart guy, you must have figured out that symbiotes have mating seasons a long time ago."

Sensing the growing panic in his life long enemy and rival, Brock knew what the man was feeling. He'd be lying if he hadn't felt bothered when his lust had soared from no where, to the point where jacking off wasn't enough, and then be told by his symbiote that it was because it had gone into heat, and since they were connected the way they were, so was he.

The symbiote had made it very clear that the lust would only increase and get worse every day that passed by unless he sated it, but his plan to simply pick up a hooker as Brock and fuck her senseless were quickly shot down as well when the symbiote revealed the tiny detail that unless it was sated with someone who had at some point had a tie to a symbiote, or was still connected to one, then it wouldn't work at all.

At first he had simply planned to wait it out, the heat was brought on by the passing of a comet, or so the symbiote claimed anyway, and it shouldn't last more than two weeks time, but the heat and need to sate it had only gotten worse.

One week into the heat his whole body felt like it was ready to burst. Every instinct in his body started to tune in on finding a possible mate, and that's when fate struck him hard. He had seen spider-man pass by through town, soaring past above him, and his mind had gone blank. He had stared at that muscular body, not with his usual hatred and desire to maim, but with a sudden desire to lick, probe, tease and fuck. Even though he tried to push those thoughts away from him, even though he tried to regain his composure, the thought of that lithe body wouldn't leave his mind.

Before that day had come and gone, he was already setting up his trap, and just when the sun was about to set, much to his amazement, Spider-man had gotten stuck in it. Yes, he knew the fear mixed with an attempt to resist that Spider-man was showing, but to dominate his rival this way only made it so much sweeter.

"Brock, snap out of it, what's wrong with you?! Come on man, stop this!" Inside his mind as well as on his face, Venom smirked.

"Oh? You want us to stop? It feels like you're not honest with us at all, Spidey." His right hand snuck in between their bodies, and started stroking Spider-man's erection through the thin fabric of the suit, making the smaller male buckle up as far as he could while he let out a surprised gasp. Of course he had an erection, what male wouldn't get one when someone was rubbing you up this way? That wasn't the same as him liking where this was going. This was Eddie, his enemy, his rival, and they were both straight males on top of that! Something was most definitively wrong here.

"Eddie, stop, don't do...ahh, fuck, don't do that!" His fists were clenching hard, and even though he tried to resist it didn't take many strokes before he was completely hard.

Venom closed his eyes while he absorbed the smell of arousal from his prey, his soon to be partner in lust. The symbiote were overflowing with excitement, which only fueled on his own lust even more.

He leaned back down, smelling the neck of his soon to be partner, the smell of lust and denial rolling of the male under him was almost overwhelming in its sweet allure.

His tongue came out, almost of its own will, and licked its way in under the mask, tasting the sweat and confirming that this person was perfect for sating his heat with. His hips hadn't stopped their thrusting against Spider-man's body, but he could feel that this stimuli wasn't enough, he needed more.

"Sorry about this Spidey, but it's not like we can stop now." One of his clawed fingers snuck in under spider-man's mask, pulling it up so half the face of his rival could be seen. Spider-man tried to jerk his head away automatically, feeling even more panic surge as part of his face was exposed.

His mind was racing, but at the same time he couldn't form any coherent sentences. He couldn't believe that this was happening, it was surreal. Before he could recover from the shock of having his mask pulled up, Venom had leaned down and started kissing him, shocking him even further. He tried to pull away, but there was nowhere to go, and the web behind him wouldn't let him loose. He closed his eyes as he felt the long tongue thrust into his mouth, licking him, caressing his own, and sharp teeth stroking against his lips.

He was almost at the point where he wanted to cry when 'that' happened. The symbiote merged onto parts of his body, while still being connected to Brock, and the lust from the heat that the symbiote was feeling, it all came at him and hit him like a blow to the gut. He moaned loudly into the kiss, his whole body pulsated with a need that he had never felt before in his life. Venom pulled back from their kiss, and also let out a moan.

"Oh yeah, that's right, so good." Through half closed eyes Spider-man watched the other male lean back slightly, putting all his weight into the thrusting. In the back of his mind Parker could feel not only the lust of the symbiote, but also every bit of pleasure that Brock was feeling when he thrust his body against Parker, every feeling of pleasure reinforced tenfold by the symbiote.

"You can't lie to us now, Parker, we can feel how good it is for you." He looked down on Spider-man as he said so, and much to his pleasure the smaller male blushed and bit his lip, as if he wanted to deny it again. Venom grunted at that, and pushed Spider-man's legs forward, bending his body so that his ass came up higher. Through the connection the symbiote had provided them with, he could sense the lingering fear in Spider-man, as well as the denial for the lust, but his own mind was filled with the need to sate the burning need in his gut. Seeing that perfectly muscular ass, he smirked yet again.

When he started to pull the suit down towards the legs to expose that pale flesh, Spider-man tried to resist, he tried to kick and pull away, but Venom quickly put an end to that by shooting out some web, trapping the legs in the forward and spread out position. Even though part of him was extremely unhappy with this at first, there was a strong surge of pure lust that shot out from Spider-man through their connection.

"Oh, into bondage are we? I guess this is your lucky day then." Now that both hands were free he could finally rip that annoying fabric away, revealing the soft skin underneath. Spider-man's erection popped free and hanged down stiffly, oozing pre-cum at a steady pace. Venom let his tongue surround it before he had even thought twice about it, making Spider-man cry out and tensing his whole body. As he felt that long and powerful tongue stroke him he could feel his resistance dying away. Lust was consuming him like nothing ever had, the heat inside his body was so extreme by now that he would do anything to sate it, even something like this.

The symbiote was pleased by this, and so was Brock. He was many nasty things, but he wasn't a rapist, and to see his partner finally be this willing helped to ease his own mind about what was happening to them. By now a lot of his saliva had pooled on his soon to be partner, and he stroked his fingers through it before pushing with one of them against the puckered entrance. He could feel Spider-man tense up at the contact, but could also sense the excitement and pleasure that the contact had spurred on, so he kept stroking, and then let his finger dip inside.

Spider-man moaned even louder, his pre-cum coming out and dripping all over his chest. He could see everything that Venom, everything that Brock, was doing to him from this position, and watching that black finger dip into his body made him feel surprisingly good. He had expected it to hurt, but it didn't, and for the first time since this started, he could feel a tiny feeling of satisfaction inside the burning heat inside his body.

Venom could feel it too, his tongue left the hard cock in front of his and started stroking all around his finger as it dipped into his rival, providing even more lubrication. His own cock was painfully hard, and the symbiote had retreated from it, and he knew without looking at it that it must be pouring out pre-cum.

His patience running out, he added another finger, and once again that small sense of satisfaction streamed through Spider-man's body, making them both moan. Venom was growing desperate, trying to chase after that feeling of satisfaction he could sense through their bond, and started to thrust his fingers in and out of that tight hole.

The cries and moans from Spider-man was like music to his ears, and through their bond he could sense the exact moment when the younger male was ready for more.

Both of them were desperate now to sate the lust, and Venom pulled back slightly, pulling out his fingers, and aligned his member with that twitching entrance, rubbing plenty of pre-cum all over that inviting hole. He didn't need to ask if Spider-man was ready, he could sense the need for more, the same need he felt himself, and let his hips thrust forward slowly, sinking his hard meat into that warm body.

His mind started going blank, the feeling of pleasure from both his own body and the pleasure he felt through the bond was almost overwhelming. His hips jerked forward hard, burring himself in that tight, moist heat, but it only sated his need for a few moments. He knew after the first small thrust that he needed more, much more, and his hips started moving back and forward, faster and faster, slamming their bodies together roughly.

Under him he could hear the cries and moans that Spider-man was making, and it sounded wonderful, he wanted to hear more of those moans, he wanted to feel that body twitch around him even more.

With one swift movement he cut of the web that held Spider-man's legs up to allow the legs some more movement, and as if on a cue those strong legs came down and wrapped around him, pulling him in deeper. He leaned in with a groan, and let his hands caress the body under him, releasing it from his webbing.

It wasn't long before Spider-man was clinging to him, crying out with every thrust, both of them trying to get Venom's hard cock as deep into Spider-man as they could. Spider-man could feel how good it felt to fuck him through the bond, and Venom could feel how good it felt for Spider-man to be fucked by his cock. They didn't last long, they couldn't last long, and Venom could feel his balls pull up, and his body tensing.

Spider-man could feel the intense burning need in his gut, he wanted Venom to come, he wanted it so bad, his legs was wrapped around Venom, pulling him in, and Venom was thrusting in so hard and deep that Spider-man could barely get any air, but he wanted more.

And then Venom reached the peak, and with white lights flashing in his vision, he started to come with a loud groan, letting his cum gush out into the warm body under him. Spider-man could feel him come through the bond, and it triggered his own orgasm, feeling that hard, large cock pulsing inside of his body, and feeling the extreme lust being sated in every way he needed it to be sated. His own cum pulsed out between their bodies, and his orgasm only made Venom's even stronger.

After a few blissful minutes it finally started to calm down, Venom could still feel his cock give the occasional pulse, with small amounts of cum still coming out, but panting hard, he rolled to the side, pulling a groaning Spider-man up on top of him.

Spider-man shivered as he could feel cum running down from where they were connected, his breath was hard and ragged, his chest covered with his own cum, his pants ruined and torn apart and still, despite all this, he felt so sated and so pleased. Every inch of his body was humming with post orgasm pleasure, and he couldn't help but to rock his hips slowly, feeling that half hard cock still inside his body.

Brock groaned and grabbed his hips to still him.

"If you keep doing that we will need to fuck you again you know."

Spider-man leaned back and slowly, so slowly, made a circular movement with his hips, biting his bottom lip as his body started to hum with pleasure all over again. Venom chuckled and licked his teeth.

"Greedy one, aren't you. Who could have guessed it."

The end (?)

Weeeeeelll, there you go. xD