Thanks for reading and reviewing, I truly appreciate it! And DON'T WORRY, Viktor will make his spectacular debut next chapter!

"Okay Yuri, so our first class is with… Yakov Feltsman? Sounds pretty foreign to me. Let's just hope he makes Calculus interesting, eh?"

We stepped into the large lecture hall filled halfway with what seemed to be other freshmen. This was an introductory Calculus course, so it made sense that no upperclassmen would attend. But what surprised me the most was not the age of the students, rather how many were already here at eight thirty in the morning.

I try to hide it by waking up before Phichit every day, because it is awful. I mean, truly terrible. Simply put, I hate mornings. I despise them with a passion. And it does not make it any easier on me that I have a class this early. Maybe this is why I was so out of it this morning and kept on questioning Phichit.

At the thought of him, I felt a light nudge on the back of my shirt. "Let's keep going, Yuri, so we can find a good seat before they all fill up." It was then that I realized that I had been standing at the entryway to the lecture hall for who knows how long, and I hurriedly rushed to grab a seat.

Another thirty minutes passed, and the room was packed with students, who for the most part seemed uncomfortable like they would on the first day of school anywhere. Due to this fact, many students were scrambling to find a seat.

I was immersed in my conversation with Phichit, and got startled when I felt a forceful tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw what my mind immediately labeled as a "hot piece of ass."

The man before me had caramel-tan skin, a sharp jawline, and a tantalizing bead of sweat falling from the fringes of his black shaved undercut. I took note of his outfit, which consisted of a white wife-beater (displaying his prominent, sturdy muscles) and tight black leather skinny jeans. I could tell my mouth resembled that of a fish, but I couldn't help it when such a fine specimen was right in front of me.

His slightly cocky grin rearranged itself to make out a phrase: "Hey, if you guys don't mind, I'm going to take this seat. It certainly doesn't seem like you mind, glasses-kid. My name is JJ. Jean-Jacques Leroy. Don't forget it."

I stumbled to get myself together and let out, "Y-yeah, we don't mind. Um, I'm Katsuki Yuri. And- and this is my friend…" I turned my head to look at Phichit, pleading with my eyes for him to take control of this situation, because I couldn't seem to get a grip on myself. Thankfully, he picked up my internal plea, not without a strange look, and continued what I was trying to say.

"Phichit Chulanont. Pleased to meet you." JJ and Phichit nodded at each other, and the former took his seat next to me.

Much to my embarrassment, I could not stop staring at the boy. And he knew it. "Katsuki, you say? What's your major, Yuri-kun?" He said that last bit in a husky, deep voice that almost made me swoon. Get a grip on yourself, Yuri. You can't go fawning over every booty you see. And don't get involved with him. This man is too sexy for his own good.

"Well, I'm- um- I'm undecided. What about you… JJ?"

"Undecided as well. I sure hope we have more classes together, Yuri." He gingerly placed his chin on his open hand and tilted his head, keeping eye contact with me. "I really would like to… get to know you a bit better, you see? You seem like a person who knows how to appreciate something good when they see it."

It was then that Phichit stepped into the conversation, surprising me with a heavy note of anger in his voice. "I don't think Yuri would like to "get to know" an egotistical person like you. Back off, buddy."

My head swung from one to the other in confusion. Just what the hell are they fighting about? I don't get it!

JJ responded to Phichit's jab in a calm voice, saying, "Ah, I see how it is. Well, I'm not one to break up a couple, so don't worry about it Phichit. I respect a man's loyalty. But Yuri," he said in a lower voice as he leaned into my ear. "Be sure to tell me if you decide to leave him. I don't like to leave sweet boys like you single for long."

"Wait, no JJ, you don't understand! Phichit and I aren't-" I stopped my words as I looked at Phichit. He was staring straight ahead of him, with an unreadable look on his face. "Um, Phichit? Are you ok?"

He looked at me and forced a small smile on his face. "Yeah Yuri, let's just focus on class. The professor's about to start." And as I saw as I looked to the front, he was in fact setting up his laptop. I gulped and mumbled out an "Ok, Phi…" Then the three of us turned our attention to the daunting man at the front of the class, who cleared his throat and began his talk about expectations of class, how grading worked, etc.

After the class ended (which wasn't so bad, besides the fact that Yakov, as he told us to call him, freaked out half the class with his unhappy appearance), Phichit and I just couldn't shake off JJ. Not that I minded of course, because I got a pretty nice view walking behind him- ah, I've got to stop thinking things like this.

Anyways, Phichit seemed quite upset with the fact that JJ was hanging out with us after class. I could tell something was really bothering him, so I escaped with my best friend to the bathroom.

Once in there, I instantly addressed the problem at hand. "Phichit, why are you that bothered with JJ hanging out with us? Of course if you don't want to be around him, I'll respect your wishes and stick with you. I was just wondering… Because I haven't seen you that upset before…"

He looked guiltily to his feet. "I just- don't- I don't know, Yuri, I just don't like the way he was looking at you, like he was going to devour you. I guess I was only worried about my best friend, haha. I understand that you probably want to make a lot of friends here, and I do too, so I'll try my best to get along with him. I'm sorry for worrying you, I-"

I cut Phichit off with a tight hug. "Don't apologize for anything, Phi-kun. I really appreciate you looking out for me. There's no need for you to worry, you'll always be my best friend!" I looked into his eyes and saw that they were brimming with tears. I brought up my thumb and slowly wiped them away. "Please don't be sad, Phichit…"

He then realized that he was almost crying, and blushed away. "I'm not sad, Yuri! I think the stress is just getting to me, from being away from my family and all, and it being the first day of school. Thank you for being here for me." He hugged me back intensely, and we made our way back to JJ.

On the way over there, I wondered, what would it be like if Phichit and I were… soulmates? I guess I'd be pretty fine with it. But would we still be as good friends? Or would it just be sex and romance-y stuff all the time? I don't want to lose my best friend here because of that… And before I could finish pondering it, we joined back up with JJ.

I attempted to dissolve the uncomfortable atmosphere, saying, "So, what classes do you guys have next?"

JJ was the first to respond. "Well, it seems like I have freshman English… Not my favorite subject." I nodded and turned to Phichit, motioning for him to answer.

"I have a Multicultural Dance class next. It should be really fun, because we get to learn about styles from all around the world! Also, Otabek is going to help lead it, so maybe I'll get to know him better." He looked me sincerely in the eyes. "Another friend, right, Yuri?"

I smiled, glad that he was going to make an effort to be more social, and gave my response. "Sounds great, Phi! And I-" I broke off. "I h-have bal…" I mumbled off, not really wanting the others to know what class I was about to go to.

I signed up for ballet. I needed an elective, and it was calling my name. Secretly, I always wanted to take lessons; I admired the balance and grace those dancers had, but I was always worried what Mari-chan and my family would say. Coming from Mari, it would probably be something like: "Ballet? HAHAHA, how could a little piggy like you do BALLET?"

Nevertheless, I was still determined to do well in this class. I just didn't know how my new college friends would take it. Phichit would probably encourage me, because he was a dance major. But JJ? I just met him, and I was not confident that he would accept it, without picking at me for it.

But I went for it, anyways. Make new friends, right? Hopefully this one would be nice about it. "I may have kindof signed up for ballet…"

It was quiet for a moment. Then Phichit was right in my face. "YURI, that's wonderful! Ooh, can I watch you sometime? Pretty pretty please, Yuri? I won't say anything, I promise! I just want to watch!"

I giggled in what I was sure was an unmanly way and said, "Sure, Phichit- after I actually learn it, of course." I hesitantly turned to JJ to see his reaction.

The tan god smirked at me. "Hell yeah, that sounds awesome, Yuri. As long as I get to see you in a tutu."

My face immediately turned red in embarrassment. "JJ, why would you say that? Do I actually have to wear a tutu in ballet?"

Phichit started smirking at that, too. "No Yuri, you don't have to wear a tutu. But you'll let me see you in one too, right?" I slowly backed away in dread. WHAT ARE THEY PLANNING TO DO TO ME? But my fear gave way to confusion as I saw my friends whispering quietly to each other.

I was ecstatic; it seemed like they were finally binding over something! I approached them, impatient to hear what their connection was about. As I closed in, I began to hear a few snippets of their conversation. "Yes, tutu…. Damn, boy… Yuri… That booty…" I slowly backed away in fear. In my careful escape, I accidentally stepped on and snapped a twig. Two sets of eyes turned to me.

I ran-as fast as I could- to ballet.