Doug's eyes slowly lifted up, exposing the tired brown orbs underneath. His hand had been gripping where his Gem was supposed to be. His body still ached from both the cold and his injuries.

He looked around and found himself on the sofa back at the Temple.

"Psst, Doug!"

The boy looked up to see Steven looking down from his loft.

"Steven! Are you okay?" Doug asked.

"I'm fine, just sore is all." Steven responded.

"Did you see them too?" Doug asked.

Steven felt a sad smile spread across his face as his hand rested above his Gemstone, "Yeah." He said.

Doug climbed off the couch, slightly aggravating his wounds. He climbed up the stairs and sat on the floor beside Steven.

"How did it feel, meeting your mom?" Steven asked.

"I don't know. I felt almost every emotion possible. I mean, I've heard so much from my dad but meeting her in person was just...overwhelming." Doug replied, rubbing the back of his head.

"I totally feel the same way! Everything that everyone's told me about my mom was so true, but when I met her, it was...unexplainable." Steven said with a chuckle.

Doug yawned before looking at the clock on Steven's dresser, which read 3:46 AM. "I dunno know about you Steven, but I'm tuckered out."

"You're not the only one. I'm beat." Steven sighed.

Doug got up to go back down to the couch but something grabbed his wrist. He looked back to see a fearful eyed Steven looking at him. "What's the matter Stevie?" He asked.

"I...can you..." Steven stuttered. He was fourteen years old, why couldn't he ask a simple request?

"Do you want me to sleep with you tonight?" Doug asked.

Steven blushed, "Y-yeah. I mean you don't have to if you don't want to." He said.

Doug just smiled and lead the boy to his bed. He and Steven climbed into bed and their tired bodies almost immediately gave into slumber.


"Doug, you're okay!"

Both boy's were instantly in their respective father's arms when they woke up the next morning. Greg and Harvey's eyes showed clear signs of sleep deprivation and crying.

"'re squeezing a little...tight." Doug gasped.

"Oh!" Harvey released his son from his bear hug, "Sorry kiddo."

"You two have been out cold for three whole days! We were all starting to get worried." Greg said, wiping the tears out of his eyes.

"It's okay Dad, we're both okay, really!" Steven said.

"I know Steven," Greg sniffled, "We're just glad that you two are okay." He said.

"Wait, what happened to Lapis and Peridot? Are they okay?" Doug asked.

"Peridot regenerated a little after we found you two. Both of them were worried, I mean we all were." Harvey said.

"H-hey Dad..." Doug asked.

"Yeah kid?" Harvey asked.

"Did...Pearl really have a crush on you?" Doug asked.

Both Greg and Harvey looked at each other, "Where'd you hear about that?" Harvey asked.

" do I explain it..." Doug muttered. "Okay, so when Steven and I were unconscious we saw our moms and they told us about what happened."

"You met Rose?!" Greg asked.

Steven nodded, "Uh-huh! She was everything you said she was!"

Greg quickly wiped a stray tear from his eye. Harvey then patted his back, "She's amazing, isn't she?" He asked.

"Both of them are. answer your question Theo, Pearl...may have had feelings for me." Harvey said.

"Is that why she freaked out when she saw me?" Theo asked.

"That's the only other reason. It's something I don't like to think about." Harvey said, nervously.

"Oh..." Doug said.

Harvey tousled the boy's hair, "Don't worry about it kiddo, I'm just glad that you're okay." He said

All right, I'm sad to say that this is the end of the book. I know that this may come as a shock but I have many more projects to work on.

But hey, the next one is on Naruto, so I hope you'll all check that out if you want more of my work.