This Idea swirled a lot around in my head. i rethought and rewrote this thing 4 times already. I hope you will like it and that you will have Fun ^^
Equestria: Fluttershys Cottage:
It was a normal day in Equestria. The sun was shining, the Pegasi were in the sky, Appeljack was on her Farm, Twilight was in her Liberary researching stuff etc. etc. etc.
It was also Friday and like every Friday, Discord the (reformed) Master of Chaos sat with his first real Friend at the table and was having a Tea. They told Storys, jokes and laughed together.
They were just talking about her Birthday that happend last week when a thought struck her: I don´t know when Discords Birthday is. She eyed the laughing Draconequus that was on her Couch. She sipped her Tea and asked: "Discord?". Discored stopped his laugjter, that had died down to light snikkering and answerd with a "yes Fluttershy? he then procedeed to heat his teacup. Fluttershy gather her Currage and asked him:" I just noticet...we know each other 3 years and we never Celebrated your Birthday..."she trailed off when she notice that Discord hast stiffend slightly. She threw him a questuning look. Discord sighted, ran his paw over his face and looked her direcly in the eye. Fluttershy was struck with how serious he looked. He rarely did. The last time was when they fought Tyrek and he had asked for forgiveness. He sighted again and seemed to...deflate into his Chair.
"I never told you or or anyone. there are reasons why i don´t celebrate my Birthday...and i haven´t Celebrated it for nearly 4000 years now."
Before anyone could react, a part of the wall explodet and a Pink blurr grabbed onto Discord.
The Bewildered Draconequus looked down and saw a Crying Pinkie Pie, who had wrapped her Hoovs several times around is stommach. The Crying Pink Pony looked up and mannaged to say through her sobbing "H-how.*hick* how c-can you life without a-any B-Bi-Birthdays? H-how many have you missed?"
Discords eyes softened when he heard her, he snapped his fingers to repair the wall, picked pinkie up and enveloped her in a gentle Hug.
"How can i miss what i nevver experienced? in my 3996 years of excistence have i never had a single Birthday."
That, unlike Discord hoped had the opposid effect of what he wanted to achive. Suddenly Pinkie cryed even louder and fluttershy ran around the table and hugged him too. With two sobbing ponies in his arms he was a little confused and at a los at what to do so he let them sob theyr little hearts out.
*Time Skip*
One hour Later, Twilight, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack were walking to Fluttershys cottage to invite her and Discord for a picnic. For some reason they couldn´t find Pinkie anywhere but they hoped Fluttershy or Discord could help them.
Twilight was about to knock on the Door when she heard crying.
She looked Confused at the rest of the group. Rainbow, after hearing the sob, looked sligtly worried. The rest of the Group had simmelar expressions on theyr faces. Twilight opened the door and asked softly: " Fluttershy? are you okay?"
What they saw, they did not the couch were Fluttershy and pinkie pie hugging a Giant Discord Plushy and they were crying. On the Chair sad a slygtly worried Discord with a cup of steaming tea.
"What is going on here?"
Discored looke over to the door and a small smile creep on his face.
"they found something out and apparently it is sad. They are like this scince-"he looked on his wrist of his paw where 4 different wristwatches appeared" nearly 50 minutes. first thea hugged me but they would stop no matter what i said soooooo i cooked tea and waited. do you want tea as well?"
The Group loocked shocked from the sobbing pile on the couch to discord and back to the couch. Spike was the first who regained his bearings and asked: "what did they learn about you that made even Pinkie pie Cry?"
Everyone looked stunned when the normaly Joyfull and crazy pink partyponie cryed louder and let go of the stuffed Discord to run to the real one.
Discord just sighted and snapped his fingers. Pinkie dissapeard and reappeard on the couch. After that a lot of Ropes appeared and tied her up.
Twilight looked sharp at Discord and asked " Why did you do that? And what did you do to them? I have never seen Pinkie Cry so Hard!"
She had an accusational tone to it and she expected him to make some joke, defend himselfe behind lies or make some moke hurt motion. What she did not expect was the small sad smile that spread his lipps, nor the appologising look in his eyes. With a sigh Discord realised that he would have to explaine eventually what happen and why he never had a Birthday.
By the end they all teared up and he rupped his paw over his face.
He closed his eyes to block the crying ponies out but he startled when he was suddenly enveloped in a group hug. He looked down in the faces of the ponies and the Dragon with an Questioning look.
"We have to throw the best and biggest Party for you. We will invite everyone and Celebrate here in Poniville. We should invite the Princesses too." said Pinkie with a determination set face and looked him directly in the eyes.
"when is your Birthday?" asked Fluttershy who had big red and puffy eyes.
"i...i actually dont remember...´" everyone gasped at that. Everyone had a come A beeing as old as Discord never knew his Birthday nobody could understand.
Discord noticed the sad and troubled faces and quickly said "But we can celebrate the day i became Me..." everyone looked puzzeld at that.
"What do you mean when you became you?"
"Do you think i was always Discord?" he snorted at that "no...i am not even originally from this Dimention-" gasps were heard from all around him and he looked slightly annoyed for being interupted." as i was saying, i didn´t belong here. In the Dimention where i was Born in i was Betrayed when i was only 11 Years old by my supposely best Friends-" Pinkie gasped so loud she nearly fainted, Fluttershy had tears in her eyes again, Twilight looked furious (Princess of Friendship), Rarity hat a slightly pitty look and Rainbow and Appeljack looked like they just realized something.
Appeljack took the opportunity to ask her question
"is that why you didn´t know Friendhip and were as mean and chaotic as you were?"
Everyone stared at Discord because now they understood why he hated Friendship and thougt it was useless.
He noddet and started to tell the story of an 11 year old boy who found out he had magic. He left nothing out. The abuse as a child, he had to pause becuase everyone started to cry again, he just conjured many, many Napkins. He told them of his first year at the Magic school, of his fight with a Teacher named Quirrel who was possessed by the suposed to be dead Voldemord. The last thing he told them was how he heard his "Friends" talking about the money they got payed and how the Headmaster, a Man named Dumbledore, wanted the abusing to increase so he would be mouldet better into his weapon.
By the end even Discord hat tears in his eyes, even when it happend a long time ago. The last thing he told was how he went to a place called Gringots, sealed all his vaults and used a Ritual that was said to be able to transport him into another Dimention and possibly through time.
He told the how he awoke in this land, still ruled by Celestias Granparents.
He was however still a human. That changed when he found the Tree of Harmony. When he told them that the tree changed him and gave him the Powers over chaos they looked confused. Why would the elemts of Harmony give theyr counterpart power?
Discord smiled and Explained:
"Harmony is about Ballance. Without Light, Darkness Destroys everything,
Without Darkness Light Burns. There was no Guardion or God of chaos at that moment so the tree chose me. The First two millenias i only watched, interfered little, had nice chats with the Queen and the Princess and lived Happy. But then i got greedy i wanted more-" here, Discord had a sad and apollogizing look. Fluttershy trotted over and patted his arm with a kind smile. He looked at her with a dazling smile. Pinkie threw her Hoofs in the Air and said with a loud voice: " I DON´T WANT THIS SAD MOOD ANYMORE! For when should i plan your Party Discord?"
"Well...tomorrow is my "Birthday" as Discord. So we could celebrate then."
*Time Skip*
The Party was in full swing. Both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia were there, Cadence and Shining armor were with Flurry heard in a corner conversing with Twilight. On request, Discord had to show what he looked like as a Human. In the Middle of the Dancefloor stood a 20 year ould looking Man. He had raven black unruly Hair, Eyes with the colour of emeralds, a nearly white skin and he wore a yellow suit.
But things where a little different than before.
His eyes had a red ring around the iris. His hair was a little more chaotic and his right canine tooth was slightly bigger.
Everyponie looked in wonder at the old form of Discord when he had first transformed. Lyra made a request that had Discord laughing quite hard.
She asked if he could turn her Human too and asked for a dance.
That lead to the picture of a manic spinning Discord with a stumbling greenskinned Human with amber eyes and white hair.
The Princesses laughed and everyone was happy. Discord even shed a vew tears when he got presents. The ground where his tears hit the ground flowers grew. Everyponie had watched in amasment when the flours uprooted them selfe and started to dance.
The Party whent on till Late in the Night.
Discord Was in the middle of Talking to Fluttershy when he suddenly whent to his Knees and klutched his Head. Everything stoped to stare at him and The Mane seven and the Princesses were worried.
"What is it?, "what is wrong", "Discord you are glowing!"
The last one stunned Discord as he mannaged to concentrate.
Suddenly he heard a faint voice and he was snarling
The Champion for Durmstrang is...Victor Krum
"No...they have an artefact to take me back..."
He looked at the Ponies around him and told them
"I am going to be teleported. Some Idiot put my original name into a binding contract." He gritted his Teeth when he heard the voice again
The Champion for Beauxbatons is...Fleur Delacour
Everyponie around him gasped
"Didn´t you say you got away from there thousands of years ago?"
"I also sayd the Ritual could take me through time and when my Magic isnt lying to me, i only have missed 3 years in theyr world
He suddenly cried ot and clutched his head again
The Champion for Hogwarts is... Cedric Diggory
He had to act fast. He snapped his fingers and a book appeared infront of Twilight.
"This book contains Rituals for Dimensional travel...i am not going to be able to leave the Dimension i am pulled into until the Binding contract is fullfilled so if you want to serch for me use the Ritual on page 53...but its up to you"
His friend (he had to smile that he finaly after nearly 4000 years had friend that cared about him) cried and tried to reach him
"DON`T! Everyone that is in contact with me when i dissapear vanishes with me!" But he was too late.
Little Spike (his own nickname for the little Drake) had laid a hand on his arm right when light Flashed all around him.
The Fourth champion of the turnament is...Harry Potter
and everything went Black
Ok so. please write me what you think. this was an idea of mine that coures through my head...
small Disclaimer Harry will get his vengance on the Dursleys and his so called friends. Oh and Dumbles ^^
Hope you enjoyed it and had fun ^^