Hey everybody I am not dead. I'm SO sorry for the wait I didn't plan on it taking this long but a lot of personal issues came up in the past couple months and after I got them sorted out and finished this, it just didn't feel ready. Sorry about that. Anyway I hope you all enjoy the story.

Church sat on a bench overlooking the lake in the Presidium. He had joined the military, risked his life in battle, and had been the barer of bad news with little hesitation, but now he had to do something far more challenging: call his father for the first time in months. He took a deep breath and finally dialed the number on his omni tool. After what felt like an eternity the call was answered.

"Hello Son it's good to hear from you; your sister and I were relieved to find out you were unharmed after the geth attack."

Church sighed before speaking "Dad I need to ask you something."

"Why of course Leonard, what can I do for you?"

Church took a deep breath before speaking

"I need your help my squad wants a transfer to the fifth fleet but we need another endorsement."

His father was silent for a few moments before he finally spoke up.

"Is that all?"

"Yes can you help?" Church asked

There was a pause before his father replied "Say how did you like that sniper rifle I sent you?

"It works like a dream dad, although I may need to properly sight it again why?"

"Alright how about the new omni tool prototype, how did you like that?"

"Oh yeah that has helped the squad a lot" Church said carefully choosing his words "So, can you do it or not?"

"Before I answer that I want to you to do something."


"Tell me about Eden Prime."

Church blinked "Wait didn't you get the reports? Why are you asking me?"

"Of course I read them." He said with slight annoyance in his voice "I'm a powerful man Leonard; I want you to tell me about what happened to you during Eden Prime. So if you would please start from the beginning."

Church took a breath as he began to retell the geth invasion from his point of view (carefully omitting the part about Tucker having his omni blade.)

"So that is what happened?"

"Yes it was rough."

"And you are sure you all still want to be transferred to the front lines despite all of that." Church took a deep breath before answering.

"Yes I'm sure. We all are."

The director smiled "Good. Then I'll approve your squad's transfer, but I have some conditions you must follow."

"Alright what is it?"

"First and foremost I want you to know that I am not your get out of jail free card if you screw up or your all access pass for everything everywhere, I'm happy to help but you need to learn to stand on your own two feet eventually. Work up to where your name gets you access. Am I clear?"

"Yeah Dad I get it." He said rolling his eyes. "What else?"

"Alright everyone don't worry Church has it handled, get some time at the gym I expect at least two hours a day while on this shore leave."

The boys began to shuffle off as Tex prepared to set up some targets at the range.

"So does anyone want to see that new Elcor Hamlet play? Grif, Simmons you guys game?"


"Yeah me and Grif are going to marathon Game of Thrones." Simmons said leaving.

"Don't even think about asking me." Lopez said walking off too.

"I'll go sounds like fun." Doc

"Will there be ice cream?" Caboose asked.

"Sure." Donut answered


"Tucker you wanna join us?" Doc asked

"Yeah as much as I'd love to go see this boring played by a monotone alien race I just remembered I am too busy doing literally anything else." He said leaving.

As they left Sarge smirked and pulled out his shot gun. "I think it's time to have a little fun." He said as he logged Avina back on.

"So son, will that be a problem?"

"No no no I can do that." Church said shaking his head

"Good your unit will have my support then."

"Thanks Dad I appreciate it."

"Of course son, oh before you go be sure to try and get in touch with your sister. She was happy to hear you enlisted and would more than likely like to hear from you. So send her an email oh and be sure to watch the news I heard the council finally allowed a human in the Spectres"

"Alright alright." The phone call ended and Director Lee Church and looked out the window of his base and gazed at the stars.

"Well son let's see if you can make your old man proud." He said with a grin.

A certain man in black armor stood in front of the entrance of a certain strip club. It had definitely seen better days. After spending twenty minutes trying to explain to the c-sec guys that he did have clearance he was finally allowed through. Not only did the club look like a war zone but so did the parking deck his main point of interest. According to the reports earlier today Commander Shepard was attacked here before he even stepped foot in the club to investigate Saren. But he wasn't concerned about him at the moment. Right now his point of interest was the attacker. His physical description and choice of weapons pointed to one person.

"There is no doubt about it. This is definitely his style." He said shaking his head before turning his radio on.

"Director, do you read me?" The N7 agent heard nothing before trying again. "Director, do you read this is agent Washington."

"I'm sorry agent Washington but I'm afraid the director is preoccupied at the moment. This is the Counselor."

"Alright I can confirm this is Maine's handiwork."

"Excellent Agent Washington the director will appreciate being informed of your progress."

"What are my orders?"

"We think the best place for you to start would be Major Kyle: Maine's former commanding officer. Before mission he would generally contact him. Perhaps he might know something."

"Understood sir. Any idea where I can find him?"

"We believe he is staying with a large commune of biotics We will forward the location to your ship's navpoint. But first the director wants you to speak to the alliance ambassador first and inform him that we will be forwarding our files on Maine. He feels it's important that commander Shepard knows what he is dealing with."

"Alright understood Sir."

Church just stated at the lake as he sat on a bench for the past hour. It had been several months since he last called his father. He just didn't know what to make of this talk.

"So how'd it go?"

"WHAT THE-Tucker the hell are you doing here?" Church said spinning around.

"Tex dismissed us for the day, Anyway I got you something." Tucker said handing him a small bottle the size of his fist.

"What is this?"

"Illium's pleasure or at least a decent knock off and let me tell you Asari Liquor is amazing."

"Ah I prefer human drinks but whatever. Where did you even get this?" Church said eyeing the bottle

"Eden Prime a couple days before the geth attack. I knew a smuggler who could get you things you needed."

"Why get me this?"

"Well thanks to you we might actually get some action now right?"

"Yeah thanks but I think we should save these for the night before we ship out."

"Wait seriously you got it?"

"Yeah but I don't think this will work more than once."

"Sweet this is awesome! So…what now?"

"I guess now we wait and enjoy the next two days before deployment."

"So who was your connection?"

"Don't worry about it; it's taken care of Tucker." Church said handing Tucker the bottle but he declined.

"I got one too." He said showing off his own handing Church back the bottle. "So save it till then; and we'll toast to Jimmy?"

"To Jimmy" He says with a nod.

"So what did his girl look like?"

"She was a pretty girl had black hair, a slim body."

"I guess he hit the jackpot with her."

"Yeah I thought so." He said with a grin under his helmet

"So do you think maybe you could give me her number?"


"Hey she's single now right? What too soon?"

"There is not an amount of time long enough for that to be acceptable."

"Well she's single now right."

"He died just a week ago! Damn it Tucker just when I was starting to tolerate you, you go and ruin it."

"Hey she's single now just saying"

"UGH!" Church groaned before getting up. "Let's go tell the guys."

"Yeah sure" Tucker shrugged, "Oh and Church"


"Thanks doing this and thanks for the omni-blade."

"Don't worry about it."

Anderson sat in Udina's office reviewing some files the council forwarded to assist Shepard. He had just gotten a call from regarding his first destination, as he finished the ambassador walked in.

"Anderson I'm back from the council where has Shepard decided to go?"

"He figured the best place to start was the lead on Benezia's daughter."

"Well alright then, he better not do anything to screw this up. I'll be the one who will look bad to the council"

Anderson looked at him in slight disgust; that was what he was worried about? Just another reason he hated politics, and there was no way he would ever want a career in them. Before he could say anything his omni tool started ringing. The caller id was blank so he just picked up.

"Captain Anderson?"

"That's me; may I ask who is calling?"

"This is Admiral Hackett of the fifth fleet."

"Admiral Hackett, Sir what can I do for you?"

"I have recently been given an endorsement for unit 302 to be transferred to one of my ships and I was informed that you would be the other endorser. Can you confirm?"

Anderson was genuinely surprised how did they get another that fast it had only been a few hours?

"Yes I can confirm. I personally endorse the transfer of the 302."

"Alright thank you, I'll inform Doyle and have a confirmation message sent to the 302."

"Wait sir, before you go I'm curious, who was the other to endorse? What is the name and rank?"

"I'm afraid the other wishes to remain anonymous, but I'll tell you this, the other is a person in the Alliance beyond rank. Hackett out"

Anderson's call ended and he was puzzled now. Someone beyond rank; that would have to either be someone in Alliance Parliament or one of the commander and chief's appointments. They managed to get the ok from someone like that? To say that this is a big deal would be considered a massive understatement.

"Anderson what was that about?"

"That was Admiral Hackett we were discussing the 302"

"Are you still wasting time with that group of useless idiotic rejects? Focus on what's important."

"These are men who lost people on Eden Prime, they deserve a chance to step up."

"I saw their files I was not impressed, don't bother."

Before Anderson could respond the PA speaker in the office started buzzing.

"Ambassador Udina someone from Alliance to speak to says it's something you need to know." The receptionist said.

"Aright send him in."

The door opened as a man with back and yellow armor strolled in. His helmet obscured his face and on his right shoulder was a yellow logo: N7

"Hello ambassador I'm Agent Washington, I wanted to discuss the reports of man who attacked Commander Shepard." He said offering his hand to the Captain, the Captain smiled as he shook his hand.

"Well Agent Washington I'm Captain Anderson, your name?

"I'm afraid that is classified during a mission as per new N7 protocol. But you can call me Wash if you like."

"Alright Wash what do you have for me?"

"Is this the man who attacked Shepard during his investigation?" He said showing an image of Agent Maine. The captain nodded.

"That's him alright what can you tell me about him?"

"Alright you're going to want to inform Shepard ASAP"

It had been a couple hours after Church had walked out and everyone left the range either to go work out at the gym, see that new play, or just get some more rest. The only two left there were Sarge and Tex, with Sarge testing out his new firearm.

"Hehe well this girl sure packs a punch."

"The shot gun is a girl?"

"Yes I named her Barbara."


"A good soldier should always name his gear."

"No I mean why Barbara?"

"A great soldier must appreciate his gear like he would a fine woman."

"I don't even." Tex just sighed and shook her head, this was the man she had known all her life and she still could never fully understand him.

"So who is his lead?"

"Don't ask me Church was never specific on exactly how he was transferred he just told me it was complicated." Tex then pulled out her pistol. "Alright Avina please set up the targets for a match."

"Setting up"

"Alright put the shot gun away; let's see how you are with a pistol."

"Is that a challenge?"

"Round one begins."

The two sergeants begin firing their pistols at the moving targets. The round lasted for five minutes and around the end of minute one Sarge spoke up.

"So what was it like training your boys?"

Tex shot three targets before responding "Let's see, there's Church, a pacifistic-psychopathic medic, a soldier who hits on almost every female he sees, and Caboose. It's interesting." She said as she waited for her pistol to cool down. "What about yours what is it like for you?"

"I have three loyal soldiers and a useless piece of crap."

"That's it?"


"So how many times have you given them the lecture about Shepard and the blitz? Once a week right?"

"I'm trying to drill it into their heads."

"So do you think they're ready?"

"We've had four months and we survived Eden Prime… Well most of us." Sarge said with a bit of sadness. "The way I see it the best training is through a trial by fire. If that don't whip them into shape nothing will."

"Round one over Tex twenty one points, Sarge nineteen points. Tex wins" Avina announced as Tex just gave a smirk

"How bout we switch to shotguns for round two, more affective."

"You know you could always use an assault rifle too like Cappy suggested."

"As a man and soldier it's more appropriate to look your enemy in the eye as you shoot them in the face or in the Geth's case the bulb face. I need to get up close and personal in face stabbing range if you will."

Tex sighed and then chuckled a bit "Come on, let's take a break ok?"

"Well where's the fun in that?"

"I think we need to talk about the squad."

"What about them?"

"While I think trial by fire helps let's see if there anything we can do improve the odds of them surviving. Eden Prime was a trial by fire and we lost two great soldiers."

"Alright what do you suggest?"

Before Tex could say anything Sarge's radio started to buzz.

"YOOOO Calling 302 this is Comm Officer Vic from Alliance Command come in 302. Hello C'mon hello."

"So you want to take it or should I?"

"I got it."

"This is Sergeant Andrew Tex of the 302 come in command."

"Hello can ya here me Hello."

"We hear you Alliance Command."

"Oh ok good, I was in the elevator this thing doesn't work too well in there anyway I got some news for you."

"Go ahead command."

"Hang on let me check something (Vic starts humming a tune as Sarge and Tex can clearly hear him rummaging through his desk) Ah here it is, ok ears on according to this data pad they just gave me your transfer has been approved. Anyway they told me to tell you that you got two days before it takes affect so yeah get some R&R, drink a little, party it up, you guys are getting deployed to the SSV Austin in two days at twelve hundred or noon if you can't keep track. Anyway if you or your squad has any questions call me up at 555-v-i-c-k. (Click)"

Tex looked over at Sarge with a smirk.

"Oh fine your boyfriend might be useful after all."

"Sometimes you have to have faith."

Two days had passed and now it was time for deployment, Grif and Simmons had just got up and are heading to the elevator for the docking bay

"So this is it?"

"Yeah today is the day."

"At least it will give us a break from Donut's constant quoting all of the stupid play scenes. I hated Hamlet.'

"Didn't you say you stared as him in high school?"

"Yeah and then no girl would talk to me and I kept getting beat up by the girls who wouldn't talk to me."

"I think that's just because you're a nerd."

"I hate you."

"Whatever I just tuned it out with some Game of Thrones sound tracks."

They kept walking and got into the elevator.

(Mass Effect Elevator Music)



"You ever wonder why we're here?"

This seemed to piss Grif off. "No I never wonder that! I've never asked myself that question. It does not keep me up at night, and there is no way I have EVER discussed this with you." Grif said his voice filled with sarcasm and anger.

"What I mean is how we got to this point. How did we manage to get the transfer to the fifth fleet?"

"I guess we got lucky." Grif said shrugging as the elevator radio played a news story.

"Further development in the Eden Prime investigation the Council has reportedly revoked the spectre status of one of its operatives. While the unnamed operative is not yet been apprehended; a council spokesmen confirmed that corrective action had been taken."

"Well if anyone can take Saren out Shepard's the guy."

"Yeah stupid showoff"

"So do you think it'll work out?"

"eh probably" Grif said shrugging

"I still can't believe you're actually up for the front lines."

"Don't worry I still plan on taking plenty of naps."

"Of course you do." Simmons said shaking his head.

"It takes a lot of work to be a hero."

"Yeah poor you" Simmons said rolling his eyes before noticing something else "Who picked this music?

"What are you talking about? It's just elevator music."

"Yeah I know but think about it, here we are in the heart of galactic civilization and even here there is the ridiculous elevator music."

"What about it."

"Just seems kind of underwhelming."

"What were you expecting?"

"I don't know just something different."

"What were you expecting to hear this badass awe inspiring music?"

"I don't know I just- ah forget it."

"You wanna talk about it?"

"No I'm good."

The elevator came to a stop and they entered the docking bay, they saw dozens of soldiers waiting around and boarding various ships but they couldn't see anyone from their unit around.

"Simmons where is everybody?"

"Oh they're probably not here yet."

"What do you mean they're not here? You said we were late and we were leaving at ten o'clock?"

"Yeah actually its noon, I was afraid we'd be late if I told you the actual time."

"Hey I'm perfectly capable of being on time."

"Oh really, it's eleven o'clock now. We'd be an hour late if I told you the truth."

"So you made me get up at nine for nothing."

"We got up at dawn every morning at Eden Prime. Why is this so hard you?'

"That's different we were on duty, these last two days were exhausting."

"All you ever did was take naps and watch movies on Netflix with the guys."

"And it's exhausting."

"How did you survive the geth attack and not Hammer? How?"

Before Grif could say anything back he noticed a group of soldiers in red armor staring at them. One of the younger privates spoke up.

"You guys were on Eden Prime?"

"Yeah who are you?"

"Oh I'm Private Sue." He said and then gestured towards his friends "That's Drag, Morgan, Santos, and Peake. We're from Unit 387"

"Alright nice to meet you guys. And yeah it was crazy." Grif answered awkwardly.

"I heard it was insane you guys must be awesome to get through that." Morgan said commending the two for their bravery.

"Well thank you Private Morgan." Simmons replied.

"I can't wait for the day he gets promoted to Captain, I'll drink to that." Drag said as he got a laugh from everyone but Morgan and Simmons who grumbled in annoyance at the joke.

"Every day you guys do this and every time you all laugh."

"Because it's funny"

After that the two soldiers were bombarded with questions.

"What was it like?"

"How many geth did you kill?"

"Did you meet Commander Shepard?"

"Did you guys have any good wine bars there?"

"Would you shut up about the stupid wine bar Santos!"

"Who would even put any kind of bar on a military ship."

(Somewhere in the galaxy a certain trillionaire leading a paramilitary human supremacist organization sneezed as if he was being talked about.)

"You guys are always crapping on my dreams. And in front of real Eden Prime veterans too." Santos said in disappointment.

The five soldiers stared at Grif and Simmons in awe. Suddenly Grif had an idea he looked at Simmons and gestured him to follow his lead.

"Oh yeah, if you want to hear the real story about how we did things on Eden Prime. We'll tell you right Simmons?"

Simmons realizing what he was doing nodded before speaking

"Well it all started with me, Grif, Lopez and Hammer on patrol…"

Church stood at the elevator unsure if he should go in. After all this was it: the deployment.

"So are you going to just stand there?" a voice asked him. He turned to see his girlfriend and commanding officer standing behind him with her hands on her hip.

"Just trying to mentally prepare myself I guess. I'm not sure if I can do this. My head is killing me."

"Oh that's probably just the hangover from last night Tucker got some good stuff. Anyway don't worry this is what Captain Flowers was training us for."

"He was training us to wage a war against a race of synthetics led by a corrupt spectre?"

"I mean training you for actual combat missions."

"We're still talking about us right? You know a guy who can't even shoot straight anymore, a so called ladies' man, an idiot, and a psychopathic medic. How could he expect us to be ready for that?"

"The day before the attack the Captain told how proud he was of you all of you. He said you all had come a long way from the misfits he met the first day."

"He was just saying that to encourage us."

"Church give yourself and the team a little credit, we managed to save a unit, and stop a group of husk from causing damage. Transmitted the SOS and thinned out their numbers."

"And it only cost us the lives of two of my squad mates and the captain."

"Don't blame yourself for Jimmy or Flowers. What would have happened if Jimmy didn't do what he did?"

"The three of us would likely been overwhelmed by the husk and died."

"And if the captain didn't send the other soldiers away. A lot less people would have made it to safety. They did their job and I don't think they regret it."

"Alright fine I just hope I don't screw up."

"Oh trust me I'm not worried about you screwing up. Church, look at yourself now you come a long way from that bum I found drinking in a bar in Texas. You're going to do fine; you're becoming the guy I might fall in love with. Now get up take your balls out of your purse, and get in the damn elevator, the others are waiting after all."

"Yes ma'am" He said opening the door.



"If you survive this tour, take me some place nice maybe that sushi place down the street."

"Alright deal." Church said grinning putting his arm around her waist.

Tex pulled out a gun and aimed it directly at him "Get your hand off my ass and GET IN THE DAMN ELEVATOR!"

"Yes ma'am" he said a little panic in his voice.

Sarge was walking towards the elevators in the wards. He had woken up at five am citadel time and had decided to get a jog in before suiting up for deployment. After his morning workout he suited up, and wrote an email to Grissom Academy entitled "Shipping out" and included a picture of him in his armor giving a salute. After sending it he made his way over to the elevators in order to meet with his team. "They better not be late." He muttered.

"Excuse me sir?"

Sarge stopped and saw an older looking man in civilian clothing "What can I do for you?"

"Can you spare a couple creds for an old soldier down on his luck?"

"A veteran eh, well of course I can." He said handing him fifty credits.

The older man studied Sarge for a moment before speaking. "You look familiar. You wouldn't happen to know a guy by the name of Lemons?"

"Major Jack Lemons? Of course he was my commanding Officer once and a good man."

"Well, how about that I served on the same ship as him SSV Einstein."

Sarge laughed as he shook his hand. "It's an honor to meet a friend of Lemons."

"Thanks although I never got your name."

"Of course Sergeant Andrew Tex of unit 302."

"Well Tex nice to meet you."

"No Tex is what my sister goes by you can just call me Sarge like my men do."

"Seems a little strange."

"Yeah but it's our system and it works. Nice to meet a fellow soldier and I hope you aren't down on your luck too long."

"Alright and thank you Sarge" he said before walking away down the wards.

Sarge couldn't help but think about his old unit, he took a moment to think about his CO Lemons and his good friends Daggerknife, Buckshot and MacGruff. His memories were interrupted by someone else he knew.

"Oh hey Sarge, Private Donut and Lopez reporting for duty." Our favorite lightish red soldier said.

"Please help me he won't shut up about Hamlet." The other said.

"Donut, Lopez excellent let's get a move on." Sarge said stepping in the elevator

Sarge shook his head before speaking "Where in Sam hill are Grif and Simmons, am I going to have to discipline them for insubordination?"

"….And then Hammer heroically sacrificed his life by drawing the geth away and we sent the SOS and got in the hammerhead just in time."

"Yeah he went out a hero." Grif added dramatically as the five recruits cheered and one of them cried.

"He was a hero!"


"Awesome guy!"

"I'll name a drink in my wine bar after him."

"Grif! Simmons! Stop goofing off and get over here!"

Grif smirked "Alright guys we gotta go off on some super dangerous mission." He bragged and nudged Simmons

Simmons nodded "Yeah super dangerous like taking the fight to the Geth home world dangerous." He added as the group of rookies awed

"Anyway see you later guys." Grif said walking off. The five soldiers saluted and walked away. (They later told the story of Hammer to every soldier in the seventh fleet who would listen.)

"Where in sam hill have you been? I said be here at noon."

"But we did we came here at eleven."

"Insubordination! Drop and give me twenty!" Sarge shouted as Lopez and Donut stood behind him trying not to laugh at them.

As Sarge continued to chew them up, the elevator doors opened up again and three more from the 302 stepped onto the dock wearing the colors: purple, aqua, and dark blue.

"Da da da da da da dadadaa I love that song."(Caboose singing the elevator music tune.)

"Caboose shut up!"

"Come on Tucker hold your temper." Doc interjected getting between them.

"This coming from the guy that threatens us on a regular basis?" Tucker countered

"Therapy is a must for everyone even me. Aright Caboose now can you tell me what you know about what's happening."

"We're going to get transferred to the fifth fleet today for a new tour." He answered.

"That actually sounds correct" Tucker said surprised.

"Alright good what else?" Doc said.

"Then we're going on tour and I'm getting a souvenir at the gift shop."

"Ahh there it is" Tucker said shaking his head as Doc attempted to explain again.

"Blue's you're late! Drop and give me 100!"

"What are you talking about? It's noon." Tucker responded

"It's one minute past noon! YOU'RE LATE! I see that my sister has not been disciplining you properly.

"Yeah whatever I already got one hard ass sergeant on me."

"I heard that Tucker! And Sarge don't worry about my men they're fine." Tex said as she and Church left the elevator. Sarge relented as the unit got together.

(Glory to the red team)

Sarge spoke up. "Now men I know this will not be a picnic as we are hunting the most dangerous prey of them all."

"Man?" Doc asked

"No killer robot army." Sarge scoffed "Man. Please everything kills man. Now I know things will be rough as I plan on taking every suicide mission offered to us."

"Solid pep talk so far sir." Grif said sarcastically.

"Does anyone else hear that music" Church asked

Sarge continued ignoring them "But I believe with a little determination and some luck we will pull through as the Captain said we would, and maybe just maybe one of us in particular will die a horrible death in the process." he said staring at Grif.

Tex continued "Don't worry boys you well be ready as I have some training ideas that will whip you misfits into shape, they may be intense at first but remember pain is cleansing and med-gel can heal broken bones." Tex said with a sadistic smile under her helmet. "You will be ready."

The squad just stood there for about five minutes in fear taking this all in.

"Ahh I see you're all here, good." Everyone turned to see Captain Anderson approached them. "I gotta say I'm impressed you got another endorsement so fast."

"Ah Captain Anderson good to see you." Tex said as the group lined up with the two sergeants in front and gave a salute.

"I came to brief you about your transfer. I'm very busy today so I'll keep this brief. You have assigned to the SSV Austin of the fifth fleet in order to observe and locate the geth. This is not going to be easy I hope you all understand that." He eyed the group who nodded in response. "The Geth don't play around and I'm pretty sure you seen what they do to prisoners. They are machines and will not take pity on you, but let's find out if they are capable of fearing you. What do you think sergeants?"

"HELL YES!" The sibling sergeants shouted.

"Before you go I need to warn you according to our intelligence not only does Saren have the geth working for him but also an Asari matriarch, and even one of our own special ops. Soldiers of the 302, I want you to turn to the man on your left and then the man on your right because your life is in their hands now."

This got some excited such as Donut and Tucker, but Simmons (who saw Grif and Donut) and Church (saw Doc and Caboose the latter of whom was at the end looking at the wall to his right) suddenly started to wonder if this was truly a good idea to be on the front lines with these men. Before boarding the shuttle Church and Simmons could only think one thing.

'Son of a bitch I'm going to war with these idiots.'

FINALLY. They are FINALLY shipping out. And Wash is now getting involved. Again I am really really sorry about the wait and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. One of the biggest reasons for this being late is my beta reader and I have been having trouble getting in to contact. So that delayed it a bit too. If anyone is interested in being a beta reader or someone I can discuss ideas for the story with please PM me. Anyway please read and review.