(I don't own Gakuen Alice or it's characters)

Mikan POV:

"Congratulations Miss Sakura. You're pregnant" The nurse said with a bright smile on her face. Why does everyone do that? Assume that you're happy about the human being growing inside you? The nurse could tell by my face, that I wasn't exactly thrilled.

"What's the matter Hun?" The nurse continued.

"I had a plan. I know it's cliché but I had a plan. I was going to get a secure job, meet the perfect guy. Not even the perfect guy, just a nice guy. I wanted to marry before having a child. I'm old fashioned. I don't even know the father. I know what he looks like, I know his first name. That's all I know about him" I ranted on. Practically in one breath. I took a deep breath.

"You're going to be okay Honey. Trust me. I know a lost cause when I see one. You're not. Go on google. Type in everything you know about him. You can find anyone on the internet" She said smiling reassuringly. I smiled back.

"I will and thank you" I said. She nodded before heading towards the door. I stood and also made my way to the door.

"See you soon?" She asked.

"Yeah" I said before leaving the room. The nurse booked the sonogram for next Wednesday at 12:34pm. Now all I had to do was find my 'baby daddy'. I didn't like that word. What was wrong with the babies father? I suppose that I'm a bit old fashioned when it comes to things like. After leaving the doctors I headed for my car. It wasn't the best car, it was second hand and kind of crappy looking but it did its job. I unlocked it and got in. It was long after I left the doctors surgery that was parking in the car park of my apartment building. Getting out of the car, grabbing my bag from the passengers, I headed towards the door. As reached my hand towards the door, my phone rung.

"We're in your home" Came a deep, shallow voice after answering.

"Sumi, I really regret giving you a key" I said opening the door and walking in.

"Coming on. How do you know it's me?" She asked, giving up the deep voice.

"Because you as obvious as you are beautiful" I said heading for the stairs.

"Thank you for the backhanded compliment, see you in a minute" She hung up. Sumi used to be a complete mystery to me when we first met. Now she's practically second nature to me.

After climbing 4 flights of stairs, I finally made it to my floor. My door was already open, they always forget to close the door. Luckily I haven't be robbed. And if I have, they were kind enough not to take anything that I would notice. Reaching my door, I heard the girls talking to one another. It sounded like they had found the pregnancy tests in my bathroom bun. They had no boundaries.

"Seriously. You're going through my bin now?" I asked finding them in my bathroom, leaning against the door frame. They all look up from their positions around the bin.

"You're pregnant?" Anna asked, standing up. The rest of the girls quickly followed suit.

"And you creepy weirdos who go through my bin? I really should find better friends" I said pushing myself off of the door frame and walking into my kitchen which was opposite of the bathroom. I walked the tap and turned it on. I grabbed my kettle and put it under. After it filled up, I closed the lid and put it on boil. I grabbed a mug from the cupboard above it and placed it near the kettle.

"Seriously Mikan, you're going to be a mummy?" Misaki asked. I turned around to find them all in my small kitchen. It was kind of cramped. I nodded before turning and taking a green tea bag from my pot filled with them. Placing it in the cup.

"Mikan, ho-wait I know how. When did this happen?" She asked.

"Girls night" I said grabbing the boiled kettle. I poured it in the cup. The steam from the hot water hit my face. Making me cough.

"Girls night. We thought you got board and left in a taxi" Hotaru said as I turned around.

"No. I got incredible drunk, flirted with this guy all night. He had a driver! I mean.. who has a driver! Anyway, his driver dropped us off at mine, we stripped down and did some baby making" I said before taking a sip of tea, leaning against the counter behind me.

"Crude" Nonoko said under her breath. She wasn't exactly good at it. We all heard her.

"So, what's his name?" Sumi asked.

"Natsume What's his face" I said.

"You are so childish. What's his last name?" Hotaru asked.

"I don't know. All I know is his name is Natsume, he is indescribably hot and he has black and red eyes" I said taking another sip of tea.

"You're an idiot" Sumi said, her face was dead pan.

"What?" I asked placing my cup next on the counter next to me.

"You're as beautiful as you are oblivious" She replied, giving me the same backhanded compliment as I gave her.

"So not very" I said smirking.

"Shut up. You're 'baby daddy', is Natsume Hyuuga. CEO of Crimson corporation" She said, glaring at me.

"And, don't ask me how I found this out, he is the leader of the Hyuuga Yakuza. Biggest, strongest Yakuza in Japan" Misaki said, we all looked at her.

"I thought that was just a rumour" Anna said.

"That just makes him so much hot. What is hotter than a bad boy!" Sumi exclaimed.

"You're crazy! I can't even describe how crazy you are! Seriously! A Yakuza boss! Why does this always happen to me!" I yelled. My arms flailing about, knocking my cup onto the floor. Smashing it and letting the green tea spill out of the cracks.

"You always get pregnant by mafia leaders?" Nonoko asked. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"You know what I mean" I said bending down to pick up the broken cup. My hand now smells like green tea. I reached to pick up the broken piece, before I could my hand was slapped.

"Let me do it. It was my fault anyway" Sumi said placing pieces of the broken cup in her hands.

"You know, I might be pregnant but I'm not fragile" I said reaching once more, only for my hand to be slapped again.

"Stop being so damn stubborn and go get a mop" She said smiling. I smiled at her. She knew I would let her do all this by herself.

"It wasn't your fault" I said standing up and heading to my storage cupboard. Opening it, I saw my mop inside a bucket. Grabbing both the mop and bucket, I shut the door with my foot and made my way back to the kitchen. We I got there they had already cleaned it all up.

"Really!" I shouted.