A/N: Hello everyone, I know I have taken quite a long break from my writing, nearly three months. But that's due to school and training. Quick update with what's going on with me, I recently acquired a full ride scholarship to play football and have already moved 2000 miles from my home. But hey, I'll get to be on TV so that's fun. But I am truly sorry for making all you wait and I hope you to enjoy this chapter, I know it's not long as I usually write but I just gotta get back to how I used to write. PS: I did start a new story, "The Pain Inside", you guys should go check it out. Unless your too scared to be heartbroken!

Reviews: Epitaxis: The Blood Moon did fulfill its part in this story, but there could be more

Andy: Thank you for your kind words, I know I have also been gone for awhile again but I hope you enjoy this chapter as well!

Annalysabutterfly: Thank you for waiting, and waiting again for another while! I really appreciate your words and hope you also enjoy this chapter!

Ninjas vs. Mermaids: It wouldn't be a good story without the suspense now would it. Thank you, appreciate it!

RobLebron: I am a lineman. Yup, a big boy. I enjoy throwing people haha

Svtfoekitten: He is, but his epic moments are not done yet!

Shadow Fox rose: Thank you, I had people tell me the bold was a problem but I guess everyone has other opinions.

Guest: Yes, the update is here

Special thanks to JolleIQ for Beta-Reading, check him out, he's an excellent writer!

Chapter 15: The Plan

Marco's POV:


So, Tom managed to get himself mind controlled for being the cocky prick that he is, and now Ocram was having him fight me and Star for him. Now, this isn't really a problem for me; gives me a chance to punch him in the face some more, but Star apparently couldn't blast him with her spells!

This could be over with easily if she used one of her spells and just blasted Tom.

"Marco, stuff happened when you went crazy. My wand is more powerful than before. I could kill him if I hit him!" She told me.

Before I could respond, Tom lunged at me with a flying kick, luckily I had my guard up and blocked it.

"WHAT DO MEAN YOUR WAND IS MORE POWERFUL THAN BEFORE!?" I was frustrated and under pressure! I was fighting Tom and focusing on Star, can't a guy get a break?

"To make this easy, my wand had a limiter, Glossaryck deactivated it, and now it has its full power that I may or may not be able to control," Star explained.

"WHAT!?" I yelled while dodging punches.

Star's wand had a limiter!? Since when? How much stronger is it now? I have so many questions and now was not the time! I was focusing on the fight. I couldn't just keep blocking, I had to go for the attack, and I needed Star for this.

"If you can't use your wand, can you at least jump in and fight?" I called to Star. Tom was blocking every attack I threw at him, it was obvious that I couldn't do anything to him. Ocram began laughing, he knew I was struggling.

"Boy, the stupid demon's strength and power increased thanks to my darkness. Unless you can awaken your powers, you stand no chance!" Ocram yelled. That confirmed my suspicions this whole time, I do have my powers!

Wait… how can I awak- I got interrupted in my own thoughts by Tom punching me in the face! I was thrown back with the force. My face was hurting, had many thoughts going thru my head, but at this moment I had to know, WHERE IS STAR!

I was on the ground and Tom was now standing above me with his hand set with fire pointing right at me.

"Finish him!" Ocram demanded, a bloodthirsty smile etched across his face.

"STAR!" I screamed. I needed her help, now. I flinched and closed my eyes as Tom was about to shot his fire.

"Get off of him!"

Tom looked up and there she was, Star drop kicking Tom on the face and then somehow landing on her feet.

She offered me a hand, which I gladly accepted and stood up.

"Star… can you please not leave me hanging like that again?" Star started to pout how sorry she was with those big, beautiful, hypnotizing, puppy eyes of hers. I sighed; I don't know why, but I'm always left powerless when she looks at me like that.

"It's okay, just don't do it again." I pulled her in for a hug. It was quickly broken since we were in the middle of the battle. We saw Tom getting up and recuperating from Star's attack. Whatever she was doing instead of helping me, I hope she was at least thinking about something useful.

"I have a plan"

Wow… I guess she was…

Star's Pov:

I couldn't blast Tom, no matter what he'd caused or what damaged he'd dealt. My wand was too powerful and I couldn't risk killing him. Guilt would kill me if I ever took a life unless they were evil like Ocram. And I am still going to get him!

But now Marco was fighting Tom and I didn't know what to do, there has to be some way that I could be able to save him without hurting him… too badly.

I was busy thinking of a way to free Tom from Ocram's control.

"Star, what are you waiting for?" Marco called out for me. He was in combat with Tom, doing his best to fight but he couldn't land any attack on him. Tom's skills seemed to have improved traumatically.

I needed to help Marco but I also had to find a way to free Tom. Marco was struggling badly, but I had to let him know why I couldn't just blast Tom with my wand. "Marco, stuff happened when you went crazy, my wand is more powerful than before. I could kill him if I hit him!"

Marco was shocked on the news I just told him about my wand. But then quickly focused back to his fight. There had to be some flaw in Ocram's technique. I already proved that he wasn't invincible when I helped free Marco, but I don't have the strength to dip down again.

Ocram yelled something to Marco… wait…. OCRAM! He was already weak, what if I just finished him off and maybe with him gone, Tom will be free. That was my only conclusion I could think of.

"Finish him!" I was back to reality to see Tom was on top of Marco, who screamed my name desperately.

"Get off him!" I yelled and jumped into the air and Tom right in his face.

I looked at Marco who was stunned at what happened, I offered my hand to help him up.

"Star… can you please not leave me hanging like that again?" he said. I realized that I'd left Marco hanging for so long that he could've got hurt badly, even killed.

I started apologizing and giving him my pout eyes. He always falls for it.

"It's okay, just don't do it again," he said pulled me in for a hug. I wish it could've been longer but Tom was getting up from my hit.

I looked at Marco and let him know that I had a plan. He looked at me, shocked, but then gave me a small smile before looking at Tom. "Well then, what is it?" he asked.

"We attack Ocram". I said. Marco looked at me like the cute idiot he is. "Okay… and then?" he asked. "That's it" I started to Ocram.

"That's it."

"Whoa, whoa! Hold it, that's not a plan, Star!" Marco pulled me back. Tom charged right for us.

"Well it's all we got for now!" I pushed Marco out of the way to dodge Tom's attack. We just need to keep him still so I could put him in an ice block.

Tom went straight for Marco… it seemed as if he wasn't even focusing on me. What if I could use this to our advantage? "Star, I could really use the help right now!" Marco said as he fought off Tom's attack.

"Go on, my minion! Make him learn the meaning of pain!" I heard Ocram yell. He was so focused on Marco and Tom that he wasn't even paying any attention to me.

I slowly made myself away from Ocram's sight. Marco caught on what I was doing and tried to make the fight more intense. Ocram seemed more and more into the fight, I needed to finish this once and for all.

Once I finally was behind Ocram, I knew this was the perfect moment, I pointed my wand directly towards him, ready to unleash my magic.

"Not so fast, Princess!" Ocram said, turning around and staring at me.

"Dang it!" I screamed in my mind. How did he know I was here!?

Marcos Pov:

So, Star's plan was to just attack Ocram… At first I thought it was foolish, but seeing how distracted Ocram was, focusing on me and Tom, it could allow Star to just blast him. It could work. But I really needed to focus, I couldn't risk Tom knocking me down like before.

Star was almost directly behind Ocram. She needed to end this, especially since I didn't know how long I could keep fighting Tom. Ocram really made him stronger than he previously was to an extreme level.

But I needed to give Star time, I couldn't risk Ocram having any suspicion on Star's whereabouts so I needed to pick up the pace. I had to fight harder to get his full attention. I went on the offence, throwing many of my own punches and kicks, which made Ocram excited, and I was landing some of my attacks as well.

Star made her way around Ocram. As she was just about to end all this and destroy him he turned around. I wanted to focus on them but I had Tom to worry about.

I needed to find a way to distract Tom long enough to help Star an-

"AHH!" I heard a loud scream of pain. I looked and I felt as if my heart was ripped out my chest, Star was in the ground with Ocram standing her over!

Did… he just hit… My Star!?

Anger boiled within me.

I could feel my body begin to heat up, just like before.


Flames surrounded me as I yelled his name, sending Tom flying away. I could feel my strength increasing, my ability to control the fire came back, I concentrated on bringing back my demon-like wings, which painfully shot out of my back.

"No… THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" Not only could I hear the fear in Ocram's voice, I was able to sense his emotions once again. My powers came back… perfect! I faced Ocram, seeing the fear in his eyes felt so satisfying. The feeling of joy and happiness in feeling the fear in one's soul overwhelmed me once again as it did when I first received my powers.

"Well isn't this a nice surprise, right Ocram?" The urge to just unleash mayhem on him was driving me crazy. "Excuse me for one second", I said as I needed to finish a fight I already was in. I felt Tom's presence flying straight towards me.

I spun and dodged Tom, who tried to strike behind my back. I aimed and shot a flame directly at him. It wasn't strong enough to really hurt him... good...

Now… to finish what I started.

"Ocram" I faced the demon with a grin on my face. The excitement I felt was dangerously good. The demon in me was waking up again.

Star's Pov:

I was stuck Not literally, but I was so shocked the I couldn't move my body. My only chance at ending all of this was ruined, and I felt as though there was nothing I could do. I had no backup plan and was completely lost.


I have to end this!

I pointed my wand towards Ocram to unleash one of my most powerful spells on him.

"Narwhal bla-" Before I could finish, I was sent flying through the air. Ocram punched me in the gut, I let out a painful scream once I hit the ground. I laid on the ground, grabbing my gut and trying to take the pain. Ocram might not be as powerful but he was still strong! He appeared above me with a malicious grin.

I was scared, I needed Marco desperately...

"Well, Princess… This has been fun but, all you've been doing is delaying the inevitable..." He raised his hand towards me, probably to finish me off. "Farewell, Star Butterfly!" This couldn't be it, I needed to call Marco! I need Marco!

"Ocram!" I heard a furious shout boom from nearby, followed by a loud scream and a powerful eruption of flames, the heat was intense. And in the center was...

"Marco" I breathed softly as the powerful heat and wind nearly blew me away. And the light from the fire was making it difficult to see.

I didn't know what was happening but I could even feel Marco's anger growing, the same feeling when I saw him at Tom's palace. This is either really good or really bad.

The flames died down, and once I was able to see… the wings… the smile… those eyes! He was back into a demon…

"Marco…" I whispered, hoping that he was alright.