Let me stat by saying, I wasn't going to ship Nick and Judy. The first time I saw Zootopia a few weeks ago I fell in love with the movie and I've seen it three times since then. I thought about how adorable Nick and Judy are and decided they have to be together. There's no use in fighting it. I love them as a couple. Probably one of the best ships ever!

So this is my version of how they got together. What started out as literally a one-shot has become a very long story with an intricate plot that took forever to develop. So I hope you like it, review and let me know what you think. As per usual with my stories, you'll probably hate me at some point, but that's why I write. I'm a very evil writer and I enjoy being that way.

Chapter 1:

First Day

The engine of the police cruiser revved as it cruised down the streets of Zootopia. The two cops inside scanned the area looking for the suspect of their next mission. Judy Hopps sat behind the steering wheel with her long hair blowing in the wind from the open window, an air of excitement in her violet eyes. Nick Wilde sat beside her wearing a pair of sunglasses and eating a pawpsicle with his feet propped up on the dashboard.

It was his first day on duty. He had readily accepted Judy's offer to be her partner in the ZPD and after spending 2 months training in the police academy, he had graduated with honors and was sent on his first official mission with her. After solving the predators case, apprehending a thief posing as a cop seemed like kids stuff to him. The best part of it all was being able to be on the case with Judy.

The two had become inseparable in the weeks since they saved Zootopia. Judy helped him at the police academy providing her knowledge and training in any way that she could. She kicked his ass during that time, but it was worth it. They were best friends who cared about each other deeply, only leaving the question of how deep they wanted to admit that they cared for each other.

"I hate this song," Judy said changing the radio station.

"What?! What do you mean you hate Eminem?!" Nick exclaimed in shock.

"I'm not a big rap fan."

How could anyone hate rap music?! "So what do you suggest we listen to, carrots?"

Judy changed it to a pop station.

"'Cause, baby, now we got bad blood

You know it used to be mad love

So take a look what you've done

'Cause, baby, now we got bad blood."

"Fuck," Nick said face palming.

He noticed someone interesting looking outside. "Hey Judy, what did Bogo say the guy we're looking for looked like?"

"He's about the six feet, bushy hair, mid 30s, an eye patch," Judy said.

"I think we've got our guy," Nick said.

The two fist bumped and then Judy began to follow him. They followed for about 3 blocks and then he started heading towards City Hall.

"Let's go."

They got out the car and trailed the man into the City Hall but soon lost him in the crowd of people bustling back and forth.

"Damn it," Nick said as they looked.

"Can I help you with anything?" said a young woman with a long ponytail wearing a pants suit.

"Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde. We're with the ZPD," Judy said showing their badges.

"Ohh you're Judy and Nick!" she said excitedly.

"And who are you?" Nick asked.

"Silly me, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Maribel. I'm the new assistant mayor."

"Tell me you're not insane," Nick said. "The last assistant mayor tried to kill us."

Maribel giggled. "Oh no, of course not! I'm on your side."

"Well maybe you can help us. Did you see a guy dressed as a cop come in here?" Judy asked.

"I saw a cop talking to Mayor Lionhart a few minutes ago," Maribel said pointing across the room.


The two ran over to Mayor Lionhart who was adjusting her tie after a conversation with an important looking man in a suit..

"Hey Mayor Lionhart, where did the cop you were talking to go?" Nick asked.

"He wanted to look at some files for an investigation," the mayor said. "I sent him downstairs to the room full of top secret Zootopia files."

"Sir, that wasn't a cop!" Judy said. "He's an undercover robber!"


"We've got to find him!" Nick said.

They ran as fast as they could to the top secret files room. It was in the basement of the City Hall. Sure enough the door was open and the man was there with the mayor's keys digging through the files.

"Stop!" Judy exclaimed.

"Oh hi, are you here investigating too?" he said calmly.

"We know you're…!"

Nick stopped her. "Yeah, we are." Judy looked at him confused and he gave her a look that said to play along. "Looks like you beat us to it, good call." The two walked over. "We're here to help. Wanna tell us what it is you're looking for? We weren't properly filled in on the case."

"Sure. I'm looking for the locations of all of the Zootopia safe's. There's word that there's at least $8 trillion in them combined. The boss promises to reward us heavily if we can find them. We've got to take it back to his office, you know the pool hall on the south side? According to that idiot Lionhart, the map to all of the safe's should be in here somewhere."

"Oh yeah, right, sounds good. Move over and let us help."

Before anything more could be said Nick put handcuffs on him. He looked at Nick in shock.

"You're under arrest."

"You can't prove anything!"

Judy pulled a carrot pen out of her pocket and pressed the playback button.

"I'm looking for the locations of all of the Zootopia safe's. There's word that there's at least $8 trillion in them combined. The boss promises to reward us heavily if we can find them."

"You're coming with us," Judy said with a smirk.

They hauled him through the city hall towards the exit. Before they left they were approached by Lionhart.

"Judy, Nick, I don't know what I would do without you," he said.

"All in a day's work sir," Judy said.

They went out to the cop car and threw him in the backseat. Then began to drive off and soon arrived back at the police station.

"Nice work you two," Bogo said to them in the meeting room after their criminal had been taken away.

"It was mostly Nick," Judy said. "He found him and got him to tell us what he was doing."

"Very impressive for a first day on the job Wilde," Bogo said. "I'm glad to have you on my force. Keep up the good work."

"Will do chief," Nick said proudly.

"See you two tomorrow."